Whole Nation

: Three hundred and sixty-one Battle of the Georgian Order (8)

On the border of the Harvey Plateau, the smoke was billowing, the thatched house was emitting smoke, the red flame licked the felt roof of the thatched house like a greedy cat, the burning thatch made a crackling crackling sound in the flame, the cold wind was The blaring whine of the flames, the red stars were dragged out by the wind and dragged out their long tails, the village of the burning flames, the red human blood solidified into strips of blood in the cold, in the sheepfold There are still sheep crying

Lu Yasu stopped his horse in front of the village with an iron face, and the red underneath the horseshoe was solidified with the ground. The whole village could not see people, but it did not mean that there was no one. The **** smell and the strange smell of barbecue came with the wind. Lu Yasu's complexion changed, others vomited directly, no one spoke, and the infarcted complexion was ugly to the extreme. This is the third village they have seen. Without exception, the Icarians did not hesitate. Chose the massacre in the whole village, and the intention of the Ikar people to attack has been revealed. Their small team, along the road carefully, was afraid to run into the patrol of the Ikar people of the brigade. As a result, the Ikar army was behind But it was surprisingly empty, and there was no shadow of the Ikar

The sneak attack has never been as romantic as imagined. The so-called striking a hundred miles often represents the land passed along the way. No matter whether the old, weak women and children will leave a living mouth, otherwise even if only a little wind is leaked, the entire sneak attack will face Failure may even be completely annihilated by the other party. When decades of peace were broken, when the cruel war broke the horn, border groups like Lu Yasu obviously couldn’t adapt. As border groups between the two countries, It is difficult for them to imagine that when they passed by the village in front of them half a day ago, they still bragged with the villagers here and said that they knew the commander of the border army opposite Icar. From the blood line, the other party also called themselves a big cousin, who Knowing that turning around and coming back is such a sight!

   "Will Icar go to our village? If that's the case, it's troublesome"

Ruyasu heard one of his subordinates say that his heart was also tight. Their village was seven or eight miles away from this place, but Icar’s attack on Ruyasu was unlikely, because although it was a village, But in fact it is a camp for local border soldiers, built in a relatively dangerous position, and it has a wall of up to two meters in height.

However, Luyasu believes that the Ikar people are really afraid of it, or the burning materials such as wood accumulated at the broken post at the highest position of the camp. These burning materials have only been put in in the last month, and will ignite once they are attacked. , Even if it can be seen twenty miles away, this outpost was not used anymore, and the locals used it as a sheep pen, but I don’t know the reason, just about a month ago, the frontier suddenly It was repaired again, and then asked to change the burning wood inside every three days. Of course, Lu Yasu and these frontiers will not take it seriously. The people above are all fussed. I don’t know if it was broken by the Martin Liya people, just find something to fool around, until two locals who are also leaders of the frontier army were ordered to be executed because they were reported. Although all the camps along the way were scolded, but Don't dare to neglect anymore

Lu Yasu could not have imagined that the war was really fought, almost hurried back to the camp, then immediately summoned everyone in the camp, evacuated to a higher place, and finally left Lu Ya Su took a deep breath and threw the torch in his hand on the burning material accumulated at the top of the sentry tower. The thick black smoke rolled up. Ten minutes later, the second black smoke rose more than ten miles away. The news again The fastest way to reach the camp of the Harvey army, at this moment, the war between the Ikar and the Harvey broke out!

   "Sir, what shall we do now?"

An Icarian officer withdrew his gaze from the black smoke and turned to his back. The general Ikar, who crossed the border from the stone base, was riding on horseback like a tower, and his eyes fell on the black smoke rising into the sky. , The hand holding the gem hilt could not help tightening, even if it was found, what could be done, the Harvey people’s attention is now on the Martin Liya people below the plateau, the silver fox has already begun to mobilize, even knowing us The Harveys could not mobilize their troops for rescue for a while, and he snorted coldly. "Since it was found, you don't need to hide it. You ordered the whole army to speed up and win the Guka Pass in one go. Drive into and sweep away this barrier"

"It's really uncomfortable!" Standing on the flat platform of the huge fortress, Casey Tina, the head of the fourth army of King Harvey, looked at the black smoke in the distance with a frown, beside him, a body The young man in the uniform of King Harvey smiled and smiled, "The color doesn't seem very unlucky!"

