Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and seventeen Dead Gate (19)

In the cold winter in the early morning, the spotted fire spread out under the vast sky. The army of Martin Liya completed the preparation of the pontoon. The 100,000 army deployed along the river to build the pontoon, saying that it was like water dripping into the rolling oil. It’s not an exaggeration, under the fire, the dense crowd is crowded, and you can’t see your head at a glance.

In the nearest position of the river channel, the charge of nearly 10,000 people closest to the river channel is also the most tragic section. Martin Liya soldiers carrying the pontoon forward here are attacked by the most powerful arrow clusters on the opposite side, because they need full effort Carrying a pontoon, so there is only the front row of thin shields on the entire assault line, and it is not a heavy shield like the infantry that can protect the entire body, but a light round shield for cavalry combat, not even iron. , Just a three or forty centimeter round shield made of wooden boards strung by a few iron bars

The cavalry shield was originally not used to block the arrow clusters, but used to block the opponent's weapon impact in the melee impact, so the cavalry shield itself is pursuing lightness and smoothness, otherwise it will not only increase the weight of the horse, but also one-handed Holding the shield will be quite heavy and inconvenient, but now, you have to use this shield to attack, and the imperial arrow clusters from the south bank of the river channel hit the shield wall, making a jingling sound,

"Papapap" clusters of arrows are like locusts, even if they have shields, they are still hit by pieces.

Xiting heavy arrow, dedicated to cavalry arrows to break down heavy armoured infantry at close range, facing the wooden shield at a distance of forty or fifty meters, it sounds like the sound of a crisp wood, splashing wood chips, arms It was a pain of concentration, and blood exploded on his face. It was a heavy arrow that directly penetrated the shield. The arm of the Martin Liya soldier who was nailed to the shield was still hundreds of Martini people in the screams. Rush forward in line

"The whole army is moving forward, hesitating to retreat," the cavalry cried out loudly. In the alternating darkness and light, the crowd gathered, and the intertwined seemed to be a real ocean. The supervising team formed by Martin Liya’s officer was not behind. At ten meters, holding a long knife in his hand, his eyes are fierce. As long as he sees someone who turns and wants to run, it will be cut with a knife. When he hits this position, he can't take care of any human affection.

Everyone carried a thick log on his shoulder, a long knife bit in his mouth, facing the clusters of arrows that were shot, sullen his head, and used the helmet above his head as a shield. The front shield could not be trusted, then only rely on For yourself, as long as you are not shot to death, a few meters across the river is the river. As the army is daring to die, so on the arrow cluster on the left and right swinging pontoon, I saw a burst of arrows coming from the burst, still The people who fixed the pontoon fell in rows

Many people have not yelled and yelled, that is, the torrent of the Chinese arrows fell straight under the pontoon. The people who came from behind saw this scene, but accelerated their pace, not that they did not want to retreat, but could not retreat, behind They were all humans, and the Warlords were staring with red eyes. At a distance of 20 to 30 meters, there were only two options in front of them. They were either pushed directly into the cold and piercing river, or smashing the pontoon on their shoulders into the river. Go inside, no matter if the pontoon is immortal, it can be really useful, just step forward and rush, or it is the river surface that is 20 to 30 meters wide, I am afraid that I can run over in one breath,

So many people are surging, shouting to kill the sky, blood, death, and snorting after the arrow. At the moment, it suddenly broke out in the north of this river. As a group, more than 100,000 Martins have fought hard to return home.

"Quick, quickly extend the pontoon"

"Move forward a little bit, it's almost time to reach the opposite bank." There are cries everywhere. Of course, the imperial team on the opposite side won't let the Martini people easily cross the river. The trembling sound ripped through the air, and the rain of swept arrows swept into the dense crowd of people on the south bank, almost without even aiming, directly in the direction of the tide of people across the river,

The shooting speed has increased by at least two times compared with the previous one. It is really like splashing water.

