Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and forty under the sword (5)

After the rain, most of the weather will last a little, and the weather at the end of May will start to change from hot and sweltering to muggy. The benefits of Cairo’s proximity to the sea are also revealed at this moment. The refreshing wind from the vast sea surface has softened the heat In the daytime, the sky is clear, and the starlight is also clear and clear after night. The cotton clouds float on the sky dome, one by one, like floating on the blue sea. From here, you can see in and out at any time. Large commercial ship with white clouds like clouds, and white lines across the sea

The head of the Imperial Southern Intelligence Department, Ankolo, placed a stack of documents in his hand on the table and looked at the back of the black-haired emperor standing in front of the window. His eyes showed rare expressions. He seemed to have made a certain determination. Sheng said, “Although I don’t know why Atelis believes that the royal family of Eero has spares for the Eye of God, his subordinates can be quite sure that there is no spare for the Eye of God. If there is really a spare, it must be Is another real eye of God"

"What does this mean? The black-haired emperor turned around in a daze.

An Ke Luo Mei eyes were different, looking deeply into the emperor's eyes. "The eyes of the gods in the hands of the Eero royal family did indeed have two of them 80 years ago. One is called a gift and the other is called a ruin." Koror's voice paused, and the bright blue eyes as bright as the sea flashed a look of memory before continuing. "But in order to avenge the betrayal of the Elo branch, the second head of the Holy City priest group sneaked into Egypt. Southern Luo, I don’t know what method was used to destroy one of them. As a result, the Eero River channel was abnormally flooded. The entire southern Eero was washed away by the flood for three months, so that the southern Helu was no longer habitable. Moving northward, the royal family of Eero, in anger and anger, permanently sealed the problematic eye of God in the south."

"This secret is taboo even in the royal family of Eero. No one knows it except the word of the emperor Eero in the past. The emperor Eero ascended the throne. In addition to the eye of a **** named the gift, another one The eye of God on the hand is just a counterfeit like ordinary stone, because everyone knows that the eye of God is broken, so everyone takes it for granted that it is another eye of God! Because there is one in the eye of God It disappeared seventy years ago. No one knows where the other eye of God is, except for the royal family.

Because that event was personally arranged by the third emperor of Eero, even if it was Mount Etmont, I didn’t know where it was, but there was a vague guess. If the broken eye of the **** is still there, it must still be. In the south of Eero, and even the bad weather in the south of Eero lasted for a long time, because the broken eye of God was still working. "I am not afraid of the emperor's eyes that can penetrate people's hearts, and bite the jade-like teeth. Continue to say, "The eye of God is a world-famous treasure. It is too difficult to imitate. It's not easy to say that just by night and day, there is no way to do it."

"You mean, the royal family of Eero might have found the eye of the **** in the south again?"

The black-haired emperor roughly understood the meaning of Ankolo, and it was difficult to keep his face calm. He could have known more about the great changes in southern Eero 80 years ago than Ankolo, because the former priest of the Holy City The regiment is the current sacred state temple. The so-called second head of the priesthood is the second pope

Putamia once told himself this past, in order to escape from the endless pursuit of the Eero, a high-level member of the Order of the State of the United States sneaked into the south of Eero, launched the so-called divine punishment, and finally exploded The flooding of the Eero River channel caused the flood to spread to the south of Eero for three months. The Eero people's power was hit hard, and later it was no longer able to suppress the ecclesiastical country. Only then could the ecclesiastical country be established.

"If the eye of God really appears again, then it must be the one that was sealed." Ankolo seemed to think of something, and his pretty face was pale and ugly.

"Destroy and gift, what do you think was the one destroyed 80 years ago?" The black-haired emperor took a deep breath, and the two black sword eyebrows were tightly screwed together, and his eyes suddenly changed. A lot of murderous, the legend is just a legend, but when the real object appears, even the black-haired emperor also felt a terrifying coldness,

The God’s Eye is not terrible. The God of War can be calmly faced by thousands of horses and horses, and he will not be moved by a fluctuation of 80 years ago. The emperor really felt a trace of fear when he suddenly thought of a neglected one. The question, the two eyes of God, which one was the problem 80 years ago? This is important!