"Not only the color, the direction Ikar chose, it seems that the goal of the breakthrough is here, does the other party really think that our army will have no defense at all, we have just been stabbed hard by Martin Liya, the so-called Allies or something, will you believe it again?"

   "Maybe the Icarians don't think so"

   The heavy nose that resented Kathy Tina, the young officer next to him only had a wry smile. The Harvey Kingdom was hit by Martin Liya and lost half of the mountains and rivers. The Harvey Kingdom was deeply impressed. It also began to re-examine all the previous defensive loopholes. On the west coast just a month ago, the Harvey Kingdom envoy looked The tragic return immediately met the king in an emergency. At that time, everyone was invited out, only the king and the envoy, no one knew what was said, and then several senior military officers were mobilized as the special envoy of the military department. Coming to the border is the young officer in front of you, Kathy Kolo, Kathy Tina’s eldest son.

"Are you crazy, or have the **** of the military department already lost their ability to think? How could the Ikars attack the Kingdom of Harvey even if they believed the emperor!" When the young man stood with the news to the fourth army commander Casey When Tina was in front, Casey Tina jumped almost angrily

   "The kingdom has just suffered a heavy blow, and the military department actually did not want this news to be true, but... compared with the fluke in our hearts, I actually felt that what the emperor said was more reasonable."

Casey Koror has been in the Royal Ministry for the third year and is currently internship in the Royal Department. In fact, for this speculation, Casey Koror is absolutely incredible. From small to large, the education they receive is that the Harvey is the owner of the Ikar. The Ikar people are trusted subordinates of the Harvey people. In every war, the most tragic battles are handed over to the Ikar people, and the biggest sacrifice is also to the Ikar people. This idea has continued for decades, but now But the most terrible enemy of the Harveys said that the Ikars would attack the Harvey Kingdom, and the former servants would overthrow their masters. Who can believe this kind of thing!

"Since it is the order of the Ministry of Military Affairs, my father still performs well. Anyway, it is just preparation, not necessarily useful, and if the Icarians really want to attack the Kingdom of Harvey, I don’t think the other party will choose this intestinal path." Casey Kolo took a deep breath. This was his first time as an independent officer. He actually knew that the Military Department did not think that the Icarians would put the most convenient front. Don’t go, choose the mountain where the Fourth Army is stationed. This is the side of the Black Mountains. The terrain is rugged, and it is frozen in the winter for hundreds of miles. If you encounter cold rain, it is not uncommon to freeze people overnight.

"This method of post fire along the way is also the meaning of the Ministry of Military Affairs?" Kathy Tina's eyes flickered and angered. "The gang of the Ministry of Military Affairs only knows the **** who are pointing and pointing at the map every day. Going out, don’t you know that a so-called flirtatious plan is enough to let the following people run off their legs, extend the range of the outposts by twenty miles, and add a fire alarm along the way, only these two items, I am afraid The frontiers below must scold the mother, those guys from the military department, it would be nice if they could go to the border and look at it! This way they might be able to understand the hardship of the people below!"

In the following month, everything went as usual, except that the Martini people mobilized frequently at the entrance of the plateau, which caused the Harvey Kings Department to be very nervous. The Harvey King who had been hit hard now had only less than 150,000 troops left. Fifty thousand people were recruited after retreating to the plateau. Now they are all transferred to the front of the plateau, and in the area bordering the Ikar people on the west of the plateau, there are only about 50,000 troops, of which the 13th Army is 13,000. The person is responsible for the Black Mountain Pass.” Unexpectedly, this is really useful! “Casetina sighed. He didn’t sigh for the Icar attack from the mountain. He sighed that the two countries were broken in peace on the plateau. Once upon a time, he believed that the Harvey and Ikar people could last for a long time.

