Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and eleven Early summer strong wind (12)

m.xm.x The rain in early summer fell on the eaves on both sides of the street, fell on the waterway crossing the city, undulated a circle of ripples, and stood on the side of a waterway that was rolling On the river, some merchant ships’ windows can be seen open, filled with cargo. Some sailors are trying to control the direction of the sails. The huge hulls fluctuate forward along with the waves of the waterway. There are also merchant ships that are smaller and larger. Some of them are some so-called giant ships. For example, the black-haired emperor now sees the wind blowing the hair of two young noble women on the deck, and the woman’s gaze also looks at the black-haired young man by the river. Finger pointing

"It's really nothing beautiful"

The black-haired emperor's face was a bit boring, and he took back his gaze, and Tulle Huali handled some emergency affairs in the past two days, and went to Luowuya City, which was eighty miles away, and Governor Fischer Prais was almost drowned by spittle stars. , In Prais, as the governor of the imperial Feishan region, accepted the return of 167 former Feishan nobles, and then appointed these Feishan nobles as administrative officers, giving high trust to all parts of Feishan , Governor of the Fraser District, Prais finally completed his important task of attracting all firepower, and became a target

"If you forgive the enemies of these empires so easily, how should you face the imperial people who had fought so hard before?"

"What is Prais doing, this is treason!"

"I should suggest to Your Majesty that you should remove the position of Governor of Prays, because you can be extremely sure that Prays is crazy." The storm on this matter is like a continuous explosion in the management of the empire Hu Keqi smashed one of his favorite flower pots in Centralbia. The Minister of the Interior, Hasengu, fainted directly when he saw the report. The Governor of Feishan accepted the nobleman who had escaped from Feishan and opened the Falcon Empire to accept the escape. The precedent of the nobility caused the emperor’s anger, and the emperor’s strong reaction also seemed to confirm this rumor, according to the fact that Hu Keqili, the minister of the imperial affairs, had left the emperor Jinghai Dacheng to Feishan area.

Even if Prais is the rumored former deputy governor of the empire and the emperor of the empire, he cannot bear the empire’s most powerful military.

"Are you really going to be a tortoise turtle all the time here?" The black-haired emperor turned his back on his shoulders, regaining his gaze from Prais, who was bending over and staring at the water transport map in his hand, unable to help asking inquiries.

"Your Majesty, your subordinates are just doing what a regional governor should do, please don't harass" Prais put down the water transport drawings in his hand and glared.

"Put all the water routes together, more than six hundred miles, across sixteen cities. My God, spending so much money and material resources, how do you report this to the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs?" The emperor's eyes on his subordinates should not be seen

\'"Your Majesty did not say that the financial affairs of the Feishan District need not be reported to the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

"Did I say this? Are you sure you heard it correctly, or did you understand it wrong?" The black-haired emperor touched his chin and his eyes flickered.

"Okay, last month His Majesty transferred 1.5 million gold from the Governor’s Mansion, and this month, His Majesty transferred 800,000 Gold from the Governor’s Mansion, and the Dorok Cloud transferred 400,000 dollars. These Also report to the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs!"

"Is there such a thing? Why can't I remember that you remember something wrong, the account of Governor Fei Ze is too confusing, I think you should record it again!"

"Or Your Majesty is right, I should clean up the accounts, otherwise I might be out of luck!" Prais sighed, knowing that it was impossible to let the rogue emperor admit it, the emperor was originally a fee As a special area of ​​the empire, the Shan region ordered the emperor Feishan to be accepted by the emperor. Now the entire emperor has focused his attention on himself

Hu Keqili, as minister of imperial affairs, headed directly to Feishan from the south, which has attracted the attention of countless people, and Prais also smiled bitterly. This time, the new and old accounts are counted together. Lais also felt pressured when he was cleaning up the forces in the Feishan area, even the military forces were not let go. At most, they looked at the emperor's face, caught people and killed them halfway, and then stuffed I took it away secretly from the military. I heard that two of them were still dead, bastards. At that time, they had handed over the people alive. It was obviously that there was something wrong with the military, and they just planted it on their own hands, but this kind of thing , It’s useless to find anyone!

