Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred seventy four

All the people who heard the cry of the cavalry cavalry changed their faces, and many of them recognized Francchik. The army of five thousand alliances was a knife, pressing on the head of Kentham’s house. Now the situation has reached a point where it is about to be triggered. Will the Kentham family succumb or fight hard!

"Let the former rebels oust the Kentham family. The alliance really did. This is the end of the offense. Even the Kentham family of the four marquises is the same thing for three days."

"One hour must be withdrawn from the Fury Fort area, otherwise the attack will start. Does the Kentham family have a choice?" someone from the noble children watching the situation asked in a deep voice.

"It's totally impossible, or there is no plan to give the Kentham family any chance. This move is too ruthless." There are also powerful people in the noble disciples. A linen young man took a deep breath and had a complicated look. Ming swept through the array of the five thousand alliance troops as murderous as the forest. The alliance's flag fluttered in the wind, and he felt the killing intention of the bone marrow in the silence.

"Colo Adams, what do you mean by this? I don’t think the requirement to leave the Wrath for an hour is too much. If you are riding a horse, you can do it in an hour." A charming girl next to her finger gently Crossed the horsewhip, his face asked curiously, and everyone else cried curiously,

"You are really naive, do you really think that the alliance makes the Kentham family reasonable with an hour?" Kuro Adams said with a wry smile. "You don't want to think about it, although the area of ​​Fort Nur is not a big area, but there are also around For more than twenty years, even if the Kentham family immediately pulled out of the camp at this moment, it was even more difficult to get out of the Anger Fort area within an hour, and the alliance army was trailing behind. The Mu family is defined as invading the Fury Fort, and then strangles with all its strength!

Kuro Adams's voice paused before continuing to say, "Of course, it is not completely impossible. For example, Alice left her men, but just drove horses, and it was still possible to rush out of the area of ​​Fort Fury within an hour. But the result is that it is difficult to say how many of these abandoned kentham knights and courtiers will survive the crush of the five thousand alliance forces. Don’t forget that they are all called by Atelis Coming here, but now Alice treats them like abandoning them. Do you think that the Kentham family will still have a little reputation after this! The Alliance must have guessed that the Kentham family will call for people, That’s why I only deliberately gave it an hour!"

Hearing Cullo Adams' explanation, the other noble disciples were pale and silent, and no one had any thought of speaking. It was really miserable. Whether it was an enemy of the Kentham family or not, there was a feeling of desolation at the moment This time, the Alliance took advantage of the dangers of people, not only instigated the vassals of the vassals, but also brought in 5,000 troops to completely break the chance of the Kentham family to overturn, and now it is even more merciless to issue the eviction orders, everything is on top The great meanings stipulated by the alliance are all irritating, and the interlocking ones must kill the Kentham family! Let the Kentham family no longer be able to gain a foothold in the south

To criticize people, even more tortured!

"Also invite Miss Atris to leave immediately, otherwise it will be too late"

At the moment, more than thirty knights of the Kentham family have stood in front of Atris’s tent.

"I won't leave"

Atelier, who had not appeared for more than a day, walked out of the military account. Her long, soft hair fell on her waist, and the surroundings were so quiet that the sound of the morning wind could be heard. Everyone was watching this Jiao Didi quietly and breathlessly. Behind her, the bright red sun is rising above the horizon, and the woman’s standing figure has been integrated into the morning light. ?Huoranwen????W?W?W?. ?ranwenA`comm

She glanced over the face of a knight who was kneeling in front of her. At first the voice was still trembling slightly, but the tremor quickly disappeared. The voice became smoother and calmer. "The people of the Kentham family, I am Atris. I promised you that I will not let anyone die to death! I will never accept this humiliation. I’m here, I’m not going to leave. The Alliance wants to expel Kentham’s house from the south, so they must first step on my Atrius’ head.”

Miss Tallis!

