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: Three thousand nine hundred and ninety-six Empire strikes (1)

"You decided? ‘The black-haired emperor had a complex look, and his eyes fell on the fair face of the female pontiff, Pudamia, as if dyed with a layer of moonlight.

"The moment I left the ecclesiastical country, it was decided. Although I don’t know what was ahead, at least I have been fortunate to be countless times more than the ancestors of the ecclesiastical state 80 years ago." With a smile, there is no denying that a pair of Meihui is gradually replaced by Ru Hai affectionately, staring at the black-haired emperor without blinking, returning his fiery eyes, and showing the emotions in his heart unreservedly under the emperor's eyes, which is better than a thousand words 10,000 words, love words

It is not surprising that the emperor guessed what he was thinking. With the guess made in this trip to South Ero, the descendant of the holy city had a vague feeling that the black-haired emperor absolutely created the holy The prophet Ferran of the city is related, or they are the same kind of person, does the prophet return mean? . . . . . . , Pudamia's body flickered, her gaze looked at the dazzling starlight in the sky, her tall and enticing chest was more and more undulating, and her mind seemed to be all on the sky. Let the white moonlight fall on the body, and the gesture of finishing with this figure is beyond beauty

Unlike other ordinary people who blame the empire’s power on the imperial army’s ability to fight for good, and the empire has an invincible army **** emperor, as the leader of the Order, Pudamia knows the empire’s strength, The military is only an appearance. The root of the Empire’s real power is the new system and new model established by this man in the Empire.

In this model, Pudamia's original record of the Holy City discovered in this southern trip only found that the prophet Ferran did almost exactly the same in the Holy City more than a hundred years ago, abolishing the nobility and The difference in the identity of civilians is granted to everyone as a national. For the development model of the country, first of all, it is actually to establish the dominant position of the merchant system, rather than the later church model.

Pudamia hesitated, and her ruddy cheeky face, white jade-like teeth nibbling her lips, said, "Your Majesty may not know that the holy city that the prophet Ferran established at the time was actually not a holy city known to him later, but The same city built with a merchant system"

The eyes of the black-haired emperor flashed with surprise. In fact, he also felt that Cornina, where the Holy City is located, is indeed very in line with commercial development.

The entire eastern inland sea connects to the western continent, whether it is by sea or land, it is the central hub connecting the east and west continents, thousands of miles of desert areas and the north wilderness, and the western continent Obaro, Eastern Central China and Central Asia are separated from the Gulf of Aden. At that time, the three major regions had little communication, and they were able to establish the Holy City on the transportation hub of the East and West at a glance, and left a lot of room for the late expansion of the Holy City.

The black-haired emperor sighed inwardly. Sure enough, Prophet Ferran didn’t know the three major regions at all, but knew the positions of the three continents, so he vigorously developed business by occupying commercial traffic. Only then, the Holy City took a firm foothold in Cornelini. With the vigorous development of business, the influence of the Holy City can also be rapidly expanded. So what is the religion of the Holy City in the later period?

"The cult model was established after the disappearance of the prophet Ferran, and the holy city sacrificial corps gradually gained power." Seeing the emperor's confusion, Pudamia took the initiative to say that "the early holy city was indeed a commercial capital, not a The religious kingdom behind, to be honest, when I discovered this, I was dumbfounded at the Temple of Heaven, and I also learned that the monastery of the ecclesiastical country is actually just like the sky temple, hiding too many secrets, which is in line with the temple. All that is needed is left, all that does not meet are destroyed, the original true holy city is gradually deified, and all the books that do not meet the purpose of the temple are ordered to be destroyed. Even the prophet Ferran, the temple is gradually no longer inside. It is mentioned that apart from the real high-level, there are very few who know the name of the prophet Ferran. Most people only know that the Holy Light can illuminate the front for more than ten miles, but how many people know who the prophet Ferran is, and all they know is the temple Sacrificial corps, this is the status quo at that time"

For the holy city’s actions, Pudamia smiled bitterly, and was not good at commenting on the practices of the ancestors, but said that he can understand that the temple cannot always announce that the prophet Ferran who established the holy city is actually a business that pulls people everywhere. Businessman, not a **** to worship!

