Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and forty-one under the sword (6)

The heavy horseshoe rested on a dark green weed, a slender young man with linen hair wearing a cross helmet tightened the crotch of the warhorse, gazing deeply into the towering walls of King Eero in the distance, In the eyes, there is a craze that is difficult to suppress. The King Eero, not only carries the function of the city itself, but also the symbol of the most powerful period of the Eero Empire.

Following the road to the wilderness to the north, although it was built on the large wetland in the north, as a huge carrier of the political, economic, cultural, and military centers of the Eero Empire, King Eero was a rare highland city.

During the construction, it was specially selected on the higher terrain of the plain. The tall city wall is said to have hollowed out a whole mountain, and the towering tower was raised from the ground. The five major expansions in decades have made this The city, which originally had only 15 square kilometers, extended southwards and northwards from the high platform that was originally established, delineating 16 districts, and now becomes 40 square kilometers.

At the same time, there are two huge rivers crossing the huge city. From the perspective of the youth, it looks like a giant dragon lying on the high hills in the distance. The largest population here is 800,000. It is called the most populous city in Baro in Southern Europe. Relatively speaking, the sacred city at that time was only 300,000, the King Fezer was 270,000, and only the distant King Aden was said to have 610,000. All of this surrendered to this great city. Although the glory has now fallen, after the brutal looting of the old enemy's religious team, the population of the king has now fallen to 300,000. This is after the empire was bought from the confederate country. For the resettlement of those Ero who went bankrupt because of looting, of course, all this is an insult to their own country for the youth in front of them

"This city will become the most magnificent city on this continent, and it will be where everyone looks up." The youth remembered when his father was pulling his hand and looking at the entire Eero map with an excited face. The second son of Farouk, the former king of Eero, His Royal Highness Prince Altreiga, just as his fingers were clenched, the captain of the armor, wearing a mail, looked up anxiously from behind and sucked deeply. He whispered in one breath, "His Royal Highness, the southern princes held a secret meeting this time, but did not notify anyone of the royal family. It seems that the rumor is true."

"It's not true, but it doesn't really matter. You and I know that those people are not trustworthy. It's not strange to have the behavior now."

Prince Eltriega said indifferently, his eyes still looking at the King Erow in the distance. He had been watching here for more than a month. In his eyes, it seemed that he could still see the fire soaring into the sky, the black smoke filled In the sky of Wangdu, the streets are full of people who fled in chaos, whether they are nobles or civilians. At this moment, they are all desperate and helpless. The south gate of King Eero has been blocked by countless crowds. Unable to pass, the crying father shouted his mother's sadness resounding through the sky, the empire suddenly collapsed, hundreds of thousands of armies were wiped out, and King Hero was like a lamb to be slaughtered, shaking under the butcher's knife

Eltriega clenched his fingers subconsciously, and the sense of pulling from his right hand reminded him of how he was hanging from the city's head by the guard in awkward hands, because he was unprepared. The royal family also suffered heavy losses in that catastrophe. The royal family had more than three hundred people, but only twenty-one finally ran out. As a royal orthodox person, except for a prince, Eltre Lega, the other royal families are directly under the blood. Either died in the catastrophe or disappeared, it was the fall of the Eero Empire and the fall of the Eero royal family,

Seeing that there was no change in Prince Altreja’s face, the captain of the guard, Res, couldn’t help but say, “Kentham’s family had contact with the high empire, and offered to buy back King Eero for two million dollars, shaking hands with the enemy, It is a huge insult to my royal family. If you let them go like this, once the royal people are really taken back by the southern princes, then our royal family will have to... "Reis's voice stopped Live, eyes with anger, stop talking

"Fear of nothing, as long as the eye of God is still in our hands, the situation will not be out of control"

"But the eye of the **** is not already..." The captain of the guard, Lace, subconsciously whispered.

"Okay, don't worry too much about such things"

Eltriega sighed, turned around, and looked at the pale-faced guard with a knife-like look, a slightly fortified corner of his mouth slightly raised. "You don't really think, who can recapture the King Eero, just Can you really be the emperor of Eero? What a joke, if someone takes back the Eero capital, even if our royal family is willing, the other princes will not agree, then we will choose supporters from it, so the royal family You can easily get the biggest share of the recapture of the king at no cost, because no matter who you want to become the emperor, you must get permission from my royal family, and the eye of God has always been in the hands of the royal family. The last show was opened ten years ago. According to the rules, these southern princes are not eligible to participate. We say it is true, that is true!"

Does this work? "The captain of the guard, Lacey, was stunned.

