Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and forty Georgians (17)

The cold night was quietly hidden behind the hill, the crescent moon was hung high above the head, the wet water on the ground reflected the cold fluorescence of the moon, behind a hazy white mist in the mist, towering into the cloud The peak of the Gleniame reflected in the eyes of Sieglin, overlooking the bright lights of the Gleniame, and seeing the flying golden flag of the empire floating above the camp, and finally breathed out easily. 'S judgment is correct. As the most discerning top strategist on the mainland, the Emperor Emperor looked at more than just a sectarian race. What the Emperor Emperor saw was how to turn the southern hegemony in his hands into the most The actual benefits, to kill Martin’s remnant army will only be cheaper for others. For the empire, this is just a battle on the land of the Order, no matter how much troops are invested, and how many enemies are killed, the ultimate benefits are all Not attributed to the empire

Now, it was no longer necessary to cover up himself. Sigrin wore a very ordinary robe and jumped off a horse that was even more tired than him, only to feel the soreness of his bones. From the perspective of dress, he will only be regarded as a lost wanderer. This time he came to the Imperial camp, he did not bring a soldier and a soldier beside him, and he turned two more circles on the way to confirm that no one was behind him. Then he walked towards the light in front and went down the muddy path of the hillside. As soon as he walked down the hillside, he suddenly became alert and raised his head suddenly, almost at the same time, in the darkness in front of him, three long knives stabbed at his chest and small abdomen at the same time without warning.

Si Gelin's face changed drastically, and he quickly rolled over to escape. Although it was in the dark, the faint **** smell from the opponent's body did not mean that these people were murderous characters on the battlefield. It’s not difficult for such a character to encounter one. The empire went south and went to the north, killing some people who didn’t know, and overwhelming the whole Nordic Barthos. The military masters didn’t know how many, but they met three at the same time, and they were also against each other It is not easy to cooperate with each other. It is important to know that the veterans on this battlefield are as arrogant as a lone wolf. Under normal circumstances, they will not lower their body to cooperate, unless it is a special situation.

"Boom" A fierce metal collision, the other party's huge power directly split Si Gelin who is not thin, but Si Gelin had not waited for him to get up, but only felt a sharp and sharp Empire arc in front of him The war knife was already placed on his neck. The cold and sharp feeling made Si Green directly give up the possibility of continuing to struggle. The other party's sword was extremely fast. Everything happened in a moment. Several actions caused the rabbit to rise and fall. I didn’t give myself any chance to struggle, and it was even more seamless in coordination. The raid was at the front, followed by a series of powerful hacks, completely stunned him.

"Sou Yisou, if it's the Templar's spy, kill it," said a cold voice in the figure

"I am the chief of the Sam tribe, Si Gelin, who was brought to me by His Majesty the Emperor." Si Gelin suddenly realized that he was stupid, and he even forgot that if the Emperor Emperor really came to the Glenias, then he was famous. The Imperial Guard will inevitably block the nearby area, especially in this secret meeting, he looks at the vocalist just now, a ghostly figure masked in black all over, compared with the two tall and sturdy people next to him. The strong man, his thin and short body is particularly conspicuous. Seeing that this person's status seems to be very high, Si Gelin quickly said his words in the Southern European Baro language again. The other party didn't say a word. Si Gelin only felt cold behind his back, feeling that the other person seemed to be cold behind the darkness. Examining himself secretly, two other brave men in light armour searched Si Gelin, one of them picked up the slashed Martin Lifang long knife and handed it to the thin man in the middle. "It was Martin Li The Teeth’s weapon may seem to be the one mentioned by Lord Varisian that caught our attention”

The emaciated black shadow took the long knife, looked up and down at Si Gelin again, lifted the long knife back and handed it back to the embarrassed Si Gelin, took the person around, and this time, Si Gelin did not meet other people along the way. The situation, all the way to the front of the Imperial Barracks, made a request to the guards to see Varisian. The guards had obviously received a notice. Without much delay, Si Green was taken to the front of a military account, and several people stood in front of the military account. A sturdy, armored imperial guard, with a long spear in his hand, radiating a hint of coldness, his body standing straight like a nail, motionless. The guards leading the road whispered to the imperial guards standing at the door. One of the imperial guards glanced at Si Gelin before reaching out to pull the curtain of the military account and mumbled "Go in"