As if a stone plunged into the calm pond, there was an intangible commotion among the knights. Shocked and moved like ripples echoed among the knights

The knights knelt down to salute, for the Kentham house, for Miss Atris, I would like to die together "" May I follow Miss Atris, long live the family! "In addition to the thirty or so knights, the other members of the Kentham family knelt down one after another towards Atris. The strong wind blowing from a distance flew the cloaks of the knights, flying up and down It is like a group of flying goshawks, like a wheat wave blown down by the wind,

For the first time, Atelier was so excited. She saw the people living in the Kentham family, the glorious glory of the ancestors who had struggled to expand for decades in the Kentham family, and she saw many familiar faces that had previously ignored her, smiling at her. At this moment, These courtiers who supported the Kentham family, their smiles were shining and shining, and they were shining with a moving light. That is what is called the heart!

"It's **** enough, you deceive other people's tears like this?"

When Atris walked back to the tent, the dark-haired young man walked in calmly. "Don't you let you sleep for a lazy night, why stand up?"

Atelis's face was still flushed. The scene just started, it was false to say that she was not excited. She gritted her teeth. "I changed my mind, or you are right. I was too naive to think of the alliance. It was so unforgiving, leaving an area of ​​Angu Fort for an hour was impossible, and the other party wanted me to leave everyone behind and escape!

At this time, in the distance, Franchick's face was cold, his fingers clenched on the whip, and his eyes under the helmet were full of anger. Why did the Kentham family still refuse to run, "Must let the Kentham family run "This is the meaning from the Alliance. As soon as the Kentham family begins to run away, the other three vassal cities of the Kentham family will announce their departure from the Kentham family without hesitation.

This is really troublesome. Obviously doing this kind of thing, we must put on the name of justice. . . . Franchick rubbed his temples with self-deprecation. Fortunately, he had already prepared himself. He smiled in the corner of his mouth and ordered to his adjutant, "Send someone to shout immediately, find a voice with enough voice, just say The Kentham family is now leaving voluntarily, and can still retain a face, if really sent by the Alliance army sword, then the last face of the Kentham family is gone."

"Yes, understand." The adjutant nodded and immediately found a loud voice soldier ran to the middle to shout

Sure enough, with this shout, there was a commotion in the camp of Kentham

"Franchik, you traitor, knew that you should have killed you"

"Frenchchik, come here, believe me or not." The knights of the Kentham family responded angrily. Since Miss Atris did not want to leave, the knights also began to arrange camp defenses.

"Are I stupid, I am still pitying this kind of person" Hearing all the noises from outside the tent, Atelis only had a wry smile at the corner of his mouth, and the dark-haired young man seemed to hear anything, but the corner of the mouth was slightly With a smile, "In the face of humiliation, there is no response, only the head is buried. In this way, it is impossible to gain the loyalty of the people below. In such a short period of time, someone has begun to fight for you and die for you. It seems that you are smarter than I expected, but okay, at least I don’t always have to worry that the person I picked out is a fool.” The dark-haired youth's eyes showed a hint of cunning,

"Did you ever kill a lot of people? On your face, I clearly can't see the meaning of killing, but I can always feel something called killing. I know that the value of life may not be as good as the road before your eyes. A wild grass by the side" Atelier asked with a hesitant look

"That's right, but I rescued more people, just like this empire went south, did the empire's knife stain the blood of the southern Ero? I believe that if the previous empire's knife stained the blood of the southerners, Kentham The home is definitely not like this now!" The dark-haired youth seemed a little angry, his face cold and frost-like, and his sharp eyes looked like a blade,

Atris suddenly felt a sense of suffocating pressure. It seemed that at this moment, it was not a person standing in front of herself, but a sharp blade that was sheathed, and it was indeed a murderous character. The exposed breath made Atelis feel that she was in a stage of collapse. Atelis insisted with the utmost perseverance, but her legs were still trembling slightly unconsciously, almost realizing that she was over, black hair The young man withdrew his gaze from the white face of Atrius, withdrew his breath, and suddenly he laughed and said, "Okay, I'm not joking with you. Do you want to see the reality of this world, or choose to hide quietly here, you choose !"|

"Have you already done it?" Atelier shuddered

"The signal has been sent, after half an hour at the latest..." The dark-haired youth nodded coldly, looking at the rare bright sky outside the tent. The white clouds were like a bunch of silk. Ball, the golden light is projected from the gap between the clouds, and it is no longer different from the other places in Eero. This is a sign that the south of Eero is about to open.

