Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and twelve Early summer strong wind (13)

The Kingdom of Rila assaulted the Kingdom of Beyond. Within two days, it broke the entire border of the Kingdom of Beyond. Hundreds of thousands of Rila’s army filled the entirety of the seventy to eighty mile space between the boundary of the Kingdom of Beyond and the Sun Fortress. Everyone’s eyes were focused on the Sun Fortress, this huge fortress that represented the glory of the Bian people at that time, and was recognized as the strongest barrier in Central Europe.

The battle was so abruptly rolled up that everyone was unprepared, and the 100,000 Rila army stormed the Sun Fortress, and then the Bian defenders in the fortress launched a counterattack, impacting the retreating Rila army with more than a thousand cavalry, It unexpectedly broke the resistance of the Rila Army's guards. The nearest distance to the Rila Army's main team, Wang Qi, was only 130 meters. Afterwards, despite the two-line counterattack of the Rila Army, there were still more than 200 people. The brave Cavalry cavalry ran back from the chaos, and one of the captains of the Cavalry cavalry also snatched a flag from one of Rila’s allied teams. The junta was furious and furious, and launched another offensive against the Sun Fortress

"The catapult fired, click click"

The rock-throwing lever of the arm like a giant suddenly fell from a height, hundreds of huge stones with rhomboids were thrown violently, and after striking a shocking arc, they collided with the heavy wall of the sun fortress. The gravel was flying around, and even the fortified battlement was broken. The Beyond soldiers hiding behind were flying in flesh and blood, and the situation was extremely tragic. Dare to tremble and hide behind the battlement mouth, the one who was hit can only admit that he was unlucky, but there are also people who think that they should not send cavalry to raid the Rila people the day before yesterday, so that the Rila people are now angry and angry. Attack, the troops on this side have just retreated, and on the other side there are new troops coming up,

As the last line of defense against the Hungarian Tooth Rebellion, the Kingdom of Rila was a heavy loss in that war, but it also received a lot of various military resources from the empire, including the 30 heavy Empire of the Empire, At the time, hundreds of thousands of Hungarian troops were defeated by the empire in Rila, and various captures and materials were seized. The big head was naturally taken by the empire, but it did not mean that Rila had no gains. Those weak servant troops After the main force of the Hungarian tooth was defeated by the empire, the first time was to flee from the territory of Rila in a panic. As a result, Aoweit personally led the Rila army to be killed all the way, and the number of people finally captured was more than 100,000.

Therefore, in terms of armaments, the Kingdom of Rila is not lacking. The Kingdom of Rila is short of soldiers. If it can reduce the loss of personnel, Aoweit will naturally choose. The defender of Bion, who is at a disadvantage, is just like a catapult. Down, had to be exhausted on all sides of the wall,

On the third day, the Rila's trebuchet slowed down, but a more lethal blow came

After a whole day of catapult smashing, Rila has basically confirmed the weakness of the sun fortress, even if it is strong, it has a weak position, not to mention the fortress, which spans six or seven miles in length. Large fortresses are built in different locations and have different natural strengths

"The lower corner of the 400 meters to the left of the east has obvious cracks after being hit by a stone throw! The foundation below the corner of the thirty-sixth section of the west side is gravel, which will be shaken when hit hard..." said This is the Rila artisans who came with the army this time. The artisan level of the Rila people is also one of the best in the Central Obaro region, and this time King Ouwit of the Rila brought a full of 500 artisans. Among them, the artisans responsible for constructing the fortress and the city wall accounted for 80 people. The sun fortress in front of them was a solid large stone close to each other, absolutely unbreakable, but in the eyes of these professional stonemasons, only Just from the location of the city section, it can be seen that that section of the city section is prone to problems, even if the wall section is built, because of the foundation problem, there will also be problems of all sizes.

