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: Three thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine under the sword (24)

"what's the situation!"

"How could the Adenites be blocked by the Imperial Army? Is this news reliable?"

"Is the Aden people's losses serious?" The news brought by the attendant changed the faces of the southern princes in the entire tent. Whether it was the southern conservatives or the nobles, all the voices at the moment stopped, the Adens Discarding everyone here will certainly make the southern princes feel depressed, but no one thought that the Adenites would be blocked by the imperial army. The delay of the imperial army from attacking has already made the southern princes feel panic, and the Adenites suffered more It is another fact that the road to the south has been blocked by the imperial army, otherwise the Adenites could not be beaten back,

The strength of the Adenians is not bad. The direct armed infantry of more than 26,000 Red Dragon Halls are well-equipped and definitely not under the Imperial Army. There are also four or five thousand skilled Red Dragon Knights as the backbone of the army. If you want to repel such a force in the wild, it is conservatively estimated that more than twice the strength is required, and the Adenites fled, even the southern princes did not notice it, would the imperial army have no prophet?

No one can tell the prophet, the Adenites escaped even the southern princes who were allies, not to mention the empire, the Adenites suffered violent resistance. The situation in front of them can only explain one problem. The large encirclement of the Imperial Army has been formed. The road to the south was cut off by the imperial army!

"We have been delaying here for so many days in vain, and now it's okay, the imperial army has surrounded us, even if we want to escape back," a southern prince with ugly grief, withdrew from the capital of King Eero When he came down, he should immediately turn to the south, but the Aden side and the royal family asked the southern princes to be stuck in this position as a bait to lure the imperial army. However, the tactics of the imperial army did not surprise everyone. Instead, he launched a surprise scout battle, and made the southern princes weep, and the trees and trees were all soldiers. Seeing the dense forest in the distance would be regarded as an imperial army.

"Everyone, don’t fight yourself. The Imperial Army has only 80,000 people. If you really maintain such a large encirclement, then there must be some weaknesses. And the reason why the Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment of Poros was blocked by the Imperial Army, I think It should be related to Poros leading the Red Dragon Knights to ambush the Imperial Cavalry outside the capital of King Hero. "An old man with abnormally pale skin squinted and tapped his fingers gently on the table to attract everyone’s attention. The old man looked quite vicissitudes, but the fingers showing the cuffs of his clothes were white and scary, like a white scar, as if he had suffered some kind of burn

Seeing the old man talking, the other lords immediately mute

This old man is called Oglini, the patriarch of the Ouge family of the four major marquises in the south. As the oldest in the southern princes, he can live sixty-three years old in the harsh yellow sand climate of the south, and he can still be energetic. Yiyi's back is straight, Ogrini itself is a legend inside the southern princes, and there are even rumors that Ogrini, as the second son of the family, is not eligible to inherit the family title, but in the end can become the family of Ogrini The owner is entirely because the old man was a quite famous adventurer when he was young. He once spent some time in the land of yellow sand, and finally brought out some items from inside, and such things were presented by the Ogrini family. It was given to the Royal House of Eero and was greatly favored by the Royal House of Eero, and then the Og family was promoted from Earl to Marquis,

As for what it is, the Og family has never mentioned it to the outside world, and there have been speculations from the outside world that the Og family may find the eye of the **** who was left by the southern branch of Eero!

The southern area of ​​El Hierro was destroyed by the floods 80 years ago, but the countless remnants left, making the southern Obaro region a sacred place for mainland adventurers. Every year, many mercenaries and adventurers try to enter the south In the Yellow Sands, some people died within a few days of entering, and some people ran out alive after entering for more than ten days, but it looked like they were broken, but the most famous one was hired by a chief priest of the Red Dragon Palace in Aden More than a hundred adventurers and mercenaries entered the Yellow Sands. For more than a month, they made the most adequate preparations, and they also hired more than a dozen southern locals as guides.

