Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and ninety-three

South of El Hierro, Samu Castle,

Prince Erero standing in front of the window, under the dark sky, you can see a blue bay in the distance. The bay is surrounded by an endless great plain as the southernmost position of the southern territories of Elero It is only fifty miles from the estuary of the great river channel to form a long and narrow Bokaro Bay. In terms of terrain, it is closely connected to the Tenere Plateau in the east of the Harvey Kingdom. It can be regarded as an extension of the plateau to the coast.

From Samu Fort, you can condescend to overlook the entire southern plains of Eero. From a military strategic point of view, this is the high ground of southern Eero. This has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the yellow sand that diffuses throughout the lower south of Eero is here. Blocked, so the vegetation here is relatively dense. The disadvantage is that because of the drastic change of the overall climate in the south of the lower Erow, this plateau near the bay is extremely dry, and the water source is very precious. It is hotter in hot days. It’s also cold when it’s cold, and most people come here. They will feel uncomfortable for a while. It seems that the sun and the sun will be more violent, and you can feel the tingling feeling every moment.

Not only that, the heat wave from the yellow sand land in the west often forges the perseverance and will of the people in this area indirectly with the storm. In the entire southern part of Eero, the combat power of the Samuta family will be relatively strong and the most direct. The reason is that the Samuta family has always liked the poor soldiers and militarism. Expansion of the military and preparation for war, and they do not pay much attention to urban construction and environmental transformation.

The Samuta family is not a southern native family, but came unexpectedly 50 years ago. It is said that the first generation of the Samata family was a leader of the Aden pirate. He accidentally came to the southern area of ​​Eero because of the sea of ​​mist. After discovering that he could not return, he could only admit his fate and contributed a sum of money to the Southern Alliance, requesting the princes of Southero to assign this wasteland to the Samuta’s family.

Because it was too close to the sea of ​​fog, the princes of the south did not want it, so they gave it to the Samutah family. At that time, the Samutah family had not shown too much threat. The greatest threat from the southern princes was still The royal family in the north, and the Samuta family volunteered to guard this place, the land did win the respect and trust of many southerners. Finally, it deeply rooted in this land and continues to this day.

The Samutta family built the Samut Fort on the cliff near the coast. For the southern princes who did not have the knowledge of the ocean, as a joke, pirates are pirates, and even the style of building a castle is made like a sea boat. , Even a tall minaret was built at the very top of the castle. Although it faces the bay, it looks gray and the houses are in a mess. It seems that the drunken architects made up the result of making up. They are completely barbarians. Place.

At this moment, standing on the top floor of the Samu Fort, Eltriega discovered that, under the rough surface, the implication is deeply related to all the purposes for the maritime navigation. The entire Samu Castle is actually a huge lighthouse Because of this lighthouse, the Adenian ships could find their place on the land in the misty sea. Fifty years ago, the Adenians joined the purpose of this nail in the south of Eero. Let Ai think about it. Treriega feels trembling inside

If he did not cooperate with the Adens this time, he would have never imagined that King Aden had such a layout fifty years ago. The ridiculously emperor Eero still struggled to get into South Elo, while Aden People did it without effort, knowing that it is so simple, why did the emperors of the Eero generations work so hard?

"The Red Dragon Hall of Aden was desperate this time. It took so much manpower and financial resources, but it was the result of the annihilation of the whole army. Even that thing was taken away by His Royal Highness Prince. His Majesty was very satisfied with the result and His Royal Highness. The request was also responded. As long as His Royal Highness Prince can prove that the eye of God is true, my Kingdom of Aden will abide by the agreement and hand over the Samu area to the Prince’s Palace as a capital of restoration. The middle-aged man placed a document in his hand on the table behind him. The middle-aged man's eyes gave people a chill, and his skin showed a traditional Aden red.

His name is Samulitai, the contemporary owner of the Samuta family, of course, this is only a superficial identity

His true identity is actually the deputy commander of the Southern Fleet of the Admiralty of the Kingdom of Aden. The surname of Samuta is false in itself. Every generation of Samata’s owner is actually from the Aden Admiralty, because of the far distance from the communication between the princes of the southern Ero Circles, and the Samuta family has always been known for being quirky and eccentric. In the princes of southern Eero, there are only a handful of people who really know the appearance of the Samata clan's patriarch. The last time the Samuta clan's patriarch appeared, it was eleven years ago. Of course, the external publicity is that the Samutta family has a strange disease. It is often difficult for family members to live past the age of fifty. In fact, they have returned to their country of retirement.

