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: Three thousand seven hundred and eighty six speculation

New camel city

Puff puff. The hull hit the mud, and a large transport ship with round sails washed the muddy yellow sand beach along the river with a width of more than 50 meters. As the hull crashed into the distance, on the shaking deck, A team of Kentham soldiers wearing armor turned upside down and waited for the hull to stop completely. Someone had jumped from the side of the ship to the river below. Five thousand Kentham family troops, like a big hand swiped in the direction of the river channel, smashed **** the head of the new camel city. The sounds of roar, fighting, and iron-iron strikes were almost simultaneous. Spreading on the front of the new Camel City River

"Huhu" The rolling stone shot from the direction of New Camel City crossed the sky, and then crashed on the river. The splash of water burst and saw that the seven or eight soldiers of the Kentham family in the splash of the water splashed like building blocks. Scattered, the bright red blood stained the river

"Long live, hit it, the one-eyed Slanger is pretty!"

"Take the third on the left, the ship is full of people!" The damage caused by these stone bombs is not large on the front line of attack. In addition to the scary, only dozens of people were really killed, but it is obviously new For the guardians in the direction of Camel City, it is a great encouragement to the morale. There are cheers one after another. These are the guards temporarily recruited by the new Camel City. The new Camel City with the adventurer capital is the most indispensable. As the largest gathering place for tens of thousands of adventurers in Southeros, New Camel City not only has a variety of entertainment industries that can be called bustling, but also has a whole street of weapons shops. Just two days ago, the Kentham family suddenly demanded Within three days of the new camel city drive, all the adventurers must be chased away. The new camel city owner Asna Burke, who came from the adventurer, rejected this order and immediately announced that "the new camel city belongs to all southern adventurers. The adventurers will not be driven by the orders of the Kentham family, and the new Camel City will leave the Kentham family from now on."

News came out, shaking the whole south of Eero

The new camel city is really crazy. At this time, it was announced that he would leave the Kentham family. I don’t know if he didn’t see the southern trend clearly, or whether Asner Burke really angered the southern adventurers, but whether it was From that point of view, in the face of the rapid expansion of the Kentham family, a self-imposed new camel city is destined to be destroyed.

The Kentham family has the meaning of a child of destiny in the south of the current Eero. Under the aura of the new royal family in the future, only a woman of the Kentham family destroyed 5,000 in the Battle of the Fury. The Alliance army then moved northwards to surround Roshny city, which made all the southern families frightened and arrogant along the way. No one dared to stop it. More than ten families around the Kentham family have been under the pressure of the Kentham family and chose to leave the Southern Alliance and join the Kentham family camp. The original northern Ero royal family could not be broken for decades. The Southern League has become the Kentham camp and the Southern League camp,

It is said that this time, the heir of the Kentham family, Atelier Columb, returned to the south, and he brought back the Kentham army with more than half of the kentham's elite and eight thousand weapons to the teeth. In this case, The new Camel City, unaware of the current affairs, announced that it was leaving Kentham's house.

A young man wearing a bright yellow knight armor on a boat that was standing on the side of the river channel, the helmet had a carved leopard head, a pair of slightly narrow eyes, and was looking at the new camel city with interest. Dock, behind him, three sturdy Kentam’s vassals waited respectfully for orders. The young man’s gaze had a haughty look and his lips were thin, giving him a cruel and mean feeling.

He is the eldest son of the Marquis of Kentham, the heir to the Kentham family. Atelier Columbine, as the future owner of the Kentham family who is given high hopes, the reputation of Attell Columb in South Harrow is still acceptable. , The major families in the south also have a bit of status, but compared to the daughter of Atelis, which the major families call destiny, Atelier Columb has no advantage.

In fact, this should not be blamed on Atelier Columbine, but the other party is too open

Seize the opportunity to negotiate with the high-level empire and push the Kentham home to the future royal family of Erow. All the southern families have broken their glasses. I have to know that even this kind of thing can be regarded as a deal and launched. What did the 200,000 army surround King Erow do? The big families gathered together to buy back King Erow, and later they got the loyalty of the entire southern noble faction in the middle division. 'S strong revenge even unexpectedly turned over and counterattacked the Southern League, which is very speechless. Atris rises too fast, too suddenly, and suddenly makes people completely impossible, except for the destiny, it is really Can't find other possibilities,

"The outside world has no power to stop this woman, but the interior of Kentham's house does not seem to want a woman to have the opportunity to ascend!

"How is it possible that the Kentham family who will soon become the new royal family can establish a girl as the heir to the family?" Some rumors have also been passed from the Kent family

"His Royal Highness is really wise, just a little temptation to find out the ghost in the largest family of Asna Burke, otherwise once we really wait until the new camel city stands out to support the girl as the heir to the family, our situation is very good. "Passive" a Kentham general admired Atelier Colum with admiration and even called the other party His Royal Highness

His Royal Highness is the name used by the royal family, and the Kentham family is not yet considered the royal family.

Atelier Columb looked at the front with ease, and he did not mean to correct it. The Kentham's family became a new royal family of Eero. It was already a thing of the past. It used to be called something. This time, the Marquis of Kentham took half of the family's army. To give him command is a supportive attitude towards him as an heir. A girl who doesn’t know which emperor’s bed climbed up really thinks that she is a Kentham family man. Within the family, Atelier Columbine had already taken the thunder method and detained all the people related to Atelis. The roots were uprooted. Those family vassals who had followed this woman were also rushing back to the family at the moment. On the way, when there is only one woman in the way, look at her cheeky face and claim to be the Kentham family!