Ankolo didn't expect the emperor to ask this question. Fortunately, there was already a variety of conjectures about this, and it was roughly determined that she showed a bitter expression and said lightly, "It should be destroyed, although I was not born at that time. , Did not witness the catastrophe 80 years ago, but also heard the tragic word passed down by the elders. The flood covered the ground for three months. Except for the uplifted Harvey Plateau, almost all cities were not spared."

"The area washed by the flood water drowned countless people, humans, animals, and animal carcasses blocked in the water channel for several months, and it has not looked like it for a long time. The white flowers make people see the scalp tingling, which is actually drowned by the flood. That is more than one hundred thousand people, but the epidemic caused by the floods lasted for a year, killing nearly two million Eros."

"Everyone believes that the disaster has passed and reconstruction has begun, but there is an unknown yellow sand coming from the south. The yellow sand has passed through, and the plants and trees have died, not to mention that in just two years, the number of deaths in southern Erow has increased. Six million, less than nine million at the time in the entire south of Eero, and two-thirds of the people died... The remaining people can only make concessions step by step, facing the expanding yellow There is no way in the sand area, otherwise how could the Eero royal family abandon the southern roots and move to the north from the Great Plains. Although the Great Plains are not bad, there were still many Eero enemies on the northern Great Plains at the time. It took three generations of the Emperor's time to really stand firm in the northern Great Plains."

Hearing the history of Elofa made by Ankolo, some embarrassment appeared on the face of the black-haired emperor

He did not expect that Eero was almost annihilated eighty years ago. The second generation pope’s death in the ecclesiastical state was so tragic to such a degree that once the creature such as a woman was out, it would be a disaster for the country. It is no wonder why the Eero Empire has been unable to take care of the rise of the ecclesiastical country for more than thirty years, and can only watch the ecclesiastical country gain a foothold in the Santo region, and watch the ecclesiastical country gradually become a big country comparable to itself. Row

Nine million people have dropped sharply to more than one million, and if you want to recover, even if the Eero people create people day and night, how can it be enough in thirty years!

And all this is related to the eye of God!

The eye of God is a deity or a devil! The black-haired emperor touched the heart

The two eyes of God, one is called a gift, and the other is called destruction. If the name stands for function, it must be the one that represents the gift. The rapid rise in the year made the barren south a huge granary supporting the Holy City area, and from the time when the Eero people were able to transform a large natural river that traverses the continental level into a good field, it can be known that the power of the Eye of God is in It is indeed effective in affecting the climate. It can even predict the extent and scale of the annual flooding of the large river channel, so that the Eero people can prepare in advance to cultivate food in the areas where the floods have receded, which ensures the fertility of the land without using it. Too much energy is spent on water conservancy,

In contrast, even if the Empire's huge water network system, which has been developed by the Empire with countless energy and financial resources, is dwarfed by this high-end water conservancy model using large rivers

And this happened eighty years ago!

Eighty years ago, in the south of Eero, there was such a civilization, a prosperous population, and many towns. The ancestors of Eero, who had the eye of God, were guided by the priests in the holy city in white robe. Since then, a lot of materials have flowed to the Holy City with the large river channel as the transportation line. The black mud on the flood zone along the way is covered with lush food like waves. The large lakes like lenses that remain after the flood recedes are now densely covered. It is the wilderness of the Yellow Sands in the southern Ero, the rolling waterbirds, the dense reeds are the atmosphere of a magical civilization, the south is the real Eero, and now the northern Eero, strictly speaking, can only be the one The remnants of the times are right,

The exploding eye of God destroyed the prosperity of the entire south, and destroyed everything the Eero built in the south, so that decades later, the south is still a yellow sand, if not because of that big accident, The Eero Empire will definitely not be the same as it is now, only relying on a newly established alluvial wetland in the north, the Eero Empire has become a veritable hegemon in the eastern part of Southern Europe. The reunification of the Luo together, the Eero Empire may have completed the reunification of the entire Obaro east, rather than just a southeast coast of the inland sea

It can be seen that the Eye of God is destroyed, blocking the development process of the entire Erow civilization

The invading second-generation pope himself was holding the jade and stone, and after detonating the eye of the god, he was caught up in the north of Erow on the way to escape, and finally was cruelly executed. The unwilling Eero people also built a A memorial building to humiliate the Order, that place is called Rutiya Zibao!