"How do you want to prove it?"

Eltriega turned helplessly from the window and sighed, "You know that once the power of that thing broke out, it was enough to destroy the entire southern part of Eero again. You want to be verified. I really It’s difficult to do. Of course, if your country has no opinion on the destruction of the entire Gulf of Aden, I can do my best.”

"At the right time, the entire southern part of Eero will be destroyed once again. My Majesty thinks this is okay." Samulitai looked cold and deep.

"Are you crazy!" Eltriega's face with an unbelievable expression, no matter how crazy he was, he never thought of destroying the south of Eero again.

"Oh, you can look at this"

Samulitai handed over a confidential report. The Kingdom of Aden has been deployed in the south of Erow for 50 years. Naturally, it is not only the eyeliner of Samutah. Regarding the changes in the south of Erow, Aden has been paying close attention. The Atrius of Kentham's counterattack, the performance of the Southern League can be expressed in an unexpected way. The Southern League, which has an absolute superiority in military power, suddenly announced its support for Atris, which shocked the entire South Ero. The news of wearing it back now makes this kind of sudden understandable. The report mentioned a person, a person who was enough to tremble the whole continent.

"This is not possible. The Emperor of the Empire arrived in the south of Erow. Are you sure that this information is reliable?" Altrega, who opened the secret report, stiffened her body, and she couldn't believe her eyes. It has been shocking that Hu Keqili, the imperial minister of the military, came to Erow, and now,. . . This man who really rolled up the continent of Obaro, wrapped in the cold winds of the north, wiped out the huge Gaul Empire, defeated the Gang Fei Empire, defeated 700,000 southern coalition forces in the North-South War, and many bright stars The dazzling sun surrounded by it also came to the countryside in the south of Eero. . . . . . In any case, the Falcon Empire emperor, Falcon Dustan, this is the trembling existence of the entire continent. If it is the man standing behind the woman at the Kentham family, this competition is too unfair. I am just a prince who has broken down the royal family, and playing against the emperor is like a newborn baby playing against a peerless master,

"No wonder the Aden Red Dragon Palace Cavalry Regiment suddenly turned south and fleeed in the battle of the King Eero. As a result, the north and south were beaten by the imperial army in the name of revenge. The more than 3,000 Red Dragon Knights had to After discarding more than 20,000 infantrymen and escaping back, they were stabbed collectively by all the princes in the south of Eero as an ally, which was extremely miserable.

Then the two hundred thousand coalition forces in the south of Eeroe cried, and even the shadow of the imperial army was not seen, they fell apart

The noble factions that originally supported the royal family also suddenly reversed collectively, and launched a full strangulation of the royal family who always respected Youjia. The battle of Erow in the south, which had an absolute advantage from the beginning of the south, appeared in such a dozen days. A strange phenomenon, he came, he actually went to the south of Eero, the first person in the mainland to be recognized as the layout, the battlefield warlord who has never been defeated, but also the well-known battlefield hunter, as a witness of all this At this moment, Eltriega felt even more cold and sweaty. He thought that it was all caused by the internal conflicts among the southern princes.

The man arrived secretly in the capital of King Erow, and everything reversed! This is strength!

"If we can use the destruction of Eero South again in exchange for this person's life, my majesty can directly grant the position of His Royal Highness." Samulitai's eyes were terrible, and he was aware of this shocking information at the same time. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If it succeeds, it may even directly affect the direction of the entire Obaro continent. For the Kingdom of Aden, which is about to enter the imperial stage, this imperial emperor, like a huge shadow, is unable to move. The biggest obstacle in the past, the birth of an empire, is not just a unilateral claim, but also a judgment of its influence

