Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven Under the sword (22)

A group of stars shining brightly like a river of light shone a faint silvery white light on the body of a dark-haired young man. The night was dark and the outline of the ground spread out. The mountains like giant beasts rolled up to the south, but they were really attractive. The dark-haired youth gazed at a huge silver belt in the distance, and after a huge curved turn, he rushed to the south of the corner of the big river.

The Broad Bay Road, where the torrential river channel is blocked by the uplifted mountains here, and then formed six large bends. The rushing water flow of the large river channel began to slow down here, just like a tamed wild horse in the curve formed by the terrain. Under the stars, the beauty is even more fascinating. Even at a distance of more than ten miles, you can still feel the entire southern Baro, perhaps even the world, with the largest water flow and the most extensive area. The length of the largest super river is also magnificent. At the moment when the river is turning, a large number of fully loaded ship masts are standing, dense crowds of people are surging, and horse carriages on the land are also endless.

Countless people and things within ten miles of the surroundings are all flowing around this huge bay area. In contrast, the starlight in the sky is also dim.

"Your Majesty, we have fully cooperated with the Navy to intensify the construction of the dock for the midway stop. I believe it can be completed within two days. The Navy will be able to dock here, greatly reducing the time required to enter the Elero River and the material operation. It will speed up more than twice, so that our army will go south without problems due to the inability to transport by land.” Imperial Army Secretary Hu Keqili looked at the large pier that was being built in the distance, and his heart was also difficult to calm down. In the north, it is slow to move, nominally to gather troops and mobilize supplies. In fact, most of the supplies are prepared for here

It was not unprecedented for the imperial navy to enter the inland waters. The imperial navy’s reputation as a headache for the enemy was mostly because the imperial dragon-tooth class warships were light fast warships that could enter the inland waters to attack and turn naval warships into mobile forts. It is a pain for any country. The imperial navy dragon tooth battleship is completely different from other kingdom navies in its narrow and long hull design. It is equipped with a rowing machine power, and can be unimpeded in the inner river channel whether it is downwind or upwind, as long as it is along the river. The important cities of the country are all the targets of the imperial bombardment of the imperial navy, and the kings of many countries are built on the side of the river, under the threat of the imperial navy,

The rise of the imperial navy has changed the embarrassment that the navy can only operate in the sea to a certain extent. In the past, the great powers were not concerned about naval construction. Only the Strand Sea Kingdom and the Kingdom of Feishan, because of the large area of ​​the sea, the sea, Or for other special reasons, the investment of other countries in the navy is quite limited, but with the rise of the imperial navy, the hegemony of the seas really made Obaro countries pay attention to it.

Seems to be aware of Hu Keqili's doubts, the black-haired emperor said in silence, standing with his hands down, his dark eyes unpredictable, and a shocking domineering spread out "Knowing this one rushing south Is there the end of the big river?"

"It is said that it is possible to go directly to the estuary in the south of Hérault." Hu Keqili hesitated and answered respectfully. He did not know what the emperor meant.

"This big river, entering from the northern estuary and pouring from the southern estuary, is not so much across the entire Eero as it is across the entire continent of southern Europe." The emperor turned around and looked With a glance, he looked cold and said, "Although the empire has established the hegemony of the empire in the south through the sacred capital of the sacred country, it is too early to say that it really controls the south. The west coast is blocked by mountains and the empire's control reaches Carrie. The Soviet area is already the ultimate. It is a strategic need to attract the Amish people, as well as the need to defend the south of the mountain. According to the Amish people, in the south of the mountains, the jungle covers the sky, and the beasts can run across the mosquitoes. In the harsh environment, there are still as many as four or five barbarians on a large scale of one million people, such as the dark survivors. The reason why the dark survivors tried their best to defeat the Karisu people, I crossed the mountain because the war there had lasted for hundreds of years, and the Ansers could no longer fight, so I decided to move the clan to the north.

Compared with the mountains and powers in the west of South Europe, the central Martin Prairie is a natural barrier that prevents any forces from entering. The extreme drought in summer, the flooding in spring and autumn, the Martin The root cause of not building roads is actually because it is useless. A flood spreading for three months and a drought lasting the entire dry season are enough to completely destroy the road just built. Such harsh natural conditions are all Decided that there is no intensive development of agricultural intensive farming and commerce in the empire!