Under the arrow rain, the Martin Liga Army stepped on the pontoon and could only slam left and right, trying to spread apart a little bit, so that it would squeeze others into the water, and the Martin Liga Army entered the Order from the autumn. In the cold winter, I was still wearing autumn clothes. In order to protect against the cold, I didn’t know how much cotton was stuffed in the armor. It seemed to be full of drums. It was really like a strong dwarf. Once it fell into the water , There is no ability to struggle at all, the turbulent river is rolled, and a debris flowing down the river is floating on the surface

Spike was riding on the warhorse, his fingers were clenched, his breathing was heavy and heaves, and he looked at the river that was covered with blood and rain. It was like a rain of arrows.

Countless Martin force men were shot and stabbed, blood splashed, and the water under their feet was already a **** mud. A Martin force lord bit his teeth and cut his teeth. People, but this distance, such a number, such a fierce attack is also the first time to see, this is not fighting, this is slaughter!

"Your Highness, are these casualties too big? Or, just relax and wait until you are ready to cross the river."

"No, it has already started across the board, how could it stop, and everyone has not beaten the **** sea of ​​corpses, don't you know the actual situation, far worse than you have seen, and the casualties are still within the tolerable range After all, it is an absolute superiority in strength, and the lethality of the arrow cluster is not as deadly as the sword. The Imperial Cavalry has consumed so many arrow clusters in front of it, and how much is left now! As long as you can cross the river bank, as long as you have the first One, there is the second, and the third, as long as there is a gap, the crossing of the river will be half the success. As long as someone crosses, it will be fine."

"Come on, some people cross, from the position, it should be the sixth army of Anters."

There was a burst of cheers in front of us. Look, our people have passed. A Martin Lizard lord looks up excitedly and raises his whip toward the front. From a distance, you can see that several Martinli soldiers on a pontoon Before he had time to stand firm, he was hacked into the water by the heavy armored cavalry, but after all, both feet stepped on the opposite land. This substantial progress not only made the lords exhausted There was ecstasy in his face, that the other Martini people who were still struggling forward on the river bank all gave a loud cry of excitement,

"Go forward, rush past, everyone will do their best, rush past, everyone go home!"

"Rush over, let's go home!"

The already tired Martin Forces broke out into the sky. The arrows clusters from the other side of the river were as dense as a waterfall. The layers of waves screamed on the wall, and the people crowded on the bank were So many, especially the 100,000 troops are crowded in the width of these two or three hundred meters. In the degree of violentness, they have not lost a tragic city battle with a blade. The absolute advantage of Martin’s number of troops is also comprehensive at the moment. Use it to spread out the entire force. As long as there is a loophole in the area of ​​the opposite Imperial Bow Cavalry, more troops will flow in, and thousands of people will jump into the river at the same time.

Splashing water, people's heads are flooding

Hundreds of thick trunks made of pontoons like siege ladders smashed into the river, and countless feet stepped into the icy water. For a time, the entire river was full of Martins, densely packed. It’s all human. This is a real shield of flesh and blood. The arrows of the imperial cavalry are shot into the body of a martinian soldier, and they will basically get stuck. It is difficult to hit the second person again.

A large number of infantry soldiers are like dense ant colonies covered on the surface of a cube of sugar, even if people are pushing people, they must be pushed over

As the Martini lord said, although it looks quite terrible, it can't be looked directly at, but the real casualties are not very large, which is one of the reasons why archers are often used as auxiliary arms. Even if it is placed in the modern age where the musket is popular, it is quite difficult for the musket team to cause large-scale fatal damage to the enemy at a long distance. As long as it is not shot at the deadly part, there are four or five arrow clusters still on the body. It is not without shouting!

As the first gap was opened, more and more gaps appeared, and the number of Martin Luya soldiers crossing the river was also increasing. The opposite Imperial Cavalry had to retreat to a position more than 100 meters away from the river. The shooting density of the coming arrow clusters also began to decrease greatly. It can be seen that the Imperial Bow Cavalry Arrow Clusters have basically been used up. A batch of them has been shot in front, and now there are totally countless fast shots, even for every Xiting. The cavalry are equipped with two large barrels of arrows, and they are also consumed cleanly at the moment. Not only does the arrow cluster shoot light, but also the bow is pulled violently in a short time, and there is also the problem of overloading the physical operation.

