Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine under the sword (4)

"What's wrong, since you have the courage to offer to buy King Eero back with money, haven't you thought about becoming Eero's royal family?"

The dark-haired youth has extremely deep eyes, reminiscent of the stars in the night sky, and sees a dull Atelis, with a hint of inexplicable smile in his mouth, and continues to say "For the empire, the current Royal Elo is just an empty Shell, that is to say, anyone can become the royal family of Eero, this is just a deal."

"Different, if you want to become the royal family of Eero, it is not enough just to get back the king of Eero. You must also have a proof of kingship, the eye of God." Atelis absolutely knows that the other party's understanding of Eero's royal family is too superficial. With a bitter smile in his mouth, although this is just what the other party said casually, Atelis felt the other party's extremely strong self-confidence, and it seemed that he really wanted to decide the belonging of the royal family

"Eyes of God?" The dark-haired young man's face was slightly stunned. The name is familiar.

"Yes, the first generation of Eero's first king was to hold the eye of God on the throne. The eye of God represents the unity of power between North and South Eero." Atelis thinks that the young black-haired youth does not know what is the eye of God. Explained to the black-haired youth, "It is a huge gemstone that emits white light. It can last forever regardless of day and night. At the top of the hall of the Holy City, it was illuminated for more than ten days, and the civilization was rebuilt in a wilderness. The biggest function of the eye is to change the climate. The holy city can be built on a deserted land because of the eye of God, and in Erow, the eye of God represents the north and south Eero."

"Day and night, long-lasting...I heard that it has not been sold by the royal family of Erow?"

The dark-haired young man seemed to think of something, his eyes narrowed into a line, and he pretended not to know how he could forget it. At the time, on the coast of Jersey, someone stole this thing from the treasure house of the Royal House of Eero and ran to the coast of Jersey. At the auction site, before the auction, it was bought by Mount Etmont for half a million imperial gold. At that time, the former Princess Eero, Ankolo, personally conducted the inspection. Is it that even Ankolo has looked away? Or did the royal family prepare fakes to prevent the southern princes from knowing that the eye of God was lost?

"The royal family sold only a fake, and the real product was always in the royal family's hands."

Atelis said solemnly, "The Eye of God is the hallmark of Eero's kingship. It comes from the most mysterious and powerful holy city. The holy city was originally located in the office of Eero, not the north, but the south. At that time, Eero was far north. It is not so fertile now, but the south, because the holy city has placed the eye of God in the division of Eero for more than ten years, making the climate of Eero in the south gradually warm and humid, and it can make predictions about the flooding area of ​​the big river every year. Let the South know the scope of the flooding area more accurately, and make preparations for reclamation in advance. The South has a bumper harvest every year. Eighty percent of the population of Eero gathers in the South. Every Ero in the South is truly holy. City Fanatics"

"If it wasn't for the great disaster that destroyed the South, if King Eero remained in the South, I believe that the Eero Empire will never collapse with a single blow. This is the punishment of the Holy City for the betrayer."

Atelis said in a word, with a beautiful look and bright and clear eyes. Although the skin is slightly black due to the southern climate, it is delicate and gives a satin-like feeling. At this moment, this exotic and delicate In the middle, it shows a little fanaticism and piety, it looks like two red clouds cover the earth

It can be seen that the climate in the south is indeed harsh, so the more severe the environment, the more the worship of gods is irreplaceable, and the south of the once large wetland environment becomes a deserted barren desert area, and a large number of southerners move north, Even the royal family of Eero chose to abandon the south. As the people who stayed, this resentment became more obvious.

Basically figure out what the eye of God is, the face of the black-haired emperor is pale, the eye of **** should be some kind of radioactive gemstone, how deep and deep this kind of thing should be buried, and only people of this era who don’t know the goods will As a **** to worship, there is of course another possibility. The eye of God is not only a radioactive object, but also an energy source of something. Thinking of this, the young black-haired youth could not help flashing that standing in the church country The towering black mountain of the Holy City, the most powerful weapon of the Holy City, is enough to destroy all the weapons. What the Holy City priest group sought after all the hardships is this God’s weapon. Such a weapon naturally needs a Powerful energy

The eye of God will not be used to do this!