"What happened to Slam?"

Atelier Columbine raised his hand towards the general, and withdrew his gaze from a distance and asked, in addition to leaving three thousand people to fight against the family, Atelier Columbine put all five thousand troops on the new In the direction of Camel City, he just wanted to tell the swaying people in the family with iron facts. That woman is just a girl, and she is the eldest son of the family. As long as you have a brow, you can make anyone fizzle out and stand in the wrong team. 'S ending is serious

"Master Slama has broken through the Lisa River in the lower reaches of the river, and I believe that it will soon be able to converge with the main force of our army and form a pinch against the new camel city from the front and back directions," the general replied.

"Rachel, I heard that there are countless beauties in the new camel city, and there are many treasures from the adventurers who come up with auctions. What reward do you want! Warriors reward, losers punishment! I Atelier Columbine is never stingy." Atelier Columb chuckled and said, as the eldest son of the family, there are some Asnah Burke who look down on the adventurer, and the new camel city in the territory of Kentham's home has also been used by other people. The family serves as a symbol of mocking the Kentham family. One third of the Kentham family, one of the four great marquis families, came from a woman’s belly and an underground casino, and the new Camel City self-contained management, Seeing low-profile adventurers as the main body of the city is even more ashamed of the nobles

If possible, Atelier Colum would close the new camel city long ago and kick the Asner Burke from the adventurer out of the Kentham home!

"Let the family's iron bucket army waste time on these garbage is a humiliation to my Kentham family." Atelier Columb seemed to be troubled by this tug still in the mudflat of the river, turning his head to the back. The flag bearer ordered that the flag bearer soon replaced the green flag in his hand with a yellow flag on a blue background,

"Iron Barrel Army, move forward!" The Iron Barrel Army is the most elite force in the Kentham family. Because the helmet is shaped like a cylindrical iron barrel, each one is a carefully selected brawny man. The body is strong, the armor is all tendons, and it is a rare heavy armor in the south of Eero. Seeing the attack command, 800 iron barrel soldiers began to get off the ship, holding a special two-meter long-handled heavy axe in his hand , Grinning confidently, that greasy face makes people chill. In their view, the other adventurous players on the opposite side are almost the same as the moths rushing to die. Most of the adventurers are still in leather armor, and their weapons are mostly light weapons. Where have you seen the real heavy armor?

"Attention, it's the Iron Barrel Army" There was a riot across the adventurers, the name of the fierce Iron Barrel Army of the Kentham family. They just heard it, but haven't seen it yet. , Knives, spears, and swords have been stabbed on the iron barrel soldiers. The sword and axe poked only a slight wound on the armor, and the flying arrow could not pierce the armor of the iron barrel army. The attacked iron barrel army grinned carelessly, and the two-meter-long heavy axe waved his hand. Blood and fragments of the skull were flying across, leaving the entire head gone.

"Oh, it's terrible!"

"Stop it, don't go back!" some of the adventurers shouted, but the effect was not false. The adventurer found that the iron barrel army facing the heavy armor did not work desperately, and immediately panicked, 800 The iron barrel army crushed the guard of the new camel city on the river beach with the momentum of destruction. The river bank was full of people running away

Atelier Columb's mouth was cold, and New Camel City even expected these adventurers who took their money and refused to work hard. It was so funny that it was ridiculous. These adventurers can also fight. After a little collision and seeing the blood, the troops responsible for the six hundred people here were directly washed down and the blood rolled into the river. The panic-stricken adventurer had already been crumbling, and could not stand such a violent melee. Then more and more people ran away, and when the iron barrel army of the Kentham's family would see through them, the body of the killed adventurer flowed along the river channel, like a **** belt, like a mountain.

"I still can't stop it

Asner Burke has made a very bad plan, but did not expect the collapse of the front so fast, he just received the news that the Kentham army also broke down the downstream barrier half an hour ago, and was heading towards the menacing Here comes the encirclement, once the troops downstream of the opponent arrives, the new camel city is a situation where the enemy is enemies. It is not only the disadvantage of the situation, the most terrible thing is that the morale of the city will be hit hard.

He temporarily recruited two thousand adventurers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ plus the 1,500 people in the new camel city itself, and only 3,500 troops, and the adventurers themselves are not regular troops, and they are still small. Yes, it really arrived on the battlefield. When it was time to see the blood, there was absolutely no possibility of confrontation. Facing the 5,000 elite strong attacks of Kentham's family, the new Camel City had to say that not worrying about it is also false, woo "Woo," a low trumpet sound echoed through the mountains and passed into Asner Burke's ears, which meant that the **** and tragic battle was going on at the same time on the front line, and the opponent's attacking troops were quickly approaching. in

"Adults, whether we are inferior in terms of total strength or combat quality, will the Empire really save us?" the adjutant asked carefully

"I don't know, but I only gamble." Asner Burke's face changed, his hands pressed heavily on the battlements. He believed that he would not be wrong. The empire supported Atlas, not Kentham. Family! Anyone will be the icing on the cake, and there are a few who really send charcoal in the snow. Only when the entire Kentham family is targeting Atris can they dedicate their own value. It is not impossible to change the family inheritance. If more than half of the seals are sealed The minister proposed to change the family heir, then it is entirely possible to push a family girl up!

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