Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and seventeenth Foggy Dawn (4)

"Is it the last?"

The cold corner of King Ravi Owitt's mouth slightly twitched, and his eyes fell on the front. The cold biting wind in the night cut like a sharp blade. The Rila army assembled on the 14th, wearing heavy armor and heavy infantry. Standing at the front with a steel tower shield, the torches are like forests, like a cluster of flames swaying and dancing in the cold wind, reflecting the army of Rila like waves.

Behind the heavy armoured infantry, a Harvey archer wearing light armor and holding a battle bow, toward the final inner fort formed by the natural mountain in front, followed by an order, they raised their war bows in hand, Under the reflection of the torch, countless flashing metal arrows flicker like stars. Shooting, the countless cold awns flashed at the height of forty meters in the line of sight. Arrow clusters flew across, the splashed wall soil splashed down like raindrops

"Beyond never succumb!" Nearly hoarse, but more tragic sound mixed in the sound of arrows flying down

After a fierce battle day and night, with a total of hundreds of thousands of troops fighting to death, the Rila people, relying on their absolute strength, finally stepped on the inside of this solid barrier that blocked the ambitions of Rila for ten years. This solar fortress attack and defense finally reached the final moment. The Rila army successively won the outer wall. The three layers of inner fort in front, only the last layer of inner fort remained, but obviously it has not been able to persist for long. At the end of the fortress, the defenders of Beyond definitely did not exceed two thousand people. More than 40,000 of them died in battle. More than four-fifths of the entire Sun Fortress was occupied by the Rila army, and they can be taken down with a single effort. At this moment, King O'Reit of Rila ordered the whole army to repair

"King Beyond's main march is very fast, it has been approaching forty miles, the forward cavalry is about 4,000, and it is less than twenty miles from the Sun Fortress."

The news of the cavalry from the speeding came suddenly silent in the air

Aowitt's face grew colder under the torchlight. General Rila took a breath, and couldn't help but sigh faster than the main force of the Ang army. General Rila's lips slightly opened. I wanted to say something, but I didn't say it in the end,

It was ten hours ahead of the expected time, and this suddenly shortened ten hours can be said to be fatal to the current Rila army, because although the Rila army has captured most of the Sun Fortress, However, there is a fourth layer in the hands of the Bian people, and the army has been attacking for nearly one day and one night, and 20 hours of continuous fighting, even the iron hit people can’t stand it.

It was originally expected to wait until the afternoon of the fourth day at the earliest, but now it is only the third night. In this case, even if the Rila army captured the last fourth layer of the inner fort, and fought the Rila army day and night, even breathing There is no chance of it, so I have to face the rapid counterattack of the main force of the dying. Although the Rila army still has an advantage in strength, but its own loss of attacking the Sun Fortress is not small, and the strength advantage it can occupy is just a few. Thousands of people, and the substantial consumption of physical energy is enough to even out this advantage. Under the sudden and fierce attack, the Rila army may even collapse directly!

What can be done now is that someone came out to stop the Bian army’s support, but that is basically mortal

"Your Majesty, my 15th Army has not been engaged in combat since offensive, so please send your 15th Army to block it!"

A slender, thick-faced, middle-aged general Rila came out of the general and saluted King Ravira Ovette. He was the commander of the 15th Army of Rila, Montero, this morning. Only when he arrived at the battlefield of the Sun Fortress, when he saw Montero stand out for battle, the other generals of Rila showed a strange look

Even Auwit himself took a deep breath, and his eyes fell sharply on Montero. After hesitating for a few seconds, he rejected Montero’s request. "No, the 15th Army has only six thousand people, and Neither equipment nor soldiers are far from the configuration of combat troops. I cannot let you die, and I have promised you that I can no longer put you on the battlefield."

"Your Majesty, in this case, besides my 15th Army, are there any other suitable candidates?"

Montero looked around, and said firmly, "Let's not say that the army has been exhausted, that is, the Pyong people have red eyes for the rescue of the solar fortress. It is said that the main force of the Pyong army is 40,000. There are many people, and there are troops from all over the way. The total strength reaches 80,000. In the face of such a large army, no more than 40,000 troops can't stop it, but below this number, the final possible result is that although it is dragged down Time, but will also be swallowed away by the life of the angry and angry Bion,

This is a mission of who is going to die. The sun is about to fall, and Hu Keqili, the minister of imperial affairs, has landed at Lockeburg. The countdown to this war may be just a few hours. After all, we are also Rila soldiers, it is the duty of my generation of soldiers to go to the battlefield. Besides, it is the greatest honor for my generation of Rila soldiers to be able to **** the last time for the 50-year-old kingdom of Rila.

"But you only have six thousand people. Even if I give you all the reserve troops, there are absolutely no 20,000 people, and what you have to face is the 80,000 Bian Army!"

