Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and fourteen Misty Dawn (1)

"The whole army pressed on"

"go ahead!"

"Woo, woo!" In front of the sun fortress, the sparse bows and arrows hit the crowd, and almost no effect could be seen. The crowd of people like locusts quickly collapsed the outer wooden fences, Rui The soldiers wailed and screamed with their feet, stepping on the collapsed wall and gravel to climb up the city sections on both sides of the gap, and climbed crazy towards the heights.

The natural stairs formed by these collapsed stones prevent the Rila soldiers from building siege ladders. They climb on the shoulders of their companions and jump suddenly, and they can grab the edge of the battlement with their hands. There are too many crushed rocks, and the Biao people on the opposite side are also swarming toward the gap. A strangulation of flesh and blood grinding is inevitable. Both sides of the gap naturally become the focus of the competition between the two sides. To widen the gap, you must occupy the walls at both ends of the gap, otherwise all kinds of attacks from both sides will make the troops attacking the gap extremely disadvantageous. Of course, the Bian people also know that once the two ends of the gap are lost, this beyond The magnificent fortress that people regard as the spiritual pillar is really over!

"Knock down the Rila people, you must not let the sides of the gap fall into the hands of the Rila people!"

The fearful officer Biang slashed down with his sword held high, and there was a scream. The climbing Rila soldier screamed that he fell from a height, leaving half a palm or a few fingers on the battlement. The other soldiers were also madly slashing and killing the climbing Rila soldiers with weapons in their hands. Occasionally there were Rila warriors jumping on the city walls, tumbling on the blood and corpses, roaring, desperately trying to stand firm, a lot of The blood stained the wall, and even flowed down from above. The Bian army had already felt the crisis of the fortress. The head of the defending army, Marquis Ankexi, put all the 15,000 reserve troops into the gap.

As for the Kingdom of Rila, the eighth, eleventh and fourteenth armies of Rila are the main force in the gap, with 6,000 Rila heavy assault infantry as the forefront, and 24,000 light assault infantry followed, Just like chicken blood, thousands of knives, swords, and spears collided violently at a position of 30 meters in width. Thousands of shouts are in the gap, whether it is the Rila people outside the gap, or the Bian people inside the gap, the degree of crowding makes it difficult to turn around, as the front and the other side violently touch together, it is a flesh and blood Flying sideways,

I watched the sword cut on myself, shouted and waved the weapon, and was immediately divided by the sword, but in that delay, the follow-up troops swooped in, slammed, and the shield touched the shield. The soldiers on both sides recently The distance is no more than half a meter, and they can see each other's impressions in each other's eyes. This is a fancy battle. Those who are pushed to the front can only try their best to keep themselves from being crushed, trampled, or injured. The man had no chance of falling down. He was forced to push the sword to the opposite by the people behind him. Under such a close attack, the heavy armor assault infantry unique to the Kingdom of Rila began to tilt the balance of the battle.

These Rila heavy armor assault infantry, to put it bluntly, are part of the heavy armor infantry. The armor looks close to the heavy armor standard armor, but in fact, due to the lack of financial resources and materials, it has to meet the requirements of the formation of heavy armor infantry. Therefore, in the armor style, cut corners are adopted. The real armor patch only covers the chest position, and the light armor is below the waist. The soldier’s helmet eye protection position has a cross-shaped notch to ensure that the heavy shield on the left hand becomes In order to make a small round shield that is more conducive to assault, the right hand is a one-meter-long sword. The advantage of doing this is that the first is that the resources for equipping a heavy armor infantry are greatly saved, and the second is that the assault infantry is retained. Speed, and the heavy armor that protects the chest position has also appropriately increased the survival rate of soldiers in close combat. Of course, the disadvantage is that the disability rate has greatly increased, but for the current weakened, but still want to maintain a certain For the Kingdom of Rila, the force of deterrence is already the best choice

The overcrowded rivalry quickly turned into a slash with their melee weapons. Rila assaulted the heavy armor of the heavy armor infantry at this distance. They were able to play an advantage at a distance of 1.5 meters. Swords, vigorous hacking can often break the shield, the shield of the Bian soldiers was smashed, some collapsed directly, relying on the advantage of heavy armor assault infantry, the Rila army fully attacked in the gap Going in for seven or eight meters, a pair of iron boots stepped in the dark red blood, Bian Jun was shaking, looking at the gap, all eyes were full of Rila people, there were too many Rila people in front of him, one Wave after wave, slashing with all his strength until it fell, the Rila people walked past the body of the fallen companion in front of them

