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: 3801 The Empire Strikes (6)

Great Oasis, Siyamu Terrace

The topography is higher than the entire periphery. On the topography, as the only high terrain in the large oasis, the yellow sand from the west is blocked by the high terrain outside the oasis, forming a state where the surrounding weeds and sand coexist. The small green lakes are like a circle scattered on the Syamu platform. From a military strategic point of view, the connection point between the Gulf of Aden area and the desert area is also the first stop to enter the desert area.

.Because it is located on a plateau, near the desert, the vegetation is relatively scarce, so the climate is relatively annoying. People who just arrived will feel very uncomfortable for a period of time. It seems that the sun, the sun and the sun are much more violent, You can feel the tingling sensation every moment. Not only that, the heat waves from the desert area in the west often come with the storm, turning this place into a huge sheltered place like a safe bay.

All things have advantages and disadvantages. This is the first stop for Aden to enter the Great Oasis. The advantage is that all caravans will replenish supplies here. When the empire had not yet opened up the trade line with Central Biya, the Great Oasis was It can be imagined how many caravans come and go between the continent of Obaro and Central Asia and Southern Asia, and these caravans have to buy materials for the Great Desert on the Siamu platform. The Yamu platform is just a lot of money that can be earned by buying and selling materials. At the most prosperous time, the Siam platform was resident in a population of 50,000 people, and there were more than 10,000 businessmen, so a series of industries were born. Service industry, underground market, auction house, material distribution center, here is the economic and political center of the entire desert area, cultural center, various cultures from the three continents meet and collide here, forming a bright and enchanting Syamu platform Wind

The downside is that, within the 13 major oasis, the prosperity of the Siyamu platform is even as good as the royal family of Aden. The contribution fee received is more than three times that of other large oasis, but this is for the Su For the Hora family, it is still affordable, but all of this ended a year ago. The Kingdom of Aden and the Empire of Eero were fighting for Port Corninija. Scale, although the final result was the disastrous defeat of the Eero Empire, but the Eero Empire army broke through the five major oasis in the war, resulting in a serious setback in the strength of the great oasis, and then the Aden Kingdom launched a large army to fight back, the same is the big oasis For the springboard, the supplies of hundreds of thousands of troops are pressed against the barren Great Oasis Lords, almost squeezing the Great Oasis Lords cleanly, and as the most prosperous Great Oasis, Siyamu Platform is the focus of care. ,

The vassal monarchs of the Great Oasis believed that after the Adenian Army recaptured Corninia, the previous losses could be slowly compensated back, but unexpectedly, the national policy of the Adenian kingdom adjusted from the west, in order to avoid contact with the Obaro overlord’s empire, simply The road in the direction of the Great Oasis was completely closed. Not only did Adenia’s only estuary to the Inland Sea to the east be abandoned, but also the 13 major oasis completely closed the desert trade road. For the monarchs of the oasis, it’s a bit terrible. The big oasis is located in the desert, and there is no output at all. The only thing that can support it is the tax on the caravan and the huge profits of the caravan. Closing the trade road is equivalent to breaking the live path of the monarchs of the Great Oasis. The Adenites closed their trade roads, but there is no meaning to reduce the contribution money. The monarchs of the big oasis dare not speak out,

Suhola feels that the climate is particularly hot this year. Although it is a desert area, it is only the edge after all, not the hinterland of only one season all year round. Such heat is not normal. As the little monarch of the Syamu platform, Soho Pulling the seemingly bold appearance deceived many people. In fact, the heart is meticulous and keen, and it can be a simple figure among the coveted Aden royal family and a group of other oasis sultans who are jealous of themselves. How can it be a simple character, at this moment, in In the ancient meeting hall of Siyamu platform, there are 13 oasis monarchs who are discussing very important resolutions

This chamber is said to have a history of more than three hundred years, even more than the history of the Suhola family in history. The chamber is very large, but 13 people sitting in it seem to be empty, heavy, and rectangular. The table is also very large. It exudes a rich historical atmosphere. Facing the wall of the coat of arms of the Suhora family, the Kingdom of Aden is about to be promoted to the empire. As the vassals of the large oasis, the monarchs feel great pressure. On the surface of the big oasis It belongs to a whole, but in fact, under various means of the Aden royal family, there are many contradictions between the oasis monarchs. If it is normal, it is best not to meet, otherwise it will definitely cause trouble.

But now, they must temporarily put aside their contradictions and conflicts of interest, sit down peacefully, and discuss how to jointly cope with the promotion of the Kingdom of Aden. Once the Kingdom of Aden is promoted to an empire, as a vassal, they must definitely take a big Contributions are congratulated, and future contributions will also increase

If it was possible to hold on with your teeth before, now the Aden order to close the business road, this commercial line that feeds thirteen oasis becomes desolate. The copper bells of camel teams that used to travel through the oasis used to wind up in the wind , Almost never cut off from morning till night, and now there are only two or three kittens left, and almost all are smuggled caravans, the regular caravans have abandoned this route

The Great Desert is nearly a thousand miles long, and you need to stop at the Big Oasis for supplies along the way. At the first stop of the Siyamu platform, it is still good, but the price of goods has increased by two or three times, but once you enter the desert, the oasis inside is one black. , Because there are too few caravans, there are too many monks and porridge, and finally it is difficult to run into one, not to die in the dead, not only did not earn a penny, but may also spend their lives inside, before merchants can go to find The defender of the Kingdom of Aden complained that now Aden officially announced the closure of Shang Road, and the consequence of finding the protector was that he would be caught directly in the prison, and it would be hard to say whether he could live out,

This gold trade route is thus abolished. . . . . . The monarchs of the 13 major oasis did not expect to encounter such a situation. They even found a statement from the top of Aden, that is to avoid the essence of imperial merchants entering the Gulf of Aden through the big oasis and closing the nature of the commercial road. In fact, it is to let the monarchs of the 13 major oasis fend for themselves, because from the map, the land connection line of the Gulf of Aden in the direction of Obaro is the great desert. As long as the desert is impassable, the Gulf of Aden is an absolute security Environment, no one can threaten the control area of ​​the Kingdom of Aden unless the enemy can fly from the sky,

"That statement has been confirmed. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Aden began to restrict the circulation of materials to the Great Oasis last month. The people we sent to purchase also received strict investigations from Aden. It’s getting harder and harder to bring out the supplies!” Suholah, the little monarch of the Sayamu platform, placed a letter in his hand on the table and looked at the other monarchs with a wry smile