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: Three thousand six hundred and seventy-three The return of the king (10)

A glance at the Prentas, the head of the Medici house. The black-haired emperor raised his hand to let Prentas sit down, and then pulled out a report from the table with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. The purpose of the visit is clear to me. Martin has completely defeated, and the Kingdom of Beyond is completely panicked, but I did not expect the Beyond to find the head of Prentas."

"This is really... I can't help. The Beyonds arrested the thirty merchant ships of my Medici family in the port and detained more than 600 people. If I refuse to come forward, Ang Kingdom will order them to be executed, including two of my sons who are also inside.” Prentas was sitting on the seat, grinning embarrassedly, reaching for a cold sweat on his forehead. No one knew his secret. Meeting the emperor turned out to be for the Beyoncé, and under the emperor’s smiling eyes, Prentas felt like a pin

"Is that true? How did I hear that your third daughter was the four princes who married King Bion five years ago. Does the royal family of Bion even have to do their own marriage?" The emperor narrowed his eyes and looked at Pu Lentas, knowing the virtuoso skills of the Medici parents and the strategy of marrying around with the royal family, naturally the marriage of the Bion royal family and the Medici family can’t be concealed, but the emperor’s words are Frightened Prentas

"That's just an ordinary political marriage. How could the royal family of Bion, who thought he was the master of Central Europe, put a Rockburg in his eyes?" Prentas said with a trembling body and a pale complexion. This is the emperor, Only just defeated half a million Madaris in the Santo River, and then in the chaos of the Santo, the arrogant temple army was wiped out with one hand, even the Pope State Pope, one of the great powers in the south, is now It was a sentence that was banned in the Holy City. A small force like myself, running as a middleman, even if he was slapped by a slap, he would only leave an overwhelming comment. Prentas felt his own The clothes are soaked

"Okay, let's talk about it, at what price the royal family of Bion is willing to pay."

The emperor's eyes flashed a little, and pressed the report in his hand on the table. It was not surprising that the Bian people found the Medici family. The Medici family in the Central Europe Baro region was originally a mysterious place, and its strength was weak. Therefore, they are not regarded as threats by other forces, and the Medici heads of the past are long-sleeved diplomatic talents, making a small Rockburg between the Central and European Baro crowds, and the large-scale political marriage, let almost all The royal families of Central Europe and Baro are all connected to the Medici family. Even the brutal Hungarians have a very good impression of the Medici family. This shows the good impression of the Medici family in Central Europe. When the royal family thought that it was necessary to talk in private, the first person to think of was naturally the Medici.

What's more, the Biao people secretly hooked up the Medici family

"The royal family of Beyond said that they were also deceived by Martin's force, and because of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce incident, the kingdom of Beyond had to stand against the empire, but now Beyond wants to understand that there is no empire in Central Europe. Luo has no future, so the Kingdom of Beyond is willing to assign all the ports to the empire, and he is willing to be the monarchy of the empire, and King Beyond also asks to marry the empire to show his sincerity." Prentas's nervous face was a little red. , Carefully looking at the emperor emperor's calm face, placing a document with the chop of the royal family from the cuff on the emperor's desk

"Sovereign? Marriage? Are the Beyoncés still awake? Don't they really know what the Empire needs!"

The emperor of the black-haired embarrassed his lips with a disdainful cold voice, huh, and fell in the ears of Prentas like a thunder, but also scared him to cold sweat, and his calves were trembling. 'S daughter became the future queen of the kingdom of Bion, and achieved the highest achievement of the marriage of the Medici out of marriage. Even if he was killed, he would never come here to talk to the emperor.

In fact, he felt that it was too difficult for him to think about this matter, and it was almost impossible. What kind of person was the emperor of the empire? Since landing on the land of Obaro in the northwest coast, he has wiped out the great empire that dominated the north in just five years. Lu, then destroyed all the way, just the imperial empire, the Central European Baros, the Istan Empire, and the Kingdom of Feishan. . . . . What is destroyed is at the level of the mainland hegemony. Don’t look at the cries of the Beyonds. It is still one of the forces of Central Europe and the Baroque. Where can it be strong? If the Imperial Emperor really wants to destroy Beyond Kingdom, I’m afraid it won’t take a month

The black-haired emperor glanced at Prentas and said in silence, "I know why, the empire has the best relationship with the kingdom of Rila, but did I choose your Medicis as empire collaborators? Because I am very Clearly, the Rila people are unreliable, and I am not a fool. I will not see that the Rila people are extremely unwilling to fall from the first position of Central Obaro, and the King Rila is not a person who is willing to be suppressed. , There will inevitably be some noise, but your Medici family is not strong, and its reputation has fallen due to the forced surrender of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce. Even if there is a big dispute between China and Obaro, the Medici family is only I prayed in my heart not to burn into my own home, there would be no ambition to take advantage of it, plus the Rock Fort controlled by the Medici family is the largest shipping center on the coast of Central Europe and the Baroque. Whether the empire is transferring troops or transporting materials , Are extremely convenient, as long as the Medici family leans on the empire side, the empire can always intervene in any friction on the Obaro side, so I chose the Medici family as the empire’s eyes in Central Obero, and now you But because of this little benefit, I promised to help the Beyoncé as a lobbyist, which really disappointed me!"

