Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine

The fully open Kentham home base surrendered directly in front of the 60,000 Alliance troops behind Atelis. Atelis, dressed in a knight costume, solemnly walked into the gate of the Kentham home base fortress. In front of her, dozens of Kentham vassals stood on both sides of the road, all eyes were focused on Atris who appeared at the gate. This slender, petite and weak family girl, let Everyone felt an indifferent, water-like coercion. Nobody lowered their heads consciously and dared not look squarely. Many people were pale and tremble like milk sifting. These people are all in After Atelier Columb returned, he helped liquidate the batch of Ateliers,

Everyone thinks that there are already family widows who are alone, and there is no possibility of winning in this battle for heirs. Don’t say that Atelier Columb is the righteous eldest son of the family, which is 8,000 brought back by Atelier Columbine. The elite family is enough to decide the whole situation, but who can think of it, everyone will inevitably lose the other side, and even came back with the 60,000 alliance army, everyone has a feeling of seeing a ghost

The southern coalition with absolute military superiority surrendered secretly under the city of Roshny. Atlas suddenly changed from a lonely man to a coalition master. Isn’t this a pitman? The person who was very harsh on this family girl was regretted at the moment. Even in the heyday of the Kentham family, the total strength never exceeded 25,000. This is still not in the general territory. The number of peasants and soldiers are counted as a result. There are 60,000 troops in the family, not to mention the heirs. Even if the Kentham family is erased from the map, it is more than enough. Eight thousand troops are just in front of Atelier Columbine. Transfer away, here is the 60,000 soldiers coming to Kentham's home base!

"Welcome to your triumphant return of Her Royal Highness"

Standing at the top of the crowd, the housekeeper Angela Li, the old man who served the three generations of the Kentham family took a deep breath, bent down deeply, and bowed to the family girl who had barely looked at her in the past. Ceremony, behind him, hundreds of people densely kneeled down on one knee, the sound swept across the sky,

Atelier's eyes swept across everyone's face, silent, as if the people around him didn't exist at all, like depression before the trial

She knew that at this moment, everyone’s life and death were in her own hands. As long as she nodded, fierce soldiers would drag the person inside. It stands to reason that she can now completely betray those who are untrustworthy. The people who stabbed the knife in the back punished them and robbed them of the genocide, and absolutely no one would stand up against it. "Kentham's headquarters is not a wrathful fortress of rebellion. You have shown your strength. Now it is your turn to show your tolerance. Then you can let people know that you are not Atelier Columbine, and you are Atelis! "At the thought of the emperor, the black-haired emperor, Atelier loosened her clenched fingers and pressed down. Inner impulse

After a few seconds, she solemnly nodded her head back. "You have also worked hard these days. Although there have been some small fluctuations, they have passed. I hope that from now on, everyone can work together to serve the family."

"His Royal Highness!"

Hearing this sentence, there was a shock in Angie’s old eyes, and Atelier Columb returned to the family and arrested or killed many of the people who supported Atelier. These are undoubtedly A The people of Terry Columb, now Alice is returning with 60,000 troops, and she will certainly retaliate the same. But she did not expect that Alice could even say such things. What does that mean? Even if Angela stayed at Kentham's house for more than fifty years, it was impossible to hear the true meaning of Atris from this sentence. It was to comfort those who betrayed themselves. Just show it and then settle the account in private?

But Anjali is at least one thing to be sure, that at this moment Atris is indeed more like the heir of the Kentham family than Atelier Columbine, whether it is in the mind or the means, it has been faintly felt. King's wind! Returning to the home of Kentham's home, Atelier immediately ordered the release of those arrested in support of Atelier, and all resumed their duties, and those who were afraid of being retaliated were only suspended. The decision did not mean to continue the punishment at all, which was enough to thank those officials who thought that they would be robbed and killed,

The Kentham family changed hands, and all family power was in the hands of the Atelis faction.

