Whole Nation

: Three Thousand and Eight Hundred Empires Strike (5)

Hearing the imperial cavalry cut off the road, Nasimo's face became very ugly for the first time, his fingers clenched tightly, he knew why the imperial army was slow to move, it turned out that the imperial army was waiting! The regular army of the empire crucified himself here, taking advantage of the panic of his duty, and cut off his own way in one fell swoop. Nasimo knew that this battle was completely over!

The Imperial Army did give him a lot of pressure, but it was also a local army of more than 20,000 people. Nasim believed that the number of the opposing Imperial Army was about the same as his own. As long as he stabilized the array on his side, the other party would like to eat himself. It’s not that easy, it’s like two beasts encounter together, who wants to take a bite, but also has to bear each other’s claws. The number of people is about the same, 20,000 to 20,000, the other is not necessarily able to get much cheaper The consequences of the other party's hard work will also be very heavy. Nasimimo even held a hint of fluke in his heart.

This is an encounter, just like accidentally seeing both sides of each other's cards on the table, there is no need to block all the mortgages on this one. Nasimo still thinks that the Imperial Army came over the glacier, although I don't know why Will maintain such a high morale, but the imperial army should be very tired, not prepared for a real decisive battle

But at the moment when he heard that his way was cut by the imperial cavalry, Nasimo reacted. His previous judgment was wrong. The imperial army not only prepared for the decisive battle, but also selected the battlefield.

Nasimo looked around and sighed inside. It’s a good place. No wonder the Imperial Army chose this place as a battlefield. The plain wind blew between the two armies. In June and July this year, the rain was less than half. The green on the ground is east and west. Within five miles of the surrounding area, the rolling hills do not even have enough barriers to keep.

In the terrain here, the opponent only needs to put the main force of the army clearly in front, and he dare not have the slightest movement, but the opponent’s small cavalry can arbitrarily crosswise and control all the advantages of the battlefield in their hands. When you go to rescue the road, the army of the empire on the opposite side will be pressed like a tide, but if you don't go to rescue the road, the army is shaken, and the army of the empire on the opposite side is overwhelmed.

Although Nasimo was the commander of a local legion, he was a veteran on the battlefield. Under the situation that the forces on both sides were almost equal, the imperial commanders on the opposite side showed a staggering battlefield control and had been unequivocally told. He will be beaten after rescue, and will be beaten without rescue. The other party is to swallow his own 20,000 with 20,000, which makes Nasimo feel angry.

What a joke, even if there are 20,000 pigs, you can't kill them if you want to kill them! The main forces of the two armies haven't really met together yet, the other party wants to force themselves to choose no choice, it is too deceiving, they want to let the Imperial Army know that their set in Obaro is useless, in Obaro In the region, the empire extinguished Gaul in the north, Tunga in the south, and Central Baro in the east. It used Istan as its empire barrier, turning the vast inner sea of ​​more than two thousand miles into the inner sea of ​​the empire. In Obaro, the empire It means invincible and invincible, but this is the kingdom of Aden, and he is not the Obaro who trembles on the feet when he hears the name of the empire.

"Our back road was cut off, and if we didn't want to die, we struggled forward, either dying here or defeating the imperial army on the opposite side!"

Nasimo's face raised his hand decisively, and raised his horse whip, shouting. The chapped indentation under the horse's hoof was the edge of the former lake. His solidified posture was sculptured. The crown of the Aden Kingdom star moon vine gold leaf crest The flag is up against the wind, 20,000 to 20,000, the other party did not give himself a way of life, wouldn't he kill a way of life! If I want to shake the whole army by cutting off the back road, I haven't thought about retreating! The imperial army is strong, but it only counts if there is a real fight. The sound of the horn then sounds, and the soldiers also know that the road of life has been broken. There was some turmoil in the situation, but it was diluted by the sound of the tight horn.

"Go forward, there is no way out"

"Put it together, maybe you can go back alive"

The morale of the Aden army went up instead of falling. The densely packed marches forward like an ant, as if a black line cut off the ground violently, the battle flag above his head fluttered in the wind, and the front bayonet was put down in a row, The captains of the infantry shouted in the queue, and the sounds of one after another made the soldiers crowded more closely, and saw that the number of imperial troops on the opposite side was similar to their own, and the courage of the Aden army was a little less.

