Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and forty-one Georgian Order (18)

In the rare days of winter, the fine weather is far away, and the black dark clouds roll up from the sky and pile up quickly. In the sight of all the Holy People, black quickly covers the entire sky. A large rain like a broken bead line exploded on the window sill, transparent water splashed, and the wind blew the windows on both sides of the street.

According to the normal continental climate, the sacred city of the Orthodox Church is the coldest time in winter, but the cold wind blows to the face, so that the veteran knight Husa standing in front of the window of the conference room felt a trace The breath of spring, as an old man who has lived in the Holy City for 20 years, Husa can’t remember how many times he has seen such rain. This is the result of the air flow from the sea in the north and the coldness in the south. The Sandu Wetland The climate has always been so strange and unique. The surrounding terrain is not known for any reason, and it is higher than the Santo wetland. This causes the air currents from both the north and the south to converge to the Santo, even in the dry winter. There will also be unusual weather with heavy rain

The rain was like a short bead banging down the eaves, the wind was cold and the rain was cold, the sound fell in the meeting room, and it was a little bit pervasive

More than a dozen generals of the Templars sat in a long table and lined up with two teams, all with unexpressed excitement on their faces, and gazed at the Husa Grand Knight standing in front of the window, Husa Although it has been fifty, the result of years of self-discipline, aging is almost invisible to him. Under the eyes of everyone, Husa turned around from the window and glanced at the generals, his mouth slightly flicked. "You don’t have to worry too much, this time the empire had to let go even if it didn’t want to let go. You must know that 1. Although the empire defeated the Martin forces in the Holy City to gain the hegemony of South Europe, if the empire lost its own Support, this southern European Baro hegemony is a water moon for the empire, visible and untouchable, unless the empire completely penetrates the entire Martin Liya Kingdom from the Western Front and shoots a road leading to Southern Europe Barrow within the Martin Liya Kingdom The road from the central hinterland"

Hussa's voice paused, his fingers knocked on the table, and said firmly: "And this time, I have communicated with the 17 forces in the south, except for the eight central foreign countries who are willing to become imperial dogs. We must stand on the side of our sect, as long as the empire refuses to give way, Aden, the princes in the south of Eero will respond in unison, and jointly condemn the empire’s aggression against our sect.

"The Great Knight of Husa is right, we must let the arrogant empire know that this is the glorious ecclesiastical country, not the Nordic Barrow who can run freely to hear Husa’s words, other temples. The generals suddenly boiled up, and immediately someone stood up and said with excitement, "The empire knows all the ambitions of Southern Obaro. If it were not for them, our sect of nations would not be in danger of such annihilation, but until So far, the empire has not expressed any apology. In this case, the empire will not let go of the road, let us take back the occupied area, not want to **** the land of our sect, what else can it be! "

"Yes, we must not allow the empire to continue on our land, otherwise it will be an invasion, we must withdraw from the sect of our sect and the Holy City!"

It was during these few days that they had already quarreled on how to divide the occupied area, and in the entire Holy City, these days were also turned upside down, except for the celebration parade to celebrate the defeat of the Martins in all the streets. The recruitment office set up on the spot needs people to seize the site, and the entire temple army has 50 or 60 thousand people in the holy capital. It wants to go south to recover the large occupied areas, and it is conservatively estimated that more than 200,000 The Templars were able to do it, and the occupied area was destroyed by the Martins. They urgently needed a large amount of labor to rebuild. Therefore, the Templars issued the banner of returning home south, and recruited the refugees who fled from the south in the Holy City. When the Templars had to go south, they had to go back. The refugees who were congested in the Holy City actively registered for the Templars. In just a few days, the total number of the Templars had expanded from the original fifty or sixty thousand to more than thirty. Million, it's like an explosion

