Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and fifteen Misty Dawn (2)

On the coast of Feishan in May, the water vapor rising from the surface of the sea enveloped the cities and villages close to the sea in the hazy smog, which looked like a heaven on the white mist. The climate of the Feishan area was originally In the hybrid of the ocean warm current and the mountain climate, the temperature difference during the year is not very large, the highest temperature will not exceed 35 degrees, and the lowest temperature will be five degrees, because it will not reach zero degrees, or lower, so The Feishan coastline does not freeze even in winter

As one of the earliest countries that gave birth to marine civilization, the Feishan Kingdom once dominated the eastern part of the Inland Sea for decades. Until the rise of the Strand Sea Navy, the Feishan Navy was seriously damaged. The national policy returned to the land from the beginning, and the empire rebuilt the Feishan area into the largest maritime trade transit station in the eastern part of the Inland Sea, making this area that is most suitable for the development of maritime trade glow with new charm.

The morning air is very fresh, and in the mist, it seems to be able to penetrate everyone's heart, bringing a day of comfort. Combining the documents in his hand, the dark-haired young man stretched a lazy waist on the brown-red long chair. Through the window, a lake with a length of hundreds of meters could be seen around it, surrounded by lake water on all sides, and outside The four-story villa, which does not seem to be luxurious, is on the island in the middle of the lake. If you look closely, you will find that the lake here is not naturally formed, but has obvious signs of artificial excavation. The location of the most famous former Fisher Base Naval Base

Just fifty years ago, in an era when the Navy of Feishan crossed the eastern part of the Inland Sea, this artificial lake, which was expended by huge manpower, was surrounded by four docks capable of building large warships, and seventeen auxiliary docks of various types. To the east of the river and lake, you can see a wide waterway rushing forward, rolling up a swell like snow, the final exit of this waterway is the Feishan Sea

The Feisan navy builds battleships here, and then enters the Feisan Sea along the water channel. The battleships used to be like clouds and masts like forests. The record of the most warships gathered here is that 76 warships docked at the same time in this artificially excavated lake , More than 7,000 sailors and more than 6,000 shipbuilders are busy here

To some extent, this is the starting point of Fei Shan's own era, but with the final destruction of Fei Shan's navy, it finally became an empty artificial lake. Apart from the beauty, there was no trace of ocean power Rong's breath, even the Fei Shan people don't remember how there was such a place, but as the biggest opponent of the Fei Shan Navy, the Admirals of the Strand Sea Country remembered it here, and even many Strand The admiral of the special navy called this respectfully the navy's nest. After reviewing the navy's proposal, the black-haired emperor also decided to come here and take a look

The huge artificial lake, because it is located on the coast, the boats docked here will not be affected by the sea at all. It is very suitable for the docking of the smaller imperial sail Longya class warships, and the imperial navy Longya warships that leave from here It takes two days to reach Cairo’s golden port on the other side of the Inner Sea. Of course, if this is the case, it is impossible for the emperor to visit in person.

On the wall of the room, a huge Obaro map with a length and width of two meters is hung. The most accurate map of this era covers the entire known Baro continent area in North and South Europe. The azure area is the Inland Sea, and the lower half of the map represents the location of an inverted triangle in the north of Baroeiro, southern Europe. A large red circle is marked on the top, and from a certain position on the coast of Faisan, an arc The red line runs from north to south, and finally falls on the red circle of the inverted triangle, which is the estuary in the north of Eero, next to the port of Cairo known as the golden port

If you look down from the zenith of the coastal area of ​​Feishan, the location of this lake is exactly the edge of the eastward extension of the Feishan coastline, and the Golden Port of Cairo, opposite the inland sea, constitutes the entry point of the triangle. nearby. The fleet from the coast of Feisan can reach the estuary in the north of Eero within two days, enter the large river channel of North and South Eero, and finally enter the sea of ​​mist. At this time, the sea of ​​mist is not more than a year ago. When I just came into contact with the sea of ​​mist

"It is basically certain that the fog range of the Misty Sea is only about three hundred miles, more than three hundred miles, which is no different from the normal normal sea area, and it is not very difficult for the fleet to cross the Misty Sea when the hot air balloon is raised. The thing, the real difficulty is speed, how to cross the misty sea three hundred miles before Aden is alert!"