The temple is not justice, nor is it orthodox. This point, Pudamia’s long-standing confusion was completely relieved in this southern trip. No wonder there were many inconsistencies in the temple’s records at the beginning, especially for the eighty years. The fact that the former Eero was to the south, it even made the justice on the side of the temple linger, saying that the South Eero branch betrayed the holy city, betrayed the temple, and even pursued the temple ceremonial group, which eventually led to the destruction of the entire South Egypt. Luo's punishment,

However, the reason why the Southern Division wanted to do this was extremely vague because the Southern Division was very ambitious and had not listened to the deployment of the Holy City. Fortunately, the temple dedicated to records in the Nanero branch is still there,

Pudamia let out a long sigh, and the voice was filled with endless regrets. The beautiful eyes were sullen and said softly, "The Temple of Heaven is different from the southern branch. It has a neutral position, otherwise it will not become a thorn in the north. And the temple itself is a full-time record. It was established with the most loyal disciples of the prophet Ferran. In terms of identity and orthodoxy, it far surpasses the holy city controlled by the later temple sacrificial corps, as recorded in the temple. The holy city is not a holy city, but a dangerous place abandoned by the prophet. The temple mentioned that the prophet has said for more than a hundred years that the holy city is buried with huge dangers, which is enough to destroy all the dangers, so it is necessary to leave the holy city. , The holy city was the first half of the prophet Ferran. The temple recorded the trail of the prophet Ferran after leaving the holy city, and the last step was when the prophet Ferran disappeared in the sea of ​​mist."

"And during the 80 years ago, the records of the Temple of Heaven should still be objective." Podamia turned her body and said calmly. "After the disappearance of the Prophet Ferran, some people returned to the Holy City. The sixty-seven disciples and entourages who followed followed chose to settle down in the south of Eero, waiting for the return of the prophet and the establishment of the Temple of Heaven. These people established the prototype of the southern branch, using the eye of God and the Ruins found in the south of Hérault"

"These people have gradually developed another model in the southern part of Hérault that is completely different from the holy city temple civilization in the north. Unlike the northern city that does not dig the ruins under the holy city in order to conquer their own miracles, the southern branch I am more willing to follow the will of the prophet Ferran and take the path of self-development, turning the so-called ruins into a huge project that can be used, not just decorations used to sturdy. The result is self-evident. Although the Holy City is regarded as a city of miracles, it must be supported by the production of various materials from all directions to maintain it. After a long time, the sacrificial group of the Holy City in the north will naturally be habitually superior and despise everything, even if it is the southern branch. In their eyes, it was just a group of country robbers who only knew about farming. This kind of rootless result was the collapse of the Holy City, and no one around was willing to lend a helping hand. The wanted sacrificial group fled to the South to take refuge."

"However, after arriving in the southern branch, while the southern branch was unprepared, the sacrificial corps raided the southern Elo branch, not only grabbed the eye of the **** who controlled the big river, but even wanted to use the eye of the **** to control the sea of ​​mist. "

"Control the sea of ​​mist!"

There was a cold flash in the eyes of the black-haired emperor, and a heavy exclaim in his mouth. He really guessed right. This misty sea is definitely not a natural phenomenon. The final return of the prophet Ferran, it really represents the Holy City. The biggest secret! The range of the misty sea is four or five hundred miles. If the things covered by the misty sea are so large, it is not described by shock. In the mind of the black-haired emperor, it is natural to imagine a huge Hundreds of huge aircrafts are suspended above their heads, and they can't help but shudder. Such a large aircraft can already be called the Battlestar!

"It is difficult to say whether the Sea of ​​Mist is a land-based kingdom of God, but it is definitely a very powerful weapon. If there is an accident in the Holy City, then the Sea of ​​Mist may be the second Holy City."

Seeing the black-haired emperor's gaffe, Pudamia finally chuckled, and in a moment of unexplained excitement, a pair of slender hands lifted the cheeks with long hair, and said in a condensed voice, "The first generation of the temple is the prophet Ferran The assistant, who followed the prophet, participated in many unbelievable explorations. The understanding of this world is not under the prophet. Prophet Ferran gave up the holy city and was regarded as a betrayal by this assistant. This assistant who later seized power The Prophet Ferran was recorded in the temple's secret file, and it also mentioned that the key to opening the sea of ​​mist is the eye of God, and the sea of ​​mist can be moved!

