Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and eighty two

The roar in the distance didn't reach everyone's ears until now, and the silent earth seemed to explode. The Thunder God shells with black smoke were like a meteor flying away over a distance of 300 meters in front. It could be seen that the dense fire burst, almost instantly bursting like a light burst in the forefront of the southern coalition forces. Aperture, is instantly bridged again

The southern princes were dumbfounded. They saw countless fireballs dragging black smoke like birds, like fiery meteors carrying dead black tails through hundreds of meters of sky, and then descending from the sky with a stern wind, Thunder hit the middle of heavy infantry ahead, in a violent explosion

Under the stunned sight of everyone, the front offensive troops were directly brushed off.

"It's the Empire Thor, everyone is down"

Various voices in the chaos followed one after another, not only the soldiers in the circle, but also the princes who led the army were also covered with "Master, be careful!" A prince's attendant struggled to pull down his lord from the frightened and out of control battle, "Asshole, what do you want to do..." The panicked southern princes were frightened,

The prince felt a tremor on the ground, a huge explosion came behind him, and countless pieces of soil smashed on his body. If it was not the servant who pulled him from the war horse, only these blasted pieces of soil could beat him into a sieve. , But the flag bearer next to her was not so lucky, and was directly lifted off the horse by the air waves. After the smoke of the family representing the glory of the family dispersed, only half of the bare flagpole remained, and the remaining half were completely unknown. Where did it go, la la la, there was a blood rain falling in the sky, that was with the fingernail debris that was blown into the sky by the dirt, hitting the faces of many people nearby,

"Help!... Who will save me, I am injured?"

The scene of "Mom, I'm going home" was completely disorganized with a tremendous thunderous sound. Countless red light dots shattered and shattered like a squeezed fireball. The coalition soldiers who had never encountered the Empire Thor and had been blown dizzy This is the battlefield that has been set up long ago. The Imperial Emperor transferred a total of 140 Thors through the naval transport ship and divided them into three artillery groups, "Loading... Launch!"


The artillerymen next to the Empire Thor were still filling up and firing at the fastest speed. The imperial officers responsible for the shouting command raised their hands high, and then fell quickly and violently. The deafening row roared, and the choking sulfur smell went with the wind. The advantage of rewinding and being condescending is that the field of vision is wide, and the shooting distance has been set in the front area, but the disadvantage is that the higher the position, the greater the wind. If it is in the downwind direction, the pungent white smoke is likely to blur the vision. However, these are just pediatrics for the imperial artillery in front of them, and the windy heights are no worse than the narrow naval battleship’s gun barrel.

Even in the white smoke-filled gun turret, they can still use their experience of multiple bombardments to estimate the bombardment distance only with their eyes. Moreover, this is still a high-altitude, because they are imperial naval artillery, Everyone knows that the Empire Raytheon is indestructible, but the Empire’s finest Thor bombers are all in the Empire Navy. The Empire Navy has opened a more systematic artillery ballistics at the Imperial Naval Academy because of its rich experience in naval warfare. , Personally taught by the most experienced retired artillery, every officer from the Naval Academy must experience the artillery practice of the fleet for half a year to truly graduate from the Naval Academy

In terms of the Imperial Army, the emphasis on the use of the Empire Thor is still the suppression force in the battle of the large army, and the requirements for precision are not high.

Next to each Thor, ample ammunition has been prepared, and there are buckets filled with cold water. In just fifteen minutes, hundreds of Thors bombarded continuously, and the southern coalition forces on the flat ground were like rainstorms. Pouring vitality, because it is the intersection of the three artillery groups that have been set long ago, the angle and muzzle height, and the amount of loading are all set, so almost even the aiming is saved, and you only need to determine the direction and launch directly.


The sound of artillery roared. The angle between the firing directions of the three artillery groups is undoubtedly the area that is subject to the most devastating coverage. The southern coalition forces are not falling down one by one, but falling down one by one, or even falling down. It’s not enough to describe the miserable, it can only be said to be wiped out piece by piece. That's the very center of the southern coalition's attack line. In the queue of infantry wearing heavy armor, at the angle of firing of the three artillery groups, this explosion just stopped still, and another piece of artillery shells came, even if the heavy infantry armor Sturdy, under the superposition of three shelling groups, it is not too thin to be almost as thin as paper

The burst of fire did not extinguish, and the new beam of light spread out again in its original position. Blood was flowing in the cracks on the ground like a stream. Some empire could not see the sign of someone at all, only the twisted and blasted him. Turn on, and in a murmur of flesh and blood, the scattered fragments penetrated the leg without armor protection without hindrance, blood splashed, looking at the bumps of the chest armor hit by broken iron pieces, then looked at the hand With bright red blood, the Alliance’s heavy infantry never thought that their armor would be broken by the blasted fragments.

