Whole Nation

: Three Thousand and ninety-nine Empire strikes (4)

Kingdom of Aden, Maksin Province

Located in the southern hot zone, it is also a heavily affected area of ​​the tropical ocean airflow. The rapid rainfall in the Maxine area is very large. The average annual rainfall is more than 6,000 mm. The highest rainfall in history has even reached one. Thirty-thousand millimeters is a veritable country of rain. No matter when the sudden downpour, the corners and corners are often washed mercilessly, filling all the rivers and lakes here, and the rivers are flowing, Floods are raging. Especially in July and August every year, it is when Maxine rains the most. The rainstorm basically has no stopping place. The continuous heavy rain often brings serious flooding disasters to Max.

However, in the 134th year of June and July in the Kingdom of Aden, the weather in Maxine was very abnormal. Not only did it not rain, but it was shining in the sun for a long time. The violent sunlight roasted the land as if it was going to risk Like smoke, large areas of forest seem to be raging in the sun, quietly dragging their heads. The water level of rivers and lakes has fallen severely than in previous years, and individual areas have even fallen to the lowest levels in history. Due to the small rainfall, evaporation Big

As long as a normal person knows, Maxine’s seems to be experiencing the most serious change in history. Maxine, which has been raining all year round, has no rain, and the huge mountains block the view, otherwise the Maxine people will It was found that on the other side of the mountain range, southern Eero, which had not rained for decades, was now heavily rained.

"This year's rain doesn't even know where to go. We have done our best. But it doesn't rain. We can't help. As far as the current drought in the provinces is concerned, even if we dig wells, it's no different. The only way to solve this problem is to ask Wang Du to reduce the share he needs to contribute this year.” The interior officer of the Governor’s Office in Maxine, dressed in a black dress, palely reported to Governor Marquis Shati Woods this year’s situation. This year’s sudden change 1 The entire Maksin province is utterly coerced. In their impression, it is so common to rain, and other places may be worried about the dry season. Maksin, known as the rain bath, will never stop raining. of

But that's the fact!

Marquis Shati Woods's face became more sullen and watery, and when he heard that he needed to be exempted from this year's contribution to the Wangdu, he waved his hand to the internal affairs officer, and said with a condensed voice,'You don't need to mention this matter, it is impossible. In order to congratulate His Majesty, all provinces and kingdoms of the Kingdom have collected Luo Qi’s precious treasures to offer their kings. During the ceremony of His Majesty’s promotion to the emperor, other provinces all said that they had good weather and a good harvest in a hundred years. Find out a few so-called auspicious things to show that King Aden's promotion to the emperor is destiny. Do you report that Maxine suffered a drought that happened once every 100 years, and ask your majesty to reduce this year's contribution, this is not what you are looking for to die!

But instead of reporting to Wang Du on this year's drought, where would I go to find so many contributions?

The province of Maksin Province is geographically backed by mountains and the sea, and has a hot and humid climate all year round. The land is fertile, the water network is vertical and horizontal, and the plants are densely planted. It is known as the three granaries in the Kingdom of Aden, and the Kingdom of Aden's expedition to Centralbia Hundreds of thousands of troops have fought for half a year. Although some supplies can be obtained from Central Biya, there is still a large amount of food shipped from Aden. The domestic stocks have been exhausted. Just waiting for the grain to mature this year. The news of this year’s grain reduction was reported to Kasin, fearing that it would directly affect the entire plan of the expedition to Central Asia, which has devoted all the power of the Aden Kingdom, plus the great premise of the Aden Kingdom’s promotion to the Aden Empire. . . . . . . I'm dead myself!