For people in other regions, the deep yellow sand is dead, and it is absolutely impossible for life to survive, but for the natives of southern China, they have been accustomed to the yellow sand invasion since childhood. The bloodline has evolved, and some southerners already have considerable resistance to yellow sand,

In order to raise their own value, these so-called guides often bring back bad information about the Yellow Sands. Some people say that there are still many southerners alive, but they all become monsters that are not like humans. When I wandered out, some people said that it was the dead zone of the whole city. The silence was terrible. When people walked, they became blind and deaf. Many people who had entered before could not walk out like this, but many people There is a common thing mentioned, that is the sun. It stands to reason that the yellow sand covering the sky cannot see the sun, but many guides vowed to have seen the sun in the yellow sand. Some people guessed that it should be the original Eero The royal eye discarded the eye of the **** on the southern site. It is said that the high temperature of the eye of the **** melted half of the city and evaporated the large lake outside the old king capital of Eero, resulting in more than eight inside the king capital of Eero at that time. More than ten thousand people disappeared in an instant,

At that time, Oglini, one of the adventurers, was undoubtedly also interested in this legend.

The Eye of God not only represents the power of the upper and lower Erow, but also a powerful force that all monarchs covet. The search for the Eye of God in the south of Erow has never stopped for decades, and the chief priest It is undoubtedly the one with the largest number of people and the most likely to be found, because everyone knows that if you can find the Eye of God, in addition to the original Eero royal family, you will have two churches and a red dragon palace, and this The chief priest is the high-level person in charge of book management in the Red Dragon Hall. When he suddenly came to the south of Erow, he undoubtedly found some clues, but he was eventually found to be on the edge of the yellow sand zone.

The sacrificial ritual was covered with some kind of white scars burned all over the body, and all the entourage survived. Finally, the chief priest of the Red Dragon Temple died of a sentence like "Land Kingdom" in his mouth. Fell, and the person who discovered the chief of the red dragon temple priest from the edge was Oglini

Of course this is the secret of Oglini

Everyone thinks that what he presented to the royal family is the eye of God. What he actually presented to the royal family is that the priest has no human body at all. The white scars have not ended because of the death of the person. On the contrary, after three days, the sacrificial corpse was completely white after death, and the characters were vivid, without any corruption. It was more like a long sleep.

In fact, it was not just the chief of the Red Dragon Palace priest who had seen it. When Oglini accompanied his father to the northern king to see the emperor, he accidentally saw a very similar white scar on the hand of the emperor.

Although this sacrifice is not as terrible as the whole body covered with the whole body, but the emperor Eero passed the age of forty, but it is a secret that everyone knows, and the body of every emperor Eero buried will be asked to wrap the whole body with white cloth Even though the face will be covered with a gold mask, according to the description of the Eero scriptures, the emperors of Eero regarded death as a long sleep. When they were all covered with white gods, they would wake up from the long sleep , But who dares to say that it is not to cover up the white scars all over the body, and every generation of Emperor Eero will die, and his beloved concubines will also be killed, no one has been spared! And some of them may be the mother of the next Emperor Eero

It’s not that the new emperor who didn’t succeed the throne opposed this system, but all ended up with no success.

Whether Emperor Eero will be resurrected from death, Ogrini has no way of knowing, but then there are some white scars on his body. He was scared to death. He should have been infected by the body, Ogri. Rini was horrified and inexplicable. He thought this was the only possibility. He just transported the body to the northern capital, where he was infected. One can imagine how the Red Dragon Hall priest suffered.

Fortunately, these white scars did not expand quickly,

Moreover, Oglini also unexpectedly found that as time went on, he began to have more energy than ordinary people, and his attention and eyesight also surpassed that of ordinary people. Even in the past 40 years, except for gray hair, he looked vicissitudes. In fact, in the spirit and spirit, as in the young age, it seems that years have lost effectiveness in him, even his head is much faster than others. If he knows what is radiation mutation, then he knows that he is one of the mutations. The chief priest of the Red Dragon Palace did find something terrible, and escaped to the edge after being subjected to strong radiation. Although he eventually died, the corpse itself was one of the sources of radiation

"Sir Oglini means that the imperial army is only aimed at the Adens, not at us?" The princes of the south breathed a little hard, and everyone knows that Ogrini has the title of the first wise man in the south, They often say some surprising predictions, and they are all fulfilled.

"I don't know, I can only say that guess!" Oglini glanced at the table.

"What is the basis?" Some people said reluctantly to grind their teeth. The imperial army may be pressed at any time, and the Aden's disastrous defeat proves the strength of the imperial army. As long as there is a hint, no one is willing to fight the imperial army

"Isn't the letter from the upper empire in front of us the basis? How do you know that the Adenites did not come back deliberately from the empire?" Ogrini's fingers fell heavily on the table, and the seemingly old pupil showed a cunning look. Later, as he said this, the big tent suddenly sounded an inspiratory voice. No one had thought about it before, but by the name of Oglini, everyone's heart was full of shock. , Isn't it! The Adenites were intercepted back by the imperial army, and the letter of the empire was also sent at this time. If it was a coincidence, it would be too self-deceiving.

