Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and ninety four

In the new camel city, the blazing fire shines on a cold moon, and the sky is like blood

"It's such a big place that even one person can't find it?"

Atelier Columbine glanced back from the fire and turned his face dignified. Although the new camel city has the title of the capital of the adventurers in the south, the city itself is not very large, it is only a medium-sized city, looted from noon. At night, it was enough to wipe out the city. Atelier Colum ordered the Kentham army full of fires to ignite everywhere, turning the entire city into a huge fire.

In front of him, several generals of the Kentham family are extremely ugly, and this cannot be blamed on them. This is the new camel city. It is the new camel city that Asnerbock has been working on for more than ten years, unless As. Nabqken jumped out of his own, otherwise it would be almost impossible to catch him in his main city. The problem now facing the Kentham army is that without Asnabak in hand, he wants to replace If Camel City was stolen by fire, it would be possible for someone to come forward and testify, but this possibility has little effect on the Kentham family. The success of the stolen goods is always related to strength. Not many people will be interested in the truth

"His Royal Highness, Asner Burke has been the owner of the new camel city for more than ten years, and he is also a cunning adventurer. He may leave a dark road in the city. If so, unless we turn the entire new camel city over, otherwise "I'm afraid I won't find it," a general of the Kentham family said carefully, even if he didn't find Asna Burke.

Anyway, the fire of the new camel city must have been planted on Asna Burke. When the other party was breaking the city, in order to stop the Kentham army and ignite the city, this method of completely ignoring the lives of the entire city is completely in line with the adventurers. I only care about my own pragmatism, and my Kentham family has detached from the Southern League. Has Asna Burk pointed us at the alliance? We don’t admit, what can the other party do with us, as long as my Kentham family follows The Empire has redeemed King Erow. My Kentham house is the savior in the hearts of all Erows. The accusation of a small city owner will become a joke. A new camel city owner without a new camel city, in the alliance In the eyes of those princes, at most it is just a talking card. Is it true that someone will fight against the new royal family of Erow!

Atelier Columbine flashed his eyes and raised his hand. The army who had just killed the red-eyed army in the city was filled with violence. At this time, it is really unnecessary to scold the generals. Anyway, the purpose has been obtained, and the gain is far greater than that. It is expected that bringing this money back to Kentham’s home base in time is the most important thing at present. He does not even think that Asner Burke can escape. Since it is arranged in the city in advance, how can he ignore the most important person, The new camel city host Asna Burke, in order to catch the traitor of the Kentham family after the city broke, did not know whether it was because the city was too chaotic, or Asna Burke was too cunning. No news came back

Asner Burke is already the dog of the bereavement, even if he can run, where can he go!

Atley Columb grinned slightly, and had to thank Atelis, the daughter of the family, for including more than a dozen families around the Kentham family into the Kentham family alliance, let Kentham The power of the family has expanded three or four times, and it has the strength to resist the courts of the Southern League. Even if Asner Burke can escape from the homeland of Kentham, he will be captured in these surrounding areas. He only needs to wait to be sent. The inner ghost will send back the news! Of course, this kind of thing, Atelier Columbine is not going to tell the generals that this is not something that can be announced in the sun. It can never be said that he had already calculated how to take back the territory of the four vassals five years ago. Right!

"Forget it, regardless of Asna Burke, the whole army, we are ready to return," Atelier Colum said to the generals, the fire shining on his armor, revealing a terrible glare.

The Kentham Army rushed back to the camp overnight, which made it even more dead without proof

But in the darkness he didn't pay attention to, Atelier stopped her horse on a raised yellow-brown mound, gazing complexly at the fire of the new camel city in the distance, and behind her, the fifty thousand alliance army stood upright More than 20 Confederate leaders of the Southern Alliance flashed their eyes, and they all looked at Atelis. The princes could not help but speculate, but in front was the army of Kentham’s own family, what would this Kentham’s daughter do? What? If you can’t make the cruelty, then the alliance will have to consider changing to a supporter. If the woman is so cruel that even her own family can kill without hesitation, then the woman’s danger in the hearts of the southern princes will be More than the Kentham family, everyone is the head of the big family, how can you not know, people who are ruthless to themselves, and even more to others!

Finally in the eyes of everyone, the Kentham family girl raised her hand and spit out the voice and said, "Ignite!"

"Brush!" The spreading torches ignited the embroidered battle flags of the major families swept straight in the wind, and the wind was violently blown, just like a intensive war drum sounded, as if a flame was lit around the Kentham home The red first, under the fire, the armor and the blade reflect like a long line,

"what's the situation?"

