Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred seventy three

On the third day outside Furu Fort, the time was close to noon. A black line appeared in the direction of the mound to the east in the white rain curtain

"Look at the east!"

| "My God, is it the army of the Kentham family?"

"It's from the Alliance Base"

Around the family that was still watching the lively, there was an uproar immediately

Especially those young nobles, where they are all stagnation, their eyes are full of shock. Although the inner secret road did not see any scenes of flesh and blood wars in this raging fort rebellion, it is worth seeing this scene in front of him. The league’s killer finally appeared, and the rain was pouring. After discovering that the Kenthams still wanted a Jedi strike, the league headquarters finally pulled off the last piece of shame, and finally did not choose to hide the traces, but showed all their real strength. In the eyes of everyone,

A large army of 5,000 people, placed in the battle of hundreds of thousands of people, is just a scale that can be submerged at any time, but placed in front of the Kentham family, which is now completely empty, can definitely be described as powerful and desperate.

The flag of the Southern League was hung over the sky, and the spears lined up quietly on the Takaoka. There was no noise in the rain, but it was like skipping the low cries of the southern hills in front of you. The sound of a cracked horn, a general in silver armor immediately stood in front of the team. He was tall and mighty, and his straight body showed the majesty of the army commander. The rain hit his silver armor and gave a brilliant light, pressing on the black pressure. The front of the array is conspicuous like a god.

"No need to wait, Kentham's house is over"

The hearts of all the families who saw this scene are mixed and even sad. Although they seem to be lively on the surface, in fact they are very clear about the purpose of the family sending them. The Mu family cleared the relationship and avoided being affected by the pond fish in this chaos,

In these two days, they also saw with their own eyes how the Kentham family, one of the four great marquis families, was gradually suppressed to death by the alliance.

Rabbits are dead and sad, the attitude and fierce means of the alliance towards the Kentham family, so that they can not help but will treat their families if they encounter the alliance like this? I’m afraid I’m not as good as the Kenthams. Although the Kenthams are unable to fight back, they still dare to have the courage to raise the battle flag, and dare to build up a limited army in front of the Wrathburg. A gesture of attacking the Fury Castle

Is this the essence of the four marquis families?

If the Kentham family you saw at the beginning was just ridiculous and self-confident, but now there is admiration in the hearts of everyone, not everyone can have such courage to fight against the crushing of the alliance, let alone a It's not terrible for the daughters of the family to fail. What is terrible is that they have no courage to confront and can only be slain!

"The Alliance actually sent the **** Franchick, did this deliberately humiliate my Kentham's house!" Atlas looked far away on the silver knight, and Alice's face was angry, and her pupils were even more red Afraid of people

"Who is this Franck?"

The dark-haired youth asked indifferently next to him. He had long guessed that there would be a sure-fire killer in the league. Everyone knew that the main force of the Kentham family was still in the middle. The full strength of the territory was 2,000. Thousands of coalition troops of the Union's headquarters appeared at the Fort of Wrath at this moment. It became clear that just after the time came, they immediately announced that Fort Wrath would leave Kentham's house,

This is naked military intervention, leaving no room for the Kentham family to object

If you can go to the alliance to claim in three days, and the alliance will judge itself fairly, it seems to be deceiving at the moment. The alliance not only did not give the Kentham family the opportunity to declare for three days, and even did not give a hint of hope, even if it was willing to The Tam family mobilized all the forces of the family. In the face of the strong crush of the five thousand alliance headquarters, what can the Kentham family do?

With these five thousand troops under pressure, even if the Kentham family is completely crucified, it is conceivable that after the Fury Castle announced its departure, the other three cities will also announce their departure. Within three days, Kentham The family will be lost to more than half of the territory, almost 80% of the financial resources, and 60% of the population, and then the alliance will inevitably adopt a series of means to kick the heavily wounded Kentham family from the south. Go out!

"Franchik is the patriarch of the Motorri family, and the Motorri family was my vassal of the Kentham family fifteen years ago."

Atelis' eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and the red was scary. He gritted his teeth and said, "Fifteen years ago, the Motories climbed another powerful family, Sela, and seized the opportunity of the Kenthams' internal strife because of the heir dispute. Announced the separation from the Kentham family and invested in the Srila family. When the Kentham family ended the civil strife, the Motoli family has already established a foothold under the protection of the 10,000 army of the Sala family. Because of this matter, my Kentham family and the Secretary The La family turned their heads, and even a large-scale war broke out. Both sides invested in tens of thousands of people, but in the end, my Kentham family rushed into war because of insufficient preparation and lost more than 3,000 people. , I have to admit that the Motories were the vassals of the Slavs, and it was also because of this that my Kenthams changed the raging fort that was originally a military fortress into a city to fill the four pillars of the Kenthams. The vacancy of the minister!"

The Alliance sent this Frachik to come and expose Kentham’s scars

Great, old iron!