"The Kentham family didn't run!"

"It's eye-opening, no matter what the final result is, I have to admire the Kentham family"

"The four great marquis families are really not comparable to small families like me, at least if they are replaced by any of us, there is no second possibility except for immediate escape."

The children of the families who were watching the surroundings were shocked. In the face of a tenfold disparity, only the Kentham family of three or four hundred people was actually strengthening the camp and made it clear that they were stubborn to the end. It was completely blind. Their eyes, at this moment, no matter who they were, they could not help but erected the praise of the Kentham family. Unexpectedly, the Kentham family brought such a seed. It was indeed the first four in the south that even the north royal family was also afraid of. One of the big families, this attitude of not giving up in the face of strong enemies, at this moment, conquered everyone, admired, surprised, and even had a sense of respect,

The Southern Eero people are most respectful of this kind of people. They are tough and brave enough. No matter who they are, it is a bit blunt. In the beginning, how about the Eero royal family, the southern Eero people dare not give a slight face, Eero The royal family could not enter for decades

"Asshole, this is what you asked for!" Franchick's face turned bluer and purplish, his fingers constantly rubbing against the whip, and he was actually trying to hit the wall. What a joke, but it was from a charming Kentham family. Miss, a character like a vase, who actually twisted the heart of the Kentham family into a rope, and was ready to carry it to the end. Are you really taking me as a dish? If you can’t even cure it, what other face do you have to go back, and it will even trigger the subsequent shaking of the other three vassals, and even if you can go back then, the alliance will not let go of your own

"How much time? Franck made a decision in his heart, he looked at his adjutant, the hourglass that counts the time in the adjutant's hand.

"Prepare to attack!" The cavalry was ordered to fly by in front of an array of Alliance infantry

The "brushed" rows of snowy spears stood up and laid flat. As the attackers, all 3,000 well-equipped assault infantry wore cross helmets with domes and armor. They were among dense woodland and grass Densely arranged, just like the turbulent ocean tide wants to submerge everything in front, the traditional heavy shield begins to be pulled out of the soil, the second row is the Southern Erow two-handed swordsman holding a two-handed sword, one square for every four hundred people, Like a thick wall of steel covering the ground, these two-handed swordsmen are real professional soldiers. Although the number is only 2,000, they are the most likely swords to tear the defense in one fell swoop on the entire attack line.

As time passed, the golden sun in the sky began to reveal the hot essence

"About half an hour, sir," the adjutant glanced at the hourglass and replied

"When the order goes on, when the time comes, the army will move forward, blockers, don't talk about killing!" Francich snapped.

"But lord, the Alliance said that before the Kentham family took the initiative to use force, we..." The adjutant's face changed, and he quickly reminded that Francchik was already riding a tiger, and the major families were watching. The Kentham family again laid out the attitude of resisting to the end, but it was just a daughter of the Kentham family. If you kill it, you would kill it. He did not believe that the Union would pursue her responsibility because the Kentham family died. As long as the plan can be pushed forward, the alliance will automatically ignore this matter. He waved his hand in annoyance, interrupted the adjutant and continued to say, “It’s enough to convey the order, and all the consequences will be explained to the alliance.”

