Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight

The cold fog in the early morning is like a layer of wind flowing through the wilderness, and the ground is moist and wet, as if the hair was pushed through, around the periphery of the new camel city. In the morning light that has not yet fully risen, the spear is like a forest, Ken The 8,000 army of the Tam family is looking like a block in a dense formation, and the golden Kentham family swaying in the wind

Under the flag, Atelier Columbine was proud, and the red cloak behind him was blown by the wind like a cloud,

"His Royal Highness, this is the draft declaration document that has been drafted." The attendant came up from behind and handed a document to him. Atelier Columbine's cold-faced attendant took the document and looked at it. As the eldest son of the family, he was instilled in his childhood as the future heir of the family. For more than 20 years, Atelier Columbine has already regarded the Kentham family as his own.

Just like a feeding dog, how can someone else get their fingers dirty?

Moreover, it is still a woman who is not even a core member of the family. If you don’t have the support of the empire, the woman will be nothing. This time, the empire has made a promise not to interfere in the internal affairs of the Kentham family. If not, how dare Atelier Columbine rectify the entire interior of the Kentham family and pull out any force that favored the girl

The Kentham family is about to become the royal family of Eero, and it is not a glory for the Kentham family to make a young woman shine, but it is a shame. The major families of South Eero are probably at the moment. Look at the laughter of the Kentham family, but all this will soon be over, as long as the new camel city in front of him is taken down, he can have everything in his hands again!

Even the accusation, Atelier Columbus thought about it. The first was the communist private enmity, which caused the Yoshizawa family, one of the four vassals of the family, to endure unbearable and rebellion. The killing of the mouth is extremely cruel. The second is to hijack the family. Even knowing that the core members of the family are not in the south, they still fight against the southern alliance without authorization, so as to control the power of the family in one fell swoop. Their support, privately spread the rumors that heirs should be established separately. It is really sinister to want to take the opportunity to take the position. If it is not the time for your return, the cunning conspiracy of this girl will almost succeed!

Satisfied with the announcement in front of him, Atelier Columbine handed it to his attendants newly, “According to this, he sent it to the major families in the south. The woman instigated the family’s new camel city rebellion. Out of the family, the woman’s actions have nothing to do with the Kentham family. The Kentham family still hopes to maintain a peaceful and friendly relationship with the major families and work together for the future of the South."

"Yes" the attendant took the document and nodded

"It still looks very hot today." Atelier Gorron glanced at the fiery red sun with a slight grin in the corner of his mouth, and slowly raised his right hand pretendingly, like a flag was raised, and the surrounding was chaotic. The sound calmed down, and the hundreds of family cavalry behind them began to stand upright,

Every cavalry bears a flag behind his back and flutters neatly in the wind

The three thousand infantry as the main attack in front of them are like a huge spike. These are the real elite of the Kentham family. The eight hundred iron barrel heavy armor infantry and the two thousand six hundred assault infantry are already real. The armor, not the so-called leather armor, comes from the imperial merchants, from the inner ring armor to the outer tube armor, just like a column of steel surrounded by steel, just for people to see, there is a kind of face The non-human existence rushed to the face, the entire Kentham family, so such soldiers were only 5,000 people, and this time the marquis of the Kentham family gave him Atli Columb three thousand in one breath.

On the sides of the 3,000 main force, there are light infantry with more than 2,000 people and two shooters of 600 people.

"The fifth team and the eighth team started to attack," Atelier Columb shouted in a deep voice, and the cavalry with the flag behind him galloped forward, just like the meteor tail that quickly passed the sky, conveying the order,

"The young patriarch, please also suspend the attack. I just received news from the city that Astanak of New Camel City, in order to encourage the adventurers of New Camel City to fight with us, claimed that our army would slaughter the city after breaking the city. The attack will inevitably make an adventurer in the city think that this rumor is true, which will be very detrimental to us!"

