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: Three thousand six hundred and seventy four The return of the king (11)

The governor of the southwestern empire, Salon, was so stingy that he did not hold Central Europe Baro firmly in the hands of the empire, so that the kingdom of Bion raised the flag against the empire has always been a thorn in his heart. After receiving the emperor's opinion to ask his own The emperor of the Empire quickly rushed back to the manor on the outskirts of the Holy Land from the South, without even drinking a sip of water, and immediately asked to see the emperor who was looking at the map of Central Europe.

In the emperor’s office, the afternoon sunlight came through the windows, forming a beam of light. You can see countless flying dust jumping up and down. The governor of the southwestern district of the Empire, Saron, walked in a short stature, and the light armor on his body was all Without being relieved, Saron suddenly knelt down in front of the emperor, and the iron piece on the mail gave a crackling sound

"Your Majesty, the Beyoncé influenced the rebellion of the empire extremely badly. If the empire is so easily let go, I am afraid that it will be difficult to deter those younger generations. The subordinates believe that the rebellion of the Beyond Kingdom should be killed!"

"Yes, I'm so glad you have such a visionary vision. How about it for you to implement? The entire Kingdom of Bion, 3.12 million people, are executed by you. How, dare you come next "" The emperor looked back calmly from the map, his nose trembling slightly, it seemed that he didn't need to think about it at all,

"This... My subordinates have no experience with this kind of thing, and I would like to ask His Majesty to send someone else, as long as I can help by the side." Saron was shocked and embarrassed. The meaning of the killing of the kingdom of Bion, Saron said: Even if you can’t get the territory of three or four provinces, at least you must let other Central European Baro countries know the end of the opposition empire, but from the emperor's expression, it seems that this is not the case. This idea is too weird. Salon is the emperor’s confidant. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s a bug in his stomach. Knowing that the emperor has always been unwilling to lose money, let alone beating the face of the Empire like the Kingdom of Bion. The matter was only forced by the environment during the war of the Holy City. The emperor naturally needed to put down all his burdens and fight with the army of the Martins, but now that the war of the Holy City is over, how could the emperor still swallow this sulky breath! That’s why he came back deliberately, but he didn’t expect the emperor to be so calm

The black-haired emperor glanced at Salon. "I know you are harried about the betrayal of the Kingdom of Ang, but what you mean by killing you is if you mean to wipe the entire Kingdom of Bion from the map, you know How much does the empire have to pay to stabilize the situation?" The black-haired emperor turned around and raised his finger on the map of Central Obaro. The voice stopped. "Now the kingdom of Rila and the kingdom of Lobos are fighting hard. One is the former leader of Central Europe Baro. Although it has fallen from the first place, its own influence is still very strong. The other is the newly emerging leader of Central Europe Baro after the rebellion of the Hungarian tooth. Both forces are fighting on the surface. Against the banner of the kingdom of Bion, but secretly, I want to take advantage of the current inability of the Empire to intervene in Oparo, and defeat the other party first. These guys do not do much to stab the knife in the background, since Cenbaro is in you It’s messy in your hands, it’s up to you to settle this matter.”

"Yes, my subordinate has already drawn up a battle plan here, please also ask your majesty to look over." Saron looked back, quickly stood up, took out a battle plan from his clothes, and placed it in the emperor's hands respectfully

"Do you want to go to Central Europe Baro in person? You want it. We have spent so much effort to put the pawns into Martin's domestic market. I believe there will be big fluctuations in Martin's domestic market soon. You and Wallisian can

elbow. . . . . . "The emperor shook his head ugly

"Your Majesty, Central Europe Baro is in the hands of his subordinates. Please also give His Majesty a chance to make up for it." Salon gritted his teeth and said sharply. "The subordinate is responsible for sitting in the Central Obaro region for more than half a year. If anyone knows the internal situation of Central Europe and Baro most clearly, it is undoubtedly the subordinate. The subordinate believes that as long as the other party is aware of it, the dominant power will be quickly mastered by us, and then launch a fast attack to give the enemy a fatal blow. To disintegrate the enemy as a whole. There is no other way. As long as the victory in the first battle is obtained, the enemy’s army is in turmoil and its subordinates are ready to lead the southwestern corps of the empire to return and give the Beyond a raid. To some extent, Now His Majesty is stopped in the Holy City, and other countries think that His Majesty must wait for the Holy City to calm down before continuing to move. We seem to be in the bright place, but it is actually a dark place. But it's naked

