Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and eighty three

In the face of sudden changes, the two sides of the Roshni battle stopped with a tacit understanding. The alliance army only came to rescue Roshni, and there was no need to fight against the Imperial Army. The Imperial Army was for Atris. Now Kentham's house draws a knife from the back, announcing that Alice has no right to represent the Kentham's house, then the empire's assistance to Alice's northward entry has become an unknown.

Looking at the distant coalition camp, the long-distance gate was closed for a long time. The dark-haired young man put down the look-out mirror in his hand, and he smiled in the corner of his mouth. , The first time he promised to gain the support of the family vassals, and then quickly mobilized the troops in the territory to encircle the residences of the families of the Kentham family."

The dark-haired young man sighed and continued, "I believe at this moment, those servants who have followed you have begun to shake. After all, no matter how they support you, they now have to consider the sword that Atelier Columbine put on the neck of his loved one. To some extent, even if you win the battle of Roshny, the biggest fruit of defeating the alliance will only fall in the hands of the other party. All you do is just make the wedding dress for the other party.

After hearing the words of the dark-haired youth, Atelis had a pretty face as pale as paper, her eyes were full of blood, her fingers were clenched, even if she was suppressed by the Alliance in front, but this time she was betrayed by her own family. Big

"Actually, you should already feel it"

The dark-haired youth glanced over Atris’s face and decided to shove Atris again. The royal power was never related to Rong Guang. The dark-haired youth paused for a while before continuing to say, “In fact, your father’s intentions, you I can feel it. Why didn't anyone from the whole family return, but sent you a girl to return to the family territory?

"What do you mean?"

Atelis shook her body, her eyes swelled, she seemed to think of something, but she still tried hard to suppress it, but her voice was already a little trembling, you can see that she was very excited. "I haven’t thought about this problem. But I think my father sent me back to the family alone. It should be a reward for bringing great benefits to the family some time ago. It is a disguise to announce to everyone that this family girl is not the same as it is now. The Mu family is a decisive member, even... "Atelis gritted her teeth and took a deep breath. "It was announced to the whole south that I might become the heir to the family."

"Really? What do you think? Really naive!" said the dark-haired youth, shrugging his shoulders, glancing across the sky in the distance, and said slowly

"What kind of person is your father? You should know better than me. How could you not know that the Kentham family had stood opposite the Southern Alliance from the moment they wanted to become the new royal family of Erow. If it is impossible to return, it is conceivable that any person from the Kentham family who returns to the family will inevitably become the object of the Alliance’s rapid revenge. As a result, the huge losses suffered by the family will naturally be borne by this person."

"You mean I was betrayed!"

Atris's eyes were shocked, where the whole person was stagnant. She thought about all kinds of possibilities, but she never thought that she was thrown to the south by the Marquis of Kentham as a cannon fodder, and her mind was constantly flashed. When he returned, Marquis of Kentham promised that when the main family returned, he immediately announced that she was the core member of the family. Although there are still certain differences between the core members and the heirs, Atelis believes that as long as she finally completes The Tam family pushed onto the new royal family of Erow and became a heir to the family heir, because only you can let the empire support the Ken Tam family

"You are too popular in the north, even making your father feel threatened"

The dark-haired youth has bright and terrible eyes and a sly smile on the corner of his mouth. "If you continue to let you stay in the middle, I am afraid that those noble factions will demand that the heir of the Kentham family be changed to you, so it is best to send you back. Way, your father was once one of the heads of the Southern Alliance. How could you not know the means of the alliance, the alliance will inevitably start with the Kentham family, then everything will naturally fall on your head, and the wrath will stand on its own. The other three vassals have defected, and the Kentham family is almost divided. As the family sent back to the territory to preside over the affairs, you have nothing to say.

With such a mistake, who would propose to make you the heir to the Kentham family? Although Atris has already had a certain psychological preparation, she still feels cold in her back even if she listens to the back. The **** smell came up, but the dark-haired young man obviously didn't let her go, but continued to say "why? Not reconciled or angry, what's the use of it? If you don't want to make changes yourself, you are just Kenta A girl from Mu's family never missed the heir

Just like the change of Wrathcastle, although there is a main reason for the alliance to support the backing, the four vassals are also dissatisfied with the affairs of your maid. If you return to the south to host family affairs, it is not your girl. But it is the acquiescence of the family of Atelier Columbine. The situation may be completely different. Even if the Baize family in Fury Fortress has secret support from the Alliance, they will never dare to be so arrogant in front of the orthodox heir of Atelier Columbine. , But if you are only facing a girl from the Kentham family, Fort Fury can also plant the reason for defection on you! "

"Stop talking"

Atelis was short of breath, a pretty face was blue, and her eyes were burning with anger. She thought that the family had done enough. For the Kentham family, he did not hesitate to negotiate with the high empire before letting The Kentham family had a chance to become the new royal family of Erow. It was his mediation in the middle that the Empire allowed the Kentham family to make adjustments to the central division, and the Kentham family swept the support of the entire noble faction in one fell swoop.

But what is it that rewards you, is a conspiracy, a betrayal from behind

Atris closed her eyes tightly, and her cold tears ran down her cheeks. She could not understand it at all at this moment. The family didn't mean to let herself be the heir. The vassal is completely free from his own hands, and he is the sinner of the Kentham family. Naturally, he will not have the opportunity to become the heir of the family, and the family will eventually become the new royal family of the Eero Empire. , To put it bluntly, that is, I have won the benefits and glory for the family that I dare not dream of, but the family can disregard any relationship with myself.

The glory of the Kentham family was actually won by a girl. This is not a glorious thing for the future new royal family, the Kentham family, and naturally the Kentham family will not remember it in the family history. The last one will eventually dissipate like the wind and sand in the south. No one knows his existence. This kind of thing is not uncommon in family replacement. The historical truth is often very different from the records.