   "If there is no accident, the Ikar people will arrive before evening"

Kathy Tina turned and walked towards the city road. It is worthy of being a general stationed here for more than ten years. She was very familiar with the topography of the entire pass, and was very accurate in determining the time. When the evening sun began to skew against the stone wall of the pass , The Iqal flag began to appear in the eyes of young people, and under the golden sunset, the Iqal's queue slowly appeared from the distant horizon

  "Appeared, Ikar came"

   "Hurry up to the wall and get ready to fight!"

"Dang Dang Dang" means that the emergency bell of early warning broke the tranquility of the evening, even if it was prepared, the head of the Fourth Army Commander Kesinati's face was still gloomy and ugly, and his hands were heavily pressed on the cold stone city wall The heavy pressure that caused all Harveys to have difficulty breathing,

   "My God, how could there be so many!"

   "Is this where Ikar's entire border guard is placed?"

   The forest-like spear flashes in the sun, advancing with a strict combat lineup. Walking in front is the heavy armored infantry that is in the position. It is the essence of the Ikar army. It is mostly composed of the strongest and most experienced veterans of the Ikar. The light infantry squadron is crowded with a dense queue behind. There are so many, like countless black shadows covering the Guangping in front of the pass, the black-pressed infantry queue can't be seen at the end like a forest, and the back team is still pouring out. In front of each queue, wearing a gorgeous armor, holding a flag in the front as the team guide Ikal officer, the face is serious and cold, they are like a benchmark, cautiously more than 100 meters in front of the city wall The thin ice on the high mountain beach stopped at a short place, and the sound of the air screamed. All the Icarians looked at a place, the pass of the Black Mountains.

Although this pass has been built for decades, it is still unbreakable. The tall pass wall is six meters long and more than 400 meters in length. It is like a huge gate knife blocking the pass inside and outside. In front of the fortress, this is the corridor from the hinterland of the Harvey Kingdom to the Black Mountains. In the war between the Harvey and Ikar, the corpses killed by the Ikar in this pass were countless times. A crown prince of the Icarians died in battle here. It is said that the large dark red rock face on the left side of the pass was stained with red blood from the Icarians. In fact, it was only the bare part of the copper ore. The copper here There are many ore magazines, which are totally useless, so no one even mines them all year round,

Of course, this is what the Harveys say, and the Ikars don’t think so, and many decades can be forgotten, but the Harveys’ oppression of Ikar is becoming more and more unscrupulous. Every battle, the most terrible place It must be the battlefield of the Ikar army. The biggest casualties must be the Ikars, and the two representatives must be the Harveys. The biggest interests are often divided by the Harveys, and the rest are just some incomplete ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~Taking the Holy City War as an example, in order to prevent the Icarians from seizing the opportunity in the ecclesiastical countries, the Harveys will not hesitate to launch an attack on the Icar transport team, and then the brazen duty is Icar The Harvey army who attacked first, eventually caused Ikar’s more than 100,000 troops to be cut off because of logistics. In the case of tens of thousands of deaths and injuries, they had to spit out all the areas they had occupied.

What the Highness Silver Fox said is correct. The era of the Harveys dominating the plateau should be over. The Harveys never regarded the Ikar as a partner, and the Ikar have not always been a slave of the Harvey. , The plateau should belong to the Ikar people,

The general of the Ikar army was murderous and slowly raised his hand. The Ikar and the Harvey had been on the border for so long. The intelligence has long understood the Harvey army. Now on the entire border, Ha The total number of U.S. troops is less than 50,000, and the frontier 4th Army, which is guarding the Black Mountain Corridor, has less than 13,000 people, and the area of ​​the defense is as long as 60 miles, that is, the immediate Within the pass, the strength of the Harvey Army should be between 6,000 and 7,000. It is really difficult for the 30,000 army to win this pass. Opening this pass is equivalent to other Harvey border defenses. A gap was ripped in the back of the army, and as long as the follow-up force continued to press in, the defensive line of the Harvey Army for decades has been an instant and breakable thing.

"Woo" a loud trombone sounded, dozens of slightly spaced smaller Icar infantry phalanxes began to advance toward the city wall, this time there were as many as 30,000 Icar troops attacking the pass, opposite Three times the fourth army of the Harvey Kingdom, their queues are very close to each other. From a distance, they look like a dark cloud covering the earth, and they start accelerating at a hundred meters, straight into the pass,

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