Whole Nation

: Three thousand three hundred and thirty-two Battle of the Georgian Order (9)

The early morning light of the Holy City shone from the opposite side of the open field, and the black ruins of the burnt walls gave a feeling of quaintness and wildness. The various birds flying and falling all gathered by the lake, and they were carelessly cherished by the lake. The imperial army crossing the river was like a big net spreading in front of it. The horseshoe stepped into the muddy water below and made a crackling trample. The 30,000 prairie cavalry with bows and arrows on their backs entered along the two lines. During the war, the 3,000 heavy armored crutches of the empire that made 100,000 Martin's armaments crushed like a slow torrent of steel poured into this land, in a high hill twenty miles from the city of Glenia On the spot, the great wetland of the Holy City was stretched in front of the Emperor's eyes, and it stretched magnificently. After three months, the imperial eagle flag fluttered in the south of the Holy City with the wind again.

The battle for southern hegemony, which lasted for nearly three months, even fixed everything in just three days. The half-million Martins who had an absolute advantage in military strength were defeated. Within three days, Half a million people were defeated, so exaggerated news came out that it was difficult for the Obaro continent to shake it. The southern princes of the Eero empire chose the Yan Qi Xi Xi for the first time, and they dared not cry out to recapture the king of Eero and other southern princes. At the same time, the country became silent, and was a little scared by this sudden situation. Martin was defeated. How did he fail? The specific situation about the Battle of the Holy Capital is now being spread by the intelligence agencies of various countries

In order to attack the holy capital, the Martini people drove all the slaughter and cut off all the surroundings of the holy capital. No news could be heard, even the intelligence agencies of other countries were affected, even the Kingdom of Aden. The intelligence agencies wanted to send people out, and they were all killed by Martin Liya people, and then Martin Liya suddenly evacuated, and then fiascoed in the river channel. The time was only one night, just ten hours. The earth turned upside down, and the Martin Force, which was inevitable in the Holy City, was planted in a small river channel. Even if the intelligence agencies of various countries opened their eyes, they were ashamed.

Behind the specific conditions came and went. The big offensive launched by the 500,000 martin army troops in the Holy City broke into fifty miles overnight. The soldiers approached the holy city, and the martin troops cooperated with each other, completely subverting the previous confrontation of the countries. The image of Martin's violent assaults hits a surprise model without many so-called famous generals

The empire is even more exaggerated. The empire did not have a soldier and a soldier in the holy city, but overnight, it magically brought out more than one hundred thousand empire troops into magic, and the empire army entered the holy city from the river. , The imperial emperor hailed as the **** of the mainland, and even after the North-South War two years ago, he once again led the empire's elite and blocked the main evacuation of more than 100,000 Martin Lica cavalry in the river.

The contrast between the two troops is obvious. The cavalry in the Imperial Army is only about 30,000, and the other 50,000 are infantry. Martin’s strength is more than 110,000. They are elite cavalry selected from 500,000 troops. The veterans who have experienced the battle of the Harvey Kingdom, if they did not know the result in advance, the first thought in the minds of all those who saw this report must be that the emperor must be crazy!

As long as you know a little about the geographical environment of Baro in Southern Europe, you know that the Holy Land of the Order is a large flat wetland. There is no obstacle in more than a hundred miles. Pingchuan was a horse. At the beginning of the battle of the Holy Capital, the Empire used 30,000 elite cavalry. The fact that the battles of the Allied Forces of 100,000 nations have been dragged down is enough to show how powerful the cavalry are in the Santos Wetlands,

This time, Martin’s army of more than 100,000 cavalry clusters made a strong breakthrough, once again showing the unstoppable impact of the cavalry clusters on the plains. Even if it is an empire, unless there is an equal number of imperial cavalry, it will be defeated. The fate of the emperor, even if he is a **** of war, is a joke that wants to block more than one hundred thousand Martin's cavalry.

However, Martin Liya collapsed. On the side of the river channel, the Martin Liga army was corpses everywhere, covered with wetlands, and countless corpses were swept by the river rapids, so that the river channel was blocked, and more than 80,000 died in battle, surrendered to the empire. Thirty thousand, even Spike, the commander of the Martin Army, was captured by the Imperial Emperor, but the loss of the Imperial Army was nothing more than 6,000 people could not imagine.

