Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and twenty-six inside the mist (13)

Cairo Port

The port of Cairo in May is also called the flower port. The pink-red crimson flowers and trees almost made up the entire city of Cairo as a flower. Looking from a height, a large and large pink canopy almost blocked the view. The rays of sunlight outside the window came from the screen window and fell on the golden teak floor, reflecting the looming halo. This hall is elegantly decorated, and the most distinctive feature is the huge piece of gorgeous paving on the ground The incomparable rug is set with several sets of square couches, and the hall is filled with Qixiu plants, just like the outside garden has been moved in, and a large oil painting is hung on one side of the big wall.

"Miss, we just got news that the imperial navy assembled a large number of naval warships in the waters of Kathy. It seems that the empire has known the secrets of Kathy." A maid in a white skirt pushed the door open from the back and walked with a ugly face Whispered to the lady standing by the window sill, the lady standing in front of the window sill, wearing a pink dress, graceful and graceful

"There was nothing fussing about what was expected. It was a matter of time before this matter leaked from Mount Etmont to the empire. If it was His Majesty the former emperor, or he still had some real secrets, now the Royal Royal , Do you think there are any secrets in the royal family of Mount Eero in front of Mount Etmont, and only fools like the Vernons and Casets will believe in the royal family of Mount Eero, and count on the unreliable things, My Tamken family believes that if they want to recapture the old king capital, it is more reliable to rely on the Eero people's own power! "The beauty did not show the slightest unexpected look to the news brought by the maid, but the cold and incomparable face instead It was a ridiculous look, still looking at the top of the forest-like mast in the port area in the distance, and a cold voice said, "Compared to the imperial navy's movements, I want to know why the imperial navy did not gather early, late No assembly, but choose to gather at this time"

‘Miss means that there will be big moves on the empire side? "The maid's pretty face changed

"The naval port has been under martial law for three days, and the imperial army has been increasing troops in the north of Erow in an orderly manner since last month. The Minister of Military Affairs is still waiting for mediation in Central Europe. I have to suspect that the Imperial Minister of Military Affairs has arrived in Hérault. I heard that the Bian and Rila people have even recruited teenage children for the Sun Fortress. The mediation of the empire should be these days, but why do I always feel uneasy?" Beauty's voice paused, Xiumei swept away from the window sill, a pair of bright and beautiful light blue eyes, gorgeous and charming The bright red and bright lip gloss outlines a more three-dimensional face. The high bun is horizontally inserted with a green hairpin hairpin, which is more stunning and stunning than the crimson flowers outside the city.

Her name is Atelis, the most popular woman in Cairo Port in the past two months, not only because of her stunning appearance, but also because she is the second daughter of the Tamken family of the three Marquis families in the south of Eero, Egypt. The president of the Cabrus Chamber of Commerce, the largest chamber of commerce in the South, although the empire and Eero South are in a war relationship, it does not mean that the commercial trade between the empire and Eero South has also frozen. On the contrary, because the war lasted for a long time, Eero South The demand for all kinds of materials for the empire is greater, and the imperial merchants still sell a large amount of empire goods to the princes of the south of Erow without the empire’s explicit prohibition.

As the largest chamber of commerce in the south of Eero, the Chamber of Chambers of Carbrus is behind the Tamken family, one of the three major marquises. The proportion of these southern trades can be imagined, and the second daughter of the Tamken family is even more The competitiveness of the Tamken family is greatly increased, not only because of its gorgeous and unparalleled beauty, but also because Attris is a quite famous painter. Princess Luo Luo almost came

"There should be no reason for a good rest. I said that the young lady should not buy a copy of the painting in the Cairo Port store. Fortunately, no one knew that the young lady had bought this, otherwise if the royal family knew it was Our Tamken family bought a replica of the sickle of the **** of war, fearing that something was going to happen.” The maid in the white dress sighed helplessly

"Hero's royal family is now overwhelmed and still dare to take care of our affairs there"

Atelis smiled indifferently, his eyes fell deeply on the oil painting hanging on the wall, and said coldly, "The rumors are the oil painting of the sickle of the imperial emperor. It’s ridiculous, and later the empire has bought it at a high price, and it’s true that the man who looks nothing special in the painting may be the supreme emperor of the empire. It’s a pity that the painting in front of me is obviously fake. In other words, the sickle of the **** of war sold in the whole port of Cairo is just fake! I have to admire the empire's skill in dealing with it in this respect. Ignorance of these paintings shows that the empire is open and tolerant, but it can also It is completely impossible for people to know the true appearance of the emperor from these piles of fakes!"

