Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight Under the sword (23)

At eight o'clock in the night, the wind blew through the grass and rolled the shattered grass towards the sky, and the massive 10,000 infantry cluster under the Imperial Eagle appeared in the southeast.

"Woo" The trombone spurred the night sky, the fourth imperial army arrived, the 11th Infantry Regiment of the Empire entered the battlefield, and the total number of the imperial army was equal to the 30,000 of the Aden Army. Twelve thousand imperial cavalry and sixteen thousand imperial infantry have no suspense at this moment. Poros can only order the cavalry to break through. The infantry can no longer manage and cannot control the two impacts of the imperial cavalry. In addition, the infantry other than the current formation has been in chaos. The colorful flag teams and battalions have almost all invested in the dead battle. The damage is expanding at an alarming rate.

The eleven infantry teams that make up the main fighting force of the Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment were either collapsed by the imperial cavalry or struggling to resist there. The 24,000 Red Dragon warriors brought this time have already lost more than four at the moment Success, if it is not the direction of the lineup has remained unmoved, the banner of the Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment is still flying, and the infantry cluster has a little hope. Maybe hold on again, the Red Dragon Knights will charge! As long as the imperial cavalry was repulsed, maybe everyone still had the opportunity to evacuate. When the fighting hit here, the Aden army knew that it was impossible to evacuate to the south. The only way was to return. No one thought of the imperial army. Even such a large encirclement circle not only encased the 200,000 southern princely coalition forces, but even the Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment wanted to eat it!

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted

"Run away, the battlefield has escaped." The infantry who were still fighting desperately looked at the battlefield direction. Sure enough, they saw the flag shaking. Thousands of Red Dragon Knights who were the backbone of the army finally moved, but the direction was not the battlefield , But to the north, ran away, they were regarded as the only thousands of red dragon knights who could save the situation, and ran like this,

"what happened?"

"We were abandoned, we ran away!" The Red Dragon soldiers yelled, they wanted to live, they wanted to go back

The imperial black armor rided like a tide, and the companions around him began to shake. One person, a group of people, thousands of people lost their will to fight at once. "Run quickly, ah ah--" The hysterical voice permeated through all. Enduring the tears in his eyes, watching the battle flag representing the golden thread pattern of glory trampled in the blood, his eyes were empty and blank, what else to fight,

The Red Dragon Knights ran away, the army collapsed, the capable armies all died, and the rest was nothing but cowards who had been broken, and the battle situation was so erosive,

"Run without wanting to die"

The Red Dragon warriors of the brigade and brigade lost their helmets and armor, their clothes were broken, and there was no system for escape. , Just running back desperately, the **** brave who carried the imperial cavalry in front of him had long since disappeared. After the collapse of the brigade, the imperial cavalry and infantry pushed like a line,

The warhorse's face armour is grim. The cavalry above is also covered with blood stains and war marks. The horses and horses can see that they are already exhausted, but the spirit is still excited to the extreme. "When I came out, there was a broken army screaming and fell to the ground. The rest of the collapsed army has run numb, no matter who fell, no one glances at them, only to escape

"Stop, before the Red Dragon, there is no one to stop!" a red dragon knight shouted hysterically, facing the torrent of tide and coming to the black torrent, immediately inundated with a little shadow, not all the red dragon knights We all chose to run away. In addition to this formation, the red dragon knights of other teams looked lonely and angry. This escape is equivalent to completely abandoning the infantry. I don’t know how many elite warriors carefully cultivated by the Red Dragon Hall. In this way, the entire army of the imperial army collapsed. The tens of thousands of imperial troops approached like a 100-meter arc of cold light. The **** battle in front was like a blunt knife rubbing the edge of the edge. , The corpse runs wild

"Red Dragon Knight, charge!" The sorrowful and lonely cry, some horseshoes raised by the Red Dragon Knight stepped on the ground fiercely, strenuously stroking the horse. The imperial cavalry flying across the line greeted each other, and just a few seconds later, the two armies crashed together. The cavalry who collided with each other rolled from the horseback to the ground, the sound of the cavalry armor shattered like a series of firecrackers, and the cavalry collided like a dry Joe stalk. Squeezed and broken from the middle, the sound of the armor cracking was mixed in the impact of metal and flesh,

This scene. The Red Dragon warriors who stopped running and did not dare to turn their heads to look around finally stopped some people. The scene they turned around was just to let them escape, and dozens of Red Dragon knights desperately blocked and whistled. In front of the coming group of imperial cavalry, it was thin like an original wooden board squeezed away by a heavy hammer. It broke under a strong multi-level attack, under the torrent of armor of the empire. These highly skilled Red Dragon knights struggled to resist the surging Kuroshio time and time again. Every time you hit, you must fall down some people, until the gun was broken, the body was scarred, and the imperial cavalry finally overwhelmed these obstacles.