"Oh, something interesting." Estante's eyes flashed across. He originally thought that if the Aden Army was cut off in the back road, there would inevitably be chaos, and it might even be self-defeating without fighting, so that he could work without a soldier. On one stroke, he defeated the Aden guard in this area, but when the other party found that the back road was cut, he even wanted to fight against himself. This spirit of the other party commander also made Estanter feel a little admiration. In the situation where the other party was in the dead, they still ordered the army to charge, trying to fight a **** battle with themselves. It is difficult to believe that this is just a local defense army. In the past, the Obaro battlefield, even the regular army of those kingdoms, did not So courageous and courageous

It is a pity that the other party’s courage does not use the place. Obviously, it may not be clear. In the Obaro region, the prestige of the Imperial Army Formation is not to mention. Not to mention, the Empire’s crossbow armor said that the regular army of other kingdoms did not attack. After the imperial army formation, but at the cost of blood

Looking at the other person's self-confidence, it was almost crowded, just like being afraid that his arrow cluster would fall, Ei Sant didn't know what to say, it was because he was too real, this game , I just don’t want to fight with the other party, and it doesn’t mean to kill the other party. The first army of this landing has more than 20,000 people, but now the other party is bumping into their own. Passing the opposite side, the frontal impact on the Imperial Army is to find death!

"Crossbow shooter!" Estente took a deep breath and shouted

"Brush" Suddenly, the sunlight in the sky became dark, like a black cloud suddenly rising from the direction of the opposite Imperial Army

It was overwhelmingly covered by dense clusters of arrows. These crossbow arrows made a screaming roar. Although it was an attack, they saw a scene in front of them. The Aden soldiers numb their scalp one by one. Most of the equipment as local legions are The small round shield can cover only half of the body. Looking at the dark clouds quickly falling over the head, looking at the small round shield that can barely block the face in his hands, even the shield hand is blinded, and the other has no shield. The soldiers were even at a loss, and they could cover their faces anyway with small round shields. They couldn’t even stop their faces. It was in an instant, when many people’s minds had not fully responded, many people were dumbfounded. Still staring at the sky, the sound of a piece of metal piercing into the body, like a violent storm thrashing on the companion in front, blood spattered, the position where the arrow rain fell, and the personnel fell to the ground one by one.

"Attention, arrows strike!"

A shouting cry, but it was meaningless. The small shield that hurriedly protected the chest was shattered like paper. Under the rain-dropped arrow, the sharp arrow with a blood flower whistled from the thorn. Her body showed through, and some even nailed people to the ground, like a bunch of sugar gourds, one person strung together, a long bloodline appeared in everyone's present, the Aden army queue behind stopped all at once, Everyone was frightened by the scene in front of them. The two squadrons and the team of more than 800 people were gone. The front body was filled with arrow clusters, and the red blood flowed from the front to the back, just like a stream. At their feet, the soldiers were completely messed up, the morale that was just inspired was like a pierced ball, the queue was whistling, and the large Aden soldiers ran back.

collapsed! Just broke down?

Estante himself looked stunned. Would it be like this? Just after he showed a posture of breaking a ship and sinking into a wreck, just one round of arrow attack collapsed! Estante felt that he was entangled in this way. I was afraid that he would not understand it. The local defense army is the local defense army. They are arranged according to the first-line elite standards. They still look up to them. The Aden’s front-line combat troops are still very strong. I didn’t expect that the local defense army would be so embarrassed to fight. Estanter grinned helplessly. He really looked up at each other, and the situation was already clear. He was still spending time in a wrong fighter!