The black-haired emperor's voice paused, his lips slightly flicked, his eyes turned to the distance, and he smiled and said, "Looking at South Obaro, only the Eero region is close to the north of Obaro in the natural environment, and it is also a warm climate in the ocean region. It is also a large wetland at the estuary of the great river channel. If the empire directly uses the natural river of the great river channel to open the southern Obaro region, it will obviously save a lot of effort. By then, the merchant ships of the empire can no longer go to the current west coast to go to the dangerous south. It can be done directly from the river channel. As long as the empire sets up enough docks in the river channel, not only can it directly expand the influence of the earth, but the biggest advantage is that if the empire can connect the Gulf of Aden with the river channel. , The back and forth time of the Imperial Merchant between the two continents will be shortened to less than one month"

"Within a month! This is simply..." Even if Hu Keqili heard the emperor's words, the pupils were enlarged, and he took a breath, and his broad shoulders were slightly shocked, and was once again embarrassed by the emperor's huge ambitions. The plan was shocked, and he sighed in his heart. Sure enough, the emperor's eyes were not just for sneak attack on a Gulf of Aden. The emperor wanted to put the entire Gulf of Aden into the empire’s territory,

Hu Keqili is the Minister of Imperial Military Affairs. Although he is not as familiar with the sea and rivers as the navy, he has heard about the Elero River Channel. After receiving the order of the emperor, he went straight from the emperor to the northern city of Elero. The emperor’s intention to start in the south of Eero and the area of ​​Eero could not circumvent the great river that traverses the entire upper and lower Eero area, but Hukochili did not think that this large river can start. To such a large effect, it can bypass complex areas, extend the tentacles of the empire to the other end of Southern Obaro, and greatly shorten the time spent on both sides of the east and west.

If the emperor said that the flow of goods between the two continents can be shortened to less than one month through the big river channel, then this big river channel has passed even if it is flowing with gold. The emperor first cleaned Egypt by thunder. King Luo, directly pulled out the remaining eyeliner of the Eero people, and then the army scouted out, and the coalition forces of the southern princes killed were blind, and they did not dare to move.

With the strength of the four Imperial Central Army regiments, they swooped on the Adens. If the Adens did not want to be torn apart, the only way to survive was to return to the position of the southern prince’s coalition camp. During this time, His Majesty was already in Egypt. The most important nail was nailed to the Luo Dahe Channel, and the naval base was repaired directly by taking advantage of the abundant flow of the river. It is conceivable that when the temporary port is completed, the Imperial Navy’s warships need not be stopped at 200. The great river channel of many miles away enters the estuary, but directly supports this position and directly enters an important area in the south of the great river channel.

The impact of this strategically forward-looking plan is definitely a strategic move that shakes the entire Obaro, revealing the huge ambition of the imperial emperor to include the entire Gulf of Aden area in the imperial pocket! A black spot appeared in the distance, and soon an Imperial Guard hurriedly took a copy of the battle report he had just received, and respectfully said to the black-haired emperor who was looking at the South in the distance, "Your Majesty is the Central Army’s first According to the report of Lord Vegetaly, the head of the Nine Banners, the Aden wanted to bypass the side of the Fourth Banner and encountered the ninth Banner Group who rushed to the encirclement. Lord Vegetaly took the initiative to attack and is currently in a fierce battle. "

"It turned out that the ninth flag in the northeast direction collided. It seems that the Adenites have realized that they have become prey and want to leave quietly. How could it be so easy!"

The dark-haired emperor's eyes flashed a chill. This time he mobilized four Central Army regiments. Two of the regiments have entered the battle, especially the ninth flag as the first mechanized light cavalry regiment in the Central Army sequence, Aden. People are directly confronted with it. It is very difficult to want to break the wrist of a strong man like the Fourth Banner Regiment. It is difficult to directly annihilate the armament of this Aden Red Dragon Temple, but he has already dug a pit, waiting for the Red Dragon Temple to go inside. jump!

In the night, the summer tides are dull in the wilderness, countless spots of fire spread under the sky, the cavalry cluster and the infantry cluster meet, and the layers of imperial cavalry are like a heavy hammer hitting the crowded dike, dim Alternating with the light, the horses that staggered and collided, the infantry ran chaotically, driving the broken soldiers to push the crowd behind, and the imperial cavalry came down from the north, aggressively going to the front of the Aden infantry cluster, the horseshoe shook the ground, the arrow The clusters are empty, all of them are fighting. The quality of the Aden Red Dragon Warrior is obviously higher than that of the ordinary Aden soldiers. The ranks that have been washed down by the imperial cavalry. The chaotic fighting in the darkness has already spread.

The impact of the queue is no longer possible. Large-scale chaos has gradually become a small group and small-scale confrontation. "Before the Red Dragon, no one can stop it."

"Long live the temple!"

"The vertical gun, the one who fled without fighting, killing without amnesty"

The center line, which suffered the most volatility from the impact, collapsed four teams in a row. The speed of the soldiers who had been washed down in the front could not stop. There are crazy shouts everywhere. At the moment when some of the defeated Red Dragon warriors touched the front of the rear array, countless spears were like huge grinders, piercing the fleeing Red Dragon warrior directly,

"Do not kill me!"