Without the arrow clusters, the Imperial Bow Cavalry can only stop watching from afar,

"The whole army began to cross the river!" Spike raised his hand. With these more than 100 pontoons, the speed of Martin's army to deliver troops to the other side of the river was greatly accelerated. Sure enough, just over an hour, more than 30,000 people had crossed. , And this is the reason why Spike ordered the war horse to pass first. Although the riverbank was standing firm, the danger was still there. The imperial cavalry did not leave, but was still staring at the distance, ready to take a bite at any time, When the soldiers crossing the river stepped on the war horses, the fighting strength of Martin's elite cavalry began to show, running and lifting the knife, the cold light flashed, the imperial cavalry obviously began to be afraid, and the distance was pulled farther, retreating again, from one hundred Domina was two hundred meters away,

"What else do these imperial cavalry want to do! It's really annoying to dare not fight, retreat and retreat," a Martin Liya lord looked at the black line of the emperor with red eyes and said indignantly.

"Yeah, it's really an uncomfortable sight, it feels like being stared at by the wild dogs in the Martin Prairie prairie at night." A Martin Crab lord took a deep breath and took the cold from the attendant Cloak, looked at the distance, and glanced at the army that had reached 40,000 people behind him, his mouth grinning. "But His Highness Spike is right. Infantry no matter how many are infantry, they can only stare at the cavalry. The sign of the former car that was destroyed by the Eleventh Army, only by first turning all the troops crossing the river into cavalry, can we no longer worry about the imperial cavalry to stage the tragedy of the Eleventh Army again. These imperial cavalry are too reassuring."

"If we did not take into account the existence of the thousands of imperial heavy cavalry who forced the eleventh army crossing the river into the river, we should have killed all the bow cavalry." , The other side used the advantage of the river to snipe 100,000 Martin's army to return to the south, but it can be considered to have been all the way since July, suppressing the southern power Harvey also had to cede half of the territory, and the sect of the sect is only the north of the Holy Capital. The lords of Martin Liya were brutally beaten with blood, absolutely superior strength, and they were so defeated that they lost 20,000 or 30,000 on one side, but did not even touch the side of the other side. What is this,

In particular, the scene of the other party throwing the Eleventh Army flag in muddy water makes all Martin Liya lords unforgettable, shameful, when did Martin Liya suffer such humiliation!

"Come on, why don't you come now! Fear? The original imperial team will also be afraid, and they will be afraid of death!" Not far away, you can hear a Martin Liya lord running to the front and is loudly moving away. The imperial team at the place provoked provocation. The other lords couldn't help but burst out a laughter. The suffocation just now seemed to be much smaller in this laughter.

Even Spike, who had just crossed the river now, grinned and said to the attendants behind him, "Send two guards over, but don't let Lord Snarbet be shot in the **** by the Imperial Cavalry."

"Yes, Your Highness," the attendant nodded and picked two guards to go away

"My Spike came back from the Holy City!" Spike's eyes flickered, and there was an arrogant smile in his face, and a sound came out of his heart. The overall situation was determined. This river was the last one. There was no longer anything to stop at this moment. It is possible for me to return to the south. More than one hundred thousand troops, I still brought it back. Although I lost more than ten thousand in Shengdu, and unexpectedly lost nearly 30,000 in this river, the rest are still troops of 78,000. Is much better than previously expected

You know, the original Spike believes that only a holy capital, it is necessary to lose 20,000 or 30,000

In order to stop the imperial team from going south to rescue, Spike even filled in the main force of his most heirloom fifth army, with a full force of 40,000 people, and also issued a death order. Even if all the battles were killed, it must not be allowed. The imperial team entered the Holy Capital from the northern line. It can be said that for this battle, he bet the heaviest bargaining chip in his hand. Although he believed that the plan was well planned, he faced which army **** emperor his opponent was, who dare to say foolproof, The most likely thing is that you have just led the army to attack the Holy Capital. The 100,000 army of the empire in the north of the Holy Capital will swarm south, and the needle tip will hit the Maimang, the collision of iron and blood, and then your own 40,000 direct army may be alive. Not much