Unable to stop it, the Sun Fortress is about to be broken, and all the people of Beyond who saw this scene are as pale as paper. The Sun Fortress is the biggest barrier of the Kingdom of Beyond, and it is also a symbol of the never-being of the Kingdom of Beyond, and now, This huge and majestic fortress trembled, shuddered under the sword of the Rila people, and two hours after the battle started, under the fierce attack of the Rila army, a gap was filled in, so that half of the fortified defenders were filled in. Tens of thousands of corpses are stacked on the radiating surface centered on the gap, and the corpses are stacked one on top of the other, even the highest position is only a little lower than the height of the city wall! The resistance of the Beyoncé has been transferred into the fortress,

The solar fortress can become a barrier to the kingdom of Bion, not just that layer of outer wall, but the complicated structure inside also develops the defense to the extreme. Even after the outer wall of the fortress is broken, there are still four layers of rings inside The inner fortress of the buckle, as many as dozens of roads and forks, is like a huge maze, and many of them are layers of institutions, and the attackers are responsible for the heavy cost, but now, these have made The Beyonds themselves destroyed. Many of these Beyond’s defenders were border soldiers who were withdrawn from the front. They did not understand the internal structure of the fortress. They were washed down at the location of the city wall, and suddenly they were messed up inside the fortress.

"Quick, all withdraw to the inner castle!"

The voices of the officers shouting are completely at a loss for these frontiers. There are too many roads and all the roads are crossed. Who can take care of them in a panic and run as long as there is a road? The corpses filled the traps. The dark nails carefully ambushed by the fortress guards nailed to the feet of their soldiers. They screamed in pain and shed tears. With these frontiers stomping in front, behind The followers of the Rila Army lost very little, and the right path to the inner castle was quickly found out,

"There are four inner castles!" General Rila looked at the inner castle in front of him, his face could not help but change.

"Bring Thor to the city wall!"

King Rewit of Reira gazed at the four layers of interlocking inside the fortress, a layer of inner castle higher than one layer, commanded to grind his teeth, for the inner castle inside the solar fortress, he knew, even more The second sent someone to dive into the Sun Fortress, but it was the first time I saw it with my own eyes. The Sun Fortress did not lose the name of the Sun. The four-layer inner fort was almost up against the mountain layer, just like a layer The fan layer is the same as the fan, and it is said that the position where the sun rises every day is the sky above the inner layer of the inner fort. Thinking of this, Auwitt has the urge to stretch out his hand and bend the fourth layer of the inner fort.

Even if the outer wall is breached, these fortresses can persist for a long time to gain time for the main rescue in the rear, but this time, the Rila army brought the destruction weapon such as the Empire Thor to move Thor. The city wall launched a flat shot at the gate of the inner fort. Although this delayed for an hour, the excellent performance of the Empire Thor was enough to make up for the loss of time in this hour.

The smoky sun fortress, the gate on the first floor of the four-layer inner fort, only resisted four rounds of thunder bombs, and was extremely fragile. The Rila Army, which had already experienced attack, shouted in an orderly manner. The heavy Thor pushed to another fixed position, and the black muzzle slowly aimed at the inner Fort gate in the distance

When the Bionians built the Sun Fortress, they obviously did not consider that the gate of the inner castle would be attacked by heavy attack weapons. The original intention of the inner castle was also designed to block the infantry that the other party attacked the outer wall. The distance between them is only tens of meters, and weapons such as catapults that can attack the outer wall are completely unusable within this distance, so the gate of the inner fort can be imagined without the outer wall stable.

Prepare, shoot!

The armored Reyler officer raised his iron arm palm and then fell sharply. The fortress gate inside the "Boom" fortress was bombarded by Thor, as if it was penetrated. It was shot once into the fortress. The explosion was like a violent murderous wave, and the blasting flame swept ruthlessly. With the scattered scattered rocks, half of the fortress gate was blown to nowhere, and behind the broken gate, full The ground was wounded and wounded, the wailing of the wounded penetrated, and the other Bian soldiers who were preparing to fight, under the power of Thor’s explosion, were frightened and ran back like a dispersed duck.

"Archer!" shouted the Rila officer with a stern look. Thousands of Rila army archers who had already opened their bows released the bowstrings in their hands. With a rapid burst of sound, countless arrow clusters flew into the barrier. The vacant position of the gate is like a dense net cast, and the Bion soldiers who are turning around and fleeing have hit arrows.

"Infantry forward, clean the gate!" Another command, the Rila infantry holding the shield crossed the bow archer's position, thousands of rushed up, facing the rain of the inner castle arrow, the wounded soldier in the arrow was Pulling away, the latecomers stepped on the blood mud, and the wild flow of the horses swooped against the sword of the defending army. With the sound of the sword of ping-pong, hundreds of defending troops were cut into meat sauce in an instant!

