Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven the misty dawn (14)

Central Europe Baro, Sun Fortress

In the light and darkness, countless Bian people marched forward. There were soldiers with heavy shields. The swaying and scattered impact was at the front, followed by a large number of light infantry that did not even have the most basic leather armor. You can see countless canines intertwined with the sun fortress as the dividing line. The fire is burning and roaring in the wind, the fronts of the two sides are unfolding, some are hundreds of meters long, some are concentrated in a short gap of more than ten meters, hundreds of thousands of people are standing side by side, one charge and one charge Because of the heavy rain that fell yesterday, the military flags of the two sides were completely soaked and wrapped around the flagpole, and the coldness and cruelty of iron and blood became more and more cruel, sending the vitality team one by one. Ordered the troops behind to oust the troops in front. Such a vigorous approach to the front. From the hundreds of meters encountered at the beginning of the front, at an unimaginable speed, it quickly expanded to the range of six or seven kilometers of the Sun Fortress.

From the beginning of the competition, to the full effort of the two kingdom groups, the battle broke out in just five days, but its tragic degree and the scale of its troops are not only shocked to hold The bustling Central European Baroque countries, even the forces of the entire Obaro continent, are also stupid.

"Step by step, I was stupidly stabilizing the situation at the Sun Fortress with inferior forces, and then just waiting for the Empire to intervene, you can get all the north of the Sun Fortress, and there are 300,000 people in Bion. The army, but still unable to pull back the disadvantages, have to admit that the Rila people played this time is really amazing. "But what do you think, it seems that behind the outbreak of the Rila people, it seems to be the shadow of the empire. "

"Shouldn't it? I feel like the Empire has been suppressing Rila!"

Is this still a clash between regions? It is simply a battle of life and death at the level of a great power! "For the lively layman, the Sun Fortress has exceeded too many expectations, and for the monarchs of the country, they are shocked by the amazing strategy that the Rila people suddenly showed this time. Being able to achieve such a level, the war with the empire will not necessarily be defeated!

The total strength of the Rila and Biang people has already exceeded 300,000. If it is not known that the two countries were hit hard before the war, I really thought it was the decisive battle between the two great powers. At this moment, whether it is The Eeros, or the Bian people, showed their fighting power and fighting will, which reached the level of nearly regional powers. Who can tell that the Biao people who invested 200,000 counterattacks in one breath lived in the last winter More than 300,000 people have starved to death, and Rilla’s performance is even more astounding. In addition to the strong forces at the beginning, they rip off the tens of thousands of Bianyan border guards, and then attacked the Sun Fortress at an alarming rate. Otherwise, the current Rila army will have to face the 300,000 Bian army that suddenly appeared in the direction of the Sun Fortress. Even if the Rila army is powerful, it will only have a fiasco in the face of twice the number of enemies.

In reality, however, the Rila people had a brutal tug-of-war with the Bian people, and even vaguely prevailed!

The original black is no longer visible in the land of the Sun Fortress, but it has changed to another color. The dark red human blood was also washed out by the rain that broke out last night to form a stream. The flame in the direction of the Sun Fortress is already in heavy rain Extinguished, but the flames of war were still spreading. Thunder God from the Rella side roared from the high fortress of the sun fortress, dumping fire towards the Bian army below, and a group of light groups entered the queue of the Bian people in the mountains and the wild. Exploded in mid-range. Although the Raytheon’s Thunder God’s shooting speed and accuracy are less than half of the empire’s skillful shooters, the Bian army, which is attacking the mountains below, still exerts great pressure from the soul to the body.

