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: Three thousand seven hundred and seventy six Kentham's counterattack

"Can the other people in Fury Fort spare their lives?"

Atelius walked haggardly into the black-haired emperor's military account, pleading with the young black-haired youth, hoping to bypass those who remained in the wrathful fortress, part of whom were under the family of Yoshizawa, and saw the house of Yoshizawa Suicide, these people immediately surrendered to the imperial team that had entered the city, and the imperial team handed over these captives to the Kentham family for disposal

"Forgive them?"

The dark-haired youth glanced coldly, and the Atelier looked guilty. The dark-haired youth shrugged his shoulders and continued, "Of course it is possible. Since you are given to you, what to do is yours. Thing, but one thing you have to know is that you paid for it at the future head of the Kentham family. I can promise you this time, but after that, you will not have the opportunity to ask the empire again. , The empire will no longer interfere in the affairs of Kentham’s family, the imperial army cannot always be in the wrath, I hope that by the time, those who are forgiven for your pleading will be for your mercy And let go of the Kentham house!"

Atris's pretty face was silent, her jade-like teeth clenched her lips tightly

She knew this was impossible. The Alliance lost 5,000 people in Wrathcastle. The Kentham family slaps it hard in the face of the entire southern family. It is because the face is lost. Now it is because The imperial army is pressed here, the alliance does not dare to have any movement, once three days later, the imperial army will withdraw, the alliance will definitely take vengeful revenge, there are originally more than 8,000 people in the wrathful fortress, under the artillery of the Empire Thor Half of the raging fort was blown into ruins. In addition to the more than 1,000 people wrapped in the Baize family, more than 3,000 people were killed and countless injured in other raging fort

This is an indelible blood feud

"I'm sorry, I will go back and execute these rebels immediately!" Atelier straightened her body and took a deep breath, knowing how ridiculous she was wrong.

Looking at the red eyes of the prisoners of the Fury Fortress, you know that your forgiveness and forgiveness are meaningless to this kind of hatred. As the dark-haired youth said, then because of your own forgiveness, the Fury Fortress, I will definitely become the vanguard of the attack on the Kentham family for the first time, even more crazier than the former Baize family, and it is probably the empire that circumvented the biggest damage of the Fury Castle. The empire sent troops for the Kentham family. As a result, as soon as the Kem's crisis was lifted, he immediately pardoned the Fury Castle, so what is the point of the Empire sending troops? No wonder, the strong disappointment in the tone of the dark-haired youth

"For the sake of not being completely saved, I will help you again." The dark-haired young man's eyes flickered and he sighed for a long time, and took a piece of paper on the table and handed it to the opposite Art. Liz,

"Where did this come from?" Atelis reached out curiously, swept her eyes, and looked shocked. This is a list. It is painted a lot with red and black circles. All of the above are written. Although not all of the major families in the south, there are more than a third,

"This is the list of the southern major families most likely to surrender when the Southern Alliance is shaken. It is provided by Anchor. As the former Princess Eero, he was responsible for the actions and investigations against the southern major families. The Eero royal family had sent people to secretly pass through these families, and had received some family commitments. As long as the Southern Alliance was shaken, they would join the royal camp." In the beginning, even Atrice took a breath. The Royal Family of Eero spent decades infiltrating the southern part of Eero, placing exiles in the nobility, and in the name of the adventurer of the South, broke into the major families Many people, this list is definitely the hard work of the Royal House of Eero for decades, and it was even given to the black-haired youth by Anchor. What is the identity of the black-haired youth!

"What should I do?"

Atelier shook her body and felt the hot hand holding the list. From the words of the black-haired youth, she could also feel the suffocation of the bow string. The bow did not look back. Since Ken The Tam’s family has torn their faces with the Alliance, so it’s difficult to coexist. Either the Alliance is finished, or the Kentum’s family is driven out of the South. There is no other choice.

