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: Three thousand seven hundred and sixteen Misty dawn (3)

"Hu Keqili landed in Rockburg, the final result of the war between the Rila and the Bian people should be these few days, but in the end, if both parties find that Hu Keqili landed in Rockburg, it is just false news. How does His Majesty prepare to answer this question?" Prais tried hard to suppress the awkwardness in his heart, hesitated, and looked at the emperor standing on the window sill. The fake was fake, and it was impossible to hide it all the time. Long released the news of Hu Cochilli’s landing in Lockeburg. This move was too ruthless. It was like a pair of invisible big hands. Suddenly pushed a lot behind the Beyoncé and Rila people to make this happen. The war, which was still expanding, entered the decisive battle of life and death,

In order to seize the time, King Oweet of the Rila will inevitably attack the Sun Fortress at all costs, in order to make it a fact that the Kingdom of Rila will occupy the Sun Fortress before the empire intervenes to intervene. Change the strategy of delaying the Rila Army, and put the unfinished counterattack force into the Sun Fortress battlefield in advance, otherwise, once the empire comes out, the Bion Kingdom even if a million troops are gathered, they can only watch the Rila Kingdom floating above the Sun Fortress. banner

Because during the mediation of the empire, who dares to attack the Sun Fortress is undoubtedly playing the face of the empire. The current empire is not a few months ago, because the main force transferred south to South Baro, and it can only temporarily tolerate Central Baro, but Now, the Confederate State War is over, the sturdy 500,000 martin army has been defeated by the empire, the empire’s southward transfer has gradually returned, and the empire’s 50,000 army of Saron will be crushed at Lockborough At the entrance of the Central Europe Baro, 20,000 people from the Imperial South African Army were staring at the entrance of the Central Europe Baro. Dozens of Imperial warships of the Imperial Navy were also gathered in the waters of Central Europe Baro. As long as the Empire ordered it, the Empire remained in the northern part of the Order The 200,000 empire army may kill Central Europe Baro within two days. In this case, provoking the empire and finding death! But once the news that the empire manipulates the war between the two countries is made public, it will undoubtedly cause a heavy blow to the image of the empire! "Answer? Why should the empire answer? The Sun Fortress was fought by the Rila people, and the Bian people could not hold it by themselves. It has nothing to do with the empire. Don’t forget that before that, the ruling on the Suraf area and the Rila youth The army was silenced and even sent an emperor minister to personally lead the kingdom of Bion and the kingdom of Lobos. From that aspect, the empire was undoubtedly suppressing the kingdom of Rila, and now the Rila people have laid down the sun fortress. , It’s hard for the empire to answer this question. “After the black-haired emperor withdrew his gaze from a distance, he took a dismissive look and turned back to his desk,

"And before that, I also asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire to specially remind the Beyond people to be careful of the revenge of the Rila people." He took a light-red cover file from the table, opened the clip, and took a copy inside. Take out the file and let Prais open it for yourself

"Your Majesty also reminded the Beyoncé!" Prais opened the document with a disbelief and looked across it. It was like a ten thousand horse stepping on it. It was a ghost, and the emperor really sent it. The Human Zone reminded the Beyoncé, if that was the case, the Beyoncé would still be like this in you!

After Praises glanced at his eyes, his brows were clenched together. He soon noticed the ingenuity of this document. The reminder was indeed a reminder, but it took everything away.

The emperor did remind the Beyoncés in the document that the Rila people will definitely retaliate, but it is judged that there is a difference in the time for the Rila people to retaliate. The emperor’s document says that the Rila people should retaliate in July because seven The month is the season of grain maturity. The implication of this is undoubtedly that another purpose of the revenge of the Rila people is to grab food!

According to what Prais knows, at that time, the emissary of King Ravi Owit had already seen the emperor, so the emperor actually knew clearly that the ultimate goal of the Rila people was the sun fortress, not to grab the north of the sun fortress. The severity of the food is totally the difference between heaven and earth,

Obviously, the people of Beyond believed the emperor’s judgment, or the emperor’s so-called reminder made Beyond make a wrong judgment.

