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: Three thousand seven hundred and sixty-six Land gods on land (7)

Quan Guo 3766 Lu Shang Shen Guo (seven) audio novels listen online

The rain was over, and the water in the big river surged again

The imperial dragon-tooth battleship protruded from both sides of the battleship and stretched out like a long paddle. It stably controlled the south of the hull in the turbulent waters of the Elero River, showing its excellent control as the main battleship of the imperial navy. At the bow of this dragon-toothed warship, a dark-haired young man stood upright, gazing curiously at the sky and the sky, and there was a huge river that let me stretch the sky. Ruoin, unlike the yellow sand originally thought, was even blurred in the rain screen, full of the rich feeling of water vapor, and the huge changes that are taking place in the south of Eero,

Even dark-haired youths can clearly feel this even if they are unfamiliar with Eero South

As Alice, the southerner of Eero, was more shocked by the scene in front of her. Atlice looked at the rain falling like a broken line in the sky, and her white palm caught a drop of crystal clear water. Bead, watching this drop of water eventually disappear from the tip of your finger, Atelier’s breath fluctuated, and her eyes were filled with sorrow. “It’s raining, which is a luxury for many southerners. The southern edge of Eero Or there is rain, deeper areas, it is said that it has not rained for two decades. It is a legend for the southerners in those areas to see precious water falling from the sky!"

"I know this might make your lord tell a joke, but this time the empire announced that the division of the central part seems to have stopped in the middle of Eero. At this time, no one would think that the army of the empire has gone south along the Eero River." Atelis gritted her teeth. He took a deep breath and looked at the dark-haired youth with a very complicated look, sighed and said clearly, "I want to ask, why did the empire predict the direction of the change in advance than our southerner Ero, originally I I don’t believe it yet, but now I am beginning to believe that the southern part of Hérault is really changing! Can you tell me whether this change is good or bad?"

"Why do you think it's not a good change? When there is rain in the south, the yellow sand will naturally be restricted. Maybe in a little while, the south will have a chance from Xinhuan." The dark-haired youth turned around and didn't care Smiled, neither saying good nor saying bad, but instead added a sense of wisdom,

"The great flood 80 years ago also started with heavy rain. Although the rain in front of it is still not comparable to that of 80 years ago, the environmental changes in the south will have any impact on it. No one knows."

Atelis replied anxiously that for the southerners of Hérault, the great flood 80 years ago was not a legend, not a rumor, but something actually happened. The ancestors of the southern princes decided to stay to guard the ancestors. Earthly, each of their generations was the recorder of the cataclysm 80 years ago

At this time, the rapids of the river ahead began to slow down. The corner of the waterway had already seen a huge port, but it looked extremely broken and outdated, but a row of huge and wide docks, with a dozen meters tall unknown unknown constitute the port Three-quarters of the large stones were submerged by the current, and the magnificent outline of the building can still be seen from the position

"This was one of the holy temples that the Holy City built in the south. It worshipped the goddess in charge of the river in the Holy City at that time. There is even a legend that the original river channel of Eero did not traverse the entire upper and lower Eero as now. It was more than a hundred miles between the upper and lower reaches. It was the **** of the river who lowered his divine power and slammed a river channel on the land, so that the river channel of Eero really became a super big river running through Eero. There was a little blur in the eyes of the eyes, watching the roar of the torrent of impact in front

"Although it looks a bit run-down, the overall function of this temple is now available. The fleet has always used this temporary stop as the original." Ataris said with great regret, he saw black hair The youth’s gaze always stayed on the stone lintel with five large characters printed on the words of the “Holy City”. There was now a cluster of green grass and a deserted bird’s nest.

"These gaps, even now, can't even be inserted into the ground. How powerful the artisans in southern Eero were, "Atelis pointed his finger at the mossy steps, 2 More than ten steps, all the stone joints are thin like a line, almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, although broken, but it can vaguely see the amazing craftsmanship of the original builder

The dark-haired youth narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he knew that the Holy City had dredged the entire Elero River Channel in order to make the southern part of Elero a logistics base, he never thought that the Holy City would directly Digging through the interval, and from the current environment, the rain screen is all flat, even the outline of a mountain is invisible, he is actually thinking,! Where did the original holy city builders get so many from The blue stone came to build the temple? And the passage of the Eero River channel is really the original hand of the Holy City. If it is, it is quite shocking.