"And to be honest, I don’t think that the royal family of Beyond will eventually make your daughter the future queen of Beyond. On the contrary, the Medici family is so cheat, but it will make you a lower position in the heart of the royal family of Beyond." What the emperor stood up from his seat, glanced at Prentas, who was sluggish on the seat, his voice paused, his eyes seemed to be able to see through the hearts of the people, and he groaned dullly.

"His Majesty" Plentus looked shocked, but he did not expect the emperor to even know this, and his voice suddenly trembles when he was so scared, and he dared to sit, just kneeling on the ground. "Your Majesty Mingjian, the Rila people want to annex me It’s not a day or two since Lockeburg, I deliberately refused to let me enter the venue at this meeting, in fact, I just want to announce the power to Lockeburg to the entire Central European Baro."

Prentas whistled with tears and couldn’t help making a cry. “The Aussen Hungarian wolf, it’s not all like a tiger in appearance. The North-South War, Aosen led a battle of 50,000 Hungarian cavalry in blood , For the empire’s defeat of the Southern Allied Forces, and for the Bianang’s rebellion, in the face of the relentless pressing of the Rila people, Ao Sen changed the heroic force that rushed in the Civil War for thousands of miles and sent 50,000 Hungarian cavalry. They are all sent out to be on the front line of Beyond, and it is completely invisible to the fact that the Rila army is approaching Rockburg. If it is not that Rockborough has reached a very dangerous juncture, I will not promise the Beyoncé’s request to come and see your majesty."

The Emperor took a deep breath after hearing the cry of Prentas. In order to deal with the Martins, the empire sent the two heavy soldier groups that were originally stationed in the Central European Baro and Fissan regions to the south. It was the mobilization of the empire’s largest military force two years ago after the North-South War. In this North-South War, the empire was in a hurry to face the battle. The shortcomings of the lack of preparation in the early stage were exposed, while the South European Baro side was constantly making big moves. The nobles of Zebeland landed south, Martin put a half-million troops into the sect of the empire close to the empire, and the Eero nations attacked the capital of Eero from four directions under the banner of the restoration of the capital.

In this case, it is not wrong for Ao Sen to take care of himself, and Ao Sen knows that he has insufficient strength. He can not add it like other kingdoms. If he dies, he can add that if his 50,000 Hungarian cavalry died in the battle of Bion, Tomorrow the nations will suppress the Hungarian Kingdom’s army. Not to mention, those countries where the Hungarian teeth’ chaos was trampled down by the Hungarian teeth will never let go of the Hungarians who lost their claws. It is already a vassal of the empire, but the empire is now fully pressed on the battlefield of the Southern Order, where there is still power to take care of the Hungarians. When the empire defeats Martin Liya, it pulls back from the southern battle. I am afraid that the Hungarians have long been After being killed, could the empire still be able to kill all the Central European Baro countries for a destroyed Hungarian!

Therefore, the emperor was simply too lazy to control Ao Sen’s battle on the battlefield of Bion. In the final analysis, the rebellion of the kingdom of Bion was only a **** thrown by Martin Liya Silver Fox in the whole battle, if he could delay the main force of the empire. The best in the battlefield of Central Europe Baro ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can't hold back the main force of the empire, it can make the empire disgusting, the emperor is naturally impossible to be fooled, but to be invisible, and some self-deception, Yao Sen station Out of the old complaints of the Hungarian teeth and the Beyond people, they asked to fight against the Beng people alone, but actually gave the emperor a step, which ensured that the empire not only kept its face, but also the army was constantly transported to the south.

"Get up, I'm not afraid to reveal to you a little bit, the empire can promise the surrender of the Kingdom of Beyond, but one must be added, that is, the Kingdom of Beyond must take out one-third of the country's land as war compensation, otherwise it is not who Dare to raise the flag of the empire casually!" The black-haired emperor walked around the table for a few steps and sighed. "I know you are annoyed. Ao Sen refuses to help you. You lost your face at the just-concluded meeting of the Central European Baro States. I heard that the Rila people insisted that Lockeburg was only a subsidiary of Rila, and was not eligible to participate in the meeting of the countries, so that you have not entered the venue from beginning to end. It was just being watched by everyone like a clown, and became the laughing stock of the entire Central European Baro, which is why I promised to meet you. I believe that it will not take long for the Medici family to mediate the cessation of the empire and the kingdom of Bion. Back to Central Europe Baro, at that time, the Medicis of Rocburg will shake the whole Central Europe Baro."

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