The emperor is the top strategist on the mainland and an undefeated warrior. How could he make such a low-level mistake? The emperor said that the revenge of the Rila people will not start until July, and the goal is the food north of the sun fortress, and It’s not a solar stronghold, it seems to be solid evidence, because the lack of food in the Kingdom of Rila is known to all,

There is really no reason not to believe in the Beyond!

The Beyonds have recently begun to migrate the population north of the Sun Fortress, and some fields have been harvested in advance. Even in July and nearly two months, the food in the fields is green and yellow, but whether it can be eaten or not, the ratio of the north of the Sun Fortress The Ang people settled outside the city, and a large number of fields were cleared. When Prais received such a report at the beginning, he did not understand what medicine the Ang people were selling, but now he sees the emperor’s reminder, Suddenly I couldn't help the urge to vomit blood,

Without this reminder, the Kingdom of Beyond may have begun to mobilize the country, comprehensively strengthen the border defense, and transfer all the most powerful domestic forces to the border to prevent possible large-scale retaliation. The ambush of the Rila Youth Army, and the revenge of the Kingdom of Rila, during the full sixteen days, if properly arranged, Bion can fully strengthen the northern force of the Sun Fortress to a considerable extent and use the stronghold of the stronghold city, Waiting for work, waiting for the Rila people to hit themselves, even if they may not be able to stop the Rila army, but this battle will definitely not be as passive as it is now!

Obviously, the Kingdom of Beyond believed the emperor’s judgment, and in the case of avoiding grass and snakes, he only adjusted the border troops symbolically. More energy was placed on the migration of people and the rush of various materials. The preparation for a life-and-death battle is more eye-catching than the performance of the Ang military. Not only is it not prepared for the preparation of the whole army, but it also directly reduces the danger to several levels, which will make a battle possible. The life-and-death competition related to the National Games for decades has been reduced to just a looting act in the name of revenge to fight the autumn wind. The military forces that Rila may have dispatched have changed from more than one hundred thousand troops that may be the power of the country. Peripheral conflicts between 20,000 and 30,000

Wrong judgment is naturally a wrong result. King Rila broke the border guard within two days, more than 20,000 Bian troops were killed, more than 18,000 were captured, and more than 40,000 were killed. It was even more unexpected than the Angolans that the target of the Rila army this time turned out to be the sun fortress of the kingdom barrier! "So the fall of the sun fortress has nothing to do with the empire. On the contrary, the empire has sincerely reminded the Beyond people, even after the Rila people occupied the sun fortress and opened the door to the hinterland of the kingdom of Beyond. In order to prevent the civilians of Beyond from being slaughtered by the Rila people, the Empire sent Governor Feishan Prais to personally rush to mediation. At this point, the Kingdom of Beyond owes a great favor to the empire. Don’t forget that the Beyonds are Those who had raised their rebellious flags against the empire were very kind to the empire without falling down. Is it better to accuse the empire than the people of the Ang in manipulating behind their backs?" The black-haired emperor shrugged and put the document in the clip again. Important evidence, once Bion’s side figured it out, this evidence was enough for Bion’s side to bring down his teeth and swallow blood. The emperor speculated that the Rila would retaliate in July. Is it necessarily July?

"What does your majesty want to do?"

Laprais was cold all over, and felt his head was blank. After a long time, it was still himself who came out to wipe his butt! He vaguely felt that the emperor had spent so much effort to arrange, and he certainly would not just want to tease the Rila and Beyonds. The emperor also noticed the idea of ​​Prais, and his face became more serious, his eyes stared out the window, pupils As bright as starlight

"Well, since you have already noticed, then I will say it directly. The purpose of instigating the fight between the Rila and the Bian is actually very simple. That is to attract everyone’s attention. "Raid" the black-haired emperor's face dimmed into the water, a breath that belonged to the world's overlord diffused, and it seemed that between the hands and feet, it gave people a pressure to obey