The dark-haired youth seemed to be unable to see the shock in Atelier’s eyes, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, saying, “I’ve put the imperial team in the middle to put pressure on it. The southern side is currently able to bring back 5,000 people from the middle. Died in Wrathburg, in the next few days, the Southern Alliance will be completely unable to fight against the Kentham family, that is to say..."The voice of the dark-haired youth paused, and his eyes became sharp and sharp." I can’t use this opportunity to destroy the Southern League at once. It depends on whether you have the courage of Atelis. If I am you, I will immediately send the envoy of the Kentham family to these families on the list. Committed that as long as the Kentham family becomes the new royal family, they are willing to share with them the right to govern in the south"

"This... the other party will join me in the Kentham camp?" Atelis said to her in amazement. Although she believed that the dark-haired youth wouldn't say anything, it was absolutely too taken for granted. By the way, the crisis of the Kentham family has just been lifted. These families will feel the shake of the alliance, but they will not turn to the Kentham family.

"The dark-haired youth certainly knows what Alice thinks in her mind and smiles and presses the list on the table. "Don't forget, the current Kentham home is not just the Kentham home, but also the Empire! The empire has even sent troops for the Kentham family, then the military power of the empire is the force of the Kentham family! "It used to be impossible in the past, but if the Kentham family shows enough strength, it is not a problem. According to Anchor, most of these families have resentment or uneasy status quo because of some old things in the Southern League. Wanting to get more wealth and land, and even the agitated agitation of the royal family of Eero, it was only hindered by the original agreement. Because of the existence of the alliance, it had to be tolerated. The south was not as rigid as seen, Even if it used to be a piece of iron, it has been 80 years. Everyone has changed for two or three generations. It’s a joke to talk about concentricity."

The imperial army entered, but the camps of the Kentham family were obviously not enough.

In just half a day, the flat land, valleys, and high slopes southeast of Numu Fort, the emperor flags flying everywhere, behind the horses were pieces of white camps, and the camps stretched along the river to the east, and above the river, It is a fully loaded imperial navy carrier. One day later, the imperial army advanced from the land and water to the east, and it was naturally the flag of the Kentham family.

Atelier personally led, and the land quickly captured Yejie City, which was acting as a pass in the east of the Kentham family. Ye Jie City Lord Ali deserted the city and fled

At the same time, the imperial navy fleet entered the Duolun Lake along the big river channel. The Lord Luwamuri of the Duolun Lake area looked at the masts of the imperial warships floating in the lake and the rows of swarthy imperial thunder muzzles. Raised a white flag,

The restriction of the Kentham family's expansion to the east was shattered. Atelis split the army into three roads with a victorious attitude, each with 4,000 people, and directly headed towards the hinterland of the Southern Alliance. After the waterway was cleared The land march of the Kentham family was even more desperate. On the way, it was originally just to see the lively southern lords. When they saw the flag of the empire like the sea, their legs were scared. Some families chose to join the Kentham camp under the sword of the empire. , Four days later, the army captured Milton, the southern town of supplies, and began to encircle Roshny City, which has a technical secondary hub in the south. In the next two days, the Kentham family began to attack the surroundings of Roshny City. The speed to the three small and medium territories quickly swept around the city of Roshni

In the valley city, the hot wind in the sun blew through the hall, and the alliance princes died in the conference hall.

"Please also invite the alliance to send troops to rescue immediately, otherwise I will not be able to persevere in Roshny City for a long time." A middle-aged nobleman with anxious look reddened his eyes and looked anxiously at the top families sitting on the top. The information sent to the city of Roshni was placed on the table, and the other southern princes all looked ugly.

The overwhelming situation turned over. As the most powerful 5,000 alliance troops, instead of pushing the Kentham family into a desperate situation of betrayal, they were under the wrath of the wrath, and they were killed by the Kentham family and the emperor team. The Tam’s family then launched a full-line counterattack, which can be described as swift and violent. The Kentam’s subsequent counterattack was too fast. In the name of the league’s injustice, the 20,000 emperor team was the mainstay. No one dared to stop it. It was already the third afternoon when the Alliance received the news.

At this time, the princes in the south were also blinded. No one knew how the imperial team passed.

