Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred seventy-seven

The hot day is about to pass, the sun is going down, the woods, meadows, lakes and bare woodland are shrouded in a solemn red glow, and the low beekeeper and inn hut by the road is dotted by the woods. The shade of the trees is particularly cool

Roshny City is not a military fortress, but its location determines that it must serve the same purpose as the fortress. It just happens to be on the throat road leading to the Valley City from the south of Eero, providing various actions for the Valley City as a southern barrier The materials for war preparations are barren in the south, and the materials are not sufficient. The royal family in the north is ambitious. For the south, they have long wanted to eat it. No one knows when. The royal family in the north is torn off the shame and swept the army south, so it was prepared for combat. The purpose of the city is to naturally become the core of the south. Even in the most famined years, the princes of the south all pierced a certain amount of materials into the city of Roshny according to the agreement.

With the consent of the imperial army, all the residents in the city have long been evacuated, all the houses have been converted into military uses, and every wall and road has been completely blocked by obstacles. As a base for material reserves, Roshni’s standing garrison is full of 3,000 people. These 3,000 garrisons will not be mobilized at any time. Even when the southern princes attacked the capital of Eero, the city’s The guard force has not been used, because these three thousand guards belong to the alliance in name, and do not belong to any southern prince, so as to ensure that Roshny City will not become a family territory at any time.

But at this moment, this unique position puts Roshny in an extremely awkward position

That is because there is no alliance order, so Roshni City cannot surrender voluntarily. In the face of the bombardment of the Empire Thor, three thousand Roshni defenders can only defend

The houses near the side of the city wall basically collapsed and turned into pieces of ruins. The Roshny garrison who had never encountered the Empire Thor was completely blinded. At no time did they encounter such a powerful siege mode The so-called defensive line they built was mainly aimed at the enemy who launched street fighting after attacking the city, and now it has been discovered that the Imperial Army did not mean to enter Roshny at all. The opponent was on the hillside around Roshny, covered with defensive fortifications, and installed a lot of dark muzzle Thor guns. Looking at these black muzzles straight to his own, whether it was Roche on the city head Nepalese defending soldiers are still officers, and they all have a tingling scalp.

No one knows why the imperial army came to Roshny, but it is obvious that Roshny could not resist the offensive of the imperial army.

"Adult, even if the empire has an indestructible Thor, but it is not easy for the subordinates to think of destroying Roshny. We are hoarding supplies, but we have hollowed out the entire underground of Roshny. Empire No matter how powerful Raytheon is, can it even blow the ground down!" said a coalition squadron commander. Roshny, as a heavy place for the Southern Alliance to hoard supplies, is not just built on higher slopes In the past, it took a lot of manpower and material resources to dig the slopes below the city of Roshny into huge underground warehouses for decades.

There was a thin, lonely figure standing silently in Roshny's city, looking quietly towards the far north. He was wearing light yellow armor, and the cloak behind him was very stylized, under the weak sunlight in the afternoon. His figure appeared exceptionally lonely against the dark background. Behind him, several Roshney squadron captains stood together with a ugly face.

"Stupid, the Empire Thor is naturally difficult to destroy Roshney in one fell swoop, but you should have heard of the name of the Empire Fuel Bomb."

The middle-aged man who stood alone and gazed silently in front of him with a helpless grin. He was uncomfortable with the squadron leader’s words. His figure was very thin, and his face was quite haggard, with only deep sunken eyes, occasionally exuding Earthly aggressive, he is the guardian of the city of Roshni, Angisar. As the guardian of the special zone of Roshni city, Angisar is known as the master of logistics in the southern alliance. He is good at management and scheduling. The two hundred thousand army of Luo Zhuhou was besieged by King Hero for three months, and the logistics aspect could continue to be pushed up continuously, without causing any major disturbances, Anjisa contributed.

But in combat ability, Anguiza is very general

In fact, if the Valley City is really broken by the royal family in the north, as the commander of the stockpiling place of Roshny, Angieza does not have to resist but burns, burning all the materials hoarded in Roshny, avoiding It fell into the hands of the king of the north, so Anjiza’s combat ability was negligible. What the alliance wanted was Anjiza’s determination to make a decision at a critical moment.