As the captain of the second prince, he did not follow for a long time. It was because the former captain died in the king capital before he was transferred by the second prince. The reason was that the royal guard squadron of Reis was because Performed a certain mission and went to the south, evading the total destruction of the Battle of Rutiya Sub-Fort. For Altreiga, this was the last military force of the Royal Eero and the Royal Guard of Eero There is no doubt about the loyalty of the former emperor. When the captain of the former emperor, Reis, saw the first face of the fleeing Eltriega, he knelt on his knees and reluctantly, swearing that if he was also in Rutia at the time Zibao will definitely protect His Majesty the Emperor!"

"You may not protect my father and emperor, but you can protect me"

An embarrassed Eltriega reached out and pressed his hand on Reis's shoulder, just like a true monarch, with a tough and cold look, Farouk was dead, and in a sense, he was the heir to the throne, although he still fled There was a prince, but that prince was a well-known unruly business in King Erow. The criticism in the royal room was very bad. This time he was able to escape because the prince was hunting near the capital and saw the sect Surrounded the king capital, immediately frightened to bypass the king capital and fled south directly. Such a person cannot expect to be able to bear the hope of the restoration empire, and they are not qualified to restore the empire.

Yes, qualifications, Eltriega thinks that no one except him has such qualifications, because he is Prince Eero, the second heir to the throne of Eero. In the case of the disappearance of the first heir, he is the first heir, but The princes in the south of Eero obviously do not think so. Compared with the oppressive force felt by the blood of this emperor, which prince all day long seems to be more in line with what the princes want

"The eye of God is in my hand, and the throne is in my hand. That man is nothing!" Eltriega's gaze turned to the camp behind, with a very clear contempt,

It was a coalition camp, and countless gray camps were like crowded gray goats, covered with flat wilderness in the south of King Eero, and the hot air fluttered representing the thirty-one princes in South Eero The various colors of the flag, the coalition forces of the southern princes of Eero used a semi-arc pointed wooden row to form a huge semi-arc. Although the weather is not very hot, it is for the soldiers of the southern princes who are outside the mountains of King Eero They have been here for a full summer, from the cool spring to the hot summer, from the beginning, under the royal call, each family was under the glorious banner of regaining the capital of the king, and headed northward. Lazy face, listless

In this northward advance, the sacredness at the beginning of their hearts was tantamount to jihad. For so many years, the South Eeros struggled with the yellow sand fights in the south, but few people would go to the north because of the south. The Eero people have always thought that they are the real Eero people, the continuation of that civilization, and the northern people are traitors. They have abandoned their original heritage. Although they have become stronger and stronger, they are the same as the original. The Eero tradition is getting farther and farther. At first, the Eero people’s belief came from the holy city, and the holy city promoted animism. The external expansion is completely a peaceful cultural expansion. The holy city sacrifices are like the seeds of civilization. Farming, culture, animal husbandry and other knowledge spread to all parts of Southern Europe. If there is no accident, in more than 100 years, the Holy City may become the core of the entire Southern Europe.

But the Holy City collapsed and everything changed,

As the most devoted Nanero people in the Holy City, they found that the **** priests who led them suddenly became enemies of the Holy City. They launched a massacre of other sacrifices in the Holy City, burned the ancient books of the Holy City, and abandoned all things. There is a spiritual belief, but a rapid expansion began, which eventually led to a catastrophe eighty years ago. The southern Ero people thought that it was a **** punishment, a punishment for the Eero branch to abandon the Holy City. The Eero branch moved north, but there were still many southerners staying. In front of them, the northern Eeros were traitors, just as the northern Eeros looked down on the southerners, and the southerners looked down on the northern Erows.

"The Northeros finally confirmed their mistakes. In front of the stronger enemies, they had no power at all, and it is time for us to prove that the Southeros are right."

"Are there too many people"

"No fear, as long as the king capital can be recovered, everything is worth it. The empire's defending army in the king capital of Eero has only 20,000 people. We can scare the emperor's pants with a cry."

"Is it that our 200,000 people can't beat 20,000?"

"Maybe the imperial team will run away from the wind, maybe we can get the king back without fighting." The total strength of the thirty-one princes was only 50,000. After a vigorous encouragement from the southern princes, it became a month later. 150,000 people, and finally more than 200,000 people, you must know that the total population of the entire south of Eero is only one million. Such a huge number makes the southern princes of Eero feel fear for themselves, and their inner ambitions have begun Expansion in a direction consistent with this force, the King of Eero is not so out of reach. The era of the Faruk family is over, so who's era will take over. . . . . .

