Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and ninety

"Astanak would not have thought that my knowledge of the new camel city was not under him"

Seeing the door of the new camel city slowly opening in the distance, Atelier Columb's mouth showed a sneer, and his fingers touched the whip, it seemed that his heart was full of pride. For the new camel city, he had made arrangements for the future of the family. The patriarch, for the fattest source of wealth in the family territory, how could there be no surveillance at all?

Two years ago, he began to send people to the new camel city in an orderly manner. First, he put a confidant into the new camel city in the name of an adventurer, and then built an adventurer union. In the following time, one after another More than a hundred people were placed. Their main job was to collect the daily situation of the new camel city and the defense layout. A report will be sent back every ten days. If it was not the sudden collapse of the royal family on the north side of Erow, the situation of Erow entered turmoil. South The Allied princes marched north to surround the capital of King Erow. Atelier Columbine might have reclaimed the new camel city as a family territory directly as early as half a year ago.

Putting the new camel city in the hands of an outsider is inherently dangerous. Facts have proved that the adventurer Asnapak is really unreliable, and even wants to recommend the girl to the top!

Unfamiliar white-eyed wolf! If you take back the new Camel City earlier, there is no such trouble as today, but this trouble will stop here! Atelier Columbine's eyes flickered and his fingers clenched violently. It wasn't his whims that he looted the new camel city, but he had an idea, because he knew from the line newspaper in the new camel city that he knew that in the past six months, with the South The coalition forces marched north, and the proceeds were transported back to the south along the way, conservatively estimated to be more than 1.8 million gold, and all major families sent some of them to the black market in New Camel City. This way of handling is not a secret in the entire Eero South. Adventure The new camel city where the congregation gathers is itself the seat of the largest black market in the south of Eero

A lot of gold and silver belongings were looted, and even there were many belongings of the original nobles in the north. Even the belongings of the royal family of Eero, some also flowed into the underground black market of the new camel city. These things are naturally If you can’t see the light, exchange it for gold coins through the black market. Although it will definitely lose some money, it is better than not holding it in your hand and using it.

If only these hundreds of thousands are not enough for Atelier Columbine to move this heart, and just a month ago, South Eero suffered a rainy season that has not been seen for decades, and all family territories have suffered losses, large and small, The total number of migrants has exceeded 500,000. For the major southern families that just ran back with their tails, what they need most now is money. Many families have taken out their treasures for many years, and even they are said to have been the heyday of the south. New Camel City, and the place where these things can be exchanged for money is the new camel city, so in this month, countless properties from all major families have gathered in the new camel city. At this time, the new camel city already has Qualification to make Atley Columb a risk

Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to raise the three million imperial gold in the imperial agreement within two months. Since the normal way is not feasible, then only other methods can be adopted, compared with the Kentham family to Eero The throne has become the new royal family in the Eero region. The sacrifice of a new camel city is worthwhile. As long as you can transport the belongings of the major families in the new camel city to the north, pay the three million imperial gold in the imperial agreement. There are remaining, as for the blame of the major families. . . . . There was no proof of death, it was naturally carried by the woman. Who asked Astanak to set fire to the city in desperation?

Of course, if Astanak doesn’t go so extreme, can he help himself?

As long as the Kentham family ascends to the throne, even if the major families in the south find out the truth, the Kentham family needs time and needs this wealth. This rare opportunity should not be missed! Atelier Colum believes that even if his father is standing here at the moment, Marquis Kentham himself will not hesitate to make the same choice as himself,

Atelier Columb raised his right hand slightly, raised his right hand, the ready Kentham cavalry was dispatched, the smoke rolled up, the horseshoes were thunderous, countless shouts, six hundred kentham cavalry Hundred meters ahead, such as the violent wind blowing across the ground, the horse's tail bristle flying in the wind, the cavalry's goal is the city gate that has been opened

"The city gate was opened!"

The guards of the new camel city also found something wrong. The dense arrow clusters rushed down from the arrow towers on both sides of the city gate and collided with the Kentham cavalry who came running at high speed, just like a wave hitting the rock wall. The arrow plunged into the body of the Kentham's cavalry with whistling and gravity, and passed through the body with a large piece of blood, poo poo! The sound of dense arrows is like the crisp noise of heavy rain hitting the pipa, and the blood is rolled up in the distance. More than 20 people hit the arrows immediately in the six hundred cavalry of the Kentham family. For the number of six hundred , Without much blocking force, the dense cavalry quickly raised the shield in their hands

"Papapap" metal arrows struck the shield, and the line of steel struck the wall like a steel, suddenly burst into a deafening roar

"Kill!" The Kentham light cavalry who ran in front poured into the gate of the new camel city like a dragon, and the Kentham knight Longgras, who rushed in front of him, brought together a knight sword in his hand. Cold light, the war horse galloping forward, the armor on Logras's body was full of blood and minced meat, his fierce eyes were full of raging madness, his nose snorted, the knight's sword slammed toward the ground, still inertial impulse, The pillar of bright red blood spewed out from several headless corpses. The narrow gates and the guards who were still fighting were directly washed down by the cavalry. "Quick, take the gates back." The guards behind shouted, just Seeing that the people in front of him turned their horses over, the heavy impact of the battle riding caused many people to be trampled directly, and the blood mixed with minced meat spread like a flower on the ground.

