Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and ninety-two

"His Royal Highness, those imperial cavalry are as annoying as flies, let them go and drive them away."

A Knight from the Kentham family told Atelier Colum that more than a dozen Imperial Cavalry soldiers had stood still for more than half an hour in the distance. If the other party was just to take a look, it should be enough. It is not a glorious thing to launch a raid on the new camel city. It is always uncomfortable to be stared at by others. Atelier Columbine also feels this way.

He also wanted to drive the imperial cavalry away, but considering the current situation, he hesitated and finally waved his hand to the family knight. "You lead fifty cavalry, try not to force it away, it is best to let the other party know. Retreat, this time it was difficult for the empire to make a commitment not to intervene. If it was because of this matter that the empire was given a word of intervention, it would be worthless.

"Do you retreat in difficulty? I understand what I do, Your Highness." The kentham knight showed an empathetic expression, nodded and turned away, carrying fifty kentham hussars In the direction of the imperial cavalry, he drove straight ahead, and the smoke set off. The knight who led the team was at the forefront of the team, looking at some imperial cavalry in the distance. With a grin in his mouth, he heard him shouting violently. Fifty cavalry soldiers pulled out their sharp knight swords with a single "all-drawn sword", flashing cold light in the sun, like a scattered net quickly moving forward,

"Asshole, did Atelier Columb recognize us!"

The dozen patriarchs of the big southern family dressed as imperial cavalry have changed their faces, looking at the Kentham cavalry who have pulled out the sword of the knight, the first thought in their minds is that they are exposed, Atelier Columbine To kill people and kill their mouths, this is very troublesome. Although they are all riding horses, as the patriarchs of the major families, most of them are around forty years old. Even if they were masters of horseback riding in the young age, they have been respected for many years. It has been delayed for a long time, and horseback running is not a problem, but horseback chasing this high-intensity technical work, they basically can not compare with the regular knights in the family, that is to say, even if his door now chooses to run And will eventually be caught up and killed one by one by the other party!

"Fight with them!" someone whispered, pressing his hand on the saber

"Everyone, don't scare yourself. I believe the other party should not recognize us, otherwise they won't come straight ahead so blatantly, and really want to intercept us all, nor can it be done by the fifty cavalry. , The other party should only be when we are imperial cavalry and want to drive us away!" Ogrini raised his hand and waved a bit. It is worthy of being one of the four major marquises in the south. His ability to observe and judge is much stronger than the others. He is at a crucial moment. Reminded the other princes who had already prepared for the dead fight to calm down quickly. They hadn’t really used the sword for a long time, and suddenly they started to use it. Everyone felt a little unaccustomed to it. Sure enough, they were willing to gallop here. When the Tam cavalry was 30 meters away, they all turned to their right side suddenly, and a burst of smoke was thrown at the face. Everyone felt that the other party was flaunting their power!

"let's go"

Oglini glanced at the new firecracker city with heavy fireworks and turned to shout at others, although Atelier Columb didn't recognize them, but as the distance got closer, the danger became greater. , While the Cavaliers of the Kentham family were still at 30 meters away, he immediately led the others back to the Kentham home base.

The news about Atelier Columb’s plundering of the entire new camel city was also taken back to the Kentham home base. The other major families immediately began to sit still, and all the major families had the new camel city. Her own industry, and a large number of belongings are also in the black market of New Camel City. Atelier Columbine now takes the entire new camel city. Their industry and their belongings will naturally become Atelier Columbine’s. It’s a loot, and when I think that Atelier Columbine is loading all their accumulated wealth into his carriage, the patriarchs of the various families can’t wait to put their wings and fly directly to the new camel city.

"His Royal Highness, can't continue to delay, please also mobilize the army to rebel!" The patriarchs of the major families all came to the front of Atelis, and everyone agreed that Atelis would make Atli Columbine called it a rebel decision,

"Since everyone has no objections, then start the crusade"

Atelis took a deep breath with a moving face, 60,000 Alliance troops, leaving 10,000 guards, and other 50,000 troops moving towards the new camel city. For a time, the alliance's major families gathered It became a large lineup of troops. The soles of the boots stepped on the muddy road soaked in Hengshui and made a sizzling sound. The swing of the clothes fluttered on the thin and small legs wrapped in leggings. There are few sharp and sophisticated weapons, and even some weapons are hurriedly created large swords and spears. Under the autumn sunshine, people are crowded, like ants colony on the vast plains, and day and night rush to the front of the fiery red sunrise, as if The moth was rushing towards the fire.