In the spacious conference account, all sides are ventilated, and the cool wind of the hall constantly flies over, taking away the heat from the people, but when the meeting was held, the Marquis of Kentham had been wiping sweat from the north. The news came that the Kentham family was pushed to the cusp of the storm. It was originally just a try. Who knows that it has received a response from the high level of the empire, even the sly knight Marquis Kentham did not know what to do for a while. How to express this

"It was an accident, my Kentham family absolutely did not want to be an emperor"

Marquis Kentham was slightly pale, sitting on a bench specially arranged for the meeting. While all the lords were still discussing, he first stated that this matter was not a conspiracy, but an accident. He knew that if he did not show his attitude, These lords will seize him and then attack the Kentham family

If that is the case, for the Kenthams, the Jedi is an irresistible disaster

Although the Kentham family is one of the three great princes of the South, it can’t stop the siege of all other lords. Moreover, the Kentham family itself is not good at military, but is doing business. The largest chamber of commerce, and the relationship with the major families in the north is not bad, so this makes the Kentham family look gleaming in the eyes of other princes, all of which are the color of gold coins. In the past, they were used to fight against the pressure from the north. Each family can still be kind, but now it is different. The northern royal family has been weak, and the southern princes who have lost the most pressure, naturally have ambitious people staring at the Kentham family.

"Oh, why didn't I encounter such an accident?"

A short-haired and sturdy middle-aged lord sneered at the corner of his mouth, twitching the scar on the right cheek like a centipede. It looked like he was alive. His name was Wright. He was the patriarch of the Boying family and the boy of the Boying family. The territory is connected to the territory of the Kentham family. The territory of the Boying family is not large, and one third of the Kentham family, and most of them are barren yellow sand wasteland, because the robbers in the territory of the Boying family are rampant. In fact, there are also rumors that the bandits are the private armies of the Boying family,

"Emperor, the Kentham family is about to become an emperor. Should we first salute the future emperor?" A middle-aged fat man in a big red dress stood up from his seat with a mockery A look, thinking of the Marquis of Kentham bending over to salute


"The emperor, Emperor Kentham, how ridiculous it feels."

"Such jokes will make us laugh to death"

There was a sudden burst of laughter in the crowd. Marquis Kentham's face was pale, his fingers were clenched, and his whole body was trembling. In addition to his heart cursing that Atris had caused disaster to the family, he also felt that he was like It is a fat pig to be slaughtered. Everyone wants to cut a knife here. Marquis Kentham feels that he is about to feel dizzy in this atmosphere. What the **** did he do? I know the daughter of heaven and earth!

At this time, a servant of the Marquis of Kentham sent a note from outside the tent,

"Adult, this was just sent from the north"

"What time is it, how can I still send this?" Marquis Kentham almost vomited blood, grabbed the note from the servant's hand, the news that could be sent from the north, what good news? It's just that Alice has reached a formal agreement with the empire, which will only make herself and make the Kentham family more irreversible. If it is not that other lords have seen this scene, he may have swallowed this note in one bit. Invisible, it’s better than worse, just swallow a piece of paper, not a bottle of poison!

"I said, Lord Kentham, what's on that note, wouldn't everyone take a look at it?" Wright, who is sturdy, yelled strangely

"Yeah, let us know, when will Lord Kentham become the emperor!" The other lords are coaxing, but the greed in his eyes is slightly red, and one lord even walks over and breaks his muscles. The stiff Marquis of Kentham's fingers pulled the note out of his hand, and the corner of his mouth slowly opened with a grin

"No, this is not what I mean." Marquis Kentham felt his heart was about to explode. He struggled to get up, but was pressed heavily on his shoulder by a large hand on each side.

"What is written on the note?" The other lords couldn't wait, and they looked at the lord who opened the note, but they were surprised to find that the grinning of the lord's mouth solidified, and the whole person seemed to be cast. Like a certain spell, it became motionless at once, and the expression on his face began to change. It was a look of fear. Only then did everyone realize that the lord’s hand holding the note was shaking

"What happened, Amorik"

"Why is this expression~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It won't really happen." Someone came over curiously, glanced at the paper like a gaze, and suddenly his feet shivered.

"Hu Keqili, the minister of the imperial affairs, landed at the port of Cairo two days ago... Negotiations with the Kentham family broke down! Eighty thousand empire troops gathered, and the south was imminent!" The low, almost howling voice was like that It’s the same as squeezed out of the mouth,

"How can it not mean that the Kenthams have been approached!"

"Why does it collapse, isn't it a good talk!" Someone grabbed the hair on the top of his head

"It's a big game, the empire is going south, what should we do, are we really going to fight against the empire's main force, that's Hu Keqili, the empire's first general!" someone shouted desperately, the lords in the deliberations exploded Now, all of them stood up and ran over

Although they are nagging about the empire going south every day, but really facing the iron flow south of the empire, who dares to fight! Hu Keqili, as the minister of imperial affairs, is recognized as the first general under the emperor. This is an imperial kill **** that is more than enough to send the country to destroy the country. How can it be used to deal with such small places as the southern princes of Eero. Chicken with a knife, is this going to kill us!

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