"If you concentrate all the slings and cooperate with the Empire Thor in one place, the city wall should collapse." The leader of the Rila artisan said with great certainty that the Bionians spent 200,000 people to build the sun fortress and spent a lot of money. For ten years, the entire fortress body was built on a mountain, with a large piece of stone, and the thickness of the wall was only five meters, and at the location of the city road and the gate, this thickness was even thicker, but it was forgotten by the people of Ang. One thing is that the solar fortress is extremely strong, but it has also experienced wind and rain on this mountain for more than 100 years, and the temperature of the region where the solar fortress is located has changed greatly, and it is rare for the entire continent. The daytime temperature The highest can reach more than 35 degrees, and at night, it will drop to minus zero

Stone is a material susceptible to temperature

With such drastic temperature changes, over a hundred years, even a steel fortress will collapse, not to mention the stones that are prone to heat and shrink, so the solar fortress is actually not as indestructible as you can see. On the contrary, the sun Under the seemingly solid surface of the fortress, under a century of ups and downs, it is also conceivable what the interior will look like

"Your Majesty, I just heard that Bion’s side ended the main assembly in advance, and only gathered more than 40,000 people, and hurriedly entered the sun fortress." The report I just received was handed over. The Kingdom of Rila and the Kingdom of Beyond have fought for the Three Rivers for decades. The spying on both sides has long been intertwined. Almost the main force has just been mobilized, or there is a sign of a large army gathering. Soon A secret report will be sent back, so the two main battles between the Kingdom of Rila and the Kingdom of Bion can hardly be concealed. However, this situation was completely broken in the chaos of the Hungarian tooth.

The chaos of the Hungarian tooth, hundreds of thousands of Hungarian tooth troops invaded brutally, the kingdom of Rila fought to the top and bottom, the pneumatic mountains and rivers, half of the high-ranking Rila officers were killed, and the middle-level officers were killed by seven or eight, but no one shouted. The language of surrender is that even if all Rila men die in battle, they will have to bite a piece of meat from the Hungarians. The consequence is the collective fault of the Rila soldiers, but the unexpected result is It took countless efforts and decades for the Kingdom of Beyond to completely destroy the intelligence network built in the Kingdom of Rila, and wanted to build an intelligence network in the Rila army that was fully rectified in just two years. And to obtain more valuable intelligence is completely a fool's dream. The Kingdom of Rila broke into the Three Rivers unexpectedly with a hundred thousand troops. Prior to the Kingdom of Bion, there was no news at all, because the intelligence line of the Kingdom of Bion was in Switzerland. The Kingdom of Latin America has been broken, and the intelligence network that was built later basically knows nothing about the high-level situation.

And Ishaklnam was able to mobilize troops to destroy the returned Rila youth army, completely because the Rila side had never expected that the Bionians who had been closed for a winter would suddenly start their own hands, and Ishaklnan Before launching, it was also in the capacity of the general leader of the Bianang side army to convene generals of the generals for a meeting. The interim decision at the meeting made Rila completely caught off guard,

Regarding the Sun Fortress, the Kingdom of Rila is far more concerned than the Beyond, because if you want to completely master the Three Rivers and completely cut off the Beyond's peeping over the Three Rivers, you must take down the Sun Fortress!

"Gather all the trebuchets and Thor, and knock it there first!" After confirming the location, King Ravi of Orila pointed to a place, which was the paragraph in the head of the craftsman, and the trebuchet and Thor began to point in one direction. Turn

"What do the Rila people want to do!" The Beyonds on the city wall saw the slingstones that suddenly stopped, and they protruded their heads from behind the battlement mouth. The flag of the Rila army below still fluttered in the wind. One hundred thousand Rila army The three queues discharged were like wings spread out, and hundreds of trebuchets lined up in front of the army.

"Oh, as long as you don't send infantry to attack the city!" Marquis Anchor, the head of the Bian defenders, was on a tower. Pressing the battlement with his hand, he tightened his face and looked at everything in front of him. The tired and tired eyes of Marquis Ankeshi blinked. In fact, they were all excited. It has been two days. Although the Rila army is still attacking violently, it has changed from a strong siege to a siege. This is actually for The lack of troops is more advantageous than the Angolan army. The Marquis of Ankoshi believes that even if he is thrown with a stone for another month, it will not be able to shake the sun fortress. A little bit passed here,

According to the information, the main force of the kingdom has ended and is heading towards the sun fortress. It was originally scheduled to take five days, but now it only takes four days, and it has been dragged on for two days. It is now the third day, which is Say, at the latest tomorrow, you may see the main force of the kingdom arrive. Thinking of this, the heart of Marquis Ankexi could not help but feel uplifted. The original person in charge appointed by the kingdom was Ishakrnan, but Ishakrnan was late I didn’t arrive, but I accidentally left this monstrous war effort on my head. I stayed in the Sun Fortress for so long. I finally encountered a moment of reward. I really want to thank the Rila people under the city for so many years. , Who attacked the stronghold of the sun, this time, it is to let yourself encounter, it is simply a merit