This is interesting. The black-haired emperor laughed seemingly self-deprecating. For the time being, no matter what the Eye of God is for, the attribution of the Eye of God alone is a mystery. Pudamia said that the Eye of God is the branch of Eero. Stolen from the priests who escaped from the Holy City, Atelis said that the Eye of God is the division of Eero itself, and the Eero branch can transform the climate of southern Eero, that is, the eye of God. Who is lying! Or the flood in the south of Eero eighty years ago may itself be the out-of-control creation of the Eye of God. If the Eye of God had already been destroyed, what did Eero's royal family use to impersonate the Eye of God?

It is not so easy to find substitutes for this kind of thing, or is there more than one eye of God?

"How many eyes are there?" the dark-haired youth asked with a refuge in his heart.

"Can be called eyes, when nature is two." Atelis' beautiful face was puzzled, but she answered the question with great respect,

"How else can it represent up and down Erow" She glanced at the other person's stiff face. From the perspective of her Erow southerner, this is the answer that a three-year-old child knows, even if the other party is not Erow People, but the entire South European Baro knows that there are two eyes of God! But the other party's look is strange

"Okay, it feels like I asked a stupid question and was crushed by IQ"

The emperor of the black hair twitched the corner of his mouth embarrassedly, and there was more than one eye of the god. Why did no one ever tell himself that this could not blame others, because this is a fact that most people in South Baro know, Holy The eye of the **** in the city represents the poles of power, one side represents the gift, and the other represents the punishment, and the black-haired emperor subjectively regarded the eye of the **** as some kind of radioactive source, but never thought that the radioactive source is not one, and It's two. . . . . . I heard that the ancient Emperor Eero had to take out the eye of God in the ceremony every year. Although it was no longer used, it pretended to be a show, indicating that the royal family also controlled the eye of God, so as to pray for the richness of Eero, and set it down. For three or four hours, with a radioactive source in each left and right hand, without any protection, it is directly exposed to the radiation. It is no wonder that the longest survivors of the emperors of Eero were forty-five years old and forty years old. Many people died under the age of eight. In the short eighty years of the history of the Eero Empire, they have experienced six generations of emperors.

"What if you take back the capital of King Eero, but the Royal House of Eero can't get the eyes of God? Or, can you only take out one?" The dark-haired youth was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly his face was solemn and cold. Said,

"This one....."

Atelis pretty face slightly stunned, immediately understood the meaning of the other party's words, thought of the possibility, could not help but took a breath, the upright chest trembling slightly, it also looks choppy, own How could this secret meeting become like this, I just wanted to spend money to buy the King Eero, but now I feel that I am involved in a conspiracy that is enough to change the whole Eero, this water is deep, Atelis Also hesitating to step in,

"If the Kentham family buys back the King Erow, the Kentham family and the Eroy royal family are dead enemies. This kind of squabble is only a matter of life and death. Since the Kentham family has made such a move, hesitating is looking for their own way of death. "" The dark-haired youth glanced like a knife, with a cold smile on his lips, and what he said was like a thunder bursting out of Atris's ears!

Atris's pretty face changed, the other party was right, there could be only one in the Royal House

In order to alleviate the pressure and encourage the eros of the southern princes of Eero to attack with all strength, the Eero royal family released the promise of the new emperor whoever took the Eero capital, in fact, everyone knows that this is the excuse for the Eero royal family to maintain its status Retrieving the capital of King Eero will inevitably be a **** battle with the empire, and under the current circumstances of the princes of the South, all wanting to get back King Eero is a dream, so this is an empty check.

But when the Kentham family took back the capital of King Erow, would the Royal family really be willing to make the Marquis of Kentham the emperor? Impossible, this is a battle for monarchy, even if this crown of Eero has lost its brilliance, but it is also a crown. Knowing whether it was really cursed by the Holy City, the six generations of Emperor Eero, no generation of emperors was obtained through normal inheritance, because each generation of Emperor DiDū is very short-lived, more than ten years long, and two or three years short. So the competition between the princes became more and more fierce. Eventually, he was killed from the inside and took the throne. None of them were **** hands with blood on their hands.