Turning the right hand over the raid plan that Saron placed on the table, after looking at the eyes, his hands closed, the black-haired emperor raised a serious but unscrupulous question, "The plan is doing well, but how are you going to be God Unconsciously let the army land? If you choose Lockeburg, the eyes of the Rila Kingdom have always been fixed on Lockeburg, and no one knows how many Rila eyes there are in the Rocksburg, and there is a little wind and grass, The Rila people are clearly seen. Tens of thousands of troops have returned to the country. Unless the Rila people are blind, it is absolutely impossible to see them."

"This" Saron's face was ugly, and he was really asked. He is a famous army general. He is naturally good for the command of the land battles. The order of the army's attacks and responsibilities are well arranged, but for things like landing, That is blind, even the ports on the Central Obaro coastline and which are suitable for landing by the army are at a loss.

"If there is a landing point that no other country can think of, it happens to be one." The black-haired emperor's eyes flashed coldly, and he took a deep breath and said with a deep voice. Out of the Chamber of Commerce’s fleet, because of fear of the imperial navy’s shelling of the entire port, the Beyoncés have moved all the people in the entire port, and the surroundings have also been blocked. Even if there are tens of thousands of troops landing in this port, as long as the Beyoncés No one can know that if they don’t spread it, the Central European Baro nations would never dream that the empire would join forces with the Beyonds. Even if the emperor’s grand presence appeared behind the nations, they could not believe that the empire had already Hurry back to Central Europe Baro"

"However, after all, the kingdom of Beyond once betrayed the empire, and now the empire joined forces with him again, saying that the face of the empire remains!" Saron hesitated, his teeth biting on his lips.

"Such a face is something that only the winner is qualified to talk about. If the kingdom of Rila and the kingdom of Lobos really fight in Central Europe, but the empire is unable to stop it, then it is a real disaster. The rebellion of the Ang people, followed by the Civil War of Central Europe, but the empire is retreating and then retreating, and that is the face of the face. And the empire can let the kingdom of Bion cooperate with the announcement. The rebellion of the kingdom of Bion is actually the strategy of the empire. , The purpose is to lead those who want to take advantage of the opportunity to rise up the "black-haired emperor lightly dispels Saron's personal concerns, but every word and sentence he said really makes Saron feel a chill, playing politics can still be so For play? , I am afraid that the Central European Baro countries will really cry when they hear such an explanation.

"If you still feel ashamed, in order to show the sincerity of the surrender, the Kingdom of Beyond made a request to marry the empire. I decided to let you bear this responsibility. I believe that the news that a Princess of Beyond Kingdom will marry the emperor of the Empire will Let the argument that the Kingdom of Beyond is actually an undercover of the Empire be fuller"

He reached out and patted on Saron’s shoulders. The Emperor of the Black Hair was really surprised by Saron’s words, but this short-eyed one-eyed dragon was also a character who had experienced strong winds and waves. When he saw that the emperor had settled, he knew to continue It's impossible to shake the emperor's decision, and there is a bitter smile on his face, but thinking about being able to marry a royal lady in the case of seven wives is also the pinnacle of life, even if it is only one The royal family in the Central Europe Baro region is also the royal family. The face he lost is not only recovered, but also a lot of money.

"It's those Central European Baro nations who are thinking of looting by fire. Will they jump their feet at that time? The cooked duck of the Kingdom of Beyon just fluttered away in their eyes." Saron took a deep breath. I asked myself in my heart, "The person who can make me saron bend my knees, I am afraid that only my emperor Dustan"

The plan was finalized and Salon began to prepare after returning,

Salton, the head of the Imperial Southern Army, an eminent emperor with the name "Remnant Lion", brought news that the emperor was waiting in the afternoon

"Your Majesty, there is news from Martinli’s side that at the regular meeting of the Sam patriarch just ended, Sam Tamara acted arbitrarily, and as the sir of the Sam tribe, he maliciously beheaded the Sam lord and announced that The title of Samtamara’s young patriarch was cancelled, and at the same time, the position of the chief of the Siegelan army was also deprived. According to the return of the eyeliner, at this meeting, the news of the marriage of the Sam and Ansili family was also announced.”

