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: Three thousand seven hundred and sixty-five Land on earth (6)

Quan Guo 3765 Land God Kingdom (6) Audio Novel Online Listening

South of ero,

In the rain curtain, a team of cavalry soldiers slowly approached the outline of the city ahead, and a young linen knight stopped the warhorse, slightly frowning and looking forward

"His Royal Highness, the valley city is in front of us, and tonight we don't need to sleep in the wild anymore." A serious-looking captain in a red cape rode up from behind and stopped next to the linen-colored youth.

"Has the valley house lived? After passing here, even if you enter the south completely"

The corner of the young knight's mouth showed a slight self-deprecation, and he looked up to the sky, and a big cold rain hit his face to make him sober. He looked at the twenty men behind him. The rain drenched the helmet and went in through the gap of the brim, flowing down from the thin jaws of his men. No one made a noise, only the slamming rain splashed down on the iron plate of the armor. Under the black iron helmet, there was a black face running with rain,

This is the last royal guard

Although the Royal Family of Eero has nominally moved from King Eero to the south of Eero, in fact, the Royal Family of Eero has never actually entered the southern region of Eero, and the royal family is not stupid. Although the royal family was broken by the Order , But the central area of ​​Eero is still under the control of the royal family, and this is also the capital of the Eero royal family to encourage the southern princes to counterattack the king. The youth is very clear that once they have really entered the southern region, it is in the mouth of the southern princes. meat

For decades, the relationship between the northern royal family and the southern princes has been very rigid. In order to suppress the southern part, the northern royal family can be said to be extremely versatile. At the time, the southern princes had 47, which was the high pressure in the northern royal family for decades. Under the policy, there were only fewer than twenty-one families left. Later, in order to continue to weaken the power of the southern princes, the north royal family sent the nobles who had been exiled to the south, and swallowed the vacant southern princes’ land. In the end, they forcibly made up thirty-seven in the south. Although it seems that the total number is not much different from the number of the southern princes in the total number, in fact, it has already quietly exchanged half of the blood.

If there is no accident, thirty years later, there will be only a few people left in the southern old school

But unfortunately, during the period of Emperor Farouk, he finally shocked the vigilant heart of the south. This man who wanted to turn the Eero Empire into a true southern hegemon, let the national power of the Eero Empire reach its peak. Naturally, for the southern princes The pressure was also the greatest. Just three years ago, Emperor Farouk saw the Falcon Empire rising rapidly in the north. In order to truly unify the power of the upper and lower Erow, the royal power reached its peak. The Emperor Farouk absolutely took action on the south.

At the five-year meeting banquet of the southern princes, Emperor Farouk suddenly announced that he would marry the four princesses of the royal family to the four marquis of the south. The entire banquet suddenly died, and the Kuro family, one of the four marquis families The owner of the house, Korona, had a sullen face, and the hand holding the wine glass groaned angrily. The Marquis of Kentham's face was ugly, and the other southern old school princes were ashamed.

"Your Majesty is willing to let Her Royal Highness Princess marry the South, which is a great honor for me, but His Royal Highness is really..." The Marquis of Kentham stood up and wanted to speak,

"Shouldn't you be grateful for the royal marriage? Why don't you look very happy one by one" Emperor Farooq pressed his right hand on the table, a cold smile like a smile, making everyone feel cold in the neck , The whole Erow knew that the emperor had four daughters, namely Princess Helena. Princess Moses, Princess Angela, Princess Edith and Princess Ken are naturally good to marry into the South, which can greatly ease the rigid relationship between the royal family in the north and the princes in the south, but these four princesses, the largest princess Helena At the age of eight, the youngest Princess Edith was just at the full moon, and the youngest of the four marquises in the south were also forty-one, and the oldest Euglini was already sixty-seven.

Where is this marriage, it is simply an eager seizure of power,

Because once the marriage is established, there will be special ceremonial officers squeezing the so-called royal bonuses from the four southern princes in various names, and these annual bonuses will continue until the princess completes the marriage after adulthood. Take the eight-year-old princess Helena as an example. It will take at least eight years before the marriage can be completed. As for the full moon Princess Idis, it will take another sixteen years, and the real most powerful killer is here.