Atelier Columbine's Kentham was stunned, dumbfounded, and saw the neatly arranged helmets, the towering bayonet forest was like a flashing river, the flag was like the sea, the gunpoint was like the forest, the light cavalry The cloak is dense like a cloud, the feathers of various colors are competing with each other, in a line of scattered fire,

You can see the queues one after another, strict, neat, with clear barriers, spreading to the left and right wings, the flag sea is blowing in the wind, all torches, and you can’t see how many people, but it is definitely more than several times on one side.

"Damn it, is the entire league here!"|

"My God, what the **** is going on!"

"Can't it be the imperial army?"

"Stupid, even if you can't see the style of the armor, can't you even recognize the flags of the major families of the Alliance!"

Such a scene, not only Atelier Columbine was a little stupid, other generals of the Kentham family were also blinded, because all the attention was focused on the new camel city, so no one knew what the army was behind. The time came, how long it has come, the most important thing, I set fire to the new camel city under the eyes of the other party and I don’t know. On this scale, I am afraid that there are more than tens of thousands of people. Whatever it is, for the current southern area of ​​Eero, tens of thousands of troops are absolutely sweeping all military forces. The main force of the entire southern alliance is 60,000 troops. Even the main force of the alliance is such a scale! ,

"When the main force of the Alliance Army entered the Kentham family territory, what time was it!" Atelier Columbine wobbled on horseback, his face pale, he thought of another serious problem, the Alliance Army The direction appeared, seems to be the direction of the Kentham home base! Atelier Columbine left a thousand people at the Kentham home base. The main force of the coalition army emerged from the base camp. It is conceivable that the Kentham home base must fall, and naturally it will not Someone told himself that the Union Army has entered the Kentham home!

"Finished, we are surrounded!"

"Run, this is totally impossible to fight"

The soldiers of the Kentham family were in a mess. These soldiers still had possessions looted from the city on their hands. Many people even threw their weapons to reduce weight. Now they see countless torches behind them. The belongings slipped from their fingers to the ground, and the officers recovered at this moment and hurriedly organized the soldiers to defend themselves.

"Don't mess with everyone, we are the Kentham family, the new royal family of Erow, even the Alliance dare not take us like that!"

Atelier Columb held a long sword at a critical moment and ran a horse, holding the flag of the Kentham family in his hand, passing in front of the Kentham army under his command, shouting out words, making everyone's spirit fierce Shocked, I suddenly realized that the Kentham family had withdrawn from the Southern League, and the Southern League was not qualified to do anything against it.

"For the rebels, anyone is eligible to perform punishment!" The alliance army suddenly began to separate layer by layer. In the forest of swords, a charming female knight came out on horseback.

The breath of the Kentham Army was violent, their eyes lit up, and there was a slender figure looming under the countless torches in front. As the figure came out, it became clearer and clearer, and the Kentham army was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth: In this strange and extremely murderous atmosphere, a beautiful young woman appeared! This is more shocking to the soldiers than the appearance of a prehistoric dinosaur. The woman is dressed in a knight costume, her face is picturesque, and her calm face is like a rising moon. The temperament that makes people feel pressure is captivating. She stood immediately before the army

Looking at her, some middle-ranking officers of the Kentham Army even unconsciously lost their looks, and the eyes of amazement and shock focused on her, seeing her clear appearance, and more people were hit by lightning: "You...you are...you are..." It's Atris! Atelier Columbine was trembling, his fingers clenched violently, and the situation he was most worried about happened, and the other party took control of the Kentham home base while he was not in one fell swoop~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Defining yourself as the qualification of a family rebel, and judging yourself as a rebel of the Kentham family, makes you a situation where everyone shouts.

The Empire promised not to intervene in the dispute over the heirs of the Kentham family. Was it because it had long been known that this girl would come back, and it also brought the main force of the alliance army!

"Surrender, Atelier Columbine, look at the new Camel City that is still burning behind you, look at what you have done, you can be so cruel to the family's own territory, you are no longer qualified to become Kenta. The future patriarch of the Mu family is gone. Do you want to let other people in the family bury you together?" Atelis Xiu frowned slightly. Everyone felt a pain in her heart, as if that one was in her heart.

"Don't listen to her talking nonsense, I am the heir of the Kentham family, I am..." Atelier Columbine's body on the horse wobbled, his face pale and shouted quickly , When will this family girl be inspiring! Faced with the pressure of tens of thousands of troops, the other party's words fell like a hammer on the soldiers who admired him. In the eyes of the people around him, he saw more and more shaking!

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