"Pay attention to cleaning the battlefield, and don't leave a fish in the net!" Vegeta, the head of the 9th Banner of the Central Army, glanced coldly in front. The Adens were really fast. If they are slower, they want to run. Difficult, after a slight pause, the Imperial Cavalry of the Ninth Banner accelerated forward again, and the Adenite infantry was over!

More than a thousand meters away from the battlefield, the evacuated Poros was accidentally blocked by the imperial cavalry. His thin body had shrunk into a tiny ball, tightly attached to the horseback, and a black shadow on the side approached , He thought it was wild bushes, but these bushes were moving, and the speed was not low, the direction of movement was the direction of his side,

"Attention, southwest direction!" The red dragon knight on the flank shouted wildly, and before the voice fell, he heard the whizzing sound of the sky breaking,

"Poof" a flame flew from a distance to a high altitude, it was a rocket shooting out into the air, under the light of the fire, the figure of the imperial black cavalry could be discerned faintly. At this moment, everyone saw at a glance, that caress After living in the hillock where the two armies shunted, more imperial black armour cavalry surged, and the arrow rain buzzed with the bowstring coming from the night, pouring down like a rainstorm

"There is an ambush!" The red dragon knight's panic shouted one after another, and his ears felt a whizzing sound against the hilly ground, whistling down, but fortunately the other party's shooting accuracy was not accurate enough, and the arrow clusters were like raindrops. Drifting around, if the average bow cavalry is not covered by the area, the target that can shoot 50 meters away on a high-speed horseback is a sharp shooter, not to mention the specific terrain and height of the other party at night. The airflow driven by the war horse is enough to make most of the arrow clusters lose their accurate heads. There are few real grassland shooters who really hit the target at high speed on horseback. Most of them stabilize the war horse or simply stand on the ground and shoot!

"The target was found!"

"Four hundred meters to the northeast!"

Various shouts, the sixth flag of the Imperial Central Army bit the Aden Red Dragon Knights who wanted to evacuate at night. They chased behind the Red Dragon Knight and madly shot with bows and arrows in their hands. Although the mountains and wilderness are vast, the flag of Poros’s formation is also conspicuous in the night. In order to show the sacred red dragon banner of the red dragon palace’s sacred white background, as long as it is not blind, it can be seen from a hundred meters away Knowing what the Adenites thought, they also burned in the night to escape! Originally, the imperial cavalry did not find the retreating red dragon knights. It was after seeing this flag that he tentatively shot a few arrows. Who knows that thousands of red dragon knights were smashed out

"Shoot, don't let the Adenites run away!"

"To the northeast, there are mounds!"

"Up the slope, the bow and arrow are raised a little, 20 meters in advance"

Some imperial cavalrymen joked and shot in the direction of the flag, feeling like hunting on the prairie’

"What the **** is going on?" Poros wanted to vomit blood. Although these imperial cavalry used neither Aden nor imperial lingua franca, the tone had a unique jumping syllable, but Poros never flew. The cluster of arrows shot at himself can also guess that the other party is shouting to his companions where he is, and he is really seeing the ghost. Poros is trembling in his heart. In the dark, the high-speed running war immediately, also Can barely see more than 20 steps away from the eyes. Sure enough, as soon as he left the direction of the flag, the attack was immediately disappeared. The night chase battle, Sulai is a battle that extremely tests the ability of the chaser once it is lost. The trace of the target, it is even more difficult to find the trace of the target again in the darkness.