Artificial canal, the Holy City built an artificial canal here eighty years ago. . . . . Although it may only be more than a hundred miles, it will also have an impact on the dark-haired youth. Even if it is a wealthy empire, if it wants to dig a waterway canal that connects Dijing Dahai City to Gangfei in the south, it will make the Empire’s Ministry of Internal Affairs feel scorched. Although the total length of the imperial artificial canal that has already started construction is more than 1,300 miles, most of the river channels will be ready-made. All the Empire has done is to connect the original old river channels. Even so, the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs It’s already a bitter cry, and the budget is only 50 million imperial gold, which accounts for the total revenue and tax revenue of the Empire for one and a half quarters

This is the most intuitive opportunity to understand the holy city at the beginning, and it must not be missed. The dark-haired young man said to himself, raised his hand to the deck behind him, and the Dragon Tooth warship began to move closer to the direction of the ruins. The Longya battleship leaned against the ruins, and the dark-haired youth jumped up the stairs under dozens of Imperial guards.

Appeared on both sides of the steps of this ancient temple in front of the dark-haired youth, a huge monster statue was erected. These stone statues were carved out of jadeite. The carving technique is extremely superb. When you look at it, you feel that these monsters are warming up, ready to fight at any time? People, but people standing there, can feel the waves of wind blowing away from them,

"Light the fire"

The dark-haired youth ordered that the torches were lit, and the temple was in front of him.

"There are still many temple ruins similar to the **** of water in the south, but most of them have become useless ruins." Atelius stood with a thick black hair young man and sighed very long. In contrast, Atelis, who was born and raised in the south, has an almost obsessed worship of the south of Eero 80 years ago. In front of this huge ruin of the so-called temple that spans half of the river channel, records It was the glory of Nanero that was once glorious and the current ruin. The outer corridor of the temple was supported by dozens of huge stone columns, each of which was carved into a graceful female figure, which should be called The goddess of the river, or the servant of the goddess of the river, has now been overwhelmed by the river water, and most of the body is missing.

The dark-haired youth withdrew his gaze and walked to the hall of the ruins of the temple. Inside the damp corridor, the old and dilapidated lamp holder can be seen. Inside the lamp holder, a ten-meter-high statue of the goddess, like holding the sky with both hands, one long in each hand The two translucent cyan flames just formed a mutually trusting cross angle, and the dim and strangely blaze light just illuminates the goddess' face, covering this beautiful and voluptuous face with a layer of blue veil, scattered I can’t tell the fascinating charm of the unknown, and it happens to combine the two extremes of softness and masculinity.

A gust of wind blew past, and there seemed to be a aria of arrogance, accompanied by the roar of the water flowing against the roll, echoing quietly throughout the hall, which was very magical.

"That's Pudamia?"

The dark-haired youth's eyes fell on the face of the idol, and he couldn't help walking

Under the light of the torch, the appearance of the goddess is similar to that of Pope Pudamia. If you don’t know that Pope Pudamia can’t be a goddess, dark-haired youths have to wonder if someone has The statue of Damia has moved here, of course, this is just impossible to think about, and such a huge statue can never be transported from other places~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if someone is willing to spend such time, There is no need to settle in this ruin,

"Is there a temple built like this on the bend of the river channel in Kentham's territory?" the dark-haired youth asked intentionally or unintentionally.

"Yes, there is a similar temple ruin in my Kentham family territory, which is also a river water god, but the style of the idol seems to be slightly different. Our temple is three goddesses, because we have legends in the south The goddess of the river is actually a three-child. Only when the goddess of the river returns to the south of Erow, can the south of Erow recover from the original punishment." Atelis hesitated and nodded, and said mockingly, "In fact, this kind of thing, I don’t believe it myself. Even if there was a **** in the holy city, the holy city was destroyed, and I didn’t see a so-called **** come forward,

Atelier deserves to be a firm supporter of Southeros, full of admiration for the original Southeros, but scoffs at the holy city at the source of Southeros,

"Three sons!"

The dark-haired youth didn't care about the mocking in Atelis's tone, but his eyes widened slightly when he heard that the goddess might be a three-child, and the dark-haired youth suddenly thought of a ridiculous possibility. This possibility is extremely great. In the past, black-haired youth only thought that it might be the genetic mutation caused by the radiation caused by the predecessor of Pudamia when the holy city was destroyed, but from the perspective of Atelis, The Pope’s three sons are not so simple. The biggest possibility is that the holy city had already started genetic engineering. Dahe often represents the origin of life.

"Your Majesty, the news we just received, our people found traces of His Highness Pudamia in the barren collar, and the situation looks terrible." An Imperial Guard walked hurriedly.

Quan Guo

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