Just like the Kingdom of Aden, if the influence is only in the Gulf of Aden, then it is a regional kingdom. Even if the Aden people claim to be an empire, it will only attract the laughter of other kingdoms. However, the current Kingdom of Aden has not only controlled the entire Gulf of Aden region. And it also took thousands of miles of desert into the bag, and controlled 11 large and small forces around the Aden Sea area under control, and the expedition to the Central Biya region was a great success, not only broke the new capital of the Central Biya Empire , Captured countless, and also included all the central and southern areas of Central Abia into the territory of the Kingdom of Aden, and became the Kingdom of Aden with capital to enter the empire stage,

And once the Kingdom of Aden becomes an empire, it is equivalent to having nominal orthodox power over the surrounding areas of the Gulf of Aden and Central Biya, possessing the qualification to fight against the Falcon Empire Chamber that controls the continent of Obaro. The thing of qualification looks like It’s virtual, but in fact, qualification itself represents strength, with people’s wishes,

Just like the Falcon Empire, the original Falcon Kingdom only landed from the northwestern Barrow region of Northern Europe. It was regarded as a barbarian that everyone looked down on, until the front was hard to carry the northern behemoth Gaul Empire, fighting with an extremely sharp falcon war knife. The Gaul Million Army could not find the North, and the entire Obaro continent began to face this barbarian force that landed from the Northwest.

From that moment, the Falcon dynasty was truly a foothold in Obaro. In the following years, the Falcon Emperor Dustan expanded wildly from the northwestern area of ​​Obaro, defeated the Gaul Empire, and became the northern hegemon. Gang Fei, Central Europe Baro, Istan region and the Southern Allied Forces, it is considered to have established their qualification to claim the overlord of the O Baro continent. The expansion of the Falcon Empire is to fight all the way, the city is destroyed, countless surrender, and naturally hate There are also many people in the empire, like Southern Europe Baro who is desperate to resist the influence of the empire, and there are many in the south. However, the Holy Capital of the Order of the First World War is regarded as the 500,000 Martin army that Southern Europe Baro hoped for. Defeated by the Empire War

It was not an exaggeration to break the spine in the south of Eero after the First World War of the Order. After the war, the forces that originally opposed the empire completely broke up. Everyone was in danger. Southeros joined forces to fight against the empire has become a joke. In just half a year, the Southeros area was influenced by various means of the empire. Power rapidly expands in Southern Baro

The Martin Liga area was infiltrated by the empire, and the strength of the three tribes was greatly damaged. There is no possibility of confrontation with the empire. The area of ​​the ecclesiastical country has become a region of complete control of the empire. Happily driven by a hound, the Eero Empire was cut in two

From that moment on, no force in the South was qualified to fight the empire. Now, once the kingdom of Aden enters the ranks of the empire and has the capital equivalent to the Falcon Empire in terms of qualification, then these dragon-headed anti-imperial forces and resources Will turn to the Kingdom of Aden

"Why not let the Red Dragon Hall dispatch the master to kill this emperor who sneaked into the South!"

Eltriega gritted his teeth. As a former prince of the Eero royal family, even if he was cold-blooded, he thought that he would be buried with the lives of more than one million people in South Eero. The master is like a cloud. In terms of personal force, it is even higher than the original Mount Etmont under Uncle Eero. The royal family of Eero and the Red Dragon Palace of Aden are one of the descendants of the three holy cities. Twice, but even Mount Etmund, who could be assassinated in Martinli, also lost his troops in front of the Red Dragon Hall of Aden, and finally gave up his activities in Aden completely, and Eltriega also knew that he was in the Holy City. In the system, the predecessor of the Red Dragon Palace of Aden was the Holy City Guard, which was a true holy city of the holy city, while Mount Etmont was originally in the Holy City system, but it was just a document


Speaking of sending people to assassinate, Samulitai shook his head and smiled bitterly. "This warlord emperor is not only the first in layout, but also surrounded by a large army of heavy protection, and is said to be an invincible master himself. The attack, the mysterious master of the Red Dragon Knight Reilada, who defeated one of the three masters of the Red Dragon Palace in just one blow, the intelligence said that eight out of ten were the emperor himself."

"It's too exaggerated to destroy the Red Dragon Dance's Reilada in just one blow."