The other party found himself effortlessly. This hanged up. He was slid like a mouse crossing the street and saw his subordinates being easily pierced like a piece of paper. The position of the middle arrow was on the battlefield running at high speed. , Like a fluffy red blood mist exploded in the night, and was instantly thrown away. More imperial cavalry soldiers smelled the **** smell of the wind, and they still came from all aspects. He did not hesitate to raise the prairie bow in his hand, and the arrow covered the fire like a migratory locust. Even the elite equipped red dragon knight fell a lot, and the queue appeared chaotic.

"Asshole!" "Poros face is blue, he is running away, the Imperial Cavalry is still chasing what he is not doing, why the opponent's arrow is so accurate, I just tried to run a curved slash, and was still caught by the opponent. Take care, do these imperial cavalry have a pair of eyes that can be seen at night!

Poros was already sweating forehead in depression, a red dragon knight seemed to find something, and suddenly yelled "flag, put the flag down, otherwise we are the live target", this red dragon knight is tall on the side Shouted, while urging the warhorse to run up a nearby mound, conquering. With more than one hundred men under his command, he blocked the front of the Imperial Cavalry,

"The other party found out, ready for a melee!"

The imperial cavalry saw the target flag that suddenly disappeared, knowing that the Adenites had noticed that the flag had betrayed their position. Since it was no longer possible to attack the opponent through long range, it would only be melee, otherwise once the opponent got rid of the entanglement, in such a dark night, so vast It is very difficult to find the other party under the terrain

"Forerunner draws a knife!" the captain of the imperial cavalry led shouted. The red eyes of the imperial cavalry gleamed coldly and mercilessly, and the scabbard was cut from the prairie in the prairie, and the wind came to the surface, mixed with damp water vapor. Another part of the fast bow cavalry compound strong bow has also been pulled out of the full moon, and the heart is calculating the distance,

"Sixty degrees ahead, one hundred and fifty meters!" The melee cavalry who ran at the forefront found the target, screamed, and the arrow clusters shot out.

"Let's go!" Poros said with a complicated look at the direction of the mound, and said with a complex look and a mumble

"Kill" the high-lying mound position, the two cavalry units collided like two iron walls, almost almost instinctively completed the formation of the squad, came like a lightning flash, and suddenly even led a horse Deeply into the Aden Red Dragon Knight, Aden Red Dragon Knight squeezed into a ball when he was caught off guard. All kinds of long and short weapons collided madly, the horses rolled on the ground in the squeeze, the blood exploded from the staggered impact, and in the fierce hedge of the cavalry, the shield was not able to dodge a little, and the armored horses screamed. Falling to the ground, the people behind can only desperately stabilize their positions, and are also trying to disperse the crowded formation

Some people keep falling, and they are forced to climb up desperately. They are fighting in a narrow range. Every moment, there are countless swords flying, and some people fall down immediately. Was trampled into meat puree by countless horseshoes. Even a scream was difficult to send out. Under the hills, all the people were killed with blood, heavily panting, and the confrontation was short but doubled.

The red dragon knight with his men rushing up the mound fell into muddy water and rolled up, desperately trying to pull himself up. The warhorse was sweating out all over, with a weak snorting nose and weak legs that could not stand up. The Red Dragon Knight naturally knew that the warhorse was completely finished, four arrows were shot on his body, and his stomach was still Cut a half-meter long opening,

The war horse crashed into the formation with a hurricane, and he flew out without him. The red dragon knight completely regarded himself as an infantry and stood up again, struggling to catch a cavalry of the imperial cavalry in the melee Leg, tip it off the horse! Immediately, more than a dozen red dragon knights, regardless of life and death, tightly covered the white-faced young red dragon knight, using his own body to block the imperial cavalry rushing towards the youth, the focus of the battlefield gathered here, then At this opportunity, Poros's Red Dragon Knight quickly disappeared into the distant woodland. . . . . .