Even if necessary, Angieza needs to coexist and die with Roshni. For this statement, Angieza did not deny that even in order to do this, Angieza has placed a lot in Roshini City for critical moments in these years. The ignition point, a large amount of burning material was hoarded,

So Anzaisa knew too well what it meant for the Roshny city when the empire launched a fuel bomb attack on Roshny, which was full of supplies. The other squadron leaders obviously knew this too, and his face changed color, even in the depths. In the remote southern part of Erow, I also heard about the prestige of such things as the imperial fuel bomb. In the first North-South War, the empire burned the main force of the 200,000 southern alliance alive with incendiary bombs, and laid the entire north and south in one fell swoop. Victory of the war

If the empire uses fuel bombs on the city of Roshni, the fire of Roshni is afraid that it will not be inferior to the world-wide fire in the North-South War, which is very embarrassing. Originally, when it was impossible to resist , The Roshny defenders who must burn the city, but at this moment it is necessary to ensure that the city of Roshny is not burned,

The fearful Roshny guardian dared not rest at night

Angiesa was on duty personally, standing on the head of Roshny, staring at the bonfire of the imperial barracks in front of the pavement, just like the broad flat covered with wildflowers, the scenery in front of him gradually blurred, the silhouette of the mountains became more and more White, in the dark, dry, withered grass, he seemed to see a slender girl smiling at herself, with a smile on her face, and a crisp female voice as if saying to her in ears, "Jun can stay young forever." Style is like yesterday."

Lucia, you're wrong, I'm old, maybe this time, I can't go back to see you anymore, Anguissa sorted out his armor, toward the northwest, silently thinking in his heart, and finally glanced at the pale horizon that the East had begun to pale . Turning around, the majesty of the commander of the first army has been restored. A squadron leader walked up carefully from the back and whispered "Master" in front of Angie

"Lofid, you are not in your place. What are you doing here?" Angie asked with a stunned face. This was one of several squadron captains.

"Sir, I'm here to find you, to help people pass on a sentence" The squadron leader hesitated and gritted his teeth.

"Spread the word?" Angiea's brow twitched slightly, his fingers clenched tightly, his eyes flushed to the squadron captain, covered with blood, and his lips froze coldly. "Are you here to persuade the Kenthams?"

"Adult, please don't get me wrong. My Berkonissa and Kentham families are not bad. But since I have left the family to join the Roshny City Guards, I will not betray Roshny City, this time. , The other party found me through the family, and only asked me to pass a word to the adult. I think this is not harmful to Roshny, so I risked to see the adult. "The squadron leader barely smiled and saw Anji. With a hesitant look, he bowed his head deeply. "I know that adults are brave and unyielding. At the critical moment, even if they burn with Roshni, they will not frown, but now, it is not just Roshni. The city, but the life and death of the whole south..."

Silence around, only heard the hunting sound of countless military flags being blown by the wind. Faintly, you can hear the repressed crying. In the face of great pressure, the guards are also ordinary people. Anjiza sighed, and in this silence, slowly said "Say, what the other party wants you to say!" "|

The squadron leader obviously breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The other party said that this is a battle between the Kentham family and the Southern League, and it has nothing to do with Roshny City, so as long as Roshny City is willing to remain neutral in this competition. , The Kentham family and the imperial army will not move the city of Roshni, and the other party also promised that the Kentham family will not move a cent for the supplies in the city of Roshni. Materials are used to save hundreds of thousands of victims in the south"

"What did the other person say?"

Anjisa's face couldn't help moving, but he still had doubts in his tone. Roshine's supplies were quite huge. Even if the 200,000 coalition forces were supported for three months, the astronomical figures are still left. ,Flooding. There are countless refugees. Anjiza once proposed to the Union to take part of the materials to rescue the victims. The princes of the Union were ruthlessly rejected, but the Kentham family can keep its promise? Angie is also hesitant

"Sir, the opposite said, Roshny city is neutral, there will be no loss, but if the adult does not believe, the big can burn the entire Roshny city at a critical moment."

