Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven Rebels

In the evening, the Kentham army had easily pushed the front line under the new camel city

In the night breeze, all the voices of the flags were rolled up violently. The eight thousand Kentham army formed a big enclosure for the new camel city. The camp was covered with bonfires in front of them, which made the guards of the new camel city pale. The regular army returned from the north this time. It was completely like a big change. Not only did most of the soldiers change from leather armor to real armor, but the weaponry was far from the original. Adventurers in New Camel City used to mock The combat strength of the Kentham soldiers, confident that a soldier who can fight three Kentham soldiers, this operation is also based on the proportion of combat arrangements, who knows it was a fiasco

The two thousand people who were sent to defend the downstream ferry could reasonably resist the attack of the three or four thousand Kentham troops, but in fact, only the regular army of the Kentucky had penetrated the downstream defense line like 1,500. The blood of the killing flowed into the river, and less than three hundred people returned from more than one thousand five hundred adventurers. Two thousand adventurers who crossed the river at the Kentham home were fighting normally at the beginning. With the news that the downstream defense was destroyed It came that the situation on the frontal battlefield collapsed. Facing the iron barrel army of the heavy armor of the Kentham family, the adventurers of New Camel City escaped in batches, and were relying on the river channel that was the largest barrier of New Camel City. In just one hour, they all fell into the hands of the Kentham family

The new camel city is also accused of losing the river channel, and the leaders of other adventurers whispered and whispered. Some people are looking left and right, the conference hall is bleak, Asner Burke's face is dignified, and his brows are closed. Although no one expresses it, the situation is already very clear. That is, the new Camel City should not be able to hold it. The handsome young man raised his head at the moment. "Now the people in the city are panicked. If we can't save it yet, I'm afraid it will be impossible to stop the next attack."

"How to save?" The others gasped together.

The young man gritted his teeth and snorted coldly. "Actually we don't necessarily won't win the Kenthams. It's just that our hearts are different. Weapons shops in the whole street of the new camel city are just willing to come up with some. Tattered to fool us, and those wealthy big people have a mentality of watching the fire from the other side. There are more than 20,000 adventurers in the city, but they can really contribute less than 3,000 for the new camel city. If we can put two More than 10,000 adventurers are armed, and what the eighty thousand Kentham military accounts for!

"Yeah, if we also have good weapons, we would never fight like this."

Hearing the youth’s words, the people in the hall were indignant. Our people couldn’t keep up to that point. As long as the casualties reached one-sixth, the morale fell to a dangerous level, and even if you barely fight, there is a danger of collapse. Such a strong force is not because of good weapons and a large number of people. The new camel city is the base of adventurers in South Erow. Various adventurer unions are lined up, but it does not involve their own interests. Most adventurers are on the sidelines. If there is really a way for all adventurers to fight for the new camel city, the Kentham army is not a problem at all, but how to make other adventurers move, this is the biggest problem

"Just after the Kentham's home broke through the new camel city, what about the revenge massacre of the whole new camel city?" The young man's eyes flashed and hesitated, Shen Sheng said

"Good way, just spread the news like this!" There was a roaring sound in the hall. Everyone said that this method was feasible, most of them didn't notice that the young man's mouth was slightly upturned. When the meeting was disbanded, a In a darker position, a middle-aged man stopped the young man, and the torch's afterglow shone on the half-length silhouette of the middle-aged man. It was the new camel city owner Asna Burke, but he said hesitantly. The Kentham family has operated the new camel city for decades, and it is intricately intertwined. I don’t know how many people are placed. This time, the regular army of the Kentham family can kill the city under the utmost breath. Now, there is now news that the Kentham family wants to kill the city, I am afraid it is hard to believe."

"The city owner also knows that the Kentham family has placed a lot of eyes in the city, so this news will be spread outside the city tonight. In order to break this rumor, the city owner thinks what will be done by the eight thousand troops of the Kentham family?" The young man smiled and shrugged his shoulders, with long linen hair, and a scar like an earthworm at the corner of his eyebrows, which added a bit of a rebellious breath to his handsome face, and faced the new camel lord For a person like Snapper, the attitude of the youth is not humble or overbearing, and even one point more than Asner Burke in stability. Instead, he is an adventurer, and he is known for his boldness and arrogance throughout the south of Eero. Nabq, there is a suppressed breath in front of the youth

"If it were me, I would temporarily stop the attack"

Asner Burke blinked his eyes, and there was a sudden look on his face. It still could be like this. He had to be convinced by the youth's ideas. Sure enough, he was indeed a war-proof imperial soldier. In such a chaotic situation, Just to release a false news, the Kentham family with eight thousand troops outside the city had to suspend the attack, temporarily putting the huge advantage of the two lines of the army together for a while, because the Kentham family who will soon become the new royal family of Erow, is really It is impossible to bear the notoriety of the butchery, and the new camel city is not only the property of the Kentham family, but also many other family industries. Over the years, the Marquis of Kentham can tacitly approve Asnabok to deliberately change the new camel city. Building a trading city, in addition to the need to expand its financial resources, is also an important way to extend the Kentham family's diplomatic relations

"The news is at most two or three days. I'm afraid I won't be able to drag it too long. What if Miss Atris hadn't returned then?" Asburk asked cautiously, looking at the youth. He launched the New Camel City rebellion, which on the surface seems to be dissatisfied with the family’s decision to expel the adventurer, but the real intention is to buy time for Atris.