The Marquis of Shati Woods wanted to cry distressedly, pressing the newly received report on the table with his right hand, walking anxiously back and forth in the quiet air of his office. The footsteps of Marquis Marquis of Shati Woods walking back and forth were interrupted by a rapid running sound, and a servant of the Governor’s House pushed the office door open

"Adult, urgent news from the Nylon Ancient Defense Corps." The attendant delivered the report breathlessly to Marquis Shati Woods

"The guy with Naxi's white eyes used such tricks every time, didn't he have any intentions? Last time, he preached more than a dozen bandits as tens of thousands of troops. This time it was even more straightforward. He said that the imperial army was killed. How could the imperial army come Come here! Don’t they know that blushing!? Marquis Shati Woods took the report and glanced at the content above. It seemed to have been the same as expected. ,

The Kingdom of Aden divided its domestic provinces into 18 military regions, because three-quarters of the main force of the Kingdom went to Centralbia. In order to make up for the gaps that appeared in the country, the Kingdom of Aden ordered the formation of the garrison teams into five new legions. There are a total of 200,000 people. The Nicoron Guard Army is one of them. There are 31,000 combat infantry and 3,000 camel cavalry. There is a serious shortage of horses in Aden, and it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to raise horses. The maintenance cost is high, so the Kingdom of Aden The army’s standard mount is not a warhorse, but a camel. The leader of the Nicoron garrison army is called Nasimo. Because he was injured by his prey while hunting, he is also called Naxi white-eyed. In order to get supplies from the governor’s palace, Nasimo looked for it. For various reasons, the Marquis of Shati Woods had long been tired and crooked, and this time Nasimo was crazy. What did it mean for the Imperial Army to appear in the Maxine region? Even the Imperial Army used this excuse to dare!

If possible, Marquis Shati Woods really wanted to slap Nasimo hard,

The weather became colder and colder, and a river that meandered away was like a silver belt crossing it. Under the setting sun, the golden sunset, the grass that had been declining, showed a large area of ​​gray and yellow fields, and all the fields were Withered crops, in the cool breeze, a team of black cavalry jumped up the hill in front, and the first one stopped the horseshoe. This is a thin young man, 27-year-old, standing in the foot , But it gives a kind of majestic eagle look, the wind of the hills blows the hair of the dark-haired youth slightly, and a pair of slender, cold eyes glance at the scene in front of him

Such a large area of ​​water network hills, even in the vast territory of the empire, can also serve as the name of the largest water network. The geographical location of this area is just separated from the northward entrance of the southern region. The town is dotted between this undulating hills, like a pearl scattered by the gods, and it is a unique softness of water. Although the vegetation is not lush, there is no thick ink that people in the north can not forget at a glance. The pine forest is not like the whole white maple tree in the central area. There is only a lush sparkling water network here, bypassing the cool breeze of the hilly area. The most lush plants here are low shrubbery. The river channel formed by the water also turns the whole land into a cobweb. During the period, large and small hubos, like the rolling hills, look like the past.

The Marquis of Shati Woods didn’t take the empire seriously, but he didn’t know it was a real wolf this time.

The fire shop where the camp rested did not extinguish, and there was a flame of smoke rising from afar, and the gray smoke column was pulled by the plain wind to the sky, as if countless flames were lit in a flash. Estante withdrew his gaze from the black line that appeared in the distance to the horizon. It was the Aden's garrison. In the wind, the red long tassel attached to the front of the gun head of the Aden garrison opposite was blown back by the wind.

"Sir, the Aden's garrison is biting up"

An imperial cavalry squadron leader raised his finger in which direction, and looked excitedly,

"He cyber cafe" Etstein's eyes were cold, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth. He was named by the emperor personally and was responsible for the army's operations. Such a flat terrain is simply the home field set up for the imperial army. The navy attacked the port of Luxi. After a huge pause, the army immediately, according to the originally planned plan, landed 20,000 imperial troops according to the original plan, of which cavalry reached 5,000, in the shortest possible time. Five thousand imperial cavalry were divided into 100 teams, each with 50 cavalry. Like a spider weaving a large web, the main force of the empire was also divided into dozens of teams, and dozens of so-called regional defense teams were defeated along the way. The imperial light cavalry team was doing its best The battle for the initiative of the battlefield created an atmosphere of pressure for the army. At the same time, in order to wipe out the Aden army in this area, the light cavalry as a bait really lived up to expectations. It can be seen that the other party does not know that he has stepped into the trap.