Aowitt's face was dignified, and five fingers were clasped together. The predecessor of the 15th Army was the third army of the Kingdom of Rila. It was the most heavily guarded force of Aowitt. At the time, the Kingdom of Rila led the Central European Baro and the Empire. Contending for the hero, being attacked by the imperial emperor as a cavalry, resulting in the death of more than 100,000 coalition troops, including the death of the third army of the Reyla Kingdom

Later, in the face of the attack of hundreds of thousands of Hungarian troops, Aoweit commanded the third army to defend the Kunta fortress and did not retreat, only temporarily blocked the attack of the Hungarian right army, and finally the Hungarian right After being assassinated, hundreds of thousands of Hungarian troops were annihilated by the First World War, but the 15th army of Reira had 14,000 troops, and there were less than two thousand in the end. I couldn’t bear to rebuild the Third Army, so the remaining 200 people were organized into the 15th Regiment of the Kingdom of Rila. The total number of the army is only 6,000. Since it is no longer in the front-line combat sequence, it is mainly responsible for logistics. More than two hundred veterans went to provide for the elderly,

This time the Kingdom of Reira attacked the Kingdom of Beyond. The 15th Army also received the order from King Aoweit at the end, so it was two days later than the arrival of other legions. The fifteenth military was transferred, on the one hand because of logistical needs, and also because they wanted these veterans after the battle to see the ruins of the Sun fortress and see the flag of the Kingdom of Rila Waving on the high top of the Sun Fortress, this was the dream of any Rila soldier

Ao Witt never thought about letting the 15th Army on the battlefield again, but now the situation is that no one except the 15th Army can take on this mortal task! Even Owette, who is called the ruthless king by the outside world, has a hard time at this moment

"Your Majesty, in fact, we are not necessarily mortal!"

Montero took a deep breath. From Montero, he could basically see the characteristics of the Rila soldiers, proud, but not arrogant, brave but not brutal, because at the junction of Central Obaro and Gangfei Empire, The Rila soldiers who integrated the military ideas of the Obaro region and the Central Obaro region are generally stronger than the general Central Europa soldiers, otherwise there will be no capital to compete with the empire at the beginning, Montero said in a conservative voice. The king team has 80,000 people, but the main force is still forty miles away from the Sun Fortress, and I believe that the 80,000 troops can’t arrive together, so the other party will choose to wait for the assembly time, I only need to block the other party’s The forward cavalry will do. As for the main force of the Beyoncé, it is possible to reduce the scheduled march time from four days to less than three days. I believe that the Beyoncé should also be uncomfortable. When they are assembled, our army should have won the fourth tier. Neborg"

"You are right, according to intelligence, the 80,000 main forces of the Bjang Army are indeed scattered, 40,000 are all the way in, and the other 40,000 are all gathered from all over Bjang because of the distance There will inevitably be a difference in time, but even for 40,000 people, you can’t stop it! "Awitt's face is easier. The so-called authorities are obsessed with bystanders. As the commander of this war, if you come from time See, from the moment he became King of Rila, the desire to capture the Sun Fortress had already existed, and the specific goal was made possible, but it was after the Rila Youth Army was ambushed.

Aoweite keenly grasped the real thoughts of the emperor. The emperor acquiesced in this war. For Aoweit, it was equal to compensate for the death of 20,000 young soldiers.

"The only problem is that I am not familiar with the Bien area where the Sun Fortress is based, which makes me unable to determine the most suitable attack point!"

Montero raised his head to look at Aurel, the King of Rila, who was silent. He knew that His Majesty Auwit had been planning for the Sun Fortress for a long time. Aurel, the king of Rila, was an extremely cautious person himself. After betting on the gambling table, of course, it will never let you lose because of a small omission, so Your Majesty Auwit must have a card that knows the movement of the Bian army.

"Let Surah come over each time!"

King O'Reiter of the Rila snorted heavily. From the tone, he can see that he agreed with Montero's view. As long as the main forces of the Bion Army did not arrive at the same time, and they could not judge the real combat strength of the 15th Army, this There may not be a chance for war. Time, everything eventually returned to time, and the emperor really did. . . . . . What do you say to your secret ambassador, three days, only give yourself three days, if you can't get the Sun Fortress, then the Rila people have lost their bets and the empire has already completed the compensation! This is a precious opportunity in exchange for 20,000 live lives. Every minute and every second consumed here is human blood.

"Surago? ‘Hearing this strange name, General Rila’s faces were a bit surprised. Is there such a person in the royal office?