The trebuchet temporarily stopped, and a large number of Reyla Kingdom engineers were busy. It took time for the huge trebuchet to move or turn. I heard the sound of the desolate horn, a team of Rila light infantry came out to guard the catapult, galloped around, rolled up the dust, and was raided by the Bian Cavalry in front. Although the damage was not great, it was After a heavy blow to the morale of the Rila Army, the captains of the four captains immediately hung on the flag of His Majesty Ao Witt, all of which were self-disruptive. Now no one dares to sloppy, especially these trebuchets. It took two days to build, and if it was rushed out of the Beyond and burned, I am afraid that the army of His Majesty Aowit will not be four heads, but a long list of heads.

"Hurry up! Don't rub it"

The officers shouted loudly and gradually gathered their mounts, spreading them to both sides. When the people shouted the sound of the horse hissing for a while, they heard countless feet rustling on the ground and then sounded. The siege tower was pushed out by the phalanx infantry. The Rila heavy armor infantry moved behind, and everyone was wearing heavy armor. A team of troops surrounded the siege tower. As many as three or four thousand, the tall black flag fell straight in the wind, and the murderous came out, and the defender Bion on the Sun Fortress could not help but lean back slightly.

"It seems that the Rila people have given up the flashy trebuchets, which is a little troublesome." Marquis Ankosi's face became very ugly, and his hands in deerskin gloves were squeezed into fists.

"Archer enters position"

"Come on, everyone is ready, shields, shields are going to the front." The city wall was in chaos. The soldiers hiding behind the battlements ran out. The atmosphere of the war was imminent, and everyone's breathing became short. The pulling people were obviously only tentative attacks. The 100,000 troops spread out about 40,000 to 50,000. Now, when the 100,000 people spread out in full, the breath is completely another matter. The coalition attack line under the city, The spear-point of the dense spear flashes metal in the light. The three attack lines, each of which is composed of more than ten square formations, the siege tower, the long ladder, and the densely packed, don’t say the soldiers on the city wall look ugly, that is Bian’s officers couldn’t help but take a breath.

The Rila people are ready to press it across the board! Once an attack is launched, it is bound to be endless. Either the Rila will break through the Sun Fortress and kill everyone, or they will all die under the walls of the Sun Fortress, no matter which one is destined to die for a lifetime!

"Beyond never succumb!" Someone shouted in the silence

"Beyond never succumb!" The Beyonds on the city walls raised their arms at the same time, making a deafening cry

Rumble. A red flame suddenly shattered the cry of the Beyoncé, and sprayed from a raised stone platform in front of the sun fortress. With the deafening sound exploding, a blast violently exploded at the position of the fortress wall of the sun fortress. Echoes echoed through the earth for a long time, even as a fortified solar fortress, under the double test of pelvic and Thor, the broken gravel flew down into pieces, rolling down the ramps down the city ramparts, some grinding The stones are rolling faster and faster, the gravel is flying all the way, the dust is flying, the momentum is very amazing, especially when they fall off the city walls with a bang, the sound of thunder and thunder can almost hold the guards of every sun fortress. The heart beats violently, and most of them have never seen such a scene, and have never thought of it. The extremely strong solar fortress will also be destroyed by some kind of siege heavy equipment.

"The city walls collapsed!"

A terrified voice came from a distance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Bian defenders on the other walls looked stunned in the direction of the sound, and they all took a breath of air. The walls really collapsed, exposing their feet There is a gap of more than 30 meters, and the excitement brought by the loud cry, but at the moment it is like being poured down by a basin of cold water. The sun fortress is so vulnerable that it is called an unbreakable city wall. Even the first wave was smashed. If it was just a slingshot hitting it, it wouldn’t be too obvious, but immediately after it exploded, you could immediately see the layers of rubble falling like a quicksand. Falling, like the outer skin of the sun fortress falling off itself

"Oh, no matter how strong the fortress is, it can't withstand time, it seems to be so." Standing tall on a mound, holding the monocular look-out mirror that the Empire gave as a gift in his hand, looking at The seemingly sturdy solar fortress was also bombarded by Thor, and the fragments of the city walls flew in a flicker. A smile appeared on the face of King Oweet of Rila, and he raised his right hand in front of him.

"Go forward!"

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