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: Three thousand seven hundred ninety-five choice

Just as patients who are recovering from serious illness are slowly recovering, southern Eero, which has not had rain for decades, is slowly recovering. As the yellow sand drifted away, there were dotted buildings in the ruins. Just like the wild grass destroyed by fire germinating again, the whistle tower covered with blue vines shows an irregular angle in the distance, and the rain is filled with the gray spires of the city ruins, standing quietly in this majestic piece Plain gap

"This is what you let me see?"

The black-haired emperor's curiosity gazed at the end of the granite steps in front of him. Of course, he came to the edge of the misty sea not only for curiosity, but for another important reason, the invitation of the Pope State's Pope Pudamia, Luke Feiya , A ruin in the south of Eero, one of the earliest ruins exposed after the edge of the yellow sand dissipated,

At the moment in front, Pope Damia, who hadn’t seen him for nearly a month, stood there with a pretty face. In a white long dress, his flawless face was crystal-like like jade, and it also showed a crystal-clear feeling of victory. , The whole person is like a mass of white snow, staring at a life-sized bronze sculpture, the black emperor's brows are slightly tufted, and the state of Pdamia gives a very abnormal feeling

One can suddenly change his temperament, even his appearance,

Can even the skin change? As a pope of the Patriarchate, Pudamia is a famous beauty in the south of Eero, and it is gorgeous, but because of the fact that the Patriarchate is located in the subtropical sunny zone, the skin is not as fair as the Nordic Barrow woman, but slightly With a hint of exotic red, and at this moment in Pudamia, the whole person's skin shows a snow-white color that is not in accordance with common sense

"Who is this bronze statue?" The black-haired emperor took a deep breath and tried to get rid of his spiritual influence.

It was a young man dressed in a uniform, although part of his face was destroyed by the yellow sand in the south, but he could also be seen as a rather tall and handsome young man, who pressed his sword with one hand and looked straight into the distance, with pain and sorrow. In the eyes of this young man looking into the distance, there was an unknown sadness, looking at the bronze statue, the black-haired emperor's eyelids suddenly jumped. There is no reason, this kind of feeling is very mysterious. I obviously came here for the first time, but why did I seem to have met each other, as if I had been in the dream soul, and the black-haired emperor knew that he had never seen this statue, The fate-like illusion is entirely due to the statue itself

Obviously, this statue has an effect on the spirit of the surrounding people. It is similar to a hypnotic effect. Seeing such a thing in the nearly semi-desolated south of Erow made him feel incredible, and it was indeed able to make the goddess stick Pudamia If you venture into the south of Erow and look for something, you can’t link to the word normal,

"I said this is the first pope of my holy city, do you believe it?" Pudamia turned around pretty, smiling at the black-haired emperor playfully.

"The first pope of the Holy City?"

"Yes, the holy city high priest Ferran" said the name, and Pudamia was full of respect. "It was also the first prophet of the holy city, the creator of the holy city. He founded the holy city more than two hundred years ago, and later Suddenly disappeared in the south of Eero, the establishment of the Eero South branch was to find the trail of the Prophet, and what he left behind created the prosperity in the south of Eero."

"The creator of the Holy City!"

The black-haired emperor was also scared by this name. The civilization of the Holy City was obviously a legacy of some kind of pre-civilization. It was actually created by the so-called prophet, but he vaguely felt that he had heard of the name, but for a while. I can’t remember it, but judging from the respectful expression of Pudamia, and being able to have a statue in the south of Eero, it is enough to show that Pudamia said that it is not false. Looking for it, nine out of ten should be the founder of the holy city, but this should also be a figure more than two hundred years ago. The holy city itself has a history of more than 100 years, and since the holy city collapsed, it has also been Eighty years have passed, no matter how powerful this founder of the Holy City is, he will never be alive.