Every time the monarchy changes and the new emperor ascends to the throne, there will be a major cleansing

In this regard, the southern princes are lucky, they do not have to follow the thin ice in the imperial power, and do not need to be killed, exiled, or expelled because of the wrong team, but it does not mean that they will not see! If you can't grasp the dead hole of the Eero royal family, even if the Kentham family takes back the Eero king capital, they will not be able to ascend to the throne of the Eero emperor! Because even if the royal family did not say anything, the southern princes would never admit it,

"Empire is the only person who can support the Kentham family on the throne of Eero"

"And it's the only force that allows the princes of the south of Eero to agree with this matter, so what are you still hesitating about!" The dark-haired youth looked at Atris, whose face was sullen, and his fingers flicked and flicked. Armrest of chair

Atelis blushed and her teeth were bitten on her lips. She seemed to have exhausted all her energy and generally said, "If you lose the eye of the god, the royal family of Elero will be spurned by all Eleros, because the royal family of Elero is in Elero. It is the servant of the Eye of God, the power given by the Eye of God to the Royal Family of Eero to control the upper and lower Eero. Without the Eye of God, the Royal Family of Eero will not be able to recognize the new emperor, and the Royal Family of Eero will have no more power."

"That's easy to handle, I believe that the eye of God will be lost." The dark-haired young man smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. The inexplicable feeling of self-confidence gave Atelis almost an illusion. It seemed that the other party really had a way to make God The eye is missing, but that is the eye of God, the royal eye of Eero sees the eye of God more important than his own

"The Eye of God will not appear except for the sacrifice harvest and the emperor's ascension, and for decades, the Royal House of Eero should have the so-called "spare parts".

Atrice's voice trembles to remind the other party, "So even if you are able to resist the sky, stealing the eye of the **** from the protection of the royal family, it is not easy to prove that the royal family is negligent, although there is no evidence to show that The royal family had the fake of the Eye of God, but it definitely has it, because in history, the sect of nations had sent people to steal the Eye of God, and it turned out to be a fake."

"This is not a problem, I naturally have a way to make everyone believe that the true eye of God has been lost, and the eye of God in the hands of the royal family is fake." The black-haired emperor's eyes flashed and he waved his hand in disapproval.

"Okay, but how did you allow the Royal House of Eero to take the initiative to take out the eye of God?" The other party's strong self-confidence made Atelis dare not refute, but Atelis said that the eye of God is such a king weight, The Eero royal family is generally not taken out, let alone the current royal family is weak. The eye of God is the final card of the royal family’s final negotiation, and it will not be easily revealed to the public.

"It's very simple~www.wuxiaspot.com~If the Royal House of Eero knew that your Kentham family would use money to buy back the capital of King Eero, and the empire claimed to support the Kentham family as the new emperor of Eero, you said Eero What will the royal family do?" The dark-haired youth stood up from the seat and came to the front of the glass window on the side, holding his hands on his back, gazing at the sky blue spire of the sky temple in the center of the city. Teres stayed there

Atelis felt a cold air rising straight up in her back, and she couldn't help her breathing. Who was the other person? Just a casual sentence, still talking about cooperation in the front, turning around and turning Kentham The house was sold, and the news that the Kenthams bought back the King Erow was passed back. It was not an earthquake yet, but this method was so fierce that it was impossible to resist.

At that time, the southern princes must be in chaos, and if the royal family does not want to fulfill the previous promise, the only way is to use the eye of God. The greatest possibility, the royal family will use the eye of God to veto the Kentham family. Become the new emperor! Without the Eye of God, the Kentham family could not become Emperor Eero,

If the God's Eye happens to be lost, in order to cope with it, the Royal House of Eero can only use the spare false Eye! If it turns out that the Eye of God is false, then. . . . . . Atelis almost dared not think about it

"That's it, this is the meeting, I will send someone to contact you." The dark-haired youth turned around

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