Eltriega took a breath. He was one of the three knights of the proud Red Dragon Hall. He even had a longing for it. The beautiful and proud Red Dragon Dance was regarded as the Red Dragon. The trump card in the temple raid turned out to be just a blow. . . . . . The warlord emperor was so terrible, Etelliega asked himself that even if three of them went together, it might not be able to withstand the fatal blow of the red dragon dance. When he met at the beginning, the red dragon dance The female knight once defeated the three most trusted subordinates and couldn't find North, and the other party disdainfully stated that if it was a real assassination, no matter how many guards were in front of him, it would take less than ten seconds to pierce itself. The throat of this kind, and such a top figure, was defeated by the imperial emperor. Although Samulitai did not say what the meaning of the defeat was, but the adjective of breaking can be used to explain that at least it is also the degree to which it has lost its fighting power!

No wonder even the arrogant Aden military has given up assassination. It is really helpless to meet such opponents!

Eltriega sighed, and felt more and more that the emperor was simply a peak that he could only look up. He sighed and came to the window and said in a deep voice, "Why did the emperor come to the south of Eero, Unsure of this, even if we let the south of Eero once again be destroyed, it might not be able to move to the emperor. Unless the other party is within the scope of the explosion and can kill it, it is not very useful!"

"|This is indeed a problem." Samulitai touched his chin with his finger, and felt that his thoughts were somewhat whimsical. "At present, I only know that it is related to Pope Pudamia of the Patriarchate. The report of the Red Dragon Temple said , The pope also came to the south of Eero.” Speaking here, Samulitai murmured, raised his head and looked at the back of Altreiga in front of the window, the three descendants of the Holy City, Egypt The Royal Family, the Templar of the Order, and the Red Dragon Palace appeared in the south of Erow at the same time. This is not a normal phenomenon in itself, but Eltriega has been avoiding this problem, and this person has the Royal Family The secret prince, from the time of his escape, has been watching the sky in the distance, and seems to be waiting for this!

In the direction that Altreiga was looking at, Samulitai's eyes flickered, the direction was. . . . . . Misty sea! Where is it hiding?

"Tread" "Horseshoe" set foot on a **** in the southern hills,

"There are often storms around the misty sea, but the climate is unusually dry. It is like being in a long-term evaporating Chinese medicine hospital. Even if thatch can often stay wet for about two days after rain, it will change on the third day. Must be extremely dry,

The black-haired emperor matched the situation in front of him with the content mentioned in the information. It can basically be determined that this is the periphery of the sea of ​​mist. He stopped the war horse with dignified eyes. The black-haired emperor took over from the guards to provide it. At the beginning of the map of the South, it was another thing to look at the area marked as the Misty Sea on the map. It is another thing to see it on the spot. This is near the edge of the Misty Sea. This is a semi-plateau and often becomes a Mantian yellow sand area. Despite being close to the coastline, the sky still looks gray, a towering barrier, and a temporary thatched barracks

It is like the yellow earth under the grass stalks, which is made of stone barriers to form a circle, and the periphery is a piece of low grass shed. You need to bend down when you walk in and out. Otherwise, it will hit, and people will not be injured, but it is difficult to say whether the shed will collapse, but it can be seen that the environment here is really very special. According to Atelis, these houses are built with thatch The place was a town built of stone in the past. I don’t know the reason. The stone eventually turned into a powder within thirty years after the disaster broke out. Later, it was found that building a house with stone often collapsed in three or four years.

It looks like there is some kind of magic here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let the stones turn into powder unconsciously!

"If you stand up and look down, what is it like here, a round boat?"

The black-haired emperor's eyes were taken back from the map of the South. He hadn't thought about it in this respect, but the first feeling of getting this original map of the South was that the pattern of the sea of ​​fog is really like It is a huge round object covering it, like a convoluted disk-like object, the closer to the center, the deeper the color, the mist is not necessarily the mist. Atelis said that the origin of the mist is unknown, and the root cause is completely found. After seeing this, the emperor thought that the biggest source of yellow mist 1 might be stones, those stones that were turned into powder by some accident,

There is no reason for this change on land, if it is in the air! The land-based kingdom of God may have actually landed in the south of Eero, and has not left yet!

The laptop keyboard has been broken for half a month, seriously affecting the typing speed. . . What I can think of in my head, I can't type it, it's very sad!

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