"Sir Aluwal is injured!"

A panic and unbelievable voices sounded around him. Aru Wall, known as the first bravery in the south of Eero, could produce a tiger wolf with one hand, more than two meters tall, and dressed in heavy armor, just like the legendary giant was resurrected again. In general, I didn’t expect Peng to make a loud noise. The commander of this tall heavy armored infantryman, his eyes wide open and his eyes slumped, the two-meter-high body lifted a burst of flying dust.

"This is a slaughter, not a fight"

Atris's pale face Nan Nan muttered to herself, the scene in front of her, only a piece of fire, and a scorching heat wave, outside the wrath of the castle, she had seen the strength of the imperial army's combat power, and here, originally she thought It was a gamble for the dark-haired youth to start a decisive battle with the main force of the 60,000 coalition forces on the opposite side with 20,000 troops, but in fact the opposite is true. The advance line of the tens of thousands of coalition forces was violently bombed by the Empire Raytheon hundreds of meters away. The violent blast of the "Long" explosion was like a half-round impact explosion that brushed up the dense coalition soldiers, and something similar to the human body flew up. The corpses were messy, and the screams and groans of the severely injured and undead

Before the official battle, the loss of the alliance is already corpses!

"Master Eugenini, no one can resist the Empire Thor, please give a withdrawal order immediately."

"Please retreat immediately, or people will die." On the coalition side, the princes were crowded in front of Eugenini, urged Eugenini to immediately withdraw the offensive troops, and the strength of the imperial army has broken their Dare “Since everyone asks for it, then I can only order a retreat.” Oglini’s eyes swept across the faces of these princes, and he smiled helplessly. The nature that can be included in the Chinese army is naturally the largest in the south. The several families in the alliance, the real power figures in the alliance, originally thought that this time the empire was only 20,000 people, but here is a large army of 60,000 people. Even if they use teeth to bite, they can kill the Empire Army. Everyone can have the capital to negotiate with the empire, just as it did to the north of Erow, forcing the empire to grant the status of self-rule in the south of Erow

But the chaotic situation in front of them is ruthlessly breaking their fantasy

"Submit the order, everyone withdraws"

Oglini ordered to his attendant that no one noticed Ogriini's expression with a sigh of relief. Although he had already made preparations for defeat, the intrepidity of the Imperial Army still surprised him. Speaking forward, I still think that the Empire uses only 20,000 troops to meet its own 60,000 troops, but now it seems that the absolute advantage of the Imperial Army in weaponry and equipment, even though it has the absolute advantage in the number of soldiers, is also suppressed. hit!

"Subpoena, the whole army withdraws!"

The sound of calling the cavalry to shout is like a life-saving angel to the soldiers on the battlefield. Seeing the tragedy in front, even how brave people saw the broken fingers flying around, the human blood was blown to a high place , As if it were raining raindrops, it would be shaken for the offensive victory

"Come on, the whole army retreats." Allied soldiers can't control the formation. The queue, La La La, withdrew like a driven duck, leaving corpses on the floor, and large and small bodies were opened by explosions. Pits, some black pits are still smoking black smoke

"Pause the artillery!" The black-haired emperor raised his hand and ordered to him. He looked at the situation on the battlefield. A glint flashed in his deep eyes. The coalition forces directly attacked the Chinese army. It really made him feel a little surprised. The left and right wings of the coalition did not move at all, but it was as early as expected. This war was not intended to defeat the opponent from the beginning, nor to kill a few more people. If it is just to kill people, it is very simple. Just need to order Hu Keqili's 100,000 empire army to encircle the valley city, and within five days, the main force of the alliance forces in the valley city will be infighting on their own. If you do that, the Kentham family will ultimately benefit. Like the empire helped the Kentham family to clear all obstacles in advance, how could such a good thing!