"The Feishan area is a special area. There are many people who hate the empire. There is a danger of riots at any time. However, the governor's office in Feishan drove away the intelligence lurkers from the emperor. Is the Feishan area independent? "For this reason, Hu Keqili, the minister of the imperial affairs, was extremely annoyed. He personally wrote to come to question, and naturally Prais was ignored, and the intelligence work in the Feishan area was naturally taken over by the Dorok cloud, sweeping all forces, It was also to allow Dorok’s Cloud to settle in these vacancies, but these were the emperor’s secret arrangements, and there was no need to explain to the Ministry of Emperor’s Department, and he did not dare to disclose the matter to the Ministry of Emperor’s Department without the Emperor’s consent.

It is clear that the emperor let the cloud of Doroc enter the Feishan area, which is to set up the eyes and ears of the empire in the eastern part of the Inland Sea. This robbed the rice bowl of the Imperial Intelligence Department. That is to say, what was once known as the empire was the empire’s. The Imperial Intelligence Department, after being separated by the Southern Intelligence Department in southern Europe, will once again lose the Central Europe and the eastern part of the Inland Sea. Since then, this special institution that once moved the entire continent will only cover the north of the empire. In the Gangfei area, the emperor secretly took Doro's Cloud into Feisan's secret, which was obviously unwilling to let the high-level empire know, and Prais was even more afraid to disclose it.

It is just such an attitude that falls into the eyes of the imperial emperor's department and naturally becomes a manifestation of disregarding the military department

The initiator of this incident was the emperor, but what made Pleas' nose distort was that the emperor was watching the excitement on the side, but he put his governor of the Fraser District in front.

What's the matter? Prais had to feel depressed. His military power in Governor Feisan's hands came from the fact that there was a head of the regiment in the joint area of ​​Feisan and Istan. His military power is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Imperial Affairs, that is to say, the Ministry of Imperial Affairs cannot cancel his Governor General Fei Shan, but he can directly withdraw his military authority of Governor Fei Shan, and his dependence on the Fei Shan area is based on 20,000 troops. Keeping guard, once the military authority is removed from the Ministry of Imperial Affairs, the Governor’s Mansion is a bear, as Hu Keqili said, in an area at any time in danger of riots, the Governor’s Mansion without military authority is even qualified to scare people. No!

Prais proposed to build the security guard of the Feishan area. The result was that the minister of the imperial affairs Hu Keqili went south. The Feishan area was not a small area. It was also the famous Feishan Kingdom. Yisi proposed to the Ministry of the Ministry of Affairs that the number of regional defense troops to be prepared was 50,000. According to the regulations of the Ministry of the Ministry of Justice, a mobilization of more than 300 troops must be reported to the Ministry of Military Affairs to reach a regional defense army of 500 troops. It is necessary to ask the person in charge of the local military to go to verify in person, and Prais proposes a garrison army of 50,000 people, which is equivalent to calling the Minister of State Affairs to come in person.

Prais did not dare to disclose the emperor’s layout to the Ministry of Military Affairs, but it does not mean that the Ministry of Military Affairs could not see it by himself. This is a consideration. The emperor did not understand. It is no wonder that Prais is so careful now that one side does not know. The emperor who made any idea, one side is the emperor, and he entered the Feishan area in the front, and he took a big step to offend the majority of the entire empire. Then he engaged in a special model in the Feishan area, completely ignoring the imperial decree, and fully accepted smuggling. , I don’t know how many people have caused dissatisfaction, and now it’s the first time to accept the collective return of the fugitive aristocracy. In the eyes of outsiders, what Prais did in the Feishan area for more than half a year is simply crazy before destruction.

In terms of time, Hu Keqili, the minister of the imperial affairs, should have arrived in Gangfei. The nearest road from Gangfei to Feishan was undoubtedly the crossing of Central Europe, but now the wars in Central Europe are densely covered. The Angolan war has been opened, and crossing Central Europe is undoubtedly dangerous, so Hu Keqili should choose to take the sea route. It takes two days from the Gangfei area to the Feishan area. It is roughly estimated. Prais did not dare to stay in the Governor’s Mansion, but as Governor of the Feishan District, he always needed to find a suitable reason, that is to repair the waterway!