"For Beyon! Recapture the Sun Fortress"

"Keep up, assault forward." All sorts of shouting shouts, the Rila shooter standing on the sun fortress did not even aim, just raised the bow towards the sky, the other side was completely attacked, even if the front was A group of shields could not cover the people behind, the bow kept "squeaking" into a full moon, and the "swoosh" arrows poured into the pile of people below like a continuous heavy rain, and the people with arrows were still being pushed in the crowd Going forward, the position of the collapsed wall, countless sharp weapons are slashing and fighting, both sides of the battle are gritting their teeth, blood is bleeding, there are swords and swords everywhere, the armor on the body is completely smashed into blood red, and the bodies of both sides are covered with corpses, Because the dead people were too right, the Bian soldiers almost stepped on the dead body. The screams continued, the weapons slammed, the sparks splattered, the injured lay in the pool of blood and groaned for two consecutive days without rest. Both sides of the head are ignorant at the moment, but the numb endeavors are waving their arms to the opposite side, and the feet are greasy. That is the human body stepping on. The thick **** smell is even more natural than the air!

"The left side was ripped open. What the Eighth Army is doing, even if it's a pig, it won't be like this!"

"Your Majesty, the Eighth Army is defeated!"

"The Fifth Legion asked for reinforcements! More than half of the battle died!"

"Report! Lord Brent of the Ninth Army was seriously injured!"

Ning listened to the urgent news one after another, and there was no expression on the solemn face of King Rahiti Aoweit. The scale of the war exceeded his expectations, although he knew in advance that the Bionians had assembled The heavy soldiers fought back, but I did not expect that Bion would be so crazy. In addition to the 80,000 people at the beginning, all the men in the four provinces around the Sun Fortress above the age of 14 and those under the age of 60 were temporary. Recruited to become soldiers, a temporary civilian army of more than 150,000. After arriving on the battlefield yesterday morning, the Rila army ushered in the most severe test. Groups of Bionians swooped into the fortress. City walls, the fighting power of these Björn civilian troops is almost negligible, and a little loss will cause a swarm of bees to flee back, so the pressure on the Rila army was not great at first.

But as time went on, the Rila army began to realize the real intention of the Bian people to use these civilian cannon fodder. The Bian people used these cannon fodder civilians to consume the Bian people's exhausted energy, fighting for two consecutive days. The regular troops of the Ang people reared up and rejuvenated, while the Rila army of the Sun Fortress had to constantly guard against the waves of attacks by these cannon fodder troops. The tired and pale faces of the soldiers had begun to show dull eyes, many The soldiers were fighting each other one moment ago, and they might snore in the corner with their weapons in the next moment. Many soldiers were hacked to death by the sneaking Bionians because they didn’t react during the break.

"The original counterattack plan does not have this article, it seems that someone has changed the counterattack plan"

Sura has a dignified face. As the creator of the counterattack plan, he can feel more than anyone. Someone has changed the counterattack plan, or if the counterattack plan is the first set, then obviously someone has also developed a second set. It is no wonder that the Bion Military Department has been deliberately or unintentionally placing demobilized soldiers in the provinces around the Sun Fortress over the years. The advantage of this is that these surrounding provinces are quite rude and vulgar in terms of folk customs. The tradition that opens without saying a word, because many people come back from the army, and their homes are more or less hidden with weapons and simple leather armor, which is equivalent to hiding a large army in advance in these surrounding provinces.

As the military strategy department of the Kingdom of Beyond, it is mainly responsible for strategic deployment and deployment of troops, but it is impossible to reach these, and if it is not this Sun Fortress battle, no one knows that the royal family of Beyond is hiding such a killer weapon!

The Sun Fortress was still huge before, but at this moment, the Rila people have begun to feel powerless. The Sun Fortress is as long as seven or eight miles. Every city segment is fighting, and the number of the Rila army is only 120,000 or 30,000, plus The battle damage in the past two days has been reduced to about 90,000. It is impossible to fully take care of the seventy-eight-mile long fortress wall, but the Bian people have taken advantage of this long attack line. Ang civilian soldiers charged back and forth at these wall sections, and ran back after they broke down. After more than ten minutes, they came back again with a clatter of black and white. The Rila soldiers had to support their spirits and continue to fight for hours. , Defeated a series of attacks

It seems to have the upper hand, but the actual situation is not the case. The advantages of the Bian people as home are beginning to manifest. The reinforcements can be pulled in endlessly. The recruitment of civilian troops in the surrounding area can take only two days to reach the battlefield. , Huge trebuchets also began to appear in the siege queue, as dozens of civilians pushed behind, and as the offensive troops stepped closer, Bion was taking back the original disadvantages step by step, and Rui However, the Kingdom of Latin America had to kill the elite troops, so it was wiped out by the bottomless hole in front of it! It's only a matter of time before the Biangs finally recapture the Sun Fortress!