Kentham Homeland, Rongjin Lake

This is an island in the lake, about two miles long and wide. The golden sunlight shines on the lake from the gap of the promenade leading to the lake island, dyeing the entire lake with gold, and a palace is covered in hazy water mist. , It looks like a fairyland in the world, the autumn light, although it is indeed a bit remote and a bit desolate, but it is more peaceful. The blue water surface flickers in the wind, and the river bank is a large area. The reeds by the lake are also rising with the wind at the moment. From a distance, it looks like a piece of white, like a piece of goose feathers and heavy snow. Beautiful people are so enthralling

The fresh air penetrates into the heart of the person, both body and mind are calm

The black-haired emperor stood on the lake promenade and stared at the lake. Behind him, the Imperial Navy Minister Dustrenko was reporting the investigation of the southern misty sea. He was standing beside Dustrenko. A middle-aged nobleman, some of Xie Ding’s head was hanging down, his face was tense and excited. This person was brought by Dustron Kay, a pirate named Polozer. The reputation of the place is not obvious, but it is the premier living map in the sea of ​​mist. There are even rumors that even if Borozze closed his eyes, he could cross the sea of ​​mist even with his nose. This is not an exaggeration. In fact, the Imperial Navy’s description of the Misty Sea Misty is indeed a slightly stimulated gas, not a real sea fog

"Your Majesty, the coordinates of the Misty Sea have been basically determined, and there has been little change near the coast. However, some reefs that were previously used by our Navy as the Misty Sea coordinates have changed greatly. We have noticed some incredible changes in some places. For example, some of the reefs were originally missing, but the reefs disappeared, and some reefs that originally blocked the estuary moved inconceivably to the north by two full miles."

In order to make it clear, Duster opened his hands and spread out his newly reconstructed map of southern Eero. This map is part of the Imperial Navy survey map. The large dark blue area on the map is the mark of the sea of ​​mist. Another large piece of fragmented black in blue is the reef island surveyed by the Navy with huge human and financial resources.

"Now there are no reefs blocking roads in the southern estuary. Vessels crossing the river channel can directly enter the sea of ​​mist, instead of going around the reefs as before, a little carelessness is the result of the destruction of the ship. "The Empire Navy Secretary Dusterenkai expressed with excitement that if the wind went smoothly, from here, he could reach the sea of ​​mist within three days, and within a month, the navy fleet could cross the sea of ​​mist and reach the Gulf of Aden area. "

Dustronkai’s fingers pointed on the map, with a trace of excitement in his voice. The Imperial Navy has become the overlord of the Inland Sea since there have been no large-scale battles for more than half a year, and the morale of the army has been reduced. Dusterenkai, as the minister of the Imperial Navy, is also most aware of the concerns within the Imperial Navy. The imperial navy and the upper and lower navy are now desperately eager for a war, and they can only look around. Only the Aden navy of the Adens can still be a rival in the battle.

The emperor's idea of ​​sneaking into the Gulf of Aden coincided with Dustron Kay,

"This is one of the ports of the Adenites in the south of Luxi, less than two hundred miles from the sea of ​​mist. It is also the eye of the Aden navy in the south. The first obstacle for the imperial navy to break through the sea of ​​mist is here~www. wuxiaspot.com~ If you want to sneak into the Gulf of Aden, the only way for the imperial navy is to bypass this, but in this case, it takes one more day in time, so in order to attract the Adens and create the illusion of the Adens, they request The Army has cooperated. After the main naval detour, the subordinates will let a squadron carry the Army to capture the Port of Roussi to attract the attention of the Adenites." Dusterenkai's voice paused and his fingers fell in the mist. To the northeast of the sea, there is a red circle mark,


The black-haired emperor's eyes fell on the port of Luxi and nodded his head. The Aden's naval force is now in the waters of Central Biya. He believes that the Aden force in this port will not be too much. After the naval force detours, It is indeed an illusion that the army attacked Luxi Port, that is, the Imperial Navy is also in Luxi Port, so that the Adenites would not think that only a squadron was in Luxi Port, and the main force of the Imperial Navy had already bypassed Lu in advance. West Port.

"Your Majesty, I just got the news that Miss Atris led the 50,000 Allied Forces to leave Kentham Headquarters and headed towards the new Camel City." An Imperial Guard walked in to report

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