The change of the Kentham family came too abruptly. The eldest son of the Marquis of Kentham, Ascoron, came to pick up peaches this time. With the attitude of the Son of Destiny, he led the army of eight thousand families back to the south and took Art in the shortest time. All the influences that Alice can cause are erased. If there is no more voice in the family, Asli Columb’s next step may be to announce the expulsion of Alice from the Kentham house. This time, Asner Burke is also all out, in order to express his firm support for Atelis's position, he will not hesitate to put the entire new camel city, but from an overall perspective, Atelis is really not accounted for in this heir war Advantages, in particular, compared with the previous situation where Ateliers returned to the family alone, Atelier Columb did nothing, but possessed an absolute strong military force, full of elite family, who is the Marquis of Kentham The heir in mind is clear at a glance

Family opinion is on one side towards Atelier Columbine

At this time, a mysterious person also arrived in the new camel city, the other party only brought a letter as identification, that person is the youth in front of him, the Imperial Guard Squadron leader Jiyanke, the one as identification, positive It was the surrender letter that Asna Burke wrote to Atelis. Na is indeed his own handwriting. Astanak can be sure that after knowing that the other party is an Imperial Guard officer, Astanak Breathing began to pick up

"The empire has decided to send troops?" Astanak couldn't help but asked with condensed voice

"Because this time is related to the internal affairs of the Kentham family, the empire will not send troops to intervene and avoid the fall of the population." Jiyanke shook his head, and he was ordered to bring in addition to the letter. A command "but the opportunity that Master Astanak has been expecting is in sight, please don't miss it"

"Opportunity?" Astanak heard that the empire was not sending troops, his eyes clearly showed a disappointment, heard the word opportunity, and raised it again. "Your Excellency..."

"Don't you think that at this moment, is it your time to show your loyalty to Miss Atris? In the case of the entire family betrayal, if you stand up to support Miss Atris, then wait until Ah The moment Miss Talis becomes the heir to the Kentham family, your Excellency will surely fly into the sky"

Even the daring Astanak was shocked by the other party’s words, and then the new camel city announced its departure from the Kentham family

The new Camel City rebellion in Astanabock completely disrupted the upcoming family reorganization of Atelier Columbine. Originally guarding the family headquarters, the army responsible for cleaning up the influence of Atris had to open up to the new Camel City, or until the news of the new Camel City rebellion spreads to the south, his Atelier Columbine is the laughing stock of the whole Southeros,

Atelier Columbine had already arranged a series of evidence, and even arranged for people to stand up deliberately, accusing the previous Rebel Fort rebellion of being forced, and the Atelis who had persecuted them without any management experience. In the face of a large number of exiles in the family, Atelier even asked the vassals to expel the exiles. The Yoshizawa family in the angry eyes were forced to rebel because they refused to obey the order.

This was deliberately framed, and the Yoshizawa family in Fury Fortress was already executed. Unless the dead can speak, Atelier would be inexplicable. What Atelier Columbine wanted was such an effect. Talis’s excellent reputation in the family, thus completely cutting off the possibility that Alice asked the heirs of the family, "How can a rebellious person who is even persecuted by his vassals be eligible to become the head of the family". For any Heirs are the most vicious comments,

At this time, New Camel City announced a high-profile refusal to abide by his orders, and at the same time declared a rebellion. This was a loud slap in Atelier Columb. Atelier Columb was still vilified by the vassal rebellion. Atelier, she became that person in a blink of an eye, in order to eliminate the impact as soon as possible, it must be out of the nest!

The linen youth looked at the dense bonfire outside the city, his expression twitched with cold mouth, he knew that in the dark night where he could not see the end~www.wuxiaspot.com~The imperial cavalry in black armor outside the castle where the basic camp of Kentucky is located Along the line, without any mercy, the wet fresh soil on the ground was thrown into the air, and in the distance, more imperial cavalry spread like this huge fan, just Like dew scattered on the grassland in the morning, along the scattered woodland, hills and river valleys along the way, the light bows with a team of more than 100 rides dragged slightly, and the arrows on each side of the waist were Pull out a branch of the spiked barb arrow on the body of Kentham's Outpost

The Empire announced that it would not participate in the civil war of the Kentham family, but the name of these black armored cavalrymen was the Southern League. Atelier Columbus, who wasted time under the new camel city, would not have thought that just a day ago, the Southern League was already secret. Become an empire, and collectively support Atelier to become the heir of the Kentham family. The 60,000 Southern Alliance army is heading towards the Kentham family camp like a tide.

Atelier Columb forgets that he was able to come back to pick peaches because the eight thousand troops he brought took control of the Kentham home base in one fell swoop, and now the eight thousand troops are exhausted. The Kentham home base is still not in hand. The eight thousand troops that left Kentham's headquarters can be either the Kentham army or the rebel army!

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