"Isn't it true that God is not my Rila!" King Ravi Owert murmured in a low voice that only he could hear, his chest slightly undulated, and the look on his face had changed from the excitement at the beginning Iron cyan,

After the fierce battle hit the fifth afternoon, the civilian army of the Beyonds also began to appear immobilized. A large number of civilian soldiers of the Beyonds were walking slowly, and their faces were unrecognizable. Large groups of ducks were generally driven away by the Beyond regular army in the back, and before they were close to the city head, under a rain of arrows, a swarm of bees turned and fled. Even if the Beyond officer behind raised his knife and cut people, he could not stop the civilian army from fleeing. Flow of people

"Beyond's attacks are starting to weaken!"

"It seems that the other party can't afford such heavy losses anymore."

The generals of the Rila side first noticed that the attack strength of the Bian army was greatly reduced. It was originally a swarm of black bees, but now it is obviously much looser. On the one hand, it is because of the expansion of the battle damage and the floating of the people. After all, civilians are civilians, and they have continued to strike back and forth for two consecutive days. The Bian army was originally climbing up and attacking. These Bian civilians have been exhausted, and even in some chaotic troops, there has been mutiny. But what really caused the civilian soldiers of Beyond to start falling down was the climate with a huge temperature difference within twenty miles of the Sun Fortress. It was fine during the day, but the temperature suddenly dropped to minus zero at night. Thousands of people immediately fell down because they were recruited temporarily. They were armed with a spear, a wooden shield, and no armor, let alone a leather tent for rest. They lay in the open air for a day and night. Rest, under the sudden cold, it is not obvious in the morning, and in the afternoon, it is the person who fell down

"Really according to what you said, can the 11th and 15th Army really defeat the reinforcements of Issac-Rannan?" King Rewit of Reira took a deep breath and turned his head to look at the Su around him Lago, his heart was actually a little shaken, everything he could do, all the troops he could mobilize were fully adjusted, everything had reached the expected preparation,

"Your Majesty, don’t worry, Ishaklnan has lost trust in the royal family. As long as the eleventh and fifteenth army take out what I gave them, Ishakern will definitely choose to evacuate the Sun Fortress immediately. Periphery" Sula's eyes narrowed into a thin line, and the cold light flashed inside, saying one by one

"I hope so~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise I can only choose to leave the sun fortress after five hours, and I can't bury the soldiers of the entire Kingdom of Rila here!" Aowei Te said seriously.

The Sun Fortress has hit this position, no matter whether it is the Beyoncé or the Rila, there is no retreat, the fatigue of the army has been revealed, and it can be seen from the withdrawal, that many soldiers’ weapons are thrown on the ground, Just lying on the ground, both sides are already fighting to the end, like two beasts biting each other, and now the remaining strength is to stare at each other.

But relative to the fierceness of the Sun Fortress, there is a confrontational battle at the edge of the Sun Fortress, that is, the eleventh and fifteenth army and the rescue of the Sun Fortress Ishakarnan, and this was originally just this The collision of war embellishment, but at the moment when both sides are exhausted, it is undoubtedly a decisive force that can reverse the whole situation.

Whether the eleventh and fifteenth army defeated Ixaquernan, they returned to the sun fort and joined the battlefield. With these two fresh troops in place, Aoweit is 70% sure that he will defeat the equally exhausted Beyond army in one fell swoop. And if Ishkelnan defeated the blockade of the 11th and 15th Army, it will inevitably give a fatal blow to the main force of the empire from behind the Sun Fortress. The true decision of the Sun Fortress has now completely fallen on this The scale is far less than the battlefield of the Sun Fortress!

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