Fortunately, there are more than 300,000 people. Anyone present stood up casually. He said that he had tens of thousands of troops under his command. In fact, the generals of the Temple Army felt that their waists were straightened a lot. Now the Imperial Army is just caught in the Holy. In the middle of the main force of the Metropolitan Army and the occupied area, how can the generals not be anxious and impatient, it is like a big piece of fat in front of you, as long as you stretch out your hand, you can take it down, and the empire will not let the road open, and this hand will not reach ,

The generals of the Templars' eyes glowed, and there was a lot of discussion among them. The support of the southern forces made them feel stronger and the empire was stronger, but with the dominance of hegemony, could it not be as good as the entire South Europe Baro? The fact that Martin’s defeat was already a fact. The main force of the cavalry that scared the Templars was completely gone. Even the wooden city barriers that were hoarded by the empire were completely cleaned by the fire of the empire. There are one or two hundred thousand, but in the case of a hungry stomach, it is the situation that the water dog is beaten down. I heard that the army has now fled south, and all the large-scale occupied areas have been thrown away. Who can rush past, who is this, this In this case, everyone can sit here, it is already very patient,

"This time, the main force of our temple army went south, and only the materials needed to take away 90% of the materials in the Holy City, and there were more than 300,000 people. It can be said that the entire Holy City is empty. If the Pope asks, What do you think you should say?" The generals were chatting about the future. While shaking with excitement, an untimely voice interrupted the generals' dreams. Husa looked at the generals like a knife,

"His Pope? At this time, who has nothing to do so, mention what the country thief did!

These things and population were not originally the capital of the Holy Land. Since they were transported, they should be transported away now. I believe that His Highness the Pope can understand this. Moreover, compared to the Holy Capital, I believe that these materials are more needed to restore the occupied area. "Because of Pudamia's obvious pro-empire posture, this nominal Temple Army leader has been privately scolded by the Generals of the Temple Army as a thief, and even regarded as a traitor of the entire Order of the Order At the meeting, it was discussed to go south, and the generals deliberately ignored the existence of Pudamia

"Cough, I have already reported this matter to His Royal Highness, and His Highness has agreed to personally sit in the Holy City and dispatch the whole situation."

"Yeah, yeah, it’s okay for His Royal Highness to sit in the Holy City and dispatch the whole situation." The generals smiled and echoed. Twenty years ago, Husa was already one of the three Knights of the Temple, and the Temple Army was the most The highly qualified old minister, although leaving the position of the three knights in the back, is still highly regarded in the temple army, otherwise it will not be in the original battle between the old and the new pope, although Husa has the obvious old pope Mark, the new pope still dared not do anything excessive to Husa, just exiled the Holy Capital, and other temple officers were not so lucky, most of them were killed or detained, which also led to Although the old Pope Pdamia won from the battle of the Pope, he was dead and wounded. It was difficult to find a few trusted men.

The newly promoted generals of the Templars, except for a small number of the people of Pdamia, most of them were operated by Husa. These Templar generals who were promoted later, in the battle of the Pope In the past, most of them were non-core middle-level officers who were not eligible to participate in the dispute. Now they have become military ministers, and even in the near future they will become party leaders like the regional governor. Thanks Dade,

The officer ranks promoted in this way, how can he be loyal to Pope Pdamia, and there are a few silent, hesitant in his eyes, these generals are not loyal to Pdamia It’s because these people were all fighting back in the battle of the former pope. They knew better than the generals who were promoted behind them. What a dangerous move this time was, they just reached out under the empire’s eyes. If the empire didn’t It’s okay to turn your face, but if you turn your face, do you really think that more than 300,000 civilians can fight against the 100,000 empire of the Holy Land? Don’t joke, Martin’s 500,000 troops were defeated by the empire in the night. There were 300,000 civilians in the area. I’m afraid that it was not enough for the emperor to seize the teeth, but in the overall environment, these temple troops The generals glanced at each other, and they could only follow the crowd. Now the Holy City is completely dominated by the Templars. The Templars themselves have been outstanding in resisting the invasion of the Martins, and they have achieved considerable popularity. Everyone thinks that the Templars are invincible in the world, and even the Martins have been defeated. At this time, who dares to stand up and sing the opposite!

