Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and eighty-one

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the imperial team's black armor appeared on the battlefield. Strict battle lineup lined up. Walking in front is the 31 infantry squadrons in the open position, the eagle-wing shield made of stainless steel, behind is a dense queue of forest-like long guns, behind is the crossbow team carrying the imperial crossbow, fluttering in the wind Under the emperor's side, the dense queue is like a steel wall emerging,

The two wings of the empire are black cavalry queues

"Brush" helmets with red tasseled imperial cavalry, like a flame igniting the earth, dense horseshoes stepping on the muddy ground, under the red cloak, erected in the hands of imperial cavalry in armored warriors The spear is like a forest, but the end is not seen at a glance. The back team is still pouring out, as if the converging streams are moving towards the imperial team’s array. You can see the heralds quickly running between the teams, the red The cloak fluttered in the wind, just like a meteor tail that quickly skimmed through the sky. Unlike the rush of the Alliance army, the imperial team was lined up one after another in a huge square, tight and orderly, without slogans, no sound, except There were no other sounds after the wind blowing across the ground, and there seemed to be only one wave of rhythmic flags floating between the world and the sound of black armor, which was more silent and chilling.

"Oh my God"

Seeing this scene, the southern coalition princes all took a breath.

Although they were driven back by the emperor team all the way from the king of Eero, but it was the first time that the emperor really faced the emperor to expand the array. Compared with the messy queues of various colors dancing here, the number of empires was only three-thirds here. For about a year, it gave people majesty like mountains, and the sea was like a puffy face. They completely suppressed this side in their momentum.

"Everyone pay attention, don't mess up." The Southern Allied Forces have a commotion. Everyone looks nervously at the front and sees the rumored imperial black armor. The ordinary Southern Union soldiers look ugly.

"Everyone, I heard that in the Furious Eye Fort, the five-thousand coalition troops did not hold on for half an hour. Although we have the absolute advantage in strength, I have no confidence in the offensive." The obviously insufficient left of the coalition forces, several lords with military faces looked dignified, and one of the older princes looked at the commotion around them and gave a very unwilling sigh

"Master Sarahsu really loves to joke. The first cavalry who swept across the Obaro continent. To fight against such an opponent, who dares to say that he is absolutely sure." A lord next to him smiled bitterly, and the other lords also defaulted. look

The emperor team is definitely the enemy they don’t want to face, not only because the emperor team’s fighting power is amazing, but also because the emperor side is also famous in the candid retribution. Look at the fierce revenge of the Aden Red Dragon Cavalry. Just because hundreds of imperial cavalrymen were ambushed outside King Erow, the emperor mobilized tens of thousands of troops to chase the Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Retreat all the way. The level of sophistication far exceeds the death of the Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment of the Southern Coalition. Only two or three thousand Red Dragon Knights ran back. If it was not too fierce in that battle, the southern princes could not fight the Red Dragon Cavalry. The determination of the regiment to fight

In fact, in order to destroy the remaining more than two thousand red dragon knights who had been broken by the empire, the coalition forces also paid more than three thousand people, so the coalition forces felt the strength of the imperial combat more

"You guys, don't know if you heard that rumor?"

A cold-looking middle-aged Lingzu glanced around and suddenly lowered his voice and said, "I heard that the army was able to go south from the valley city safely because the Alliance sent someone to find the Kentham family. The Kentham family agreed to The Alliance delayed three days to carry out this operation. Don’t you think it is ridiculous? On the one hand, the Alliance has to deal with the Kentham family, and on the other hand, it sends someone to contact the Kentham family in secret. What does that mean?"

"Oh, what else does it mean, some people inside the Kentham family are not reconciled," Salasu looked at the corner of the mouth with contempt." Or that the Kentham family girl's performance is too good, it has exceeded The range that the Kentham family can afford, even the Kentham family can’t see it.” Someone whispered a mocking sneer. Others agreed, they are the patriarchs of the big family, who still doesn’t understand It’s so greasy inside. This rumor is not a secret among the southern princes. There are even people who can tell who they went and who they are looking for. It’s just that the alliance is not public.

"It is true, who can think of a woman without a background can also come to this step" Someone sighed in a low voice

"If the daughter of the Kentham family really achieves the level of resistance to the Alliance Chamber, the heir of the Kentham family is the undoubted woman. How can this be regarded as the internal affairs of the Kentham family, So what are we doing, Roshny!" The middle-aged nobleman with a cold face flashed a look of anger and said coldly

"On the one hand, the league said that suppressing the rise of the Kentham family is related to the life and death of the entire south. On the other hand, it secretly hooked up with the Kentham family. Are we going to Roshny to prepare to bet on everything and start a fight with the imperial team? A big battle, just helping the Kentham family suppress another Kentham?"

"It seems to be the case, aren't we fighting the civil war at the Kentham family?" The other lords were stunned. When they heard the lord say it, everyone also recalled it, and went south to rescue Roshny. The city, on the surface, seems to be to reclaim the heavy Roshny, but is it actually helping one of the Kenthams suppress the other? Why? This battle for the heirs of the Kentham family, whether it is the current heir of the Kentham family or the prodigious Kentham family daughter, has nothing to do with other princely families! Why should everyone bleed here for the internal heirs of the Kentham family?

"Woo" came from the horn of the Chinese army. A cavalry came by and yelled, "Admiral Ogrini ordered the left wing to follow the team forward."

Hearing the order of the cavalry, the lords all looked at Salasu, and Salasu sneered with a sneer, and shrugged his shoulders. "If you want to go, go. Anyway, my Salasu's troops will not move for a while. Our left wing was originally the least powerful Yes, the eleven families only come to six of us, and the strength is not even half of what was originally expected. If I were the commander of the imperial team opposite, the first choice of attack must be our left wing, in our current state, Who can withstand the impact of the imperial cavalry? Who will be really embarrassed if the emperor team is caught again alive!"