"Your Majesty is about to assault the Kingdom of Aden? This is really too risky." Praisi's body trembles. This time, he was really scared. His eyes were full of horror. I thought that the imperial army would cross the desert of Aden. All began to become stubborn, he said sharply, "Your Majesty is invincible, but the Aden Desert is not a joke place, where is the special geographical environment created by the unique climate, the thousands of miles of the Aden Desert is the Kingdom of Aden The best barrier, since the Kingdom of Aden completely abandoned the Koninya region on the edge of the inner sea, the Aden Desert has completely become the dividing line separating the Obaro region from the Gulf of Aden. The Aden Desert in May has entered the most The hot season is completely unsuitable for large-scale march and combat, not to mention that the Adenites have been operating in this desert area for more than 100 years, knowing this desert better than any other country

"The Adenites have spent 50 years incorporating the various forces in this desert area into the territory of the Kingdom of Aden, and they have stationed troops in the desert area for a long time. As long as there are some anomalies, the Aden Border Guards stationed in the oasis will Decisively pollute all the oasis water sources, and let the enemies invading the desert fall into a desperate situation where no water is available.” Prais described the information obtained from the caravan, hoping to dispel the emperor’s unreliable idea. The extremely hot weather is the best weapon of the Adenites. Even if it is reluctant to move forward, the pressure behind it is enough to overwhelm the enemy.

At the beginning, the army of the Eero Empire entered the desert. At the beginning, it was also vigorously advanced. Until the middle of the desert, the Adens' counterattack came quickly. It is because the carrying capacity of the oasis is limited. The Adens who are very familiar with the desert know that Egypt The 300,000 troops that the Luo Empire invaded into the desert could not have been supplied by an oasis alone. Even the largest oasis in the desert, which could carry the consumption and water of 50,000 soldiers, was already in the sky. The deeper, the more troops need to be dispersed. At the beginning, the Eero army sang forward and was finally overturned by the Adens. The big problem is that the Eero army has to go all the way and have to leave troops all the way to ensure the logistics line.

By the time the Eero army arrived in the middle of the desert, the 300,000 Eero army had been completely disbanded. The Eero army of less than 50,000 people faced a full army of 80,000, of which 15,000 were The Kingdom of Aden has the greatest combat power in the desert. The first camel cavalry regiment. These desert boats are all built into war weapons in the hands of the Aden craftsmen. The camel cavalry are wearing mail and the camel body is The leather inlaid with iron sheet not only ensures that the camel is too heavy, but also guarantees the physical consumption of the camel, and the improvement of the camel is far beyond the height of the ordinary horse. In addition to the speed, the physical strength and endurance are beyond the horse , Even if you have more than a dozen knives in your body, if the warhorse might roll over painfully, but the camel's skin is thicker, the nerve response is more sluggish, and the body is bigger, as long as it is not a hit, the camel will continue to before

The desert light army of the 37 small kingdoms in the desert is a perfect pursuit force. The Eero army that thought to be able to traverse the desert ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Finally, the long-awaited Aden army in the middle section was overturned in one fell swoop."

"It took a month and a half for the Eero army to enter the desert, and was chased and hunted down by the Aden army all the way. It was only fourteen days. The elite 300,000 Eero Empire died in this fourteen days. People, including the 20,000 people who were actually killed by the Aden, did not arrive. Most of the deaths occurred on the road of the Eero army’s retreat. Among the yellow sands, Ero died of thirst. The corpses of the imperial soldiers, even the most elite imperial team, faced with such a long desert area, it is estimated that it is difficult to escape the fiasco of the Eero Empire. No one can attack from the land to Aden online shopping, because they defeated their It’s not Aden’s army, but a desert that humans can’t resist!” Prais spit out his politely, the emperor’s plan was too crazy, a little careless, maybe hundreds of thousands of emperor corpses buried in the yellow sand Tragic sight! "Relax, I haven’t been arrogant enough to let the emperor cross the thousands of miles of desert." The emperor raised his hand and didn’t say that the imperial navy would enter the sea of ​​mist along the Eero River and attack the kingdom of Aden from the land. The danger is self-evident, but the attack on the Kingdom of Aden from the waterway is as long as it can pass through the sea of ​​mist. Now the army of the Kingdom of Aden is in Centralbia. It is the moment when the Kingdom of Aden is in the most neutral position.

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