In the night, the coalition camp of the southern princes was brightly lit

Countless crowds of people are shaking, and the large army camp of 200,000 people covers an area of ​​seven or eight miles. In addition to the actual soldiers of about seven or eighty thousand, other servants who will fight half and half The camp is set up according to the status of the princes in the south. The core position is naturally the four marquis families, followed by the camps of counts, viscounts, and the lowest barons are arranged directly outside the camp. Most of the barons are The knights of the major families were promoted to be middle-level commanders in the family's combat power

At the gate position of the camp, a baron who had just visited the surroundings entered the camp in a state of embarrassment. The war horse was quickly pulled by the servants to the stable, because the collective nature of the scout was killed by the imperial scout. The baron was called to personally lead the team to patrol the surroundings, and these barons naturally dared not run too far. They just ran around in a circle or two in the vicinity and hurried back. Now the entire southern princely coalition forces are weeping, The grass and trees are all soldiers. Because of the total loss of the scouts, the southern coalition's hearts are even more panic. The news that has been uploaded earlier has caused the southern princes to explode, and the Adenites ran away!

The Adenites would rather leave quietly with the 200,000 southern coalition forces. Obviously, they are not very optimistic about the current battle situation, which is a heavy blow to the southern princes.

"What do you think of the imperial requirements?’

At the moment, within the large accounts of the southern princes, more than thirty lords, large and small, sat on both sides of the long table, and the air was filled with a suppressed atmosphere

Sitting in the most prominent position, the four largest marquis in the south are the most determined lords in the south. The lords sitting on the left are the lords who have been in the south from the beginning, and the ones sitting on the right are originally The noble family exiled by the royal family, a letter returned by the ribbon of Attley, the second daughter of Kentham's family, was laid flat on the long table

"The empire simply wants to provoke our union with the Adenites. If we follow their instructions, not only will we lose the support of the Adenites, but we will not be able to explain to the royal family." A radical middle-aged noble looked from the right seat He stood up, glanced at everyone’s face, and said in a condensed voice, “And the letter itself is an unbelievable existence. Why did the empire let the people of the Kentham family come, who dare to say, Kentham The family did not secretly unite with the empire and sold all of us."

"Yes, the Kentham family is not trustworthy!"

"In order to gain the support of the empire and want to become the new Eero royal family, there is nothing that the Kentham family can do, and it is now directly a stooge in the empire!" Various voices murmured, sitting The look of the Marquis of Kentham in the front position was silent, without a word, letting all kinds of ridicule. In fact, from the moment the empire agreed to support the Kentham family to buy back King Eero, the Marquis of Kentham knew himself It has become the target of all the people. At this time, only by shrinking his head can he calm down in the past. As for what it means to become the new royal family of Eero and become the emperor of Eero, he dare not even think about it.

"Sir Kentham, can you tell me in private that you haven't really joined forces with the Empire?"

A middle-aged nobleman sitting next to him couldn't help but approached him and whispered that his name was Lurbeki. The friendship between the Lour family and the Kentham family can be traced back to the time of the Southern Flood, when it was Lour The family saved the ancestors of the Katam family who were flooded in the land, and finally ended the marriage for a full forty years. The Marquis of Kentham strictly said that his little uncle, since he knew that the high empire of the empire and Kentham Lulbeki is particularly active when the family is connected,

"Master Luhr, what do you think of our southern princes in the eyes of the emperor?" Kentham turned his head to look at him, and his tone was full of helplessness, which meant to say that even the entire Egypt Luo Nan was afraid that he would not be looked upon by the emperor, not to mention these southern princes, you know, even the most prosperous period of the Eero Empire, it was beaten hard by the empire in the North-South War. Suddenly, even the Eero Empire is unable to tie in with the empire, what are the southern princes!

"Sir Kentham, you know, I didn't believe that the empire would choose the Kentham family as the new royal family, but after seeing the letter returned by Atelier, I began to believe." Lulbeki He glanced left and right to the lords who were still talking, showing a mysterious smile to Kentham

"As you said, we have no place in the eyes of the imperial emperor, but it is for this reason that it does not matter to the emperor emperor who can become the royal family of Eero, the premise is that The empire is favorable, and the Kentham family meets this condition very well."

"Don't talk nonsense, Lord Luer, such a joke is not funny"

"Joke, just talk, why take it seriously?" Lulbeki said with a smile on his mouth, and extended his finger. "You see that the Kentham family is closely connected to Mount Etmund, which has been put into the empire, and can be regarded as the south. The pro-empire faction within the princes also owns the largest chamber of commerce in Southero, which means that the Kentham family will not oppose the empire’s business policies, and in the south, the Kentham family is among the four largest marquis families Among them, it has a long history and good relations with many southern families, which can help the empire greatly reduce the resistance and friction caused by entering the south.