It's also ironic to say, the black emperor glanced at the corner

It’s not that he was a sudden blow at the final stage of the Battle of the Rutiya sub-birth, beheading the emperor Farouk VI who already believed to be the winner, and hitting the last military force of the Eero Empire, 200,000 Eastern Army, so that Egypt King Luo was defeated by the Pope Pudamia a month later, and the royal family moved to the south. The empire changed from a strong peak moment to a rapid decline. If the dead second-generation pope really has The words of the spirit should be relieved, but the emperor didn’t expect that his slightly self-deprecating smile made Ankolo on the opposite side nervous, and she dared not hide anything from the eye of God, and answered nervously, Xia thinks it is destruction, and Mount Etmont thinks so too, because only destruction has such a huge power, and the depth of destruction that still lasts for decades will not last. The eye of the **** that was blown out is of course destruction, and It could only be destruction, which is in line with the current situation in the south of Eero!

"I think it is not destruction, but a gift." The black-haired emperor shook his head with a smile in his mouth. Ankolo could not lie to himself, and the judgment he made was quite well-founded. The royal family couldn't wait to force another eye of God into himself, lest he believed that the one that was destroyed was destroyed,

But the emperor can now be sure that the one that was blown up is definitely not destruction, but a gift! Because of destruction, he was given to himself by the royal family of Eero! He is now placed somewhere in the imperial palace. There is no doubt that the power of the empire has made the Eros despair, just as the Eros have put pressure on the temple priests decades ago. Luo was in a disastrous defeat. It was impossible for the military to stop the empire from going south.

What the Royal House of Eero wanted to do now was what the Temple Priests wanted to do,

The only way to prevent the empire from military weakness is to make the empire’s backyard catch fire and be unable to look south. This is obviously impossible. The empire took advantage of the victory of the Southern War to integrate Central Obaro and let the Rila and the Biangs score dozens. Tens of thousands of people killed each other, and there was countless blood flow on a sun fortress. In the end, they could only wait for the empire to determine who was the winner. In the eyes of outsiders, this is a regional dispute, but the monarchs of the entire Obaro nations In the eyes, this is the empire's absolute dominance over Central Europe Baro. The last short board of the Central Europe Baro empire in the north was completely replenished after the battle of the Sun Fortress.

The power of empire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no possibility of shaking in the northern part of the inner sea! The empire is in full swing, and nobody dares to look up!

Although it was stolen from the warehouse of the Royal House of Eero, he was not an idiot. The eye of God, the strongest ace that the Royal House of Eero has always remained in his hands, experienced the sorrow of 80 years ago. It’s there. I’m afraid that the royal family of Eero would be so worried that they would keep a close watch. How could they be stolen so easily?

If the power of gifts is so great, what will destruction look like? A south of Hérault? Or two southern Eeros, three southern Eeros, and a country with such a huge territory, looking at the Obaro region, in addition to the empire, the Royal Eeros may still retain a unique method of finding the location of the Eye of God, as At the beginning, the second generation of priests did the same, waiting for the empire to go south, just sending people to sneak into the imperial emperor Jinghai Dacheng, detonating the eye of the god, the entire northern empire will be affected. In that case, the empire Turbulence, the nations will inevitably be in trouble, just like the holy city in the past, what can the empire be except for the fiasco

Eye of god,

As long as one person can destroy the nation-killing artifact of the entire northern empire! This thing is lying in his own emperor Jing now. The black-haired emperor feels that his back neck is getting cold. He doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, but he can't stop the nuclear bomb!

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