Si Gelin took a deep breath and strode into the military account

"Varisian has something to do, so I will let them bring you here." A cold voice made Sigrin's complexion just entered the military account change slightly. There was no Varisian in the military account. Instead, another dark-haired young man was sitting on the bench a little leisurely, wearing a black uniform. His appearance was not outstanding, and his figure was slightly thick, but the flashing eyes under the eyebrows made people see it. memorable

"Your Excellency?"

Si Green hesitated and asked, he was actually quite dissatisfied. This meeting was extremely confidential. It can be said that it involved the life and death of more than 200,000 Martins, as well as more than 30 Martins lords, big and small, In the daytime, he coaxed and frightened him to suppress these lords and let them agree to surrender to the empire secretly. The danger can be said to be dancing on the tip of the knife, and Vasilynn, the other side of the empire, He was so irresponsible, and sent such an important matter to a young man, he was really fainted, and he thought that the empire would take this matter very seriously!

"I let Varisian inform you!" Seems to see Sigrim's inner anger that is like a volcano eruption, the dark-haired young man's mouth grinned, showing a seemingly generous smile, but this smile, but let Let Si Gelin's calm face suddenly turn pale

"I don't know if it was His Majesty's presence, it was..." Si Gelin knelt on the ground with his knees. He did not expect that he would be the emperor himself in the military account. Although Si Gelin was already mentally prepared, he was facing directly The pressure of the military emperor still makes him unable to suppress the shock that rises in his heart: the young man in front of him is the imperial emperor, who swept the North European Barrow in just five years, while suppressing the atmosphere of the South European Barrow The strong characters who dare not breathe are so young, and they can speak such a beautiful Southern European Baro language. Although they have a little accent accent, the words are very clear.

"Okay, you and I have a tight time. Even these red tapes, let me just say it. These 200,000 Martins, I can only let you take away 100,000, that is to say, there are still ten Wan must stay in the ecclesiastical country, I mean, you know!"

The dark-haired youth's tone is as if the weather is very good today, but for Greene, it feels an almost irresistible force, which is the stomping of the whole earth and annexing the world. The domineering, chilling and murderous, makes people feel like despair, suffocation, facing the deepest abyss of hell,

"One hundred thousand... Is this impossible?"

In the winter, Si Gelin said with a scalp, but sweating on his back. He knew that at this moment, he was the most powerful monarch on the entire continent for thousands of years and the largest power in the world. The territory he ruled was even wider than that of the Fiya Empire; under his command, he had the largest and most powerful army in the entire continent; he had millions of fanatic followers, as long as he pointed his finger He did not hesitate to go through the fire for him. Under his king's flag, corpses piled up like mountains, blood flowed into rivers, millions of people were killed, the two great empires of Barrow in Northern Europe were destroyed, and more than ten kingdoms were destroyed. Because he is willing! With his ability, his army, even if it was to slash all the Martin Remains in the confederate country, it was just a matter of turning over.

In fact, in the battle of the river, this emperor has proved who is the real cavalry warfare. The empire forcibly defeated Martin Liya's 100,000 iron riders with only 8,000 heavy armoured cavalry, and Martin Liya died in battle. Eighty thousand, surrendered forty thousand, and eventually even the army commander Spike was captured by the empire, and the loss of the empire was only three or four thousand people. This is the layout of everyone on the mainland's first peak strategy. In front of this empire **** , Si Gelin really can't straighten his waist, in front of such a terrible momentum, Si Gelin feels that he is just a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Your Majesty, if there are only 100,000 people, I am afraid that other lords will have a riot!"

In just over ten seconds, Sigelin felt that sweat was flowing down his cheeks, struggling to support himself, forcing himself to count slowly. When he counted to tenth, he leaned forward and his head hit the cold ground heavily , 100,000 lives, even if you can only save one or two thousand more, your forehead is worth even bleeding

The black-haired emperor's gaze flickered for the first time, still silent, and the suffocating breath suddenly disappeared, and the tension in the tent was alleviated. The fat man had to think of Green for ten. Ten thousand people, in fact, in order to know whether this Green is a bold and speculative speculator, or really want to find a way out for the more than 200,000 Martin forces

If Si Gelin is the former, then the fat man will order he to be executed without hesitation.