Everyone knows that the southern climate is harsh, and the life expectancy of people is far less than that of the north. The four marquises in the south are not too young. They may die at any time in a few years. As the family’s main mother and princess, The royal family can immediately send personnel into the territory of the four southern marquises without any kindness.

This is the royal robbery!

But the princes in the south also dared not to speak out, because the power of the royal family in the north was so strong that it was difficult for them to breathe. Under Faruk’s vigorous efforts, the army expanded and prepared for war every year. , Broke through to 800,000, and finally reached an astonishing 1.5 million, as if it were already the position of the largest power in Southern Europe Baro, and the power of the southern princes is full, it is only one hundred thousand, and the Emperor Farouk only needs They can be wiped out by dispatching a corps. In this case, they have no choice but to promise, but no one expected that after three years, Farouk, known as the most wise monarch of Eero, would die unexpectedly. Rutiya Zibao, along with the burial, was also the most powerful fighting force of the 50,000 royal guards of the royal family, 110,000 lords of the royal guard, 200,000 eastern frontier troops, a full 500,000 The army is thus wiped out,

If anyone is the biggest beneficiary of the fall of Emperor Farouk, the old princes of the south are

This young man was the fleeing Prince Eero Eltega. As the imperial emperor guessed, this prince was extremely talented in escaping. At first, he escaped from King Eero due to his amazing keenness. And this time, when he found something wrong, he chose to escape without hesitation. More than 1,000 subordinates abandoned all of them, and they did not run south as they guessed, but found the upcoming south. Earl of Samuta

"I have a very important thing to see His Royal Highness Prince Goffney," Etteliga said straightly. "This is the biggest secret related to the entire southern Eero, and it is also the biggest secret of my Eero royal family."

The Earl of Samuta can only be regarded as medium in the southern princes, but Eltriega knew that the Earl of Samuta was actually the undercover of the Adenites in the south of Erow. The secret of the landing of the 30,000 troops of the Red Dragon Palace in Aden The location is the territory of the Earl of Samuta. Now that the noble factions in the south can no longer be trusted, then they can only rely on the Adenites.

In addition to Poros, the representative of Aden this time is this seemingly incompetent Prince Goffney, and it is said that this Prince Aden, who has the talent of a businessman, came completely as a nominal puppet this time, but in fact, Behind the destruction of the 30,000 troops of the Red Dragon Palace in Aden, the prince did not frighten back to Aden as others thought, but still stayed in the south of Erow, and the activities were frequent. In just a few days after the destruction of the Dragon Palace, he quickly achieved cooperation with some southern families. How could such a character be just a puppet,

In the news that the royal family of Aden was going to be promoted to empire, when the entire Obaro spread, Altriega even speculated that the destruction of the 30,000 troops of Poros in the Red Dragon Hall, whether the prince’s credit is in it Of course, this kind of thought was just a passing thought, but now, he really believes that the royal family of Aden deliberately set up a bureau in the event of the destruction of the red dragon palace army, to avoid the blockade of the noble factions in the south, and not cause it Suspected by the old princes of the south, Etteliga proposed to meet with the Adenites, and Count Samuta really disguised it as a messenger returning to the south to escape the inspection

Even if the imperial cavalry were encountered on the road, the imperial cavalry did not stop the couriers who returned to the south.

Looking far away at the light yellow outline of the city, the elite Legerga, who was covered with rain, fought a cold war. As the southern gateway, the valley city itself is a fortress, 25 meters high, and the outline of the city wall is The ellipse, the outer periphery is all piled up with one meter wide and two meters long boulders. The city wall is four meters thick. The city wall is enough for seven people to parallel. The light blue high city wall gives a heavy sense of depression. A semi-permanent wooden railing is built on the city wall, which can resist most of the long-range attacks launched from the ground. The guards on the wall can easily shoot the ground attackers from the gap of the railing, and the stars are scattered around the city head. Those defensive weapons

People with a discerning eye can see that, to some extent, this fortress is not aimed at the south, but to the north. From this, it can be seen how bad the relationship between the princes in the south of Eero and the royal family in the north is. It is indeed tickling the teeth of this fortress. If it is not for the existence of this barrier, the royal family would have seized all the princes in the south, even if they were not killed, they could be held as hostages,

The sky was gloomy, black clouds covered the sky, and the rain started again. The white rain seemed to be endless. On the distant horizon, there was a low-pitched roar of dull thunder. Far away, a group of cavalry came from the road in front of the fortress

"Is it from the north?"