Speaking of which, Atelis' fascinating eyes were obviously dimmed. The painting described is said to be the fierce decisive battle that brought the entire Eero Empire from prosperity to decline. Although the authentic product is no longer available, but I can’t stop other people’s desire for this sickle of the **** of war, especially this painting, which is said to have few true features of His Majesty the **** of war. It is also possible to buy fakes, so that the fakes of various warrior sickles are popular. In the port of Cairo, which is controlled by the empire, the painting of warrior sickles has almost become a specialty of Cairo port. It seems that which store shop stalls If you don’t sell the sickle of the deputy army god, you can’t be regarded as a businessman in the port of Cairo.

Because what is depicted on the sickle of the **** of war is the fall war that led to the decline of the entire Eero Empire, an emperor, a pope, and the two powerful powers in the south, adding up to nearly half a million. For the other countries, this might be the fantasy of a painting, sword and sword, iron and blood, the two most powerful monarchs in the south, the most outstanding emperor of the Eero royal family, The Valkyrie, is related to the life and death of the two great powers. Only these are enough to make people bloody, not to mention, there is also the rumored majesty of the military god. Although it is only fantasy, it has to admit the greatness of this fantasy. Place

In a painting, there are so many factors gathered. Ankolo is known as the first painter in South Europe Baro. It really is not comparable to ordinary people. For the port of Cairo, which is close by, this is really the case. The war that took place in front of them was a business opportunity for the merchants, because the painting of the sickle of the **** of war even allowed Cairo Port to gather a large number of painters for a time and become an innumerable painter of the so-called "Southern Art Capital" Every day I work hard to paint, even if it is counterfeit, it is also divided into grades. The paints and standards of the paintings, the scythe of the **** of war painted by painters of different reputations, the price is also different. The most expensive ones can be sold for five hundred imperial gold. It may be cheaper as long as an imperial gold,

Although the name is the sickle of the warrior, the content is all kinds. His majesty the warrior stands on the hills, on the plains, on the fortress, on the battlefield where the corpses are across the field, standing on the piles of corpses at the foot , It’s almost impossible to paint your majesty the emperor in the toilet. The so-called emperor’s true appearance is more interesting. Hair of various colors, various skin colors, handsome, ugly, tough, feminine, fat and thin, The brutalists, the devilists, and the sickle of the true **** of war, anyway, have been collected in the imperial royal warehouse, and the few who have seen the emperor's true appearance were very few. Since they were intended to cater to the fantasy products of noble women in the south, they were naturally put in their place. It’s better to sell at a higher price.

But for this act of making emperor's paintings, the administrators of the imperial port of Cairo have rarely acquiesced, because these paintings have brought the rich profits of the port of Eiro, and unexpectedly let the port of Cairo in the field of arts and culture. Rising wildly, let the whole Obaro know that the port of Cairo is the whole area of ​​Southern Obaro, the only place where the painter can make a fortune,

The open policy management of the empire and the scene of a stable and prosperous Cairo port compared to other turbulent areas. For southern artists who lived in hardships during the war, the sky temple in Cairo port is almost like a temple of art. exist

The sky civilization in the sky temple has existed for hundreds of years, and the romantic and affectionate Salander’s achievements in astronomical paintings are greatly filled with magnificent narrative paintings, and it also makes a large number of so-called artists obsessed.

Atelis bought it, but it was one of the few unremarkable paintings, I don’t know whose handwriting, the color seasoning is still counted, but the idea above is so dazed, golden sunshine Next, in the vast expanse of the plains of the north of Eero, the imperial emperor in the painting rides on the majestic warhorse, while in the position of the emperor's eyes, it is the towering city wall of Eero.

This is basically a worthless work, because everyone knows that the attack on the king of Eero is the sect of the army, the empire did not participate in the attack on the king of Eero, so the emperor of the Empire is more unlikely to appear in the king of Eero~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the people who let everyone see this picture, turned their eyes away for the first time,

This painting is obviously mocking the empire's ambitions for King Eero, which is equivalent to saying that the empire has defeated King Eero, and from the current situation, the Pope of the Order of the Order All one million were sold to the empire, which clearly confirmed this. The emperor who really wanted the capital of Eero was the emperor, not Pope Pdamia

As the center of the cultural and artistic gathering of Port Elero, the Sky Temple itself is responsible for the spread of culture. There are not one hundred to eighty painters who sell their paintings outside the Sky Temple every day. Atelis is a glance. Fancy this picture. After standing for a few minutes in front of this picture, Atelis, who is an excellent painter, paid a solemn face to buy this picture.

"It should be Polek's handwriting. It seems that the Vernon family pirate has also arrived in Cairo Port. He is as reckless as before, regardless of the consequences, and he dare to directly vaguely curse the empire emperor's ambitions for the capital of Eero!"

After hesitating, Atelier glanced away from the paintings on the wall, and said to the maid with a cold face, "Tell the Vernon family the news of the imperial navy's assembly in Kathy, and bring them a sentence, Imperial Navy Port It has been three days since martial law. This is a measure that will be taken only when there are heavy ministers on the empire's side.

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