Of course Luke’s voice paused and mysteriously smiled

"All this, if coupled with my peerless appearance of cousin Atris, who will be moved by everyone else, right?" Lulbeki smiled, but his eyes were bright and fearful. The marriage relationship of the Kentham family is destined whether he supports the Kentham family or not. In the eyes of other families, he is the Kentham family. And if the Kentham family really becomes the new royal family of Erow, then his Luer family is naturally rising, and the biggest benefit is that the imperial army goes south, the Adenites escape, and the southern princes are panic-stricken, who I don’t know when the Empire Army will swept across,

But if the high empire really has contact with the Kenthams, it’s different.

At least the Kentham family will be absolutely safe, and if the Luer family can stand on the side of the Kentham family, it is naturally safe! He thought this way, not just his family of the Luer family. He was reminding the unconscious Marquis of Kentham. He is actually in the eyes of the southern princes, that is a golden life-saving amulet.

"Really? Sounds like it really makes sense."

The Marquis of Kentham was such a traitor, his eyes blinked, and he was a little annoyed that the empire violated the credit and went south, and suddenly understood that the empire went south. For the Kentham family, it is definitely a good thing, not a bad thing. If the empire does not go south, it is a joke that the Kentham family wants to become the new royal family of Eero. Even if the empire promises to sell the Eero king to the Kentham home, the Kentham family will also take back the Elo king capital , Being subjected to various suppressions from the Royal House of Eero, as for the Royal House of Eero to keep its promises, the Royal House of Eero only needs to throw out the conditions that need to be recognized by the princes of the South, and the Kentham family can never do it.

But now under the great pressure of the empire going south, this impossibility has even loosened, and even the internal princes of Eero have split internally, just like the Luke family who have a good relationship with themselves, and others have a relationship with themselves. Southern lords may not have wanted to push the Kentham family to the throne of the Eero royal family and the idea of ​​ascending to the sky. This opportunity may not be encountered once in hundreds of years, if it is replaced by another family Homeowners, can't help but push

It turned out that all this was the real intention of the empire going south!

My situation will not be so embarrassing! In the old deep eyes of Marquis of Kentham, his eyes began to become sharper. He glanced at the faces of the lords present. Sure enough, from the eyes of some lords who had good relations, he could see his kindness and even his own. A few nodded at their eyes,

"This letter from the high level of the empire is really inexplicable. As long as we seize the Adenites who attacked the imperial army, we promised to let us return safely to the south. Here is Eero. When will it be the empire's turn?" The aristocratic Ero noble stood up with a mockery in his mouth "And the Adenites all ran~www.wuxiaspot.com~Where are we going to find those Adenites!"

"Yeah, the Adenites ran away. I'm afraid they have all crossed the central line at the moment."

"If it weren't for the Imperial Army to lose most of our scouts, we would not wait until the Adenites ran for a long time before they responded."

"So, this letter is meaningless to us, but we are a full army of two hundred thousand, why should we be intimidated by the empire" Most of the standers and strong opponents are the lords on the noble side, Kenta The Mu family is a veteran southern prince. Everyone knows the bad temper of the southern veteran aristocracy. If he is killed, he will not move to the north. Instead, he will nibble on the sand every day in the south! If the Kentham family really became the new royal family of Eero, for those families who dreamed of returning to the north of Eero, there was no hope of returning to the north.

"It seems that this is true. The letter came too late." Some lords also expressed their emotions. If the Kentham family can take this out earlier, everyone may not be able to discuss it. It is the Aden who ambushed the imperial army. Why do you want to bear the revenge of the empire now! What's more, the Adenites still ran away. Under such circumstances, who would think that the Adenites are allies worth relying on?

At this time, the horn of the horn that called for reinforcements in the dark night resounded through the wilderness, and it seemed so sad on this vast land

"what's the situation!"

"Has the empire started to attack?" The southern princes who were meeting were all on one side and stood up one after another. The Adenites ran away. Will the imperial army begin to attack!

"Sir, I just got the news. The Aden Army was attacked by the Imperial Army on the way to the south, and the casualties were heavy. The deputy head of the Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment, Boss, was injured and was urgently seeking outside the camp."

Quan Guo

Quan Guo

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