The city of Roshni is located in the heart of the southern Erow, and it is also a place where the southern coalition hoards supplies. It is not only eighty miles away from the valley city. The siege of the Roshny city by the Kentham family is equivalent to cutting off the southern coalition. Logistics supplies, although the 200,000 Southern Allied Forces reduced a portion due to the disengagement of the southern noble factions

After returning to Bogu City, the Alliance disbanded all the weak logistics forces. Now the troop strength in Bogu City is about 70,000 people. Some people immediately said with red eyes, "We must send troops to Roshny immediately. Otherwise, once the Kentham family breaks Roshny, not only will the rear of the army be broken, but even the entire Southern Alliance will be shaken!"

"If the city of Roche falls, the valley city will not be able to keep it."

The situation was severe and the southern lords stopped arguing

The imperial team in the middle has been pressed to less than thirty miles from the valley city, and the southern nobles who surrendered are willing to pioneer it. The imperial team directly bypassed the flood zone, although the southern princes still have 70,000 troops in the valley city. At this moment, he didn't even dare to move easily, because no one knows when the Imperial Army will be under the valley city. Although the valley city is known as the first strong wall in the south, it has blocked the royal ambitions of Erow for decades, but this This kind of glory is no longer suitable for the present age. The entire Obaro knows that there is no stronghold dare to stand in front of the imperial army,

In the end, the alliance was still dominated by eight princes and put together a rescue force of 30,000 people. They lined up and marched forward with their heads, with colorful flags flying on their heads, with various patterns painted on them. : Axe, black sheep, flying eagle, ox head horn, tiger, sword... In order to hurry up, all the troops marched on the road day and night, and even the outposts and flanking defense forces were not set up

Before approaching Roche, he was attacked by the imperial team

The first bad luck was Count Caslavi. The imperial cavalry on the road was suddenly killed, just like the wind and the yellow sand, and a large group of cavalry swept the sky. The cavalry were harsh and capable. They wear light armor that protects the pleura and limbs. Wearing the red cloak of the Imperial Central Army outside, while the horse was galloping. The wide cloak floated up against the wind, like the wings of a falcon, with a crossbow and an arrow slanted obliquely behind it, and a slightly curved imperial warrior tied around his waist. Even if it was a charge, the queue remained in the slightest. No chaos, one team after another, and the troops of Count Caslavi, who were still on the way, were tired and tired. They could not be defeated after a little contact. Count Caslavi was injured and was dispersed, and more than 4,000 infantry were scattered and defeated. After the Kaslawi army, the imperial cavalry ignored the broken soldiers who had fled the mountains and the wild. Instead, the troops quickly turned around and rushed to the flanks of other nearby alliance troops before the alliance troops closed up.

"Killing" the shouting sounds of the mountains and the sea, seeing the black armored cavalry is fierce, and Earl Beruk, who was on the side of the attack, was timid without fear. He knew that his tired soldiers were not opponents of the imperial cavalry. The counterattack was just standing on the avenue to stand by and waiting for help, but the imperial cavalry’s impact was terrible. Only one face split the infantry’s spear array, and it cut the Earl of Bruker’s infantry into pieces. In two halves, the infantry of the left wing of Beruk could not withstand the collapse first, the front team was killed in a mess, the rear team was also crushed by a rush, and the horse was galloping, followed by the horse stepping, knife cutting, and gun picking, The relentless pursuit is like a violent wind, killing the Alliance Army can’t afford the knife, can’t breathe~www.wuxiaspot.com~The imperial black cavalry swept through like a storm, leaving only the dead body in one place, the soldiers were torn apart , Panicking like a group of mice, stunned into the bushes into the woods, only to escape the whirlwind of death behind him.

Extremely embarrassed, seeing the defeat of the friendly soldiers, the other rescue forces have been afraid to move on

"The imperial army has surrounded the surrounding area, just waiting for us to go to the nets"

"Roshny is the decoy of the empire"

"There must be an imperial army waiting for us in front of us, so we can't move forward anymore"

The inexplicable panic of the soldier's stroke spread, and the princes were panic-stricken, and the rescue became awaiting assistance. The news that the unlucky Earl of Beruk was captured alive was also exploded in the southern princes, and more than 30,000 people had just approached. Roshny, even the emperor's facts and facts have not been figured out, so he killed more than two thousand people in battle, and even a prince took 2k reading network

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