A middle-aged general with a thick and slightly thin body came to Atelier Columbine in a hurry. He was the general who returned to the family with Atelier Columbine this time. His name was Slam, and he was forty this year. One year old, is a famous general in the Kentham family. This time the nominal commander of the Kentham army is Atelier Columbine. The actual commander of Slam is in front of the new Camel City River. Atelier Columbine attracted the attention of the new camel city, but entered the downstream from two locations, and used more than a thousand troops to defeat the obstruction of more than two thousand adventurers in two hours. The battle is finalized, he is in charge

"Slaughter City?" Atelier Columbine's face froze, and a chilling smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Although this is a rumor, it is very in my heart. How can I seize the opportunity to show my Kentham? The strong strength of the family was originally a problem that caused me a lot of headache. Master Slamu made me feel relieved in a word. Since the new camel city has made a decision to leave the family rebellion, those who are still in the city They should leave immediately, but they continue to stay in the new camel city, which is enough to show that they are all accomplices of the rebels.” Atelier Columb said this, subconsciously licking his lips, a gloomy face with a touch Crazy meaning

Didn't Atelius slaughter the entire Fury Castle before establishing her position?

Killing sometimes means power

Isn't he even as brave as a girl? If it were not for Atelis' decisive slaughter of the rebellious Castle of Fury, there may not be so many people in the family who chose to support her, and some family vassals even praised it even more, which is enough to show that here In the battle for the heirs of the family, brutality is synonymous with strong power. Compared with the Fortress of Fury, the new camel city is more in line with the symbol of his family’s orthodox heir. He has eight thousand troops in his hands. Can't beat it!

"His Royal Highness! The new camel city is not a raging fort. The city is not only full of adventurers, but also a huge industry purchased by dozens of families in the south..." Slam looked at Atelier Columbus Red Silk’s eyes are constantly changing, and he has a premonition that the situation is not good. He knows that Atelier Columb is eager to find an opportunity to show that he is the heir of the Kentham family, but he did not expect that Atelier Columb will really treat Idea hit here

"Master Slam, you also know how much the flooding in the south hit the family’s financial resources. The family has bottomed out, and the family still needs a large amount of funds to ship to the north to complete the purchase of the Eero King from the empire. Agreement, another purpose for my father to bring me back this time, originally the family raised funds. Among the four vassals, the new camel city is the richest. It is said that there are only six so-called Jinjin Caves and 17 casinos. In accordance with the laws of the south, for the rebels, my family has the right to take back all their territory and property, and I just enforce it in accordance with this regulation."

Atelier Columb said with a laugh, the family had already smashed the pot to sell the three million empire gold for the redemption of King Eero, so the first thing after stabilizing the family was to point directly The new camel city, deliberately force the new camel city to drive away the adventurers, which will inevitably cause a strong rebound of the new camel city, this Atelier Columbine has the opportunity to start the new camel city, but Atelier Columb did not expect The New Camel City will be so simple, directly announced that they will leave Kentham's house, and they really will not die if they do not die. Originally they wanted to compile a reason, and now even the reason is omitted!

"Why is your Majesty so sure that Atelier Columbine will really slaughter the new Camel City?"

Gazing at the familiar and unfamiliar Kentham home base, Fort Hart, in the distance, Atelier turned dignified and turned to look to the side of the black-haired emperor, wearing a white knight armor, which was excellent The graceful figure set off vividly, like the long hair like a waterfall, the red velvet cloak on the ground falling behind him, like the flame burning in the morning light, the tall and cold like a lily, and the eyes fell on the emperor of the black hair. For a moment, the bright eyes flashed a trace of heat unnaturally, her daughter-in-law's identity is the biggest weakness, but if Atelier Columbine, as the heir to the family, does anything angry, it is another matter!

"I just asked the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs to tell Marquis of Kentham~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the money for the purchase of King Eero cannot be taken out within two months, then the Empire will find another buyer for the Royal Eero" The plain expression that the black-haired emperor didn't care about

"Within two months...it's impossible at all" Atelis changed her face suddenly and exclaimed in a low voice. She was responsible for some of the property at the Kentham's house. , The final price for the purchase of King Hero is 2.5 million imperial gold. If according to the normal income of the Kentham family, the Kentham family needs a full ten years to do it, let alone this The second major flood was flooding, and the entire territory was a country of zeal. Nearly 80,000 refugees needed to be resettled and had to eat. Even the simplest relief, there was no one hundred thousand imperial gold in all respects.

Atelius is almost certain that Atelier Columb is nearly 80% likely to loot and slaughter the richest new camel city! Even if you switch to yourself, in the same situation, I'm afraid I will choose like Atelier Columbine


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