"Yes, what Lord Salasu said is very "

"I also think it's better to watch it better. Some famous lords touched a few beards on their chins, muttered to themselves, and immediately gave orders to their attendants, and passed on my orders. No one could move without orders. "

"Anyway, it’s just military strength. More than 20,000 people in the Chinese army and more than 10,000 people in the right wing are enough to call it an absolute advantage. If the battle is smooth, we will join in. If it is unfavorable, we just need not move." Left The six or seven princes quickly reached agreement. Although the horn urged by the Chinese army was one after another, but the entire left wing did not have a squadron to follow. After saying Sarasu, this battle of Roshni It became the civil war of the Kentham family. Let them give the Kentham family a valuable soldier of their own family to fight the civil war. This kind of stupid thing is willing to go!

"What's going on with the left wing, there is still no movement, immediately send someone to urge again"

In the southern coalition of the Chinese army, Ogrini's eyebrows were tightly screwed together, and the voice ordered a heavy voice. The other troops of the coalition were gathering in the horn, and more than 30,000 troops in the center and right wing had been placed. Out of the offensive posture, in the total strength, even if the left wing does not join, the alliance side is also more than twice the strength of the opposing imperial team.

Forget it, for now, regardless of the left wing, Oglini waved his hand to the attendant and ordered the attack! The longer the time delay, the more serious the fluctuation of the people's hearts on our side, because the pressure to fight against the imperial team is too great, we must tell others that the imperial team is not invincible, order the Chinese army to push forward first! "

"Sir, is this too..." The attendant was also taken aback by the order of Oglini, and directly overwhelmed the Chinese army of more than 20,000 people. The army will inevitably suffer heavy losses. The only forces that can be included in the Chinese army are the strongest families in the south. Of course, Ogrini’s family army is also among them.

"The whole army is advancing!" The cavalry who passed the command drove past the infantry cluster of the Chinese army array. The largest number of Chinese troops suddenly crowded, holding up the wooden shields with iron bones in the hands. The armor is cold, and when the silence is silent, it is like a whole, bringing an unshakable fighting momentum. There are more than 20,000 people in the Chinese army. The front heavy armor infantry neatly put up a shield in his hand and bounced. The coming wind blew the flag of the army, and in the silent air, it was huge and depressing.

"Erect the shield, line up the array, and move neatly." The black armor of the imperial team in front brought inexplicable pressure to the southern coalition forces. It was entirely out of biological instinct. The heavy armored infantry in the front row tightened their bodies. , Even a specially made iron shield will be shot through, not to mention, there is Thor enough to penetrate the thickness of the city wall. Anyone facing these things and saying that they are not nervous is false,

"go ahead"

"Don’t be afraid, the emperor’s heavy weapons haven’t arrived, and rushing up is a victory." The infantry captains cheered up their subordinates, driving the infantry queue forward, starting from more than a thousand people, gradually spread out, two In order to fight against the crossbows of the emperor's famous continent, the Chinese army of more than 10,000 people, crowded with dense iron scales like scales, is crowded with people, like a spectacular migration of wildebeest antelopes on the African grassland It's shocking,

"The left wing doesn't seem to be moving." As the right wing, 15,000 people were also talking. At this time, someone called out, "The Chinese army has started attacking!"

"Sir, what are we going to do now?" The right-wing coalition princes glanced at each other, and the Chinese army was directly separated from the two wings. What's wrong with Master Oglini? How could such a rush have directly overwhelmed the full infantry? In the Chinese army, Oglini, who had just issued an offensive command, looked cold. He could not see the state of being anxious. Instead, he was very calm. His eyes were just staring at the black line on the opposite side. But with a sigh, there is no possibility of victory in this war. Even if you can really defeat the current imperial team, can you still defeat the 100,000 empire brought by Hu Keqili, the minister of imperial affairs in the north of the Valley City? The army failed?

That is absolutely impossible! So not only can this battle not be defeated, but it can not cause substantial losses to the imperial team, otherwise, once the 100,000 army of the Empire enters, it will be a **** storm, but this battle will not work, because this is the entire The will of the southern princes "The Southern League should do everything in its power to block any external forces from entering. This is the significance of the Southern League’s initial establishment. Knowing that the Kentham family smashed the Southern Union’s layout, and it was all the way to kill Roshny. At the moment of the city, Oglini already knew that the historical mission of the Southern League was over

In the past, there was the imperial army to suppress the situation, and then all the major families thought about it. The empire's entry into the south has become the trend, and the southern alliance is already in name. Now, just looking for a suitable reason to withdraw from the stage of history! Of course, in the eyes of people like Oglini, I also saw something more interesting

For example, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although the empire supported the Kentham family on the bright side, in fact, it actually laid the groundwork for the division of the Kentham family. In that case, I helped push it myself. Well, if the South wants to choose to fail, then choose to fail in the hands of the daughter of the Kentham family. In this case, the reputation of the woman of the Kentham family will completely surpass any of the current Kent family. One person, when the time comes, there will be enough good shows!

"Or from top to bottom, no one wants the winning party of this war to be an alliance!

Ogrini clenched the whip with his fingers, and there was a hint of self-deprecation at the corner of his mouth. At this moment, where the eyes were, the deafening roar of the thunder came at the same time, and Ogrini felt the strong blue castle under his feet. I was even shocked by the shock, and in the distance I could see the red light clusters rolling up on the advancing queue, and a dozen or so coalition soldiers wearing heavy armor were wrapped up and rolled in. The cruel facts prove that the heavy armored infantry is indeed unable to resist the explosion of Thor, the array is directly scattered, and the blood is scattered around the broken limbs and the scattered arms.

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