"I am Captain Mu Ge of the ninth team, who of you dare to kill me"

The vocals boiled in a fierce collision. For some people, this was the last time they cried and fell in the flurry of spears and arrows. This kind of leader led the army, and as the commander, the main force of Poros is also a well-tested elite warrior, and he is not afraid of such a rush. Over time. The huge battlefields are disintegrating in a crazy conflict, and Poros's position is still unshakable.


The flanking light cavalry of the Ninth Banner are superb riding kujit shooters. They are in groups of three and five. On the side of the Aden infantry, they are like a seemingly loose but flexible fish group, constantly walking on the edge of the battle array. At a distance close to the array, they ignited the rocket, projected dot by dot, and then quickly left. A shield was held on the edge of the formation of Poros. It was rigorous, and some archers wanted to shoot back these imperial cavalry, but it was extremely difficult to hit the loose imperial cavalry. These defeated infantry were shot by the imperial cavalry until they collapsed ! Shout and run, headless flies. The spread of the battlefield is as chaotic as boiling water. The breath of blood and fire was so powerful that the impact of the Ninth Banner of the Imperial Central Army has been greatly reduced, but it has achieved the role of dragging 30,000 Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Group here ‘

The Aden who dominated the military, but at this moment it was like a beast forced into desperation, and finally no longer moved forward

"Sir, let's attack. In this way, the loss of infantry will be irreparable."

In Poros, 3,000 Aden Red Dragon knights were always staring at the light cavalry of the Empire. A red dragon knight said with a long face, although the Imperial cavalry was fierce, the Red Dragon knight would not be vegetarian. In normal combat, the Red Dragon Knights do not think that they cannot win the Imperial Cavalry. The infantry has shown great dissatisfaction with the Red Dragon Knights who did not enter the battle slowly. If the Red Dragon Knights enter the battlefield, absolutely There will be no such situation of being crushed by imperial cavalry,

Poros was silent in the face, and the arrows thrown were still spreading. Even if the shield was tight, there were clusters of arrows falling from the neutral block, sailing in this open area, with infantry against the cavalry There are not many options for terrain . Not to mention the elite imperial cavalry, even if the Red Dragon Knight can attack the imperial cavalry and repel the imperial cavalry’s attack,

This battlefield has been unable to continue to fight from the moment it encountered the Imperial Army

Poros’s eyes kept staring at the side, and the torch that flashed the warning flashed in the distance. The black was flooding the ground, and the crowd was flowing over the high **** 500 meters away on the left, and then stopped slowly. The imperial cavalry stopped tightly and orderly. There was no slogan and no sound. Except for the occasional hoarse of the horse, there was no other sound. The eagle flag representing the Central Army of the Empire made a grunt in the wind, and the horseshoes were uneasy. Lift up and put down, and at the same time take up the dirt on the ground, and stir up the ground under the feet into a muddy mud, the long hissing of the war horses one after another,

The head of the 6th Banner of the Central Army of the Empire, Tuculit's eyes fell hundreds of meters ahead. The skin outside the armor showed a healthy bronze color, and his eyes were like a machete with a sharp cold light on his forehead. The blue muscles of the swelled up. I thought that the Adenites would definitely go south, and they would encounter them first. Unexpectedly, they met with the ninth flag of Vegeta in advance.

The battlefield has been spread out, I hope it’s not too late to come, don’t be eaten by the gang of **** of the Ninth Banner, Tugulet’s lips show a terrible, raised his hand and shouted "Everyone, column Out of the moon

The sound of horseshoes came from the south! The third imperial cavalry appeared, and a black line rushed in. When the Aden army heard the rumbling horseshoe, this imperial cavalry like a long line moving at high speed seemed to be under pressure, and it turned into an arc from the middle. It presents a U-shape that is high on both sides and low in the middle. Of course, if it is a horizontal moon, it is more appropriate.

Yokozuki is the tactics of the prairie cavalry, and the sixth banner of the Imperial Central Army is the prairie cavalry. The commander of the flag, Tuculet, came from the Kujit Langran Department, which was one of the four Kukit West Courts. Marksman marks the northern grasslands, and Tuculit is one of Kukit’s six marksmen,

"what is that?"

The red dragon knights behind Poros appeared some small disturbances, and the red dragon knights all had strange faces. Such a cavalry formation has never been seen. The cavalry charge will either be sharply chiseled, or it will be a crushing shape. The formation, such as the two sides high in front and the low formation in the middle is unheard of, does the imperial cavalry's impact start from both sides?

