Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight Misty dawn (15)

The shouting echoed before the fortress at night, hitting the walls of the sun fortress and splashing again

The Rila army has been nearly collapsed. The wounded soldiers have been lying in the corridors inside the city wall. The Fifty Gates Empire Thor is completely dumb. The Thor who has completely completed the shells was exhausted at the wall position by the exhaust. It suffered in the afternoon. Part of the attacked outer wall sub-fortress has been broken, and the retreating Rila soldiers simply ignited all the fire and burned into four huge torches. The crackling crackling sounded all the surroundings.

"Slay it up, the Rila people can't carry it." Under the fire, the soldiers of the Beyond Army poured in with red eyes, and the arrows of both sides were intertwined densely in the night, as if there was no end. Countless people died in every gap that opened on the wall.

In the evening, the regular army of the Björn Army has begun to replace the civilian cannon fodder in front of it. The well-equipped royal guard is also pulled out. This shows that the Björn side is also the last power, without Thor. Suppressed, the infantry and armor of both sides were crowded in the gap position, the armor on the body seemed to be easily broken like tofu, screaming and falling down, and the corpses stacked so much, it seems that these large and small wall gaps will be plugged again! Taking a step back is a collapse. There are large and small fighting groups everywhere, and the formation is completely uncontrollable. It is nothing more than human life.

King Lucius III of Beyond was already at the front line at this time, standing under those flying flags, and dozens of drums around him were deafening. The officers of the royal army were all covered with blood, and many officers swallowed their last breath under the fearful eyes of Lucius III.

There were even two children of the royal family of Beyond. In the dark, the tall and thin figure of Lucius III stood upright, his cloak hunted in the night fire, he just squeezed his lips and stared at his eyes. The Sun Fortress, but did not look at the casualties officers. This 44-year-old King of Bion, although he has no significant achievements in his 16 years of reign, can allow the Kingdom of Bion to be on the east and the west. To maintain independence in front of the forces, even in the face of the Northern Falcon Empire sweeping all over, this Lucius III dared to come forward and touch it, and giving Lucius III such confidence, it is considered that it will never be possible to be Breaking Sun Fortress

Without returning to the Sun Fortress, Bion lost not only a barrier, but also the independent position he had maintained for more than a hundred years. From then on, he could only bow down to the powerful northern empire. This kind of thing has already been proud. How did the Beyoncé people suffer for a hundred years!

Another torrent of armor smashed in front of the crumbling wall of the Sun Fortress, and the remaining soldiers desperately pulled the wounded commander back. This unit is a royal guard, and the commander is naturally a member of the royal family. His Royal Highness Prince Lucia, one of the most trusted confidants of Seluise III, was once called the shadow of His Majesty the King, and was also the royal guard of Bion. Army commander

This prince has good looks, a high forehead, and a sharp eye. The official is the deputy chief of the Royal Guards. That is because the chief is the role of Lucius III himself. He has always given the impression of being radical and high, on many occasions. They all claimed to restore the glory of the Kingdom of Beyond, and make the Kingdom of Beyond re-established as the head of Central Obaro, but at this moment, the prince no longer had the slightest arrogance on his face, but hung one arm and helmet. It was knocked out, and the Beatles ran straight to the banner of Lucius III, thumping and crying, "Your Majesty, the Royal Guards have been pushed up for three hours, and the Sixth Army and the Twelfth Army have been damaged. More than half of them, I hope they can retreat and take a breath! After two hours of attacking, how can I be taken down by the majesty of the sun fortress!"

Lucius III's face was silent, and several generals beside Bian also said one after another: "Your Majesty's army stormed day and night and fell ill so much. Now the temperature is falling suddenly at night, and the civilians have refused to go up now. It’s all our regular army desperately...” Lucy III remained silent.

The Prince Rukoa kneeling in front of him walked a few steps towards his knees, and his voice was sad. "Your Majesty, if our royal army and regular army are all put together, the empire will take this opportunity to eradicate my kingdom. Your Majesty, don’t be an emperor! If it’s not an empire, we won’t ambush the Rila, if it’s not the empire’s acquiescence, how can the Rila dare to use their power to attack the Sun Fortress? , Are all traps against me Bion"

"Yeah, basically everything is behind the empire"

"If it weren't for the Empire to let us attack the Rila youth army, how could the Rila people retaliate against us!" sound. The screams, the drumming sound, cut the cold night wind into a turbulent flow, and raised the cloak behind Lucius III. A general Rila moistened her dry throat and opened her mouth. When she saw the cold light suddenly flashing, the sound of cutting something was always regarded as the head of Prince Lucia in the heart of the king. Under the stunned eyes, it had already soared into the sky, and the headless cavity was still standing there. A few moments later, he saw blood rain rising from the cavity.

"Does anyone else want to say withdraw?"

Lucius III's blood-stained long sword stood there without evasion, and let this blood rain splash on his black cloak. Prince Lucia's body shook twice and fell to the ground. All the generals of Beyond were stupid. Prince Rukya, who is definitely a first-class prince in the kingdom of Beyond, said that he is a figure with hands and eyes, and he died like this! They saw His Majesty walked over, picked up the head of Prince Lucia with his eyes wide open in his right hand, and gave it to the guard officer behind him, condensed and said, "Hang this head over the flag and tell the sixth in front of the attack. The army, the ninth army, the twelfth army, and then there are talks to retreat and retreat, this is the end!"

The bodyguard of the guard trembled slightly and took over the tossed head,

Lucius III turned his attention to the front line again. The long sword inlaid with red and blue gems was cold and snowy, and the blood on the sharp blade could not be kept. It quickly slid down the blade and fell straight into the battlefield that had been filled with blood. Under the blaze of fire, the sword's body devoted a shattered light. Lucius murmured in a low voice that only he heard, "What is Ishakrnan doing, and the 40,000-strong army hasn't even heard the news!"