Atelier's eyes began to become cold, and her fingers clenched tightly. "Do I still have a chance to recover now?"

"In fact, this matter is not necessarily a bad thing for you"

The dark-haired youth glanced at the gloss. From the beginning, he saw the thoughts of Marquis of Kentham. Marquis of Kentham was worthy of being a representative of the old traitor. In this change that affected the entire Eero region, he wanted to get an empire. The benefits of becoming Ero’s new royal family, on the other hand, are reluctant to give the family power to the woman, Atelis, but want to be firmly in the hands of the core members of the Kentham family, then the most There is no better way than Atrius's great mistakes. In this case, even if the empire wants to support Atris, the Kentham family has enough reasons for the empire to consider substitutions.

The Marquis of Kentham is betting that he sees that the goal of the Empire going south is not South of Erow, so it is impossible to entangle for too long in South of Erow, since the front of the empire has spent so much energy and layout in the home of Kentham , Then in a short period of time, there should be no substitute for the Kentham family, so as long as the Kentham family’s reasons can stand, the empire ultimately only agrees to the Kentham family’s arrangement, but the Kentham family does not I thought that Atelis was able to successfully counterattack under the suppression of the Southern Alliance. Not only did he easily resolve the Fury Rebellion, but he also swept northward and hit the alliance’s lifeline Roshny City in one breath.

In this case, if the Kentham family continues to let it go, until Atelis defeats the southern coalition, then there is no room for change. Atelis will become Ken with great prestige and the support of the imperial military The heir of the Tam family!

The dark-haired young man walked to the table next to him, pulled open the middle drawer, took out a document, glanced at it, and handed it to Atris, “I was only going to prepare it for you in a few days. Impatient, but before I watch it, I hope you think about it for the last time. After reading it, there is no turning back."

"Am I still looking back?" Atris's mouth was cold and full of bitterness. She took over the document and her eyes fell on the document. Atelier's mouth smiled and solidified. The whole person was stunned. After a few seconds Then he took a deep breath and could hardly believe, "Why are you here with the vassal of Asnapok in New Camel City!"

"This was sent secretly by the Asnapoks when the Blind Castle!"

The dark-haired youth said indifferently, "I have already sent someone to contact you with Asna Burke in your name. After the Forgery, Asna Burke has secretly expressed me, no matter how the Kentham family treats you , His new camel city is your city, as far as I know, this Asnapok, an adventurer, has built the new camel city into a miracle city full of southern Eero, tens of thousands of Adventurers gathered in the new camel city, various entertainment facilities, various weapon shops, various adventurer unions in the city, known as the adventurer capital of the south of Eero, whether in economic strength or military strength in the fief, The new camel city of Asnapock is definitely ranked first among the four closures. The new camel city's fiscal revenue accounts for one-sixth of the Kentham family, and the adventurers of the new camel city are always ready. Become a combat soldier, the most recent one was six years ago, the Kentham family recruited 5,000 mercenaries in the new camel city, accounting for one-third of the total force of the Kentham family at that time.

"As long as you give an order, the new camel city of Asnaberk will support you as the heir to the Kentham family. Of course, the premise is that you must first resolve the Southern League, otherwise everything will be in vain." The file in Liss's hand was brought over, but what she said was to make Atsli's face change

The black-haired youth is right, if you can’t solve the tens of thousands of alliance forces in front of you, you can’t go back at all. Atelier Columb will inevitably use this precious time to lay the foundation for him at the Kentham family. All of them were pulled out. I have to say that the time of Atelier Columb’s return was so clever that he could not cope with the deliberate indulgence of the southern coalition to go south. He knew that Atlirenco was to use the southern coalition to control He dragged himself to death in Roshny, and he could calmly sweep the Kentham's house. As long as he grasped the root of the Kentham's house, those vassals who had already surrendered would soon leave all of them as their own. The name of the Tatum family disappeared and was beaten back to the status of the daughter of the Kentham family

Hundreds of thousands anxious, Atelier felt like she was going crazy. If possible, she wanted to go back immediately. As for any Southern League or Roshny, she didn’t want to think about it. Of course she knew it was impossible. There is a way to do it, if you can mobilize the imperial army, can you..." Atelier asked with hesitant red eyes

"Do you want the empire to help you capture the Kentham's house?" It is not impossible to say that the youth's eyes are as sharp as a knife, and the finger knocked on the table, but I can't guarantee that the Kentham family can have a few Living people, if it is really time to use a sword, the empire will not let hidden troubles stay."

"Are you going to kill someone?"

Atelier turned her head unconsciously, and the dark-haired young man snorted mysteriously. "Of course, it is not impossible at all."

"What way?" Atelier asked eagerly.

"Look at Destiny~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to see if he is the one to whom Destiny belongs, for example, the Southern Alliance has offered to support you."

The dark-haired youth spread their hands and said to themselves, "I thought it would take a little time, but I didn't expect that the Kenthams would play such a move. You have to know that from the beginning to the end, the Southern League targets all The Kentham family is not you, Atelis! If I were replaced by the Southern League, I would not want a strong and united Kentham family to appear. The Kentham family wants you to disappear, and the Southern Alliance naturally wants you Existence, if the rise of the Kentham family cannot be stopped, it is also a way to split the Kentham family, it is as simple as that!"

"You..." Atelis changed her pretty face. How could the Southern League support her? Instead of expecting such a fantasy, it would be more practical to think about how to run back quietly.

"Sir, the Southern League sent people to ask for advice." At this time, an Imperial guard came up from the back, and indeed made Alice's heart jump. It would not be true. . . . . .

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