Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and thirteen Early summer strong wind (14)

There are no clouds at high altitude in May, the most peaceful season on the ocean

Sparkling, calm and smooth near the coastline, the sea level in people's eyes is calm like a spread soft wool satin, and like condensed jasper, without the slightest flaws, the green water reflects the blue sky and white clouds, it looks more transparent and deep , The distant sunlight shyly emerged from the clouds, and appeared to be particularly soft, shining gently on the calm sea surface, dyeing the surface of the sea water with a touch of golden yellow,

"After sailing through the Central Obaro coastline, how long will it take for Fissan to reach?"

Hu Keqili, the imperial military minister wearing black straight army uniforms, stood on the bow of the dragon-class battleship, gazing from the fish in the sea, happily chasing the sun, swimming and leaping figure, marching fast in the sail warship On the side of the warship, draw a series of shallow looming water patterns and retract it. Turn around and ask the admiral of the 19th Squadron of the Imperial Navy behind him.

Although the Imperial Navy and the Army are two systems, Hu Keqili, the Imperial Secretary of the Army, is mainly responsible for the affairs of the army. If other army ministers come to the navy’s battleship, the navy advisors who were kicked out of the army are not sneered. It will not be too good-looking, but it is another matter to be Hu Keqili, the Minister of the Empire, not only the Minister of the Empire, but also the commander of the Imperial Central Army. The four seas have established the invincible and admirable navy admirals of the imperial navy. Two-thirds of them are from the Imperial Central Military System.

"Looking back to the Lord, if the wind direction is correct and nothing is encountered on the road, you should be able to reach the waters of Feishan within three or two days, but now it is May, and our sailors call it the month of brilliance, because the weather is beginning to change. Hot, there is always the possibility of encountering a storm!" Admiral Kasoa of the 19th Fleet replied with a respectful look, but with a strong pride in his tone, every central military officer who was placed in the navy was suffocated. With a rush of anger, they thought they were abandoned by the Army and threw them into the vast sea, just like self-death.

"Two days? It took six days from Dijing Dacheng to Lisbon."

"It’s four days from Lisbon to here. If you count the two days after arriving in the waters of Feishan, that is to say, if everything goes well, it can be completed in 15 days from the Feishan area to the Imperial City. Right"

Hu Keqili's eyes were bright, and he looked a little emotional. This speed is too fast. He is the Minister of Military Affairs. He naturally knows that if he travels by land, from Emperor Jinghaicheng to Lisbon, it will take about 15 days. Not to mention the transfer to Central Europe Baro, and the last time it arrived in the Feishan area was almost one month, which was almost impossible, and the sea route only took fifteen days. As one of the executors of the empire’s grand strategy to open the inner sea, Hu Keqili also had to admit that he had opinions about the emperor’s attempt to open the inner sea, which was so strange to the empire at that time, no one knew After opening the Inner Sea, what will bring to the empire, but the emperor insisted on opening the Inner Sea with iron fists, and then triggered the battle between the Empire and the Gang-Non-Empire, and triggered a series of tragic naval conquests in the Inner Sea. Turned into the inner sea of ​​the empire

The value of the Inland Sea is fully reflected at this moment

The huge advantage in ocean transportation can be said to have thrown land transportation out of several streets. Almost all the important areas of the empire are on the maritime line. The carrying capacity of a large commercial ship can be comparable to the total of one hundred carriages The amount of manpower and cost required may be only equipped with ten carriages, and the coastline of more than 2,000 miles in the Inland Sea itself, and more than ten large and small countries, have provided great impetus for the development of the maritime industry in the following years. Provided huge financial and material support for the Empire to conquer the Nordic Barrow region.

I have to admit that the speed of maritime transport is indeed a huge drop in the speed of the land of the empire. The so-called benefits have spurred technological advancement, which is particularly obvious in the maritime empire. The shipbuilding technology of the empire was also pursued in the era of Iqadiwa What’s more, the load capacity is large enough, and the speed requirement is not so big, because the coastline is so long, but as the empire gradually unified the entire Nordic Barrow continent, it also brought the entire coast of the inland sea from east to west over two thousand miles under the control of the empire. Areas, if the speed of ships can be completed in the shortest time, the speed requirements of ships have begun to become the mainstream requirements of the Chamber of Commerce.

The imperial navy still focused its research on how to build a huge dragon-class main battleship. The Association of Civil Vessels has begun to improve existing ships on its own. Based on the original imperial shipbuilding technology, it absorbed the northern Gaul And Nanfang Gangfei’s shipbuilding technology, proposed a concept of a sailboat that can greatly increase the speed of sailing

With the surrender of the Strands empire to the empire, the technology of ship improvement in the Strands maritime has naturally flowed into the imperial civil shipbuilding industry for decades. In terms of naval battleships, the technology of the Strand navy is comparable to that of the empire. , But in terms of civilian ships, Strand, known as the overlord of the Inland Sea, far surpassed the Empire

Last winter, the first fast sailing ship was launched in Lisbon, this is a crystallization of the highest technology of shipbuilding in several regions.