"Marriage? What a surprising surprise"

The black-haired emperor stood alone by the window, and when he heard the news, his lips chuckled. "I said why did the Silver Fox sway a shot at the Harvey, and immediately ran to the Sam tribe, impatiently, It turned out to be such an abacus, which is a good skill. On the one hand, it encouraged the Sam to deprive His Highness Samta Mara of the title and completely cut off Samta Mara’s return to the country from the roots. On the other hand It’s a marriage with the Sam clan, and the son of the Sam clan has just been born. The so-called marriage is a short name. There is no need to pay any price, but it is possible to sit and receive all the benefits of the marriage of the Sam clan. The support of the Sam tribe, and also the possibility of borrowing the marriage of the two tribes, to easily get the support of other big lords. The silver fox has become a hot figure in the top level of Martin Liya, with the Sam tribe behind. Double-layer support with Ansili’s family, even if the Yi people were put back from the Holy Capital, they could no longer withstand the power of the Silver Fox.”

"Silver Fox is afraid of having another joy this time"

Salton couldn’t help but smile. “However the silver fox jumps, but it’s all a clown in the hands of His Majesty. I’m afraid I can’t even imagine that the silver fox will be killed. Martin Liya is now the most powerful lord in the country. People, and although Sam Tatama seems to have lost the title of His Royal Highness, he has secretly won the military power of tens of thousands of troops in the area occupied by the Harvey Kingdom by Martin Liya, and has now reached the Harvey people. With a tacit understanding, the Harveys will soon start a major counterattack against the Ikars, and Silver Fox will sadly find that the game he has painstakingly managed, but it has been used as a dowry for everyone. Not only will the lords not listen to him, but the return of the Yi people will also make the Sam and Ansiri families stunned."

"How is the Eight Kingdoms in the central part of the Western Front now, or is it blocked on the front line of Sulu Mountain?" The black-haired emperor withdrew his gaze from the map, and his black pupils felt like starlight.

"Yes, although the eight central countries have snatched the six provinces of Martin Liya, but with the extension of the front, logistics has been unable to keep up, and the climate of Martin Liya prairie began to heat up after spring and summer. The team was plagued by drinking unclean water. At least more than 3,000 people were infected and tens of thousands were isolated. The offensive has begun to show signs of decline.

Thornton took a deep breath, took a report from his arms, and handed it to the emperor. "This is Esante's prediction for the current battle situation received this morning. As Martin Liya survived this winter, With a chance to breathe, as well as a return of 200,000 disabled soldiers, Estante believes that it is extremely unlikely that a mixed army like the Eight Central Kingdoms will continue to expand the results, even if they have already reached the front line of Sulu Mountain There are signs of retreat. In the final analysis, the national power of the eight central countries is weak. It is possible to seize the opportunity to beat hard. I really want to die with the regular army of Martin. I am afraid that three soldiers of the eight central countries will not win one Martin. Tooth soldier"

"Your Majesty~www.wuxiaspot.com~Pdamia Pope is here"

While the two were talking in the office, an Imperial guard pushed open the door and heard Pope Damia, Salton stopped, quietly glanced at the emperor, and immediately lowered his head. It was already Pope Pdamia’s eleventh time in three days, and the emperor gave each other a closed door.

"Need me to tell His Highness, is His Majesty absent?" Salton asked in a low voice

"No, let her come up." The emperor shook his head, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Pu Damia was not allowed to leave the Holy Capital in front of him, because he deliberately put the empire into the chaos of the Holy Capital. The illusion in the world, but it is no longer necessary, but it should be made known to the entire continent that the chaos of the Holy Capital has subsided, and the imperial army will go south according to the corridor of the Orthodox Church that was previously opened. In this case, Sam Tamara Controlling the region is the first to block the empire. Since we want to act, of course, to perform a full set, we are also good to give Samata Mara a big gift. If Sam Tamara can actually let the emperor sit down and talk, I don’t know. What kind of influence will break out in Martinique!"

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