Because Martin Liya’s reputation for cooperation is really bad, it’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s the best slag. In the previous cooperation with the Karisu people, he stabbed the Karisu people from behind, and the Harvey people in the back. Cooperation, and turned ruthlessly behind the Harvey people. Until now, the Harvey Kingdom has not been slowing down. A completely utilitarian, selfish, and self-interested ambitionist will certainly choose to give up 100,000. The condition of human beings in exchange for strong support from the empire, but such a person, once overwhelmed by embarrassment, will be ruthless and even die from behind. This kind of person has no possibility of cooperation.

Sieglin’s performance was obviously the latter. In order to rescue some of Martin’s remnants, he did not hesitate to fight against the will of his empire emperor. To understand Sieglin’s life and death is his own sentence, even if he killed Sigelin, only It will become one of countless historical puzzles, it is barely qualified, and I will continue to test it. I am afraid that the sweaty Sam leader will be stunned. In this case, I dare to dare. The person who offends him is at least not a selfish and ambitious ambitionist, because this Sam’s leader proposed to secretly surrender to the empire, which involved too much, too much.

In the near term, this involves the impending conflict between the Empire and the Templars, how to close the war of the Order, how to divide the interests, and how to turn the hegemony that the Empire finally grasps into actual interests. The vision is not non-toxic, so that the empire has no possibility of rejection

From afar, this involves the collusion of power in the post-war Martini Kingdom. The rise of the Sam family after becoming a royal family. These lords who secretly surrendered to the empire are actually equivalent to selling themselves to the Sam family. When the Yi and Ansiri families were hit hard, these remaining lords basically included most of the power and military strength of Martin’s kingdom. Once these forces are gathered in the hands of the Sam, who knows that it will explode What moth came out

Even to some extent, this secret surrender can be described as a genius. Without showing the mountains and revealing the water, although the Sam tribe was defeated, they actually enjoyed their success. Although the empire obtained the hegemony of South Baro as a victorious country, it lasted for a long time. Judging from this, it is probably the Sam who got the most benefit, because the Sam has the first opportunity to end the tribal rotation that has lasted for decades, so that he can truly become a true Martin Liya royal family

The fat man smiled faintly and said, "I heard Varisian saying that your eloquence is very good, but it is just eloquence that can't convince me. Since you refuse to leave 100,000 people, just let you go Going back, I can't convince the generals under your command. After all, they fought with you for three months, and now they finally see the victory, but they want to stop them. Even the emperor can't give such orders unless there is enough Reason for them to recognize your value"


Sigrin raised his head, his eyes were full of blood, and said, "I understand the meaning of your majesty, but I still have 200,000 martial forces, but the materials are destroyed in the later period, and they can not be collapsed because of the empire. Willing to accept their surrender, in this case, I want Martin Martin to show value~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's a bit..."Sigel's voice stopped, and he stopped talking. The meaning is obvious. If you didn’t eat or drink, even if the empire wanted Martin Liya to show it, you can’t do it on an empty stomach.

"Since you are so conscious, it's easy to handle." The black-haired emperor's eyes narrowed into a line. "Two days later, I will order the Imperial Army to recover. The Temple Army will go south from the Holy Capital. Others, you should know how to do it. Right"

"Your Majesty wants us to stop the Templars?" Si Gelin took a deep breath. Although he knew the contradiction between the Empire and the Templars, he didn't expect the Empire to die, but he didn't need to consider this kind of thing.

"This time the temple army came out of the nest, and the materials in the holy capital will also be evacuated." The black-haired emperor picked up a letter from the table and threw it in front of Si Green, condensed and said, "The position in the letter is sufficient to support Two hundred thousand people five days of food and some weapons seized from you, don’t say I didn’t give you a way to live, the one hundred thousand temple army replaced you one hundred thousand people.”

(End of this chapter)

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