"Cavalry, pay attention to cavalry"


The chaotic shout, the Kentham cavalry who came in through the city gate was like a sweeping iron line, and the heavy horseshoe stepped **** the person in front, hitting the person in front for a few meters, even more than ten meters, even if It's a body in armor. Under this squeeze, the body has been twisted into an unnatural posture in mid-air, and it fell on the ground. The people behind have not been able to figure out what is going on. The spear pierced the body at once, the iron piece flew across, and the soldiers behind grumbled heavily.

In the gate position, countless Kentham cavalry horses are as unstoppable as hawks. The broken limbs and flesh and blood, mixed with human blood, fell to the ground, hitting and twisting and deforming shields, broken long swords, and human bodies. Like leaves flying in the waves

"The city gate was broken! The enemy disguised as an adventurer raided the city gate, the city gate was lost, and the eighth squadron was rushing over, hoping to be able to **** the city gate back before the other party arrived." A guard looked hurriedly The ashamed Astanak reported that the city gate was broken so loudly that Asnapak had heard it for a long time, his fingers were clenched, his eyes were complicated, and the new camel city could not hold it!

In front of him, some blocks close to the city wall were filled with black smoke, especially the maroon street with the south's first glory. Several houses lit by fire were even more eye-catching. Brothels, casinos, weapon shops, They are all the objects of care. The Kentham army has broken the city wall, and now the city gate has been won. The adventurers in the city are defeated, and a large number of Kentham soldiers poured into the city gate.

"This is the Sina family's industry, you have no right to enter"

Swords and swords, the guys in front are cut down on the ground, the family flags hanging on the shops of major families are meaningless to the already red-eyed soldiers of Kentham, open the door, open the door, come to this one, this one The woman is beautiful, the situation is completely out of control, and she finds that the Kentham soldiers not only rob things, but also kill people, and adventurers of all major families have begun to join the resistance.

A blood-stained subordinate walked up quickly and reported, "Admiral Asnapak is ready. The resistance of the adventurers in the city has completely collapsed. Although he has made preparations, but at this time, he still can't help but feel sad. "Astanak's self-deprecating wry smile, for more than a decade, watching the new camel city gradually grow from a small town to its present scale, not just a person who can prepare to pass

"Lord Asna Park can rest assured that the empire will soon allow the new camel city to be re-established, and in scale, will truly become the largest free city in South Héro." The commander of the Imperial Guard Squadron Jiyanko standing in front Turning around, the new camel city in front of me was like a huge melee scourge. This scourge was constantly rolling, twitching, and cramping. It produced a lot of blood and sacrifice. This is almost not called a battle. Moaning, women's crying, pleading, the collapse of burning houses, crying for help, swearing... There is something that gently drops on the ground.

It was a lot of blood flowing down the stairs of the shop, and it had been flooded into the street. Atelier Columbine's massacre of the new camel city was an irrefutable fact!

At the moment, outside New Camel City, Atelier Columbine was listening to the report of his staff, as the main target of the underground black market vault in the city,

"How about the strength of the other party?" Atelier Lang asked

"The other party's strength is not weak, but I didn't expect to be raided by others, and we still put the medicine in their well the day before, and when the other party found that it was wrong and wanted to carry the property away, it was unable to resist us, everything They all dealt with cleanly and cleanly," the subordinate was covered in blood, but his face was energetic, wearing an adventurer's armor, light yellow hair, and a pair of eyes full of red silk, it was the front who led the team to attack the city gate. The person who has been lurking in the new camel city for so long, can no longer be familiar with the layout of the entire new camel city. Before the raid on the city gate, he had already raided the black market warehouse in the city.

"What's the harvest?" Atley Columb took a deep breath. The plundering in the city was actually used to cover up this goal. This is related to the future of the Kentham family, just like a farmer, sowing Seeds, hard work, and now finally when it is harvested, of course, it will be a bit nervous, hoping to have more than two million, this, together with the income in the city, can barely reach the amount of the empire agreement, I am afraid that the black market will advance the funds and All the property has been transferred out, and it is too cost-effective to spend so much risk on yourself.

"We caught the appraiser on the black market~www.wuxiaspot.com~ According to his confession, if these goods can be transported to the north and sold, at least four million imperial gold!" said the young man.

"Four million... if we really have such value, then we are not losing money!" Atelier Columbine's face was slightly reddened, which was an expression of excitement, and a grin smiled at the corner of his mouth, four hundred Ten thousand imperial gold, far more than their own expectations, but also, that is the underground black market of New Camel City, this is equivalent to robbing the entire southern Erow!

At this time, there was a dense sound of horseshoes in the distance. On the distant slopes, there were more than a dozen cavalry wearing black armor. These black armored cavalry stopped the war horses at the top of the slope. New Camel City billowing black

"Is it imperial cavalry?" Atelier Columbine narrowed his eyes, but soon waved his hand. "Don't care about them, the empire has promised not to intervene in this Kentham housework, even if they let them see, anyway. At that time, it was said that Asna Parker set fire in the city!"

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