Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and ninety-one

Dozens of imperial black armour cavalry gaze at the new camel city with the black smoke and fire ahead. They don’t mean to see the Kentham army in the distance. On the contrary, the atmosphere is extremely quiet, and no one speaks, just like It’s under normal pressure, only the sound of the wind blowing in my ears. After a while, a member of the cavalry took a deep breath and snorted heavily.

"If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I can't believe it, the Kentham family would be so sad and mad, not even letting their own territory pass."

"Fortunately, this person is not the real heir of the Kentham family, otherwise I really can't imagine what kind of scene it will be. I can do whatever I want with my own territory, and it is even more needless to treat us." The armored cavalry looked indignantly and said that this black armored cavalry did not look like a young man. The temples under the helmet even had a bit of silver, giving a desolate feeling

"You won't think that the Kentham family treats the new camel city really because of the rebellion of Asnapak." The cavalry in the front of the black armor cavalry slightly raised his head and said coldly in his mouth, these ten Among them, it was obviously headed by him. His face seemed old, but he gave a mental contrast. The white spots on the arm outside the cavalry armor could be seen, just like a dried tree trunk. In general, he is Ogrin, the head of the Southern League. Here are more than a dozen imperial black armoured cavalrymen. In fact, they are all patriarchs of the dozen or so large families of the Southern League.

"Adult Ogrini means that the Kentham family is for the black market in the city?" No one who can become a patriarch has a simple character, and his face can't help but change. Hear from Ogrini's words The other meaning is that this guess is too bold, and it is so bold that people can’t believe it. There are various family industries in the new camel city, and the black market in the new camel city, this time is even more terrible, gathered There are a lot of properties sold by the major families, but they are all owned by the major families. If Atelier Columbine really ran to the black market, what is the difference from robbing them directly!

"What else can't be done for the Kentham family who is about to take the throne?"

Oglini waved the whip in his hand violently, his old face was cold and abnormal. "In order to maintain the northward advance, the major families were already struggling to support it. The subsequent heavy rain in the south made the major families' territories worse. Countless, the Kentham family suffered no less than we did. I don’t believe they will have enough funds to fulfill the agreement with the empire. If they can’t afford enough money to buy the old king capital, the Kentham family thinks To become the new royal family is a mess

"Asshole, so shameless!

"We were all blinded by Atelier Columb, I didn't expect him to be such a person!"

The patriarchs had a sullen face and looked at the flag of the Kentham Army in the distance. They were full of anger. They had reacted. The so-called rebellion of the Kentham Army was basically for the disaster relief money raised by everyone. Even the family members have come up with this. The black market of this new camel city is afraid of millions of funds and property. If I change to the Kentham family, I will also hit my mind on it. , Can be exchanged for a royal Ero, it is worth looking at, it is conceivable that after the looting, the Kentham army will definitely burn the new camel city, and then all the responsibilities will be put on the new camel city owner. Even if the truth is revealed afterwards, what can we do with the Kentham's house for the Kentham house that has been bought back to the north of the capital and become the royal family of Erow! "

The patriarchs of these various families did not come by accident. Even if they came by accident, they would not wear the armor of the imperial cavalry, so that Atelier Colum did not take them into consideration. They were all in the Southern League. In the name of Kentham's family, Atelis declared Atelier Colum as a prince who the rebels disapproved of

The affiliation of the Southern Alliance to the empire is a necessity for the situation. It does not mean that everyone is willing to support Atris as the heir of the Kentham family. After all, in the eyes of most southern princes, the inheritance system of the eldest son is still strong. This is conducive to the stability of the family in the inheritance. Atelier Columbine is the eldest son of the Kentham family. How the Atelier shines can not change the identity of the women in the family. For these people, The black-haired emperor directly asked them to come to the new camel city, which was part of the plan. If Atelier Columb knew that the people under the imperial cavalry’s black armor were all princes who expressed their support for them, Atli Columbella ran over and shouted to welcome

Looking at the smoky new camel city, thinking of his own industry burning, his belongings were loaded into the car by Kentham's house, these southern princes wanted to kill him.

