Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight Empire strikes (3)

When the Port of Luxi was attacked, the tenth fleet of the Kingdom of Aden was beaten by a sudden imperial navy thunder outside the port. The black smoke filled the fire, and the fire caused by the warship hit was like a torch on the blue sea. The attack was unclear, and the vision around all sides was completely restricted. I continued to see the friendly ship being hit and the smoke billowing, and the ray of light one after another instantly illuminated the entire sea surface!

"The enemy is in the southwest!"

Admiral Anthony, the tenth naval squadron of Aden, quickly judged the direction of the enemy's attack from the thundering shells of Thor, and the sound had just fallen and boomed! A deafening explosion, hot air waves rushing in the face, countless pieces of wood poured like a rainstorm, that is a broken deck, the Aden sailor who turned upside down turned into a rolling gourd and collided with the side of the ship, and even someone fell into the sea from the side of the ship, A gruesome scream in his mouth, ah, help! Another flash of light flashed his face, and a huge explosion came to the side of the other search ship. The hot wind blows him out with a huge impact. Rumbling, the heat wave brought a lot of debris to this crackling hit the ship's side,

"Are you the first fleet commander to be killed by the explosion debris!"

In the chaos, Anthony felt that the sound in front of him was a dull sound, a blur, and the chest on the right was even more hot and painful. The fingers were all blood, and I did not know whether it was him or someone else next to him. This time The range of the shot was more than 20 meters. Fortunately, the mail armor he was wearing. A dozen pieces of broken and sharp wood chips were hung on his chain armor with red. Under the palm, all the fragments were Even if he didn’t hear the loss report, Anthony wanted to know that he couldn’t bear it. Sure enough, the adjutant was in a state of embarrassment and pulled Admiral Anthony from the Aden Navy’s Tenth Fleet out of a pile of wood chips. He said breathlessly, "Master, Our right ship's side was broken down, and the second-level cabin was destroyed by half. If it was not supported by the keel, the entire deck would collapse. If you don't switch ships immediately, you might not be able to hold on for long."

In the southern waters of Centralbia, the Aden Navy has an absolute advantage in quantity. In order to completely limit the guerrilla tactics of the Imperial Navy, temporary islands have been established on all the islands along the way. There are three squadrons of the navy fleet in these close to southern Centralbia. The patrol of islands on the coastline, using the dots connected by these islands, eventually turned into a big net that blocked the southern coast of Centralbia, and the range of activities of the Imperial South Africa Sea Fleet was greatly restricted.

The Aden Navy and the Imperial Navy have fought for half a year in the southern waters of Centralbia. Although the Imperial Navy has the Clippers and heavy artillery, it still cannot shake the control of the Adenian Navy in the southern waters of Centralbia, but for the Imperial Navy that has been harassing the supply line, the Aden Navy also looks for The fighter plane that was finalized in World War I, this time the main force of the Aden navy was transferred back to the country. In addition to trimming the **** materials, it also means that the dozen or so vassal kingdoms in the Kingdom of Aden have arrogance. The expansion of the Romanian continent turned the center of gravity of the Kingdom to the east of the Gulf of Aden. In the past decades, not only did the Gulf of Aden, which is rich in products, have been completely included in the bag, but also the territory of the power along the coastline all the way to the east of the southern coast of Centralbia. Only in terms of the coastline layout, even if it is not more than the empire known as the overlord of the inland sea, the toughness of the Aden navy is also an unprecedented opponent for the imperial navy.

"Did it break down!"

Anthony took a deep breath and looked at the ship's side as the adjutant said. The black smoke rolled up on the side deck, and the sea was constantly surging. The deck was all crushed by falling wood. Part of the deck was lifted like a toy, the debris above was messy, and many sailors who were hit by pieces of wood were wailing

The Deciduous Valley, the flagship of the Tenth Naval Fleet, was a heavy warship. Even in the southern waters of Centralbia, it also fought several times with the Imperial Navy. It was the first time that it suffered such heavy damage. The captains were also dumbfounded. It felt like they hadn’t seen the enemy, but they were thrown over by the opponent and broke their heads. How can they fight?

"Asshole!" Anthony gritted his teeth and wanted to vomit blood. He saw that the imperial navy had the upper hand!