Almost at the same time, two different Kentham family notices were sent to the major families in the south. One was a notice from Kentham parent and child Atelier, announcing that the Kentham family had sent the daughter Atri She expelled her from the family, and the other was just the opposite. It was a notice issued by Atelier in the name of Kentham’s family, announcing that Kentham’s parents and son Atelier tried to defect from the family, calling on the entire Southero to denounce the majors. The family looked at the two different announcements, and with little hesitation, they threw the Atelier Columbine into the trash. The Atelier Columbine notice did not even have the official coat of arms of the Kentham family. , And Alice’s copy is complete

Not to mention, the Southern Alliance secretly announced its surrender to the empire, and fully supported Atelis to become the heir to the Kentham family. According to the South Alliance, whoever is now in the Kentham family is the orthodox family, and the empire has long promised For the internal affairs of the Kentham family, the empire will not send troops to intervene. Without the empire interfering, the 60,000 army of the Southern Alliance is an absolute force!

"I will wait to support His Highness, Atelier Columbine is a rebel!"

"Support His Royal Highness to kill the rebels!" Just as the long-awaited southern clan families expressed their positions in unison, Atelier Columbus, who had not yet noticed the reversal of the situation, was watching the fierce battle of the new Camel City. The corners of his mouth showed a grisly, 1,500 iron barrel heavy armor, ignoring the rain of the arrows, like a rolling wave, hitting the wall of the new camel city not high, other siege troops Followed up like an avalanche, as the four heavy siege towers reached their position in a slow and heavy way, the baffle in front of the bridge suddenly fell, and the shouting sound of the sky shook up like a wave,

"Kill!" Under his eyes, the location of the city wall was like a ferocious collision between two steel torrents. The heavy barreled Kentham family iron barrel army was under the same area, and the new Camel City adventurer opposite was almost It was a one-touch break, the blade was chopped on these guys, it just brought a spark, and the completely scared adventurer was instantly chaotic, completely unorganized resistance, and the array of oppression in the iron barrel army. Next, countless impacts and scarlet flooded the field of vision, unable to stop it, back up! The powerful combat is like a **** rolling wave, pushing a large group of broken adventurers,

Ferociously squeezing the front, like a fierce beast rushing to the flock, the flail in his hand slammed hard against the iron wooden shield on the opposite side. I heard the sound of cracking, the iron shield was torn apart, the adventurer holding the shield was frightened, and the crisp sound of a broken bone came in his ear. The adventurer wearing leather armor was beaten. Flying out a few meters away, rolling on the ground, dark red blood mixed with broken internal organs from people to Qiqiao, the whole person curled up like a broken bone, obviously unable to survive,

"No, I can't take it anymore!" The crying dad who slayed the adventurer in front of him was called by the head, and the head was everywhere. The crying and screaming sounded like a tramp in a mud trap. It took only half an hour to go to more than half of the horseshoes. This area has been filled three times. More than 800 adventurers have been sent to the front and back, and they still have not blocked the fierce barrel of the Kentham family. The pace of advancement,

At this moment, it was totally a feeling of being blinded by a punch. The side of the new camel city was completely chaotic, crowded in front and back. The body of the person in front was like being blown up by a row of crushed watermelons. The combat strength of the regular army and the scattered people was poor. This moment is very clear in advance

Of all the battles, the most tragic is the battle of siege, blood splatter, arrows flaring, the two sides fighting like a hedge, the armor and the shield crashing into it, the heavy noise is like the sound from hell

In many places, just to see who is less afraid of death, and is more willing to take the life to fill in, one step back, it may be back two steps, three steps, and eventually be beaten down

An adventurer who has no such determination at all is like hitting out of balance at a high speed. Even if many of the adventurers have fierce fighting power, but in the face of the enemies that are constantly being pushed up by the tide, they have cut seven or eight in a row. After the soldiers of the Kentham family, they were also submerged by the tide. In the face of the regular army's wall-folding, adventurers with no battle experience were mostly beaten on the ground, and the Kentham army wearing thick steel armor, Even with a few knives in the body, he can still climb up hard from the ground, covered in blood, still madly waving his arms and rushing up, embedded in the body of the adventurer opposite, pulling violently, pulling away the bones Flying with the body and blood,

"Crazy, I can't fight at all!"

"It just won't kill me!"