The defeat of the Martin Army by the Templars was itself the result of the Templar’s ​​self-proclaiming. In order to demonstrate the Templar’s ​​strength, the Templars said to the refugees in the Holy City that the Templars had taken a heavy hit in the Battle of the Holy Capital. The attack of the Martins, and then in the battle of the river, the Knights of the Templars, Husa, led the Templars to ambush the main force of the Martins, and finally defeated the Martins, saving the entire dynasty ,

On the same day, the Great Knight of Husa turned back from the direction of the river back to the Holy City, and the accompanying Knight was covered in blood and raised his flag and chanted "big victory". Everyone in the Holy City saw it. A small number of high-ranking military leaders agreed that it was the Templars who defeated Martin’s fighters. They were the strategists. The elder Knight’s strong knight Long Husa. As for the empire, it was a shameless man who picked up cheap,

I used to avoid shrinking, but now I saw that the Templars defeated the Martins, and immediately brazenly and forcefully rushed into the Santos area. Not only did they not help the Templars, but they also deliberately dragged the Templars on their hind legs, and snatched the fruits of victory. For the empire was forced to act, there was already a lot of emotion in the Holy Land. There were all kinds of people who scolded the Empire. Even the imperial merchants in the Holy City were shocked. In the past few days, all the shops of the Empire background were closed and most of the windows were smashed. Bad, the goods inside were snatched away in a parade celebrating victory, and even the strong Duduhan who defended the holy capital was all protected by Hussa in the name of protection.

Hussa asked Stouhan to sign the document and donate all imperial merchandise and materials in the Holy City to the Temple Army free of charge to calm the anger of the Holy City

"And since the night before, the Imperial Army has stopped chasing. At present, the main force of the Imperial Army is still stuck in the front line of the Glenia. This is enough to show that the Empire is ready to compromise with us, and the military supplies and materials are almost ready. , And I also got a lot of things from the imperial merchants, including 300,000 troops to support the food for one month. "Husa's hand fell on the map spread out on the long table, and the voice groaned." These empires At the time of my country’s national crisis, the merchants still thought about hoarding and making a fortune, and if the imperial army is still in the Santo area, these people should die.”

"What, so much food!"

"These imperial merchants are really abominable"

"These are the grains of my confederate country. Now let them take them out." The generals were still worried about the preparation of supplies. I did not expect Husa to get so much grain, a month of military grain, It was enough to regain all the occupied areas. At this time, there was a sudden sound outside the door of the conference room. Husa raised his eyebrows and was about to have an attack. He heard that the responsible officer outside the door had shivered and was busy. Master, I just received news that Imperial Army 1 is rapidly shrinking its army in the direction of the Gethea!" There was a sudden noise in the conference hall

"The Imperial Army has shrunk?"

"Isn't that giving way?" There was a sudden burst of noise in the conference room~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Husa waved his hand heavily, and the noise made it quiet.

"You, the future of the Order of the Order, is now in your hands. All the people immediately assembled their troops, and in the afternoon they will leave the Holy City.

Husa’s eyes were like electricity, but his voice was all trembling with excitement. The empire did not dare to turn his face at this time. The empire reprimanded the army toward the Getais instead of withdrawing. In fact, it was equivalent to letting go of the south. It has been declared that it must be assembled and repaired, but it is just a statement used by the emperor emperor to save face

Husa gave a sneer in his mouth, the blue-red copper armor pressed against his body, and some of it collapsed heavily, and the temples were as white as snow. Sharp, people stand there, like a tower, pressing around the eight winds, it seems that even the wind and rain in front of him are slowed down a little because of his words, Husa at the moment gives the generals the feeling It's a shock. This continent can force the emperor of the empire to compromise without a soldier, just because it's Husa in front of him.

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