When the empire made it clear, it blocked the Adenites and let them kill themselves!

"If you kill the Aden, everyone will live"

Such thoughts were tumbling in the minds of the southern princes. The Adenites ran away and directly abandoned us. Why should we bear the anger of the Empire for the Adenites' mistakes? If the Adenites wouldn’t make the decision without permission, ambush the imperial cavalry outside the city of King Eero, and then kill the sky temple of King Eero’s branch with a killer, how could the empire go crazy like this, and wipe out their own scouts? And now everyone is trapped here because of something, is it not caused by the so-called strategic plan designated by the Adenites! Seeing the unfavorable situation, it was the Adenites who ran out of their legs, and the Adenites who attacked the imperial army, and the Adenites who slaughtered the temple. Now the Adenites are the ones who brought the imperial army!

Everyone's eyes were red, and heavy breathing could be heard

"How many troops are there in the Aden?" a lord asked gruffly.

"Thirty thousand Aden army, even if it is blocked, there should be half of them." Another prince hesitated

"That is to say, 15,000 people, we have 200,000 people, and there should be no pressure to eat 15,000 people!" The ugly lord gave a punch on the table

"Yes, I have long seen these Adenites as disagreeable, and those who are finger-pointing are almost thinking of themselves as the masters of Southern Erow."

"Don't be impulsive, you know that only the Adenites can help us resist the empire going south. We can't kill each other alone, let the empire pick up cheaply." An aristocrat cried out,

"But you can't let the empire pick up the bargain, can everyone live?" The always silent Marquis of Kentham finally opened his eyes. He looked at the princes around him and sighed. "For the empire, we can't get on the table. Chess pieces are nothing more than a difference between uselessness and uselessness. If the imperial army is going to attack us, it may have been attacked long ago. Now if we don’t even show any use, then there is really only a dead end."

"Marquis of Kentham, your running dog of the empire, what are your qualifications..." An aristocrat with an angry and red face glared at Marquis of Kentham

"Enough is enough, Master Ajidi will only vent his anger. It will be useful unless you can keep the imperial army from attacking us." A southern lord interrupted the noble directly and said unkindly. I agree with Lord Kentham’s statement that killing the Adenites, the empire sword has already reached our neck, what are you still arguing about here?"

In the silence, another lord said, "I agree with the hands of the Adenites"

"The Adenites were already bad-hearted, and now they just blame themselves!"

"Yeah~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Get started! Everyone has a way to live"

On the side of the southern princes’ camp, the Adenites who fled back had just camped. Poros went to the southern princes’ camp, but the southern princes refused to meet him.

"These idiots will one day pay for it." Poros left the southern coalition camp with a pale face. At four in the morning, a red dragon knight awakened the sleeping Poros. "Master, the southern princes are coming, request See your lord!"

"Well, I see, please wait for the other party, I will come soon"

Poros sat up from the bed violently. The fierce fighting and running in the middle of the night made him tired and walked out of the tent. His gaze was a little more sad. By the campfire, some Red Dragon Knights did not rest, just experienced The tragic defeat of 20,000 infantry, and the guilt of some red dragon knights, made some red dragon knights growl horror. Someone was crying madly, and some of the dead red dragon knights and infantry were getting along with the red dragon palace day and night. Mate

"Seize it first, don't let others see the joke," Poros said coldly, and suddenly there were loud noises of footsteps and collisions of weapons, armor, and the sound of the guardian knight "What are you doing! No politeness!"

A rude voice said: "You don't have to rush out Lord Poros to come out, we just go in!"

"Fuck! Do you understand the rules? This is the Aden camp. The trespassers die-come here, there are assassins!" Then there was the sound of swearing at the weapons, and the guard knight murmured, obviously injured. Hearing this, Poros already knew that things were not good. He quickly pulled out his Sabre and blinked. The camp gate had already been kicked open. Countless torches swarmed into the tide. Yingying didn’t know how many people had sharp blades. A cold metal light flashed in the crowd.

Quan Guo

Quan Guo

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