Many adventurers who joined the resistance because of rumors in the Slaughterhouse were pale and shocked by the **** scenes in front of them. The flail used by the iron barrel army of the Kentham family was simply unstoppable for them, even if It is a shield fixed with iron bars, and it will also be smashed by one blow. In front of the heavy weapons of the regular army, the sound of the adventurer’s knife and gun breaking is a burst of bursts.

"Others have armor, our leather armor, and even their weapons are much worse than theirs. How to fight this?"

The adventurers all looked ugly and wanted to cry. If they knew that Kentham’s regular army was so fierce, even if the new Camel City released the highest salary, they would never come to the muddy water. The Tams didn’t dare to attack, but they didn’t expect that the Kentum not only attacked, but also meant to tear the entire wall of the new camel city, and the offensive was so fierce.

The adventurers of the new camel city did not know that just half an hour ago, Atelier Colum would break the new camel city, allowing everyone to rob the three-day order to convey the whole army, as long as it was the Kentham family, who I don’t know that the new camel city is rich in oil. Not only are there countless large amounts of property gathered from the adventurers of the south, but the most famous of the new camel city is the beauty, the sixteen-sold gold cave of the new camel city, and the entire South Ero Everyone knows that there are beautiful women inside. Under the stimulation of such rewards, the morale of the Kentham soldiers who attacked the new camel city are all bursting with red eyes, just like the blood of chicken. Climbing the wall of the new Camel City less than five meters directly by hand,

The adventurer’s command was terrified. For the situation before him, Asnapack was shocked that the whole person was turned into a stone.

In the new camel city, the iron barrel army of the Kentham family seemed like a hammer that suddenly slammed into the flour pile. Countless blood rains flew into the air with the residual limbs, the **** wind and the rain, and the strong **** smell hit the face, the adventurer Facing the flailed flail, I felt like the leaves of the ticket circle in the wind. I was beaten by the other party in a circle. I didn't know how to fight. The weight of a flail was about 15 pounds. It is made of all-iron, and it is very powerful in the hand. Under the strong sweep, even if wearing iron armor, it will be penetrated by the internal organs, not to mention that most of the adventurers are leather armor, and many adventurers are Frightened to withdraw from the wall without permission

"Quick, support the city wall immediately, it will be broken"

"Support, what are you doing?"

"Don't listen to rumors, the Kentham family will not slaughter the city",

"Don't be fooled by New Camel City to be a cannon fodder!"

"We are just adventurers, not enemies of the Kentham family. As long as we do not take part in the battle, the Kentham family will not treat us". Various voices, in the new camel city, a large number of adventurers are still on the sidelines People are panicked and say everything. The new camel city said that the Kentham family would break the city and slaughter the city. This made the whole city's people's hearts more volatile. Immediately, many adventurers asked to join the guard of the new camel city, but Soon, there was another saying in the new camel city that the slaughter city was completely a rumor. The Kentham family would not tell the new camel city slaughter city. Which one is true and which one is false, no one can tell, but think that Kentham is not Those who dare to slaughter the city accounted for the majority. "How could the Kentham family possibly slaughter the city? The new camel city has industries of all the major families. The Kentham family has the courage to dare to dare to offend the entire south?"

At the gate, a team of adventurers approached in the name of support,

"How to get there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no city wall here, what to do here" The captain in charge of the city gate stopped the adventurer and shouted

"I'm sorry, my lord, I thought this was the way to the city wall." The adventurer who led the team gathered awkwardly and smiled awkwardly, "Hands!"

The shock changes suddenly! In the pop, the adventurer pulled out his knife. After wielding the knife, he cut it. For a time, the light of the knife was shining and the blood was splattered. The sharp blade chopped into the harsh sound of the flesh and bones. The number of people guarding the city gate is not small, but he was not expected to be attacked. The leader of the team was not aware of it. He shouted "They are the Kentham army posing as adventurers! Fight back..." Before the words fell, several long knives stabbed into his soft body at the same time, and blood gushed out from his throat. His body fell heavily on the ground, and the blood on the ground stained the snow on the ground scarlet.

"Open the city gate!" The fake adventurer shouted the slogan and jumped over the roadblock like a wolf. They quickly cut over the guard at the nearest position of the city gate. A flash of knife flashed and countless fast-moving steps stepped in. Blood in the ground

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