In the previous city of Feishan, there were no waterway facilities, and there was only a poor gravel road connecting the entire coast. However, after the empire ruled these areas, in order to facilitate transportation and commercial trade, some of the connected waterways were previously built, but the main It was in the wild. With the appointment of Empire Minister Praise, the former empire lieutenant who was in charge of the construction of the empire’s infrastructure was to build a horizontal and horizontal waterway to connect all the coastal surroundings as a governance fee. Important measures, under the auspices of Prais, within a few months, the waterway not only covered the coastal wilderness, but also urban areas were included in the waterway network,

In particular, cities close to rivers have their own transit and hub functions. In the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, there is the Department of Water Transport. It is one of the six major internal affairs departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is responsible for the construction of the imperial waterway network. After several years of construction, the imperial water channel network has connected the northern part of the empire, the Gangfei area, and the Gaul region. The water channel network has greatly improved the ability of the imperial material transportation and promoted the flow of population in these areas.

Prais, who once served as the deputy governor of the empire, is very clear about the role of the water channel

If you still rely entirely on land before, if you want to go from the Gaul area in the north to the Gangfei area in the south, it will take at least half a month. If you encounter a rainy season like the one before you, it will take longer. Even if you take the most comfortable carriage of this era, it is still a hard work to walk on the big commercial road specially built by the empire, but if it is transported by water, it will flow from north to south and flow down from the Gaul area in the morning. , Five days later, you can enter the southern Gangfei area, greatly reducing the time, not to mention, and the waterway transportation has greatly shortened the speed of commodity circulation and reduced the cost of commodity transportation

"The greatest hope of the subordinates is that they will be able to take a boat from here one day to the emperor Jinghai Dacheng through the waterway, which is to finally connect the waterway network in the Feishan area with the imperial waterway network!" Prais stood on the waterway On the river beach, my eyes swept through the sparkling river and poured into a side stream. I said hopefully. I completely ignored the emperor's white eyes and made up my mind. Your number one beater came. ! Before Hu Keqili left, Lao Tzu built the waterway here!

"There is a Central Europe Baro between the Empire and the mainland. Unless you can pass the water channel through Central Europe, you can't connect it to the Imperial Water Network no matter how well it is repaired, but this is a good idea. You can give it a try, otherwise I will give you the Central Europe Baro area to let you realize this dream!" The emperor shrugged his shoulders and scorned his lips. Your sister, even dare to intimidate the emperor, do not believe you are not afraid The chaos in the Central European Baroque countries, one by one is more monkey-like, who has a headache and who has spent so much effort~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is only barely to make the Central European Baroque country more prominent Several hills of the mountain have been wiped out, but it’s still far away to say calm

"Your Majesty, you will spare me this old bone, I still want to go back to the empire alive!"

Prais couldn't help crying, why did Central Europe Baro become this way, Prais was too clear, he was the one who stopped the dispute at the Surav platform, and it was him who represented the emperor's emissary Robes Kingdom, and hinted that Rob He was also the person who formed the alliance between the Kingdom of Sri Lanka and the Beyond, but he also knew the emperor who secretly received the envoy of King Rila, although he did not know what the emperor said about the emissaries of the Kingdom of Rila, but he knew what happened afterwards. , The Kingdom of Rila assaulted the Kingdom of Beyond. Hundreds of thousands of Reilla troops entered the boundary of Beyond. Beyond had not awakened from the pie in the sky with the alliance of the Kingdom of Lobos, he was immediately put on by the angry Rillas. In a face, for two days, the Kingdom of Bion killed 40,000 people in battle, was slaughtered 110,000, deported 170,000, and lost more than a dozen cities that took more than ten years to reclaim. Lost the area of ​​two provinces, and all this is just the embellishment of the war

As the governor of the empire closest to the area where this war broke out, Prays knew from the cloud of Dorok that the Kingdom of Rila this time did not lay out 100,000, not 150,000, but a full 180,000. It's true that the whole country has gone out. There is no soldier in the whole Rila. If the emperor's acquiescence is not allowed, how dare the Rila people dare to bring out the whole country's troops!

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