The wide and thick hull structure used by the original merchant ship was completely abandoned, the triangle bottom was adopted, the cabin partition was adopted, and the extremely strong three-mast sail was adopted. This new type of ship was immediately favored by major shipping chambers. This kind of express ship has less than one-third of the average shipping merchant ship, but it wins at a very fast speed. In the past, it took fifteen days to transport the ship from the Imperial City to the coast of the South European Baro Feser. It takes eight days for a fast sailing ship, which is almost half the original time. For shipping merchants who need to catch business opportunities at all times and need to transport goods to the highest price cities in the shortest time to sell, speed represents all

Just like now, a merchant fleet flying by the side of the squadron is two such sailboats. Compared with it, even the speed of the Imperial Dragon Tooth battleship was quickly left behind, watching The figures of these commercial clippers and the imperial sailors on the deck looked very strange. These merchant ships that once feared the imperial navy like gods are no longer afraid of the imperial navy, and even basic respect is lacking. This is mainly because the deterrent effect of the imperial navy Thor’s radiance weakened with the advent of the peaceful age, and there was no threat. Even the pirates were knocked out by the boring imperial navy as a target for practicing new sailors. There is no longer any need for **** in the inner sea, coupled with the psychological advantages brought about by the extremely fast speed, and even the phenomenon of sailors on merchant ships whistling at the navy fleet

"Don't you know that these **** businessmen have a little respect? It's a matter of passing by the navy ship so vigorously." At the high observation tower of the Longya battleship, a naval watchman put down a high-powered telescope and looked. Looking angrily at the distant merchant fleet, since the Strand Navy surrendered, there has been no war in the Inland Sea for a long time, which had to make the imperial navy sailors accustomed to the sulphur smoke and the ray of thunder gods miss, miss The dense masts of the naval ships entered the tower, towering into the clouds, like a sword piercing into the sky, people could not help but feel a sense of numbness in hair, remembering the years when hundreds of hulls were fighting in the smoke

"The Imperial Navy is dying!"

Even the figures of the Imperial Navy Minister Dustrounka are described in the report presented to the Imperial Emperor. A powerful naval fleet without enemies is sad, but currently the entire Obaro Inner Sea area is under Imperial control Underneath, the Imperial Navy wants to find an opponent, it's not easy! At present, the only place where the Imperial Navy is still fighting is in the remote southern waters of Centralbia, where it is too far away, even if the empire has opened the waterway into the southwestern region of Centralbia and arrived from the empire. The South China Sea also takes more than two months, and this can only use the smaller Dragon Tooth Battleship. If the Dragon-class battleship wants to pass, the only way is to dismantle it in its entirety, and then assemble it after arrival, which takes time. Not to mention the effort, it is still difficult to say whether it can go to sea within three months. After reluctantly transporting the three dragon-class battleships, the emperor ordered to stop the plan.

"You don’t need to envy those. When the newest Longya Clipper comes out, it should be faster than the caravan of the caravan in the past, and the Admiralty will also relax the restrictions on going to the Central Afghan squadron. Five thousand imperial navy personnel transferred to the Central Squadron of South Biabia", Hu Keqili extended his hand and patted Kasoa's shoulder on the map of the squadron. The news revealed that Kasoa's body was slightly revitalized.

"Five thousand people!"

"Yes, at least five thousand people." Hu Keqili looked at the silhouette of the distant coastline and nodded silently in his heart.

At this time, the construction of the Imperial Navy Fleet was not the chaotic period in which various models were used for combat readiness, but rather a very rigorous classification,-class sail sail dragon tooth ship, this class of warships generally served as the main battle force of the fleet, Two layers of Thor deck, sixty gates of Thor, 300 people, is the perfect combination of firepower, speed, and cost, and it is the intermediate force in naval warfare; the second-level sail dragon warship, this class warship has only one gun deck There are 30 thunder guns, with a capacity of about 200 people. This class of ships has weak firepower and does not participate in the fleet battle. It is mainly responsible for cruises and the role of observation ships for main ships. The improved version of the Longya battleship is this similar sail boat

Because the load capacity is not enough, only four Thor Thors are prepared, but it has an absolute advantage in speed. This light-weight navy Dragon Tooth battleship is obviously specially designed for the empire fighting in the southern seas of Centralbia. Smaller mentions, faster speed, naturally also bring cheaper construction costs. At present, the biggest reason why the Imperial Navy cannot expand the results in the southern waters of Centralbia~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the number of warships and the Aden Navy The huge gap, even if the Imperial Navy won the situation, but on the whole, the Aden Navy is still firmly in control of the southern sea of ​​Central Europe. The Aden Navy’s transport fleet is still in this area. Intercourse,

The emperor has begun to lay out. After gaining the hegemony of South Europe Baro and integrating the unstable situation of Central Europe Baro, the empire can completely withdraw his hand and make a good reason with the Adenites who are raging in Central Biya! Even his empire minister of military affairs, this time left Emperor Jinghai Dacheng in the name of verifying the defensive army in the Governor’s Mansion, and his real destination was not the Feishan area at all, but the Iraqi opposite the Feishan area. Stan, he will eventually join forces with the imperial army that entered the northern region of Eero from the battlefield of the Order. Nominally, it is to suppress the siege of the former kings of Eero by the princes in southern Eero, but in fact it is to find a reason for the empire to mobilize heavy troops in the north of Eero!

Hu Keqili, the Secretary of State for the Empire, never stayed in the Faisan area!

. Nine Heavens Emperor

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