But I did not expect that the Imperial team did not take the north line, and the 40,000 direct army that had been prepared for sacrifice was unscathed. For Spike, it was an overwhelming surprise. Now, just withdraw the south line, instead of Need to withstand the rescue of the 100,000 troops of the Empire of the Holy City

This gap is like a very difficult survival mode. It turned into a simple mode that only needs to quickly retreat to pass. The imperial team cut the south line, which really surprised him with a cold sweat, but now it has been It doesn't matter, the elite army has crossed the river, and it takes three or four hours to reach the southern line. If the military emperor really dares to insert a knife in the crack of the southern line, he will let the military emperor know what to play. fire!

"Note, the emperor moved." Suddenly a Martin Lica cavalry came from the direction of the emperor team. The loud voice caused countless eyes to look sideways to the emperor team. Sure enough, he saw that he had retreated to more than two hundred meters away. The black thread was twisting, and it looked like a ferocious snake waking up from a deep sleep,

"Note that the imperial team is gathering and new reinforcements are joining in." Another Martin Liya scouted the cavalry, and the cold light flashed faintly. That is the iron armor of the imperial heavy cavalry, and from the quantity, it seems to be more than just now. Quite a lot, it seems that Martin Liya’s lords' faces all changed together

"Does the empire still ambush other reinforcements here?"

"Don't the emperor team fight here with our army? I hope not."

"Asshole, even when we only came halfway through the attack, I really thought we were bullying." The Martin lords, who had all kinds of expectations just now, were also tumultuous, scolded angrily, and began to prepare their own in a panic. Troops, I'm so **** up! The soldiers of Martin Liya even hesitated on the face, letting the officers chase away and scolding, the speed of gathering was also very slow, exhausted, there was no food at all for ten hours, the horses were not stable, let alone humans, Not to mention, isn’t it already across the river, what else to fight, what else to fight! At this moment, the morale of Martin’s army has not improved, but it has been almost freezing.

And this in itself is what the imperial emperor expected long ago

The Martin Liya army who desperately crossed the river channel can be said to have exhausted the last strength. When he saw the return home was in front of him, he had to fight again. Even the most powerful army, from top to bottom, all The sharpness will dissipate for the most part, the soldiers are the same, the same is true of the Martin Liya lords. Although the Martin Liya lords all shouted at the sound of the sky just now, in fact, this decisive battle came too suddenly, too No, Martin Liya lords are not willing to start the so-called decisive battle with the imperial team at this moment

For them ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ from the moment they decided to leave the Holy City, it has been stated that the Battle of the Holy City, which has lasted for several months, is over, the army has passed the river, what everyone thinks All return to the country with loot, in this case, who is willing to fight a deadly battle with the first strong army on the northern continent before returning!

And precisely, this is the emperor's decisive battle against the main force of more than one hundred thousand Martin forces!

On the opposite side, "who swish", under the slightly panicked and unwilling gaze of all Martin Liya people, three consecutive red light dots that burst directly into the sky exploded in the sky above the imperial cavalry, like a brilliant moment, and the iron armor below was grim , The sound of the iron piece colliding with the iron piece, three thousand empire heavy armored cavalrymen who have been intensively accumulating in the middle of the night began to spread like a huge triangle, and the previous five thousand empire heavy armored cavalry, a total of eight thousand empire Heavy armoured cavalry constitute the largest assault group in this war

"All the knives!"

Du Weiyan's loud and serious voice is like the cold wind from the north. Behind him, although more than 20,000 Xiting bow cavalry finished shooting, but after a short break, the firm prairie Xiting cavalry were all upright Out of the bright prairie knife, on the upper reaches of the river channel, with the three flames flying, a large ship bound by an iron chain was cut off the iron chain, just like a heavy hammer rushed down the turbulent water to the downstream

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