"The prophet Ferran is a man, not a god" Pope Pudamia seemed to see the idea of ​​the black-haired emperor, and his mouth fluttered. "The prophet Ferran was born in a duke family in the kingdom of Langya and was a famous general in the kingdom of Langya. , Defeated the invading desert seven states several times, but because he was a royal branch of the royal family, and a famous general who could conquer good warfare and have royal blood was always taboo by those in power. It has never been reused, and was transferred to the remote area of ​​the kingdom to guard it. During the battle between the kingdom and the sand rivers of the seven states of the desert, the 200,000 main forces of the Languya Kingdom were completely annihilated, and the army chiefs of the seven desert states drove straight into the central zone. The king and minister of military affairs of the Languya Missing in the chaotic army

Although in the end, the Kingdom of Lan Guya ceded half of the land to the seven desert states and retreated the desert seven states, but the huge losses could not be compensated.

In the following year, the main force of the central kingdom fell, the royal family did not leave a strong heir, the central government was paralyzed, and the princes everywhere were ready to move. The first one to jump out was the princes of the Kingdom of Estan in the southeast of the kingdom, Thoradin Rocco, also known as the first emperor of the Istan Empire. He is dead and the blood of the royal family is broken. Therefore, Thoradin Jun is no longer bound by the oath, and has changed its flag from now on to the name "Istan".

In the face of this blatant rebellion, the weak central government was unable to suppress it, and the other princes with heavy arms were watching with a heart and soul. Only Ferran in a remote area took action and mobilized Twenty thousand troops fought against the Istanian army. In the Hengluosha area of ​​eastern Istan, the Ferran army and the Istanian army fought a fierce battle, which lasted two days and two nights.

Just as the news of the victory came, King Lan Guya heard another bad news.

Guarding the army rebellion of the king capital, in the **** evening, the king guarding the army surrounded the palace, the armored infantry rushed in from the main entrance of the majestic palace, the palace guards were fighting hard to resist, and the temple of the **** of war, representing the glory of Lan Guya, became a rebel In the battlefield where the royal defenders were fighting, blood flowed everywhere. In order to cover up the crime, the rebels set fire to the palace, and the cavalry of the brigade screamed along the street, "Whoever dares to save the fire will kill who!" The residents of Wangdu froze and watched The soaring flames destroyed the 300-year-old collection of the palace and the kingdom of Lan Guya. The next day, the rebel commander formally announced to the mainland that "the palace was on fire. Despite the best efforts, it was still unable to rescue the last member of the royal family, Her Royal Highness Princess Rosina."

On the third day, Karasu of the Royal Guard Corps officially declared the annihilation of the Kingdom of Languya. The princes from all over the country stood on their own. After three hundred years of rain, the once powerful kingdom of Languya was completely broken, and the angry Ferran counterattacked the king. In the first battle of Heshan, Ferran defeated the Wangdu Guard Army with 10,000 troops. 30,000. Karasu, who fought with only five guards, fled the desert. I almost became a captive. I only hid in the dead. In the past, after the battle of King Lan Guya, another 30,000 guards were defeated... Within a month, the world was shocked. Less than 20,000 Fei Lanjun successively defeated nearly 100,000 troops in the Wangdu area, defeated the surrounding princes, and formed an unprecedented and most extensive alliance.

The surrounding princes also besieged the Ferran army at the same time, swarming from all directions with absolute superior strength, from the southeast, from the northwest, from the coast, from the inland, from all over the road leading to the capital, the soldiers covered the sky. Knowing that the strength contrast is quite disparate, the Ferran army even competed with the nation’s soldiers, and even prevailed. Finally, the princes were forced to agree to use the Lancia River Valley, which later built the holy city, as the Ferran army’s enclave.

Pudamia’s voice paused, looked at the bronze statue, and then looked at the black-haired emperor "Warrior Warriors, this is very similar to you, isn’t it, and I can always predict things in advance, and sometimes I have to think , You are the prophet Ferran.” Pudamia stood alone, her slender waist was straight, and her hair was gently blown, her face white as frost and snow, her expression was calm, but somehow, she Give people a sad feeling-the sorrow that can't even cry, the sadness has penetrated the entire soul. When she spoke to the black-haired emperor, her eyes turned to the bronze statue, to the western sky beyond her eyes, in the hazy fog, looking up to the sky, her white and flawless face was covered with a holy light, eyes The bleak determination is revealed in

If you go back in time and let yourself choose again, how will you choose? Or is there a better way to achieve the best of both worlds? Looking up at the shining starry sky, the black-haired emperor sighed, dealing with Pudamia is the empire's consideration. When he was in deep thought, Pudamia looked at him quietly, at his locked sword eyebrows, at his outline A clear face, looking at the wrinkles of his eyebrows rising slightly when he was thinking, and seeing his firm and calm eyes when he was focused

Finally, the dark-haired emperor of the dark-haired emperor asked with a deep voice,

"What does this have to do with the sea of ​​mist?"