Regarding the Rila Army, after receiving a piece of information, Sura’s solemn faces finally showed a smile, decisively saying, "Your Majesty, the Ishakırnam side has already done it. The 11th and 15th Army On the way to rush over, "Hearing this news and feeling that his hair is almost pale, His Owen has an unbelievable expression on his face. The Rila army has no more reserves, and all the troops are pulled up. However, he was still struck by the Bianang army and had to withdraw from the outer wall. Now he has fallen into the most difficult street battle. The casualties on both sides have skyrocketed. No one can know that in this last desperate melee, he fell down. how many people!

"Have you already defeated Ishakrnan?" His Majesty Ott asked in a deep voice.

"It is difficult to defeat Ishaklnan head-on, as Ishaklnan is a well-known continent general in the Kingdom of Bion, and he is also a very cautious and patient figure, although the 11th and 15th Corps have been tempting Ishakrnan decisive battle, but Ishakrnan was completely unmoved, just stayed in the camp."

"But fortunately, when I was stationed in the Sun Fortress, the layout of the head of the border army of Ishaklnan played a role at a critical moment. Ishaklnan chose to retreat!" Surag corner. With a wry smile, it seems that he does not want to mention too specific content, but Auwitt does not mean to let it go at all. Now the life and death of the entire army are hung on Ishkelnan. How dare he have any sloppy, This time, he was overwhelmed by the national games. This failure, even his king, could not bear it!

"Are you saying that there are people by our side beside Ishakrnan, right?"

King Auwitt murmured in a low voice, his eyes sharp and terrifying, and Shen Sheng asked, "Then tell me, Ishakrnan ambushed the 20,000 young Rila youth army at the border. Do you not know or know? But he chose to let it happen, but that is a total of 20,000 fresh and young lives, is it also regarded as a kind of bargaining chip?

Sulag’s face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he quickly swore that “I can use my honor to guarantee that I didn’t know that Ishkelnan had ordered an ambush of 20,000 youth troops, and as far as I know, the entire Kingdom of Bion knew This confidential order, together with Lucius III, will never exceed four people. I am afraid that even if Ishakrnan himself, before the order is handed, I don't know that there will be such an order!"

"That's good, just don't know, even though I know you are sometimes forced, but I don't want your hands to be stained with the blood of the Rila people!" His Majesty Owett looked a little bit better, for his previous abnormality , Reached out and patted Surag’s shoulder, hesitated, and then whispered, "Are you sure that the person you arranged around Ishkelnan can really control Ishkelnan? If Isha Kernan deceived us, then my kingdom of Rila may really be lost!"

"Absolutely no problem, because the people I placed next to Ixaquelnan are the people Ixaernan can't give up"

"Who is it?"

"Excuse me, I can’t say it, because it involves something extremely important many years ago"

"Not even me as a king?"

With a touch of coldness in the corner of His Majesty’s mouth, under the vision of His Majesty’s killing abroad, Surag succumbed, and he took a deep breath. “It’s the mother of Ishakrnan. In fact, I was only in the beginning. After taking over the intelligence aspect, I realized that Ishaklnan’s mother was sent by the royal family sixty years ago, and then I introduced a girl to Ishaklnan as a matchmaker more than ten years ago. Naturally, that girl In fact, it’s my spy of Rila, and now Ishakrnan’s wife...” When Suragg said these words, his eyes were bright and scary, and he looked very satisfied with the original layout.

Hearing Surag’s words, His Highness opened his mouth with his mouth wide open for a long time, so it’s no wonder, no wonder why Ishakrnan was not reconciled, and had to choose to retreat this way, his mother and wife They are all spies of the enemy. Ishakrnan, a famous general in the kingdom of Bion, has a contradiction in his mind. He can only choose between the country and his relatives. Ishakrnan finally chose his relatives obviously However, it is also true that the royal family of Bion has regarded Lay Shakronan as a scapegoat for the ambush, and it is a joke that Ishakron should remain loyal to the royal family of Bion.

"In two hours, the eleventh and fifteenth armies will come, and at that time, everything will change!" Surrag said firmly.


A loud voice rang through the sky above the head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time, it was not the voice of the Empire Thor, but the real thunder. I don’t know when, when the sky started a series of light rain hitting me, Bringing a bitter chill, Surage's pale face was at first blank, then smiled, and it rained, and it rained again. This is really God Blessed Rila. . . . He stretched out his hand to catch a drop of rain, and the cold feeling of wetness came from the palm of his hand. The rain would make the ground of the sun fortress more muddy, and it would make the soldiers of the other party restless. Not much rest, but there are still places to rest

However, the Bian people are different. The temporary recruitment of more than 100,000 civilians has already exploded the logistics of the Bian army, especially the tents used by the army are scarce. Now it is good, whether it is to remove the repaired soldiers or injured The soldiers had to be drowned in this heavy rain. Sure enough, the cold rain seemed to directly extinguish the blood of both sides. The two sides of the battle on the battlefield stopped by coincidence. The night of the sun fortress was cold. Now the rain is dripping Down, the entire Sun Fortress area was soon covered with a layer of hoarfrost. The rain like a broken pearl filled the field in front of me, making the battlefield like a rage ahead even more blurred. The range of miles was like an instant. Shrouded in a layer of water mist

Lucius III's eyes watched the heavy rain fall, his fingers holding his sword vigorously turned blue, and his silent face began to become unstable. Why did it rain and did not fall early or late? What's going on, this rain can be said to be the last straw that crushed the Bian army

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