"Do you have any objections to the announcement that Atelier Columbine is a Kentham rebel?" Ogrini looked back dignifiedly from the direction of the new camel city and swept the faces of these princes sharply. The heart is more complicated and difficult to understand. He and Count Tamasu in the Temple of Heaven are very good friends, so he was able to make Count Tamasu who had not left the Temple in more than ten years as a special envoy of the Union to Roshny, so he It is more shocking than the real situation that other princes know. The other princes only think that the Kentham family counterattacked the alliance in one breath because of the intervention of the empire, but no one knew that all this was just a **** in the hands of that person.

"Surrender, if you think you can fight that person," Count Tamasu, who had just tried to test the attitude of the empire, told him in private after telling the empire that he could accept the attachment of the Southern Alliance, let Ogg say Rini hadn't recovered in half a ring,

"that person?"

"The layout of the mainland is the first. The undefeated warlord on the battlefield. How do you think the 30,000 people died in the Red Dragon Palace in Aden? Why did the southern coalition of 200,000 fall apart without a fight? Didn’t you notice it from the beginning? , You have already been led by the nose, and an unknown Kentham family girl can really counterattack the entire alliance? Even this time the alliance went south to rescue Roshni, but he has not arrived in Romania yet. Shini, it’s already disintegrated, no one wants to fight, how do everyone think in a decent way to let the empire accept themselves, don’t you think it’s more like being arranged to make a special trip to surrender? Count Tamasu as A bystander, full of meaningful words, like a heavy hammer hitting Oglini's heart

"You mean the imperial emperor is in Erow!" Ogrini's lips opened slightly, and the whole person was stunned. He didn't even know how to speak. This news was so explosive that it even made him have a strong oppression. Suffocation,

"Not only in Erow, but also in Roshny! If it wasn’t for me that I deliberately disclosed some past events in the South to the other side, and let the other side change the goal, you think the other side would so easily agree to the surrender of the Southern League." The disdain of the face means that the one in Roshni is definitely the emperor of the empire. Ogrini still knows Count Tamasu, knowing that this old friend cannot possibly deceive himself because of the temptation given by the empire, so Ou Griini felt that he had always been proud of his wisdom. At this moment, it was not enough. No wonder all the calculations in front were defeated. I thought that the opposite side was a wailing sheep, but I did not expect to blow up a head. Tyrannosaurus came. . . . . . Empire emperor!

If I’m still thinking about how to use the Southern Alliance to earn more chips from the empire, it is better to be self-governing. If it is better to become an independent kingdom, then at this moment, he feels how ridiculous he is. The emperor's personal handwriting has no suspense about the dispute between the heirs of the Kentham family.

But Oglini has a greater interest in his heart. How the Imperial Emperor will counter this battle for heirs of the family. Atelirenco, who has an absolute advantage and occupies the family camp, is a big picture, unless Atelier led the Southern League to attack the Kentham home base, and expelled it from inside by force, otherwise there was absolutely no way

This method of using force is certainly useful, but the sequelae are also huge. Leading the army of other families to attack their own family, no matter what the reason, is untenable. If Atlas does this, in addition to letting each The big family sees that Atris itself is incompetent, but relying on the essence of empire support will not have any effect of regaining people’s hearts. If the emperor’s decision is this, then Ogrini will be disappointed.

The hot air drifted from the burning new camel city~www.wuxiaspot.com~ inside there was a choking smell of choking people. Under the pale sky, the blazing new camel city was like a big pineapple that had been ripped off.

"Atley Columbine is over!" Oglini put on the cavalry helmet in his hand and meditation in his heart. The shot of the emperor emperor was indeed a lore. Although he did not know how to do it, there was no doubt that Att The most likely behavior of Li Gelun’s slaughter of the new camel city was the empire’s traction. If only the family headquarters were lost, the identity of Atelier Columbine’s eldest son was still an unchangeable advantage, behind Atelier Columbine. It is also undoubtedly the will of the Marquis of Kentham. Although Atelis occupied the camp and declared Atelier Columb as a rebel, the army of the major families in the south would not obey the dispatch.

But now it’s different. Atelier Columbine launched a slaughterhouse in New Camel City, and looted the property of the major families in the new Camel City black market. Even if they support Atelier Columbine, they have changed now. Attitude, and with the brutal slaughter city first, and the looting of other southern family property later, Atelier Columbine is even the eldest son of the Kentham family, the position of this heir is absolutely untenable!

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