"Crossbow shooter cover, infantry forward!" Estanter ordered, he was already interested in this small hunt, the Aden army was so uncomfortable, the people were wearing heavy armor, and the armored horses covered with horse armor were shining in the cold. A large piece of it, riding a full two hundred. These armored armoured armours held the shield of the imperial coat of arms of the imperial eagle, flattened the long lance in their hands, and after hundreds of battles, blasted sharply and swept Obaro's imperial iron knight. Just let go here, the murderous will come out,

"Attention, armored cavalry"

The Aden Army was shaking, and suddenly heard someone shouting, and it attracted the attention of many people. I saw the imperial cavalry. Twenty horses were an impact queue, five meters apart, and the horseshoes began to accelerate gradually. The ground also changed from a slight sway to a trembling trembling face. The Aden Army watched these heavy armored cavalrymen from the Empire, and the Aden people shouted in horror.

\'"Lances array" sparse Lala spearman looked pale looking at the front rolling towards this side

But it was too late, but at a distance of two hundred meters, the line of infantry covered by the front was spread out. Two hundred imperial heavy cavalry slammed into the queue of the Aden Army like a huge black rolling dragon, crackling, fierce. The impact, the sharp metal broken sound of the broken gun, the torn position, the Aden soldier was like a wheat straw cut off, and a fan was cut off in the Aden array.

"Mother, I'm going home!"

"I won't fight anymore!"

The powerful impact of the imperial cavalry of the Empire is fatal to the dense queue of the Aden army. The Aden soldiers feel like they are smashed by the huge force on their faces. The broken weapons are falling like raindrops on the blood. On the red ground, the light and swift scimitar of the Aden Army, under the heavy nails of the imperial heavy cavalry and the heavy axe, even if wearing a double-layer captain class, it looks like a drawn spiral Flying out the same way, as long as it is in the collision position, the Aden soldiers will break like crisp wood, the front line touched like a huge meat grinder wheel, squeezing people into powder and plasma, the heavy cavalry of the imperial cavalry crushed strongly, and the steel torrents Next, second row, third row...

"No, I don't want to die." In the desperate cry of Aden's spearmen, the queue of imperial infantry that followed the heavy cavalry forward flooded the battlefield, and the Aden army collapsed completely.

In the south of Eero, in front of the emperor of black hair, the yellow sand that had enveloped for 80 years completely dissipated, and the blue earth like a mercury laxity suddenly appeared immensely in front of all Eero people. This is a pure land. Only the blue sky, the meadow like the waves and the blue sea, the gaze, and the glance, until the end of the earth is like a pure land on earth, Count Tamasu of the Temple of Heaven kneels on the knees on the ground, holding hands Pick up a handful of soil, breathe in the nose violently, a breath of familiar breath, a breath of soul-drenching dreams, like the imprint of the blood flow from the ancestors of the ancestors, and make Count Tamasu tears in the eyes

The southern part of Eero reappeared, and the records of the Temple of Heaven were indeed correct. Count Tamasu further confirmed that the Black Emperor was the son of the Temple of Prophecy in the prophecy. Behind the Black Emperor, the southern princes of Eero looked hot, After a series of discussions, the imperial emperor finally agreed to the power of self-rule in the south of Eero, and will be merged into the empire as a province of South Elo.

"I promise in the name of the Empire Emperor that the south of Eero belongs to the South Eero!" The black-haired emperor glanced coldly at the vast land in front of him, pulled out his sword, and pointed at the pure land in front of him. Say

"Long live your majesty!"

"Long live the Empire!"

Countless horseshoes started to run up~www.wuxiaspot.com~The earth roared, and after eighty years, the South Eeros entered the southern hinterland of Eero again

"How is your Majesty going to deal with the rebellion at the Kentham family?"

The rushing wind blew the imperial eagle flag, and Atelis, who had taken away the dominance of the Kentham family, wore a red hunting suit with long hair flying thinly behind her, behind her, on the shield The Temple Guards cavalry depicting the Temple logo followed, and the meadow under the horseshoes swayed rhythmically. In the case of the eldest son’s rebellion, the Marquis of Kentham reluctantly announced his obedience to the Temple’s ruling, and the Temple’s ruling followed. Tris became the heir to the Kentham family, and the Marquis of Kentham knew that this was the only choice that the Kentham family could make for their eldest son to live, because Atris settled the rebellion, and the Temple of Heaven It is customary to give the rebels the right to dispose of them,

"If you treat the rebels, this is not what I should teach you, but your own decision." The black-haired emperor smiled mysteriously.

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