Decided to break this atmosphere, Pudamia invited him here, in the name of the sea of ​​mist, otherwise the black-haired emperor would not come to the appointment, because he could feel that Pudamia was already in a frenzy Crazy state, and can also run out of the wild collar heritage variant alive, there is absolutely a mental problem

"The sea of ​​mist is the place where the prophet Ferran last disappeared. The most likely is the entrance of the land **** kingdom as mentioned by the prophet Ferran. At the beginning, my ancestors fled to the south, and the secret truth was discovered according to the holy city records. , Just before the entrance was opened, he suddenly encountered rebellion from the southern branch of Eero, and had to give up!

Putamia's bright eyes were terrifying, she shook her head gently and smiled helplessly. She knew that the emperor had made a choice

"With the passage of time, no one remembers the name of Prophet Ferran. Even me, I thought that the prophet Ferran was just a figure fabricated by the Holy City. He even gave up his faith and wanted to become a church. The queen of the country, but in the sky temple of the empire, I accidentally knew the name of the prophet Ferran. Does your majesty know how shocked I was to hear the name of the prophet Ferran! The prophet Ferran really existed, this The founder of the Holy City even arrived in the mainland of Icadivar, and it is said that the place of the last remains of Prophet Ferran seems to have been discovered by His Majesty and even ordered to be completely banned by His Majesty!"

"Prophet Ferran of the Sky Temple? The man who created the Sky Temple and was subsequently expelled from the Sky Temple!"

The face of the black-haired emperor changed slightly, and he remembered who the prophet Ferran was, the prophet Ferran of the Sky Temple, the lunatic who made the Sky Temple cover up with all his strength, it is no wonder why the prophet Ferran was held by the Salanders Respect, and finally abandoned by Salander's top management, I used to think that Prophet Ferrand was a young man, but now from the time point of view, Prophet Ferrand in the era of Salander may be old, if Prophet Ferrand Is the first generation of Pope, then Pdamia should be a descendant of Ferran. Reminiscent of the descendant of Salander Ferran is like a curse. It seems that after the age of thirty, crazy signs will begin to appear.

This should be a genetic disease of blood

It is conceivable that the old Prophet Ferran was crazy and terrible, trying to copy the Holy City model in Salander, and the Prophet Ferran at the time was not the Prophet of Ferran at the beginning of the Holy City. Ya was in a state of madness like this, and even the top leaders of Salander felt terrible and unreasonable, but it was obviously impossible to kill this madman,

So it is simply a secret exile! Finally, there was only one female bodyguard beside Elder Ferran

The original records of the sky temple~www.wuxiaspot.com~The prophet Ferran was not a Sarande, but suddenly appeared on the migrating fleet at that time, I don’t know where I came from, I don’t know where to go, mentioned The names of the places made the Salanders completely unimpressed. The waters of the Salander are hundreds of miles northwest of the mainland of Obaro, but the prophet Ferran disappeared along the southern coast of Eero in southern Obaro. There are four or five thousand miles away, the Salanders have broken their heads, and they will not know that these place names are in the far south of the area of ​​South Ero. The elderly Ferran may really have found the entrance to the land of the kingdom of God, When it came out, it was already thousands of miles away.

Poor old Ferran, I guess I'm blinded

This transmission deviation is a bit big. . . . . . The black-haired emperor's eyes narrowed into a line, he always suspected that the land of the kingdom of the land was not on land at all, but in the sky, above the misty sea. This is why the center of the misty sea is always moving. Fee The origin of Prophet Lan is unknown. When he is old, he finds that he has a mental problem and wants to go back. It’s just a question of how to go to the air from land. In this era, there is neither an aircraft nor something that can fly. It's another matter

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