"Sura came back to Rila 20 days ago, it's normal that you don't know"

His Majesty Auwitt said something, but did not say it later. It seems that he is not willing to reveal more things. Sura is the chief of intelligence of the Kingdom of Rila into the Kingdom of Bion. All the surveillance of the movement of the Bion Army is under the responsibility of Sura. The nails buried by the Rila Kingdom in the Bion Kingdom have continued to penetrate for decades. Awwit himself does not know that there are How many Rila’s eyes are on the Beyond army, and the person in charge of all this is Sulago. If it were not for the Rila National Games because of this battle, Orwitt would not bury this one in Beyond. The intelligence officer of the kingdom is recruited back

"His Majesty"

A few minutes later, a fat middle-aged man appeared in front of King Rila, with a mediocre face that he would never remember after a glance, a smile on the corner of his mouth, wearing a slightly unfit lock A, if this is not a battlefield full of **** corpses, General Rila’s first impression of this middle-aged man is absolutely unimpressed! This is a greasy middle-aged man who can be seen everywhere. You can see such people in taverns, groceries, and auction houses. General Reila is thinking, what does it mean that His Majesty Owitt found this middle-aged fat man?

"Can you determine the specific route of the Bianon forward cavalry?" Montero hesitated, gritting his teeth and asking.

"This..." The middle-aged fat man known as Sulago paused, and looked at King Oweet of Rila. He saw His Majesty Owet nodded before continuing. "Rila forward cavalry should know Walk the Kullo hilly area on the left side of the Sun Fortress, because there is only the high-speed Mercedes-Benz that is best for cavalry. The other direction is either a rocky beach or a dense winter wood forest. The cavalry can’t run at such a location at all. Our army encountered, I am afraid that even if you want to quickly leave, you can’t do it. If it is news about the main force of the Biang army, I only know that it has appeared forty miles away. If I want to know the specific situation, I need time, and I I believe there will be specific news coming back soon"

"How can you be so sure that the opposing cavalry will definitely walk the Kullo Hills? In case Bion Cavalry takes another route, do you know what it means!"

Montero's tone increased, and he even showed an aggressive breath. Although he has the determination not to be afraid of fighting death, it does not mean that he must seek his own way. If the route is intercepted incorrectly, even if he is killed in battle, he will be dead! The other General Rila also had a doubtful look on his face. Is this Sura reliable?

This is a matter of whether the Kingdom of Rila is a great success in World War I or a major choice for World War I! More than one hundred thousand troops have been fighting blood to death, how can this person be so careless!

"I have lived around the Sun Fortress for thirty years. I can be sure that the opposing cavalry must go to the Kuluo hills. That road was still my own personal drawing. Because of the patrol, we sacrificed four people. The calm gaze flickered, and changed the ordinary state of the ordinary, just like the sharpness of a sharp weapon, General Rila’s faces changed, all of them rolled out of the dead on the battlefield. You will not feel that this is the breath of killing people, and many people have been killed. Who is this Sura? The generals did not know that the first time they captured the outer wall of the Sun Fortress, under the arrangement of Suraq, a thousand Rila scouts turned into countless squads from the Sun Fortress to the Kingdom of Bion The direction of the fishing nets spread out like a fishing net, and the sun fortress was directed towards the hinterland of the kingdom of Bion. The fifty-mile range was already covered with Rila scouts.

In the dark night, under the black sky, the cold wind was like a roll from the sky, a piece of wind and grass. Whirling across the hills of turbulent stones and weeds, three miles in front, as the sun fortress, you can still see the flames burning in the direction of the fortress, under the strong wind, the black smoke from the sky to the top of the head, until The entire sky is densely covered into a dark world. In the originally silent environment, a thunderous rolling sound, the earth trembling violently, seems to have a heavy force to shake, turning the frozen ground into a muddy, together A black shadow emerged from a distance,

Montero, who was standing on the slope, was relieved. Bion Cavalry actually chose to walk the Kullo Hills. Two minutes later, Montero shouted violently, "Fifteenth Army, vertical gun!" The horseshoes thundered and the ground underneath trembles violently. I saw the long black line that seemed to stop in front of me, and the nearer, the fifteenth army soldier's heart was throbbing and his hands were shaking. ! They hold the lance in their hands tightly, which is the only thing they can feel rely on. The three rows of neat lances slanted in front of them, and the dense spear tips, even in the dark night, also flash the metal's terrible edge~www.wuxiaspot. com~The gun head is like a forest!

Two hundred meters!

One and a half!

Fifty and a half!

The black shadow in front started to show the lineup. It was a speeding armored warhorse. The knight above had pulled out a sharp cavalry sword. The 15th Army soldier felt like he was facing a black iron wall. Pressed over! This iron wall is still expanding rapidly, even occupying all the vision! It was an iron wall composed of countless armored cavalry. It was so close that the white breath of the horse’s breath could be clearly seen, and the blood stains on the long sword could be seen. People seem to give people a feeling of breathlessness, and everyone's nerves have collapsed to the limit

"Full-hearted rushing over" came a short and heavy Bian language across the opposite side. Within three seconds, the two armed forces collided fiercely. Thousands of spears sprang out at the same time. A cavalry who collided with a dense spear was instantly cut into pieces, but the fierce cavalry behind him was pressed up fiercely, and there was a crackling sound of the broken gun. More iron hoofs were on the fifteenth Army soldiers hacking and killing Fupin

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