The suspension and explosion of the flagship surprised the entire Tenth Fleet. The Deciduous Valley is not only large in tonnage, but also has a layer of iron armor on the outside of the hull, which is usually thrown on the stone, and will not cause too much damage. Now, the person who is fired by the fire on the spot and the side of the ship’s side is looking at Shocking, there were more than two meters. The seawater was poured back and forth, and the sandbags used to press the cabin were washed away directly. The bow was heavily pressed, bursting a scattered splash of water, but the tenth navy fleet of Aden is worthy of being in the middle. The Aden navy, who fought several times with the imperial navy in the southern waters of Biya, was elite. Although they were beaten, after seeing the flag slogans raised by the flagship, the ships began to turn to the bow with the explosion of artillery fire.

"Continuous attack!"

The commander of the Imperial Navy's forward fleet Chekhov looked brightly into the distance and turned to the navy of Aden to meet the war, waving his hands in excitement.

The imperial battleship's dragon-tooth ship, at a rate of 40 seconds and 30 seconds per shot, rows of flames sprayed toward a dense target in the distance, and there were flames of warships everywhere on the sea. There are embarrassing sailors everywhere. The red flame spreads like a disaster on the sea. In the southwest direction, countless fireballs are like staggered meteors. The battleships hit by meteors violently vibrated and were destroyed in an instant. The explosive light clusters released by the location form a violent shock wave, and the hurricane-like crazy sweeps the interior of the warship. The exploding flaming water column interweaves a spectacular and tragic picture on the sea surface, just like the leaves in the storm, instantly Swept in

"Reload, hurry up!"

"Happy, hurry, hurry"

"Damn, I've been holding back for half a year, refreshing!"

Various sounds in the gun bay of the Dragon Tooth Battleship of the Empire Squadron, the Empire sailors choked with a violent cough, the eyes of the sulfur thorns were all open, but their mouths were still yelling for reloading, reloading, artillery I can’t control that much anymore. Thor is firing continuously, and the gunners have reached the point where they need to cover their mouths and noses with wet towels. Overlord Strand surrendered to the empire. The Imperial Navy Fleet has not fought in the true sense for more than half a year. Although it can still fight ten guns per month against the target ship in order to maintain the morale and combat effectiveness of the navy, but For the imperial navy who is accustomed to the sea of ​​wrath, what is the use of the top ten guns! You have to know that a medium-scale battle at sea hit Li, and he didn't hit 50 people without firing 50 shells!

In terms of the forward fleet, in order to ensure that it attracts the attention of the Adenians, not only the Longya battleships are equipped with the latest type of the Imperial Navy battleship fast artillery, but also have enough artillery shells. A huge logistics group consisting of 160 transport ships landed on the south coast of Luxi Port while the forward fleet attacked Port Luxi. Six thousand Imperial Central Army landed with them, making the first landing after crossing the sea of ​​mist. Build a temporary port to ensure that the supporting troops and materials behind have a place to dock. The sea of ​​mist is only more than two hundred miles. After the sea of ​​mist moved away from the seaport, the imperial navy discovered that the southern seaport of Eero was connected to the seaport. To the middle of the coastline of the Gulf of Aden, there is only a small cape extending from a huge mountain range

In the past, under the shadow of the misty sea, because the land was invisible and there was no guidance from the lighthouse, the fleet entering the misty sea traditionally circled a big circle, and almost no one knew that the distance between the two was so close. The mountain range is indeed very large, and the altitude is very high. There are even large glaciers at the top, which almost completely disconnects the land road. It can be said that it is difficult for birds to cross, but for the sea route, a small cape that extends thirty miles is really It’s nothing, so it took the Imperial Navy only half a day to cross the small cape and then straight up along the coastline, which was two days less than the planned time

Now put such a large piece of fat in front of you, one by one, like a hungry wolf who has not eaten meat for half a year, screaming up, 375 degrees, lower three degrees, let go of the Aden, let I come! The **** grabbed my head, hit the ship's side, hit the stern, and broke the stern and couldn't run away. The various tricks of the imperial naval artillery who had suffocated for a long time, even the commander of the forward fleet Chekhov Came and fired two shots,