In a life-and-death battle that determined southern hegemony, the empire was only killed and injured by six thousand people, of which only three thousand people were killed, and the other three thousand people were injured. Such a huge disparity in war losses, once again the entire South European Baro felt this The winter feels cold and biting, Martin Liya is not weak, and even if it is a hundred thousand pigs, it should not be like this, and the performance of Martin Liya in the raid of the Holy Capital is definitely more than the vast majority. Famous generals of the southern countries

When the main force of the empire slowly poured into the southern wilderness of the river channel, the Martins had already abandoned their armor and fled, and escaped without a trace. If it were not the Martins corpses visible along the way, it would be difficult to see the scenery and ten days in front of them. Associated with the brutal war that broke out in the past, Varisian raided Martin's Mucheng defense line from the direction of Gethea. Salon drove out the remaining troops of Martin's men from the front. The two empire generals joined forces, 300,000 The Martin forces lost the Mucheng line of defense, and retreated in droves. There were also a few people who trampled on horses and were seriously injured or killed. Many of Martin’s corpses were stripped of their clothes. Of course, it’s not possible for the people of the Empire to be the people of the Empire, but for the Martins.

Scattered along the way, you can see the Martin Liya flag thrown in the mud. From this, you can see how frightened and embarrassed the Martin Liya’s escape is. The cold weather and the fiasco of the army have already lost the last pride of the Martin Liya. Martin Since the Liya people had been killed from the Harvey Kingdom in July and August, the clothing has been poor in terms of cold protection. Now the army is defeated and lost countless times. According to the military report from the front, Varisian and the Saron army died. Biting behind the Martin Force, although the Martins tried several times to counterattack, they were jointly defeated by the two, and once again lost 40,000 to 50,000 people, and only the frozen Martin found along the way. Reached three or four thousand people

"What a beautiful land, it was a pity that our army fought back after a **** battle, and it was a pity to hand it over to the Templars." The emperor heard another pityful voice from Salton next to him, and couldn't help being funny. How could this ruthless figure of the Second Army Corps of the South, who was born in the Nords, known as the remnant lion, have such a sentimental sigh,

"Although the land of the ecclesiastical country is good, the ecclesiastical country has, after all, made great efforts in this war. If we win, we will also occupy the ecclesiastical country. How will the empire convince other countries in the future, others I don’t know. You Salton is also the character of Nord’s military secretary. You don’t know this, even if you want to clear the relationship, and take a little acting. Okay, so impatiently show yourself that you let me I look down on you! The emperor glanced dismissively at the corner of his mouth, looking at Salton with a smile

"My Majesty, it would be nice if you transferred me away from me, but the Empire General beside him at that time had no one other than me, and now I just blame the grievances, and no one justifies me." Salton was guilty and eccentric. Don't look away, the emperor's eyes are too sharp, it seems to be able to see through people's hearts at a glance

"You can't go now, there is one more thing to do"

The emperor laughed with laughter. He knew that Salton’s ambition was to become the commander of the southern army of the empire. Where would he go to discipline the land of the regiment to whom? So opposed, it was not really regretful that they did not get these land, but because The entire Imperial Army was scolding Salton because it was rumored that the Emperor only made this completely ignorant decision because the Second Army of the South could not pursue the Martins in order to weaken Saron and Warri Sean’s two men’s exploits, which Salton specifically proposed to the emperor, even Salon and Varisian, who chased Martin’s man in front of them like competitions, all sent letters to scold Salton. Dayton, saying that Salton was not interesting

"See you pitifully"

Together with the two big men of the Imperial Army, Salton wailed in pain and felt that he was getting farther and farther away from the position of the Southern Army Commander. He was crying in his heart. This matter really has nothing to do with him, he is The emperor pushed it up, and he was not stupid. After all, he was also a military minister-level figure. How could he not know who released the rumors?

It must be the emperor, and it is appropriate that the emperor let the intelligence department release. Because the emperor needed someone to get this pot, the empire promised such a rude request from the temple army, which would definitely make the entire empire of the empire explode. Why did the empire army suffer such a loss, the land laid by Lao Tzu could still vomit come out? how is this possible! Anyone who dares to take it back will use a knife with him, so this decision cannot be made by the emperor, then he is only Salton, along the way, Salton is looking for various opportunities to show his position, See? I am firmly against it. This matter really has nothing to do with me! But it has no effect at all!

The emperor's confidantes were all around, all looking at Salton with pitiful eyes,

"Your performance on the west coast of the empire is still good. You can make the west coast a real possession of the empire in just two years. You have contributed to it. Although there are some problems in the Wangdu area, the main reason is not yours. I want to know how much you can do if you replace the West Coast with the Order of the Order?" The Emperor immediately set his sights on the mound and stared straight ahead for the first time, saying something that made Salton stunned.