"The sacrificial corps went dangerously and activated the eye of the **** to call the sea of ​​mist. Everything was going smoothly, but an eye of the **** in the control exploded, causing the area to collapse, and the river channel was suddenly diverted. It is said that many rivers were extremely deep. Evaporation, a large area of ​​water mist rose, followed by three months of torrential rain, the flood raged, because of the flood, no one noticed the sea of ​​mist that was originally located on the southern coast, just like a whistling wagon that had been activated and could not brake, overhead, In these three days, they moved closer to the inland area for a full three hundred and fifty miles."

"Three hundred and fifty miles!" The black-haired emperor couldn't help moving when he heard this. Huge objects of hundreds of miles passed over his head, but it wasn't just a scream of thunder. At this speed, it didn't take half a month to traverse the entire Eero area.

"Yes, three hundred and fifty miles, an average of more than one hundred miles a day, this is what the Temple of Heaven recorded in that disaster, it should not be wrong." Pudamia nodded solemnly, his trip to the Temple of Heaven It has a huge effect on her. The records of the Holy City and the records of the Temple of Heaven finally merged together decades later. She spent four days writing down the memory of the Holy City in memory in exchange for the sky. According to temple records, the truth of history has increasingly shocked the female pope, and it is even more difficult to extricate himself.

"If you follow the normal speed, you can reach the summoning place three days later, but because the eye of God fails, the sea of ​​mist finally hovered over the coast of the mountain range of 170 miles north of the coastline, and the yellow sand started from Luoshan. The mountains! Then it expanded northwards, eventually causing most of the southern part of Eero to become a rough place. The southern branch of Eero had to move north, but many of the descendants of the prophet disciples of Ferran still chose to stay in the south and wait. The descendants eventually became the princes of South Erow. Although the years have made these southern princes and family forget the mission of waiting for the return of the prophet, the entrustment to protect the Temple of Heaven is still passed down, and the Southern Alliance was established!

"And now, according to the observation of the Temple of Heaven, in the eighty years after the disaster, the sea of ​​mist is returning to its original location, especially in these two months, the speed of the sea of ​​mist is increasing, just yesterday, the location of the sea of ​​mist It moved twenty miles, and just now, your majesty did not notice that the stars can be seen here, which shows that the sea of ​​mist has begun to deviate from the coastline. The temple predicts that the sea of ​​mist will be ten days at the latest. Will leave the estuary position, "Pudamia slowly don't turn her body, return to the previous deity of the whole god, lightly said." His Majesty's army is waiting, and the naval battleship even reached the southern Kentham home, the nearest distance It’s only fifty miles from the estuary. Although I still don’t know what your majesty wants to do, I think the empire has invested so much power in the south of Eero, and even spared no effort to support a pro-empire power. In addition to the Aden’s old nest, the Gulf of Aden, there should be no return I can see what is in your majesty's eyes"

"No wonder you have been looking up at the stars all the time?" The black-haired emperor's eyes narrowed into a line

"Starlight seems to be eternal ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is still an end, I am just thinking, if the sea of ​​mist is moving, then is the sky above our head also moving, the prophet returns, or is not a lie It’s just a different way to return.” Pudamia’s flowery jade, her lips opened, like she used up all her strength, her shoulders shook slightly, and she suddenly leaned in the arms of the black-haired emperor, listening to her full of musical beauty Voice, a showdown confession, the black-haired emperor couldn’t help but tremble, and resisted the urge to hold her in her arms, just about to speak, and Pudamia suddenly took out **** and pressed on him On the lips, gently shaking the head, softly said, "No need to talk, just hold me like that, even if it's only a minute, don't blame me for being too direct, because I don't know if I have the chance to meet again. "Pudamiya's lips became hot and soft, and he took his neck upstairs from the jade hand, and the nose of the black-haired emperor was filled with the aroma of Pudamia's hair and body.

Putamia pressed his cheek and gasped lightly. "The Red Dragon Hall in Aden Bay has a secret file about the Eye of God. If possible, please Your Majesty can bring it back to me!"

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