The range of control of the Rila people was expanding rapidly. Seeing that the first floor of the inner fort was broken so easily, the morale of the Björn army was hit hard. Some Björn soldiers even rushed out to fight desperately with the Rila army. It was shot by countless arrows on the ground, the situation was extremely terrible, and the frontline collapsed just before and after

On the fourth high wall of the inner fort arc, looking at the cracking Marquis of Ankeshi, the gate of the inner fort was hit with a furious blow on the hard battlement stone. The lord was also covered in blood, and his eyes were even more Red is afraid of people, two days and two nights, full of despair and anxiety. It is a kind of mental devastation for people. The battle of the outer wall, more than half of the 40,000 defenders were killed and wounded, and the chaos of the withdrawal of the inner castle caused a minimum of three thousand. Many people lost it so badly that Neibao's defensive strength was severely insufficient. At this rate, the Rila attacked the fourth-tier Neibao for no more than three hours. Now he regrets to order the withdrawal of Neibao.

If you do not withdraw to the inner fort, the soldiers may continue to fight deadly, and order to withdraw to the inner fort, the Rila people only need to break down the inner fort layer by layer, the guards will be defeated, and finally the whole team may surrender. , Thinking of this, Marquis Ankexi had a kind of unwillingness to vomit blood. This battle should not be like this, it was all because of Ixaklnan's problems! But the sun fortress was really lost. Marquis Ankosi knew that even if all the problems were pushed to the south of Ishakl, His Majesty the King would kill his own sacrifice flag as soon as possible, and then lead the kingdom to fight for the sun fortress. Come back, as for Ishakhnan, it's really a bit far away, and there will be no result until this war

Why, the first person to be executed is himself!

The bulletin said that Ishakrnan would lead the 40,000-strong army to rescue the fortress, but until now, not to mention the 40,000-strong army, that is, one person and one horse have not seen it. If the strength of the solar fortress can increase another 40,000, if there are 40,000 The army is constrained from the outside, so the war situation will never reach such a degree. The rescue time set by the kingdom is calculated based on the arrival of the 40,000 reinforcements of Ishaklnan to the Sun Fortress, and now the 40,000 army of Ishaklnan Nowhere to be seen, the rescue time set by the Kingdom’s Ministry of Military Affairs was too late, and it was a shortfall. As long as it took three days, the Kingdom’s main force will arrive, and then the fatal blow to the main force of the exhausted Rila Army will be launched. , Must be able to win a big victory, not only can crush the Rila people’s ambitions for the Sun Fortress, but also can take all the lost Three Rivers all the way back. With the Three Rivers, the Kingdom of Bion suffered because of this battle. The loss is considered to be made up

Such a huge battle is placed in front of me, but I just couldn't persevere on the last day!

"Your Majesty, we follow the report of the fleet behind the Imperial Navy Fleet. The fleet of the Imperial Secretary of State Hu Keqili has arrived in Lockeburg and the fleet is still following..." A Reyla wearing red armor The royal servant officer, with a copy of the report he had just received, hurried to King Auwitt and whispered to Auwitt

"Did you arrive in Rockburg?"

The heavy eyebrows of King Auwitt of Reira clenched together, and his eyes were shining, but his heart was relieved. Fortunately, the time was just right, hehe, he grabbed it within the prescribed time!

People like the Minister of the Imperial Army represent the Imperial Army in every move. This time when they went south, everyone believed that they came from the Central European Baro and Fissan regions, plus the vague attitude of the previous Empire on the Suraf platform war. , I have to let the powers of all countries have one more thought. The greatest possibility for the Imperial Secretary of the Army to go south this time is to integrate Central Europe Baro,

That is to say, the moment the military minister arrived in Central Europe Baro, the pattern of Central Europe Baro will no longer allow other changes, otherwise it is naked contempt for the authority of the empire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ now it is not The empire was in the South European Baro War, the empire has won the victory of the Southern War, the heavy army cluster is still in a state that has not been lifted, the empire sword has not yet been retracted, and the state of readiness has not been canceled, which is a good explanation. At this moment, who dares to touch the imperial tiger beard!

So, before this imperial military minister can land, can he forcefully win the Sun Fortress, which is very important for both the Kingdom of Rila and the Kingdom of Bion, and finally use the Sun Fortress as the dividing line to include all the areas north of the Sun Fortress into the Kingdom of Rila? The layout is very important!

King O'Wright, the king of Rila, believes that the kingdom of Beyond knows this very well. If the Beyond people do not want the Sun Fortress to fall into the hands of the kingdom of Rila, the time to launch a counterattack should be these two days. The empire announced its involvement in the war between the two countries, requiring the two countries to sit down and negotiate to resolve it, and there is no room for both sides to fight! As for the so-called negotiations, both sides know very well that it is impossible to negotiate any results! So in the end, only swallow the fact that the Sun Fortress is occupied by the Kingdom of Rila!

. Nine Heavens Emperor

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