The report submitted by Dusit, the Minister of the Navy, attached a detailed copy of the sea of ​​mist, proving that the imperial navy failed more than a year after the first failure to cross the sea of ​​mist. There are still ships constantly being sent into the area of ​​the sea of ​​mist. Many of the ships did not return after entering the sea of ​​mist, but there are also returning ships. The experimental results brought back prove that the range of the sea of ​​mist is not It’s too big, and the height of the mist is only more than 100 meters. If the height of the hot air balloon exceeds the height of the mist, you can see the sun and the stars, which means you can find the direction.

This is the emperor’s goal this time. After the misty sea, Hukochili will attack the southern princes of Erow who are still breathing after arriving in the north of Erow. At the same time, the Imperial Navy will also depart from here and enter in two days. The Eero River channel entered the sea of ​​mist when the Eero side was completely unable to take it into consideration. This time, the imperial navy made extremely sufficient preparations, and more than 300 hot air balloons were prepared for guidance only, this time , The imperial navy will launch a comprehensive attack on the Aden region, and strive to completely destroy the foundation of the Aden navy from the basis

"Your Majesty, Lord Prais Seeks" The voice of the guard officer on duty outside the office interrupted the emperor's thinking

"Let him come in" The black-haired emperor's face slightly stunned, and said towards the gate, didn't he say that he wouldn't come back without completing the waterway connection, did you hear anything?

Sure enough, Prais in a black uniform walked in from the position of the opened door, and looked for the position of the emperor. With a report in his hand that seemed to have been received, he hurried over.

"Your Majesty, Hu Keqili went ashore at Lockeburg and will mediate the dispute between the Kingdom of Rila and the Kingdom of Bion as the Minister of Imperial Affairs. Is this true?" Prais took a deep breath and covered his face. He ridiculed the newly received report on the emperor's desk, and his eyes were shining, no wonder the emperor was not worried at all. It turned out that Hu Keqili had arranged such a sludge-like drudgery. Because it is really too difficult

Compared to the chaos in the Feishan area, this war between the Rila and the Bian is really a muddy pond! The entire Central European Baro knows how much the Rila and Beyonds attach importance to the Sun Fortress. This time King Oirat, the King of Rila, will not hesitate to sit down and take command of the country. If the sea cannot get the Sun Fortress, the situation of the Rila Kingdom It will be more difficult, desperate, and also received the tacit consent of the empire. Even the intelligence said that the 30 Thors donated by the Rila army to the emperor had entered with the army, and they bought 500 at a high price from the empire. With the release of the thunder bomb, the imperial thunder **** has been recognized as invincible, and is the nemesis of all strong barriers. The king of Oirat, Rila, has invested so much blood, with a deliberate mentality, and before the Bionians reacted, he took the sun in one breath. Fortress is entirely possible

As long as the Rila people conquer the Sun Fortress and want the Rila people to spit it out again, it is absolutely impossible

Even if Hu Keqili squeezed Orwitt as the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, he would vomit blood, and he would never spit out the Sun Fortress, because this involves the future of the Kingdom of Rila, which involves a number of pulls. The final result of the ten-year national sports dispute, too, as long as the Rila people refuse to spit out the sun fortress, the Bian people will not be willing to give up, so this is a completely unsolvable problem,

If Hu Keqili really landed at Lockeburg, as an empire's envoy to mediate the war between the Rila and the Bian, it can basically be said that after Hu Keqili's mediation is complete, the emperor's news in the Feishan area should also be revealed. ! There is the emperor's head on his head, what else do he have to worry about

"The Sun Fortress, also known as the Sunset Fortress, means that even the sun’s rays cannot penetrate the barrier of this huge fortress. For decades, it has served as a barrier to the north of the Kingdom of Beyond, becoming the Kingdom of Beyond and Central Europe. In the chaotic zone, no matter if Central Europe Baro is turbulent, the Pyongs can watch the fire from behind the sun fortress. As long as the fortress is still in the hands of the Pyongs, there can be no real surrender to the Pyong Kingdom!" Black The emperor did not answer Prais's words, but smiled innocently, cast his eyes on the white misty lake water outside the window like a dream, and said slowly,

"But your majesty, letting the Rila people take down the sun fortress is not necessarily a good thing for the empire!" Prais said with a slight stunned face in a sudden, persuasive voice.