"If the government can be reached like the West Coast, within two years, I should be able to turn the ecclesiastical country into the West Coast, but..." Salton paused, frowning, and said carefully and respectfully. At present, this is basically impossible according to the environment of the ecclesiastical country, not to mention the destruction of the Martin Forces everywhere, that is, the empire returned the land to the Temple Army according to the promise, and wanted to be afraid of the empire’s intentions like the West Coast. It’s difficult to do it. The West Coast is only one place in Fizer. The territory is three or four provinces in size, and the size of the ecclesiastical country is large. There are 18 provinces. On the west coast, the imperial governor’s office has no order. People dare to disobey, but in the Order of the Order, I am afraid that the Templars will not let the empire’s order be communicated, let alone, His Highness Popdamiyah.”

"What if none of this?" the emperor said dismissively. "I just want to know, can the West Coast model be replicated in the Diocese?"

"You can try it," Salton hesitated,

"That’s it, it’s up to you. The emperor’s country looks like you’re careless. In fact, the preparation of the army was completed five days ago. The emperor froze for five days before crossing the river. It really made the generals below anxious. It’s like a cat’s claws scratching. Now it’s over the river, and it’s yoyo. It doesn’t want to chase the enemy at all. It’s more like coming to play. No one knows what the emperor is thinking, and no one dares to ask. Question the emperor, this is the rhythm of his own death,

"But the Templars were afraid they wouldn't agree..." "Salton's eyes were bulging and he was about to cry. How could he be so unlucky that he finally developed the West Coast, the emperor said, It is a bully to hand over a sect country that is completely impossible to do! But in the face of the emperor, he just dared not to speak out

The emperor withdrew his gaze from a turquoise lake in the distance, took a deep breath, sneered and said, "The Templar Army or something, in fact, I don't care at all. In fact, I can tell you that the Templar Army proposed to take the land The condition for the return was that I deliberately told Hussa. Hussah now wanted to lift Pudamia and firmly hold the power of the Templars in his hands. He would certainly be perturbed by this proposal, but Hussah I don’t know if he really made this proposal, the Temple Army would not be his Husain’s Temple Army, and even the Order of the Order would not be able to break free of the Empire’s control."

"Why is that"

Salton drew a breath when he heard it, and looked up in amazement. What did the emperor mean? Husa’s proposal was actually deliberately arranged by the emperor, my God, under what circumstances, although he had in front of him What I felt, but I didn’t really dare to think so, because it was too impossible and too scary to hear. Although he knew that the Imperial Southern Intelligence Department had supernatural powers, he did not dare to think that the Intelligence Department already had such a capability.

"Don’t be so nervous, the Southern Intelligence Department of the Empire comes from Mount Etmund. The Mount Etmont has been entangled with the Order for decades. How can there be no important princes who dare to say how much action, passing one or two? The news is still achievable." The emperor turned around, a sly smile on the corner of his mouth, and the whip in his hand begged on the riding boots. Cultivating these lands on your own? What can they do without money, food, or supplies? Instead, we now hand over the land to them, and the settlement costs on these lands will be borne by the Templars themselves. Go to the Temple Army, and the Temple Army will find you crying and screaming. Husa thought he could tie the Temple Army together, but he never thought that he would have a temple without anything. Knight, who will take care of him, and who will follow his orders?"

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ my subordinates understand." Salton's body shivered, which was really poisonous. No wonder that as long as the proposal was accepted, the Templars would destroy themselves, Husa. No matter how prestigious, there is no money and no materials, the temple army that controls the place will not separate from Husa soon. The emperor's hand is to completely kill Husa the idealist!

"War is just a tool for political service. The Martins have been defeated, but I don’t want all the Martins to die in the Order. Although the southern hegemony fell into the hands of the empire, it does not mean that the kingdoms are subject to obedience. We still need the big fat man of Martin Liya to attract the nations to rely on the empire. We can’t fight for war. It’s quite stupid. As a promoter of war, we should know what the purpose of war is. This is also what I want to tell you. I can’t stay in the South all the time, so I hope you know that the Empire will not hand over the position of the commander of the Empire’s Southern Army to a troublesome person who uses force.”

Salton quickly jumped off the battle horse and knelt in front of the emperor on one knee. He knew that the Southern Army of the Empire, the commander of the most powerful army in the South, was already himself.

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