The young nobleman with the Bogu family logo on the chest of the armor strangled the horse in front of Eltriega, with the young man's enthusiasm belonging to the young people. The news that has been coming back recently during this period has made the whole south Uneasy, the imperial army went south, and the 200,000 coalition forces of the southern princes were trapped. With the last even the cavalry cavalry unable to pass the embargo line of the empire, no one knows the extent of this battle. Don't win 80,000 people! That's the emperor team, the leader is the famous emperor Hu Keqili, the Aden, the Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment should be able to contain part of the empire! There are various opinions, and there are all kinds. Some say that the southern coalition not only defeated the imperial team, but also recaptured the king of Eero, and some 200,000 southern coalition forces have surrounded the imperial team, waiting for the final battle. Recapture King Eero

Anyway, no one said that the southern coalition was defeated because it was very simple and did not see the collapse of the army! The 200,000 people will not be completely killed by the 80,000 people of the empire. If the southern coalition army is really defeated, there will always be someone to escape, but until now, no one has escaped.

Aite Trega raised the helmet's eyes, "Is there anything, sir?"

"I'm sorry, I was rude. I would like to ask, is your lord coming from the north?" The young noble took a deep breath, and the other person was not bad in appearance. As a prince, he was naturally noble. And the day-to-day running has made his face stained with vicissitudes, and when the two intersect, they have formed a very unique temperament. This pressure, the young nobleman has never seen it on his father. I can't help but tremble in my heart, who is the messenger of such a character!

"Yes, I'm from the north." Elte Tonga grinned, and from the young nobleman, he seemed to see his own shadow

"You really came from the north, so can you tell me whether we won or not?" The young aristocrat's face turned a little red, and his inner speculation jumped, but this was the first thing he saw after the north news broke off A person from the north, how could he not be excited

"If I say it's a fiasco, do you believe it?" Eltriega swept across, raining down the ground, and the war horse kicking the ground unsteadily, whispering softly, if he could, he really hoped the south The princes all died best in battle, the empire just casually dialed a sentence ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They did not hesitate to kill all the Adenites, and then pointed the sword to the royal family. Those who betrayed the royal family should be dead!

But Eltriega's heart was unusually calm, and he didn't even have the outstanding means shown by the empire in this southern war. Want to shout loudly! In all fairness, whether this empire took the form of a siege to kill the Adenites or the attack strategy of the southern princes, he saw the use of tactics like magic. The war could still be fought like this. Cochli is called the first general of the empire.

The raven was silent. The young nobleman's face was even paler

"Haha, kidding, we didn't have a fiasco but a victory. The adults believe that we will be back soon." Eltriega grinned and relaxed as he put on the helmet and waved his hand quietly. Twenty cavalry soldiers behind him poured into the open valley city,

At this moment, in the Emperor's Camp,

The nobles in the south of Eero gathered nearly a hundred tall and short. They wore brown uniforms, colored badges representing their identities on their hats and shoulders, and red or silver cloaks behind them, their heads pressed down. Seeing the emperor's envoy Anclo approaching, he bent down his thick waist, the lines of hundreds of people spread out, and the cloaks of various colors undulated like waves,

This is a historic event for the entire southern Eero. The empire re-divided the central Eero region, which means the establishment of the empire’s dominance in the central Eero region. From this moment, the Eero region is truly subject to the empire. For a time, in the drizzle with the sparse Lala around, everyone had a shocking feeling of seeing the history in front of them. No one made a sound, only Ankeluo’s crisp voice was echoing, 2k reading network

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