The original confusion about why the emperor had the Beyonds ambush the Rila youth army and the unregarded revenge of the Reyra kingdom to the Beyonds finally got the answer, but Praise raised a new doubt in his heart. It seems to break the dependence of the Beyonds, but according to the current strength of the empire, it seems that there is absolutely no need to do this. For other countries, the Sun Fortress is a hurdle that cannot attack the mainland of the Beyond Kingdom, but it is powerful for the naval fleet. As far as the empire is concerned, it is only necessary to launch an attack from the port of the Kingdom of Beyond to easily avoid the role of the sun fortress

Instead, the Sun Fortress was handed over to the Rila people, and the Rila people can safely develop the fertile Three Rivers. Perhaps a few years later, they will be able to obtain a major source of wealth.

This is completely inconsistent with His Majesty the Emperor's strategy of secretly suppressing the Rila people. Prais whispered in his heart that he had been Governor of Fischer for four months. He also had a certain understanding of the critical situation of the Central European Baro countries. Lais knew about the existence of the Three Rivers, so he could not understand it for a while. The emperor adopted a balanced strategy in the Central Europe Baro area. Even if it is for the forces supported by the empire, it will also avoid making it too strong, of course. There are exceptions. For example, the Medici family of Lockeburg, even if it is supported by the empire, the size and population of Lockeburg itself have been entangled by the forces of many countries, and they are not destined to be overlord-level forces. At most, they are rich. Kaizi's become rich, and there are Kaizi's backers! Eventually Lockeburg will find that he has left the empire and is nothing! Only by leaning completely towards the empire can you feel the position you most desire!

The emperor knew that the ultimate purpose of the Rila people to win the Sun Fortress was to develop the Three Rivers. It is logical that the emperor could not agree to the Rila people showing signs of resurgence, but the emperor allowed the Rila people to adopt Military operations, there is a contradiction here, even Prais feels a sense of dizziness and confusion

"There's nothing to be confused about because Hu Cochillie didn't step on the land of Central Obaro at Lockborough at all." The black-haired emperor glanced over the nervous face of Prais, the corner of his mouth slightly upturned from the table Picking up a report, "The Medici family claimed that Hu Keqili, the minister of imperial affairs, landed on the Rock Fort. It was entirely I who asked Salon to arrange it. Salon himself would also go to the port to meet him, and then leave Hu Keqi. Li boarded a carriage, which caused the illusion that Hu Keqili had really arrived at Rockburg. There was the fact that Saron was there to greet him, and no one should suspect that Hu Keqili is false."

"Why is that?"

Prais felt that his head was big, and his back was cool and cool. What did the emperor do after such a toss? Let the Rila and Bian dogs bite their dogs, and now they give out fake news to deceive attention, ah, attention, why did I not think of it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now the entire continent's focus is on the Sun Fortress, Hu Keqi At this moment, with the intervention of the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, naturally no one will notice that the important city like the Minister of the Ministry of Justice will be an illusion. The emperor has spent so much thought, and he even spared false news. The emperor wants to attract everyone. Attention, to make everyone ignore the upcoming events

I just don’t know, the Rila and the Beyoncé knew whether they were just a flag in the hands of the emperor. At the beginning of this war, both the Rila and the Beyoncé stood behind them. A manipulator, that is the emperor, in a moment, Prais seemed to think of something, and he shuddered, and the Beyoncé might not think that he was a chess piece of the emperor. It is impossible not to know that for the Sun Fortress, this is the master of the Rella Kingdom who is also a generation of masters. He is willing to become the emperor's flag to tease the entire Obaro, and even hesitate to betray the entire Rila Kingdom's national games!

madman! Praise's mouth twitched slightly

I was temporarily assigned a task and traveled for two days. . . . . . Fu Pin Chinese

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