"Advance!" Countless flags began to rise and fall in the wind, and the well-equipped Imperial Central Army moved forward like a wave with lines

"One Two One"

The officer loudly stirred the blood of the soldiers in the queue, the entire row of bright spears dazzled, chasing blood behind the imperial cavalry's buttocks, it was the 27,000 people under the ancient nylon defense army, the leader It was Nasimo, the commander of the regiment, who was not well-known, and his appearance was correct. The small units of the Imperial Cavalry met with the Defense Corps. When they learned that they were the Imperial Cavalry in front of them, they were very experienced. Nasimo was also scared, but soon he confirmed that the size of the imperial army encountered in various places, the imperial army did indeed cross the mountains, but the number was not large

Thinking of the upcoming promotion of the King of Aden to the Emperor, Naxi Morton, who was just a local defense force, felt that his luck was coming. The battle between the Empire and Aden was not a day or two. Although the Kingdom of Aden won a glorious victory in Central Biya, it was hidden. He was still crushed by the empire. If he could seize these imperial cavalry and dedicate it to His Majesty as a gift, he would definitely be appreciated by His Majesty. Nasimo believed that the imperial army was turned over from the mountains. In a state of hunger, exhaustion, and lack of food and clothing, as long as the army is assembled, Nasimo ordered the garrison to assemble. When the garrison only completed three elements and two, it could not wait to start chasing the imperial cavalry.

Then he was attracted to the tidal flat in front of him

The flag of war is cloud, the black armor of the mountains and the wild, Nasimo has been scared as pale as paper, the imperial army ventured across the mountains, how can there be such a huge force! Nasimo could hardly believe his eyes. If he knew that the imperial army still had such a fighting power, he would never chase it. He had thought about the Bo once, and now he was miserable. He even hit the empire's elite. The soldiers on the side are commotion, as if they are being pressed against the chest by something invisible, which makes people feel suffocated. This is just the powerful momentum exuded from the opposite Imperial Legion, as if to drown everyone. general

"It is the regular army of the empire!"

"Why so many, didn't they say they came over the cliffs!"

The soldiers of the Aden Army were somewhat confused. As a local defense officer, they had seen such a battle there. Just because the other party's momentum was to rush up and eat themselves, I thought that the face was a group of hungry dead dogs. , But what you see, the opponents are all dragons and tigers. The dense spearpoints flashed the terrifying sharpness of the metal in the residual sun. A team of rumors made the embarrassing imperial crossbowmen who were all afraid of the whole Obaro begin to stand. At the front of the queue, as the infantry crossbow in the hands of the imperial crossbowmen was lifted at an angle, the sharp arrow made of the front metal was like a starlight. Just this murderousness made the defense officers feel like they were. The grass that swept through a typhoon can be crushed by the opponent at any time. The weapon in the opponent's hand is a magic weapon, and the weapon in his subordinate's hand is the fire stick.

The iron armor is completely covered, and the heavy infantry of the empire is like a steel monster~www.wuxiaspot.com~ holding a huge steel shield half human height, in front of these metal warriors, the atmosphere on the battlefield seems to be frozen, The veteran soldiers know that behind such a generally silent atmosphere, blood wars are often about to happen.

"Adult, our army's rear team was attacked"

An officer looked upset from behind, and in his original position, as a garrison rear squadron, the imperial cavalry who had been used as bait had been attacked like hungry wolves, like a flying eagle slamming Down, the world was filled with shocking sounds of cavalry, horseshoes flew, and the ground was thrown behind at high speed. The imperial cavalry straightened their waists on the speeding battle, like a tight arrow, moving forward and forward quickly, The cloak behind the black armor passed through the plains like a fire, like a violent wind, and the horse rushed into the crowd without any tricks.

"Kill" the sound of the horse's hoarse sound, how many people turned their horses upside down, how many swords stabbed into the body, blood spattered, and the cry burst from the chest! The cavalry war knives rose one after another in the chaotic crowd, and the dull sound of broken bones and fractures cut off the back of the legion

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