The dark-haired youth looked at the Silver Armor Knight, and he had to shout for the fierce design on the side of the alliance. This Flackey Ben was the rebel of the Kentham family. He was sent by the alliance at this moment, and he still took the alliance number. Thousands of troops came, as the deadly lore that finally overwhelmed the resistance of the Kentham family, even if they were replaced by themselves, that is the case. On the one hand, the last hope of the Kentham family can be completely broken, and on the other hand Send a signal to several vassals who are about to leave Kentham’s house

"See? I, Frackick is the rebel of the Kentham family. How can the Kentham family be for me for so many years? The Kentham family is now in a desperate situation, and there is no need to accompany the Kentham family. Go to death!" The Alliance sent the Fracic to have a more shaken effect than various persuasion. The situation, the people, and the Alliance have been firmly in the hands. The only thing left is the time.

Three days, two days have passed

The night came like water, and the Kentham's camp was located beside the river channel. In front of the Union's five thousand troops who were eyeing it, it looked like a weak, like a reef rising from the water. As long as a wave was enough to submerge, the camp fire was on Hula blazed around, the flames grew longer and shorter, just swaying in the wind

Even those who had expected the Kentham's family, at this moment, the Kentham's

In the dark night, stepping on the soil and making a salsa sound, glanced back from the ignited light of the 5,000 large army camps in the distance, the dark-haired youth turned around and saw Atris coming from behind, condensed and said, "Late night It’s not good not to sleep. As the mainstay of the Kentham family, in this case, you should show the ability to be the host in the future. Even if you are in a desperate situation, there is no chaos. You should relax and order. You should eat. It’s time to sleep, but it means toughness means toughness. Anyway, everyone doesn’t think that Burrowing Eyes will leave the Kentham house. It’s up to you to stop it. On the contrary, everyone in the Kentham house is watching you, everyone. It’s enough to converge under your banner and treat you as a symbol of the Kentham family. This is enough. Under the upheaval of the family, it can also unite people. This is a qualified homeowner. If it is not for this purpose , I don’t need to spend two precious days here to accompany you in such a play”

"Okay, I know everything is under your control, but what can I do if I can’t sleep? I originally wanted to count the stars. Whoever knew but saw you and didn’t sleep in the middle of the night was hello Come on!” Atelier's eyes were shining, and he grinned bitterly at his mouth. “I don’t know where you are going, but I can foresee that you are going to kill, I thought it was just Fort of Fury. Thousands of people were killed, and then killed, but now it's different. Five thousand alliance troops came at once. Will tomorrow be a scene of dead bodies?"

The dark-haired youth was silent for a while before saying, "Don’t be naive. If the Kentham family really wants to become the new royal family of Eero, then you should know that the royal power has always been red with human blood, of course, you can also let it go. The Kentham family was kicked out of the South, and I can immediately order it to be terminated, but the Kentham family is afraid that the chance to become the new royal family will be very slim. What is the meaning of a Kentham family kicked out of the south to the empire ?"

"Sure enough, from the beginning, you just put the Kentham house on the chessboard as a pedal for you to pry the entire south of Eero"

Atelier took a deep breath, and her eyes fell on the campfire in the distant surroundings. With a sigh, her eyes flickered. "Are you imperial people always so cold and ruthless, everything should be calculated based on profit, As a businessman is to snatch, and as a soldier is to rob the territory, can't you be a friend and make a little change?"


The dark-haired youth twitched slightly in disdain, and said with a smile, "Don't you think that the person the empire has been supporting is you, not the Kentham family! If the empire is only based on interests, I believe that as long as the empire If you let go of the conditions, there will be a lot of people in the south who will come to allegiance to the empire. Think about it yourself. From beginning to end, what benefit has the Kentham family brought to the empire?"

"Can we kill a few people tomorrow?"

Atelier's eyes flashed to the dark-haired youth, and she didn't even know why she suddenly said something like this.

Those who are all enemies of the Kentham family, who are about to announce their lore to the Kentham family tomorrow morning, are actually pleading for them. . . . . . Atelier's heart is at a loss, her position in the family is not high, otherwise she will not be excluded from the core of the family, and is sent to the north to take charge of the family caravan,

Merchants are also cheap businesses in Erow, and the natural family caravans have been responsible for the family branch for generations. It is conceivable that Alice’s status is now pushed to the position of the family spokesperson by the situation. Alice has nothing at all. ready! Thinking that tomorrow there may be many people dying, the land in front of her will be stained with human blood, but she still can’t calm down.