The squadron leader took a deep breath and said that even if he thought such a favorable condition, there was really no reason for refusal. The empire had surrounded the city of Roshny and had set up Thor in high places. During the day, The power of Thor has frightened them. Fortunately, the empire only made a demonstrative shooting, otherwise it was not just as simple as the collapse of a part of the city wall.

At the Imperial Barracks, Antris received a reply from Roshny City, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Anguissa promised to be neutral and did not participate in this southern battle. This is definitely extremely beneficial for the Kenthams. The good news is that Roshni’s status is special, and anyone’s attack will become a target. Moreover, the supplies in Roshni’s city are too important for the southern part of Eero. This war with the alliance will eventually come to an end. At that time, a large amount of materials will be needed to appease the refugees and some parties who have turned to the Kentham family. Except for the city of Roshny, who can bring out such huge materials?

"Okay, what you really need to think about is not Roshny, but those who said they belonged to the Kentham camp along the way." The black-haired youth looked at the somewhat proud Alice and smiled. "You I have established my prestige at the Kentham family, but I want to be the heir to the Kentham family. The support of the family is not enough. Although these families are all clues, they are also the same. They are also most likely to be sincere. Support your superiors"

"what should I do?'

Atelis looked serious. She was just a daughter of the Kentham family. On top of her, there were two older brothers. That was the heir of the Kentham family that everyone recognized. Now she only accounts for the rest. People are not in the convenience of the south. Once the two brothers return to the south, no one knows what the situation will become. The biggest possibility is that all efforts will eventually become the wedding dress of others.

"Things like grass on the wall, respect them, favor them, they look down on you, and try to bully and insult you. If you treat them fiercely and step on them like dogs, then they will respect you If the gods are clear-in short, it’s better to beat them up." The dark-haired youth raised his hand inadvertently, and taught Atelier how to rule these temporary families. It took more than an hour for Atelier to leave in disbelief

People from all major families have become impatient in the camp

"What the **** does that mean"

| "Kentham's family is not the new royal family, have you started to put on the spectrum?"

The tent was already full of people. Not only did the dozens of families fill the chairs at the conference table, but many people couldn't find a seat and could only stand. Being crowded, the air was permeated with a sweat and sour smell that did not take a bath for a long time. In order to hurry up, many people were exposed to the sun after the rain, and they came all the way. Each family is seven or eight. Even more than a dozen, this is because some people are blocked outside. There are too many people. It can be seen that everyone is waiting a little impatiently. Seeing Atris come in, the tent is buzzing. The sound of discussion.

Atelis was cold and didn't greet them. She walked in all the way and took out a list. He glanced at the people around him and said coldly, "I get the news, some of you. People are still in contact with the Alliance"

Alice's voice was deliberately paused, and in a flash, all the buzz was over

Atelis did not look at anyone. He opened the list and glanced at it. Then he pointed to a few people on the left. A dozen full-length armored imperial soldiers walked in. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com. All were dragged out of the tent, others were afraid to breathe, looking at Alice’s eyes full of awe, as quiet as a deep valley, the power of Alice is not terrible, but if it is an imperial army , That's another story,

"Brush" Everyone quickly gave way to Atelis, and looked at Atris who was going to the highest position with fearful eyes, whispering whispers among the crowd "Hell's idiot, Sure enough, the alliance still has a hook." Atelis said nothing, but just glanced at everyone with a cold eyes. The lords who came into contact with the eyes shivered and immediately shut their mouths obediently.

"Time is tight, and I am busy. When I speak, I don't like someone to intervene." Atelier said slowly, his voice full of undoubted arrogance, murderous, like a knife just out of the sheath.

The fiery July finally passed. This month was a torment for the buns. When the unit was engaged in institutional reforms, the buns were almost laid off. There were old people and small children. Great impact, here to apologize to everyone.

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