Antonius shook his head dizzy, the messy deck, the sailors ran to the back with various tools to extinguish the fire, and the half of the ship's side was torn, and the burning flame reflected his eyes, Fingers clenched the side of the ship, and the cold feeling came back from the palm of your hand. Anthony knew that the flagship Deciduous Valley was completely over. If you don’t give up immediately, I’m afraid that after a dozen minutes, the huge hull that has been tilted into the sea will kill everyone. Get involved in the whirlpool, cascade! The fast-turning hull almost passed the ship's side, and some even a few meters of the ship's side deck shattered and the wood skin flew across. Then the two ships quickly separated and pulled out a gap of more than ten meters. For the warship, more than ten meters The gap between the two is actually the same as the collision, as long as a slight shaking is the result of the collision,

"Submit the order, abandon the Fallen Valley, and the fleet march north to get rid of each other!"

Anthony's hoarse voice like a bellows, the order to grind his teeth. Eleven warships have been sunk, or are sinking, and the tenth naval squadron has a total of twenty-four warships. If it continues to fight, it won’t take long for the Tenth Navy Fleet to be removed from the Aden Navy sequence

The burning flame, the half-hull of the stilts are inserted upside down in the sea water,

"The tooth in the house sank"

"Cissellis sank"

"The Ssangyong was hit hard"

"The Cyclops sank"

"The Viper was hit hard, the Atam was hit hard

Luya Lux was sunk, and Kea shattered the rudder wheel, sending a signal to abandon the ship. . . . . . .

Anthony almost collapsed listening to the names of the war-damaged warships, and his breathing almost stopped. These are the backbone of the Tenth Fleet. These naval warships full of merits have not been lost in the southern waters of Centralbia, but they are It's a matter of being beaten into fireballs in your own home! Anthony's fingers were clenched, and there were tingling pains from his palm

"Rush out, you must rush out, even if only one of the entire fleet ran out, you must also take out the message that the Imperial Navy crossed the misty sea." Anthony shuddered, and his mind seemed to be tight. The roots, the sudden appearance of the imperial navy, made him realize that the imperial navy may have broken through the sea of ​​mist, which is a great thing. The sea of ​​mist is regarded by the Adenites as blocking the west.

And these decades have also proved that Obaro has not yet found a way to cross the misty sea, so the Aden Kingdom’s defense in this direction is not strong. Although a southern navy fleet has been set up before, the main force of the fleet has been Transferred to the battlefield of Centralbia, and in terms of the army, the huge recumbent Longyella Mountains completely covered the west of the continent. The huge glaciers made it difficult to pass through, even once regarded by locals as the end point of the earth 1, even Occasionally, some people pass by, but the passage of large troops is absolutely impossible. Therefore, the defense of the Aden Kingdom in this area is extremely weak. The war of the Aden Kingdom against Centralbia even drained the strength of this area.

And now, the empire is coming! The landlord who swept the entire Obaro suddenly came!

Anthony ordered the remaining warships to discharge a thick spindle array and make a full breakthrough to the north. This thick array is like a huge spindle. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The warship serving as the periphery was quickly set up by the imperial navy, rumbling, Blazing fire. The half deck at the rear of the battleship was once again lifted into the air by a violent explosion, and the hull sparked

The Aden battleship, which is constantly being shot, is getting slower and slower, but it is still struggling to protect the flank of the queue, using its own blood and sacrifice to win the first line of victory for the entire fleet.

The burning ship sails were burning in the sea breeze, and the sailors above jumped into the sea in a hurry. The bursting bomb with the burning flame was deeply embedded in the flanking hull along the gap, and the broken wood on the side of the deck flew horizontally, which occurred directly on the hull. After the big bang, the cracked deck finally could no longer withstand the pressure, and was burst from inside by a stream of fire snakes and heat waves. The powerful attack wave lifted the deck of the battleship like a toy, lifting the sailor above, Debris, masts, and even bridges were all thrown into the air. . . . .

Anthony's hands clasped the side of the ship, his eyes full of blood watching the three warships guarding the flanks in a intensive explosion, as if the remnant leaves rolled up in the wind were shaking left and right in the water. There was no turning back, there was only a desperate direction before!

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