She has seen the battlefield where human blood is red

For more than ten years, it was spotted in red and looked strange,

There have been no wars in the south of Eero for a long time, but in the north of Eero, the wounds left by the war are still abound, especially near the Rutiya sub-fortress. Although the bodies have been burned, the traces of the war are still visible and covered the ground. They are all broken iron pieces and broken swords. The entire battlefield is more than ten miles long. Walking in it, it seems that there are still hundreds of thousands of warriors cry in the ears, where Emperor Eero fell, Empire 50 Wan Dajun is also there,

A dark hair flashed in the eyes of the dark-haired youth

He knows that as a member of the Kentham family who was born as a girl, although Atris has commercial talents, she has not been trained as an heir since she was a child, so there is still not much about the **** power struggle. Understand, but isn’t that why I chose to support Atlas?

The southern part of Eero is about to recover. As the new royal family of Eero, the Kentham family hopes that the empire will support a new king with a soft heart, rather than a power-loving figure like Putamia. He reaches out and raises his hand. Atris's jaw, the corner of her mouth slightly upturned, revealing a cunning smile. "From the starlight tonight, it should be a sunny day tomorrow. If it were me, I would have a good night's sleep. Never get up"

Atelier's body shook slightly, and finally she said nothing. She turned haggardly and walked back to her tent. The massacre will end at noon. This is the promise given by the dark-haired youth.

"Send someone to Atris's camp and tell her our attitude, and I still have allegiance to the Kentham's house." In the dark night, the middle-aged nobleman staring at the direction of the Kentham's house from the squat station Get up, spit a grass seed in the mouth on the ground, turn around and say to the son behind

"Don't wait?"

"What are you waiting for? The Alliance mobilized 5,000 troops to suppress the situation. Even if the main force of the Kenta family is still there, they don't know the result. Moreover, the Kentham family has no possibility of a comeback. It is just waiting for the death sentence."

Asnapoc looked up at the sky and sighed for a long time. As a vassal from an adventurer, his sharp eyes have a more acupuncture feeling. "The Kentham family is still very good for our family, not only Let me become a vassal from an adventurer, and have given a lot of leniency to the management of Camel City, otherwise an adventurer city is impossible to appear, if you change a new master, although the family will not Affected by it, but it’s hard to say if you want to continue to master the new camel city, so no matter what the result will be tomorrow, my Asnapock has decided to stand by the Kentham’s house."

"Isn't the alliance saying that we should be independent?" The youth was shocked

"Also believe this kind of kidding?" Experienced Asnapock's nose snorted heavily. "Allied forces dispatched 5,000 troops to the Kentham's house. Do you really think it is only for the Kentham's house?" ?"

"Father means..." The youth's complexion couldn't help but change

"From seeing these five thousand troops, we can know that the alliance will not allow the four cities to remain in the hands of the original vassals."

Asnapok looked arrogant, sneered, and said firmly: "Otherwise, once the alliance withdraws, the main force of the Kentham family returns, and all four vassals run back to the Kentham family. Just to suppress the Kentham family, it is also to suppress us. If there is resistance, the army will wash the city! But my new camel city is not so easy to wash!"

"Yes, get it"

The letter of allegiance from the new camel city owner Asnapock was quickly sent to the Atelis camp. The black-haired young man glanced at the table and pressed it against the table. The wind outside the tent was blowing through the grass. Like an invisible big hand deliberately suppressing something,

The morning light finally shined from the horizon. Through the dense woods, the fish belly appeared in the east. The first rays of the morning light had shone in, illuminating the dark woods, the wet muddy ground, and the unknown unknown twittering on the branches. Frightened bird, this is a long and short three days,

"Is the deadline for the third day"

"No response, the Kentham family really gave up!",

"I already knew that, I could go back yesterday"

"It's so boring"

All the waiting people started to clean up their camps. Some people sighed, some were afraid of the alliance’s practices, and some were disappointed. The Kentham family is too counseling, and it’s necessary to see some blood.

The Carey family of the alliance immediately announced that Blindcastle had left the Kentham home.~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ten minutes after the announcement, the 5,000 troops of the League watching in the distance began to move. In areas where the Alliance Army cannot move at will, otherwise it is regarded as an invasion, but now, Fort Fury has left the Kentham home, and the Alliance Army has no place to worry about.

The sound of the horn sounded one after another, and a large piece of gleaming light from the five thousand alliance troops, surrounded by a tier of flags, was laid down layer by layer, and the dense spears like the cold light of the wilderness occasionally penetrated from the direction of dense fog. Facing the Kentham camp in the direction of the river channel, the attack line stood there at the moment, just waiting for the last command. The sunlight like a beam of light was projected from the high clouds, the milky white mist enveloped the earth, and the army was killed. Just waiting to see the blood, the wind blew over the head, the battle flag made a crackling sound

Flacchik, who was at the front, raised his hand and a coalition ordered the cavalry to fly away. "According to the ruling of the Great Temple, the Fortress of Fury was detached from the Kentham's house from an instant. The Kentham's house must be within an hour. Withdraw from the Army’s Fury Fort area, otherwise it will be regarded as an invasion, and the coalition forces have the right to make corresponding attacks” 2K Reading Net

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