Both sides have shown a tacit understanding at this moment

"Statistical casualties" Oglini saw that the Imperial Army did not mean to press up. After a sigh of relief, he ordered to the servant officer. Soon, the casualties of the coalition military statistics, but only a short wave of attack, the battle killed one More than 1,000 people, more than 3,000 injured, and more than 600 people missing. These so-called disappearances are in fact no different from death. Most of them are due to the fragmentation of the bombing, and there is no way to make statistics.

"Is there so much!" Ogrigny took the battle damage statistics, his face was extremely ugly, and then he handed the battle damage report to other princes, according to Ogrigny's idea, he wanted to let the Southern Alliance abandon This unrealistic fantasy can only be achieved by a fierce war. Only the most stubborn and powerful family can feel pain and continue to fight. It will only be the consequence of genocide. These are the masters of the south. The power family will choose another way

Sure enough, the princes of several large families were stupid when they saw this report of war damage.

"More than three thousand people... just half an hour"

"I haven't touched Roshny's city wall yet. It's such a big loss. How can I fight it back?"

"Masters, if we lose so much, we might not be able to win Roshny. Let's stop here." Oglini glanced at the pale faces of several big family princes, thinking it was time for a showdown. Off

"Sir Ogrini, as one of the heads of the Southern League, what do you mean?" a prince asked with a serious face

Oglini smiled bitterly, "The empire going south is a foregone conclusion. We blocked the valley city, but the imperial army came out from behind us. This shows that the imperial army can transport the army to the south even without passing through the valley city. Our reliance on Pagoda City to defend the southern battle plan has failed? We can’t pretend to be deaf and blind, can’t we see?”

Moreover, we have seen the huge gap in the combat effectiveness of the Imperial Army, and our left and right wings have no meaning to follow at all. Can't you see it? Even if it is within our alliance, most people do not want the alliance to be the victorious side of this war!

"The adults of Ogrini mean that those guys have been bought by the Kentham family?" Someone took a breath.

"No, I think that they are unwilling to see the alliance continue to exist." Ogrini sighed. "The empire's entry into the south has become a foregone conclusion. At this time, continuing to stand on the side of the alliance will undoubtedly become an empire strike. The key target of this is that since the alliance is unable to stop the empire from going south, it is only natural that they give up the alliance!"

"These bastards, how can they..." The princes of several large families were silent, and some people whispered in a low voice. The Alliance has shielded these people from the wind and rain for many years. This is naked betrayal!

"The history of the alliance has come to an end. It was originally against the Royal Family of Eero, but now the Royal Family of Eero is gone."

Oglini glanced at the patriarchs of several large families who were silent, and everyone saw the true combat power of the Imperial Army. They were not in the same grade. The heavy armored infantry was placed there. These losses were all It is the elite directly under the major families. The heavy infantry is already a regular army. The south of Eero is barren. There is no iron ore to mine and forge. All the armor is bought from the caravans from the north. The Jia infantrymen were not only carefully selected, but also piled up with money. They lost more than 3,000 people at once, and immediately made the princes of these big families feel pain.

Don’t look at the wealthy appearance of these big families. The number of real heavy armored infantry will not exceed 1,500 to 3,000. Even if tens of thousands of coalition troops are dispatched this time, the number of heavy armored infantry will also be There are only about 8,000 people, and now more than one and a half are lost. Even those who are stubborn, they have to consider whether the loss of continuing the battle can be tolerated

"Adult, this is the news I just received." At this moment, an attendant officer hurriedly came over, holding a report in his hand.

Oglini took the report, glanced over with his hands open, his face showing a certain amount of consternation, and he suddenly laughed. "It seems that God did not give up our south~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just a day ago, Kentham Atelier Colum, one of the family members, reached the Kentham family’s territory from the waterway, and as an heir to the Kentham family, he announced an interesting statement to the outside world."

"Declaration?" The patriarchs of the major families glanced at each other. From Oglini's words, they vaguely guessed that the woman was indeed rising too fast, and she was born as a girl. When the limelight is flourishing, it is no wonder that the other people who opened the Kentham family can't bear it, and they have to take risks.

It may even be that the intention of letting the main force of the coalition force go south is that the Kentham family has already arranged it. It is difficult to say, otherwise, 1 why not come back early, not play, just when the woman is not in the Kentham home

"Yes, Atelier Colum just announced that Atelis, as a daughter of the Kentham family, is not even a formal family member, let alone represents the Kentham family." I took a shoulder and put the report in front of everyone's eyes. "Is it interesting? I was thinking about whether to push it or not. I didn't expect the Kentham family to run out by themselves."

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