At this moment, there was a thunderous sound coming from the west

"Surely there will be a sunny day, and it's going to rain again?" Many people who heard the voice looked at the blazing sun hanging in the sky with surprise. The unusual climate in the south of this year was already terrifying, not to mention The flooding of rivers has caused the number of migrants to exceed 500,000. There are towns destroyed by floods. Now it is going to rain again, which will only make the flooded area bigger. This is absolutely not the case for the current south. What would be good

"Oh, look, what a **** cloud!"

A nobleman exclaimed, and from the direction of thunder and thunder, he saw a large black cloud emerge from the direction of the distant mound. The other nobles looked at it, and then they saw the unforgettable life. The scene, the black cloud came towards the high speed here, the speed is fast, shocking, rumbling, and the sound of thunder and thunder, the black cloud shows its true face hundreds of meters away, countless black armored cavalry troops marching forward, a splash of water The tumbling, it was the horseshoes stepping heavily into the muddy lowland, it was not thunder, but the sound of countless horseshoes stepping on the ground. A few hundred meters away, the noble children had already felt the **** smell of the face with the wind , Rolling, the Kuroshio is coming!

"The black armored cavalry is the black armored cavalry of the empire!" Someone in the noble's children made an unbelievable voice. They were blinded. At this moment everyone was blinded. Isn't the empire still in the middle? Where did these cavalry come from?

"Asshole, how could there be cavalry!" Not only did the noble children's pupils open like bronze bells, but Frankie was stunned. He wondered if he was dazzled. The alliance closed the road to the south. Are these imperial cavalry? Did it fly over? Just a few minutes later, countless imperial black armour cavalry had rolled into the side of Franck like a dragon, just like a long, shiny, sharp line that cut the flesh, The Alliance soldiers who are still in a hurry are being overturned one by one, the horses are rushing in, under the shining blade of light are flying heads, countless black armored cavalry attacking the line, and crashing into the crowd of southern coalition soldiers

Just like the raindrops of a torrential rain, violently hit the pipa with a huge face, slap! The war horse burst forward, flesh and blood flew, and the huge impact of the human body took off, which was directly trampled into meat, and the chaotic cries were one after another.

"what is the problem!"

"How did the cavalry emerge from the side of our army? This is inexplicable. The coalition army is just a stumbling block. In front of the imperial imperial cavalry, their blockade is like a flood meeting a dam. Almost the entire queue is rushed over. The horse was shredded, and the soldiers crashed and flew out. The light of the Imperial Cavalry was finally turned into a light spot in the sight of the eyes of the coalition soldiers. The body flew heavily, and the scenery changed. The bright red blood jets ejected from the headless chest. Five thousand imperial cavalry sabers rolled like a metal tide, and the southern allied forces bleed sideways into a river, but the low hiss of war horses is reflected in their eyes, the metal armor is cold, the knife light flashes, under the southern sunlight , As if flashing a faint white light belonging to a cold metal

"Hold on, don't mess!"

"Save me~www.wuxiaspot.com~Save me" The injured screamed in the pool of blood, his body was crawling on the ground, and the heavy horseshoe stepped on it mercilessly. This shouting soon changed from tragic to weak, Finally disappeared completely

The black armored cavalry that rolled like waves, with incredible strength, directly collapsed the flanks of the alliance in the first wave of confrontation. Countless alliance soldiers were wrapped in this steel torrent, and the long spears stabbed the cavalry armor. Suddenly, a string of sparks slipped out, and some of them were struggling to pierce their spears into the warhorse vests from the impact, but they were directly caught under the horseshoes of the running horses. The companion's amputated limb and arm were mixed with blood on his face, and the **** smell in his nose rushed to his mind. A coalition soldier discarded his weapon and began to run away. Soon more soldiers fled. The original five thousand alliance army, In a blink of an eye, it was like a collapse

"My God, what the **** did I see?" The eyes of all the major family children who saw this scene bulged. This turned too much. Isn't the Kentham's house exhausted? How can you blink? It has become a violent beating of 5,000 alliance troops who have been beaten like chopping melons and vegetables!

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