Just kidding, where is this attack tactic? Just as the Red Dragon Knights whispered, there was a contemptuous laugh inside, and a leaping black cloud suddenly rose from the front of the U-shaped array, just like a dense meteor carrying a death tail through the sky, mixed with sadness The sound of the wind fell from the sky, and it suddenly hit the middle of the dense shield array

The "papapa" arrow was like a heavy rain, bringing a large scream, and the sharp Mitsubishi arrows plunged deep into the armor of the Aden Red Dragon Warrior from all angles, bringing a bright red dazzling red in their bodies, Even if it was blocked by a shield, the Adenites behind the shield seemed to lie down on the ground in rows and rows of paper paste

"What's the matter! Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

In this scene, Poros took a cold breath, his eyes swollen, that kind of feeling was like seeing the most unlikely thing. Has the bow and arrow of the empire already been able to penetrate the shield, so how can it be hit!

"Imperial bow cavalry!"

In the horror, I don’t know who shouted, everyone’s face suddenly became ugly. The most powerful of the Imperial Cavalry is the heavy armored cavalry. They met. The most difficult thing is the light cavalry. They also met. But if It is said that the most lethal is the Imperial Bow Cavalry. In the battle of the Holy Land of the Order, it was 30,000 Imperial Bow Cavalry, which dragged the more than 100,000 main forces of the Yi people out of the three major Martini teeth. The river channel, and in this vast unobstructed area in front of you, the high cavalry power and lethality of the bow cavalry will be maximized, and the entire Obaro is recognized that the imperial cavalry is a natural killer of infantry

The huge Yokozuki has already outlined from the darkness, and behind the Yokozuki, in the darkness that the Adenites did not notice, just followed the Yokomo, and after three hundred meters, it quietly dismounted three hundred The imperial thorn tile archer withdrew a second cluster of arrows from the quiver, which was able to shoot the heavy arrow of the shield. Naturally, it was impossible for the cavalry's compound bow to achieve the lethality.


With a deep command, the impaler long archer began to raise the long jaw long arch in the direction of the front of the Aden in the direction of the front, and began to pull the bow string to the full moon with the half-thick hand of the average thigh. , The bowstring made a tearing sound again, the arrow cluster shot out at a high speed that was invisible to the naked eye, and the Aden infantry in the hit area once again fell down densely, and in the direction where they fell, the imperial bow cavalry close to 100 meters away Already aiming in the same direction, they are like wolves swooping towards their prey. As the bowstring trembles, countless arrow clusters are pouring towards the gap that has just been torn apart, and the arrow clusters are pouring down like raindrops.

The thorn tile longbowmen shoot five arrows in a row, and the long bow is put down in the hand. The powerful thorn tile longbow consumes the archer's physical strength. The continuous shooting of five arrows in one breath is already the limit. There are more than fifteen arrows, so the array used to shake the enemy is the most practical, especially in the case of the night, it is impossible to distinguish between those shot by the cavalry and those shot by the long bow archer

Five rounds of arrows shot, for the unprepared Adenites, was directly beaten,

The sound of the arrow in "Papa" sounded like a dense raindrop, and countless blood exploded in the Adenian formation, like a sudden red mist, and a body full of arrows fell to the ground ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Red Dragon Warrior behind was also stunned by the sight in front of him, "What kind of shooter was that?" Poros's voice was trembling, but no one answered him, everyone was still in shock. A shooter who can shoot through even a shield, is that still a human! The countless flying clusters of arrows from the imperial cavalry screamed, so that everyone could not even lift their heads, and relative to the formation, other troops have been messed up.

"Raise the shield! Raise the shield!" A large influx of imperial bow cavalry, such as wolves culling, the forward infantry subconsciously backed away, a shield trembling and erected again, daring to defend defensively, ding The sound of jingle bells was constantly ringing, but those troops that had been chaotic were miserable. The investment of the Imperial Bow Cavalry shook the final will of the Adenians to resist. The Imperial Bow Cavalry's sudden force within a short distance of 50 meters, for a while The sound of dense bowstrings and the rain of arrows poured continuously in the front line of the Adenese gunmen,

The sharp winds of “sweep” flooded the eardrums of the Adenites. In the case of the chaos of the other troops except for this formation, the Aden infantry were slaughtered in front of the bow cavalry, the sound of crying for help, and the sound of command. The skilled horsemanship of the Imperial bow cavalry With the close-range assault shooting that the prairie people are best at, Aden Red Dragon warriors fell one by one in the arrows,

The scene before "Infantry is over" made all the Red Dragon Knights feel cold. At this moment they suddenly realized why Lord Poros did not order them to enter the battlefield. It turned out that Lord Poros might have given up when necessary. Infantry plan!

"All are ready, we are ready to break through" Poros stared at the sky, releasing his clenched fingers,


"Go back, go back the same way, now only rely on the camp of the southern princely coalition forces, can we not be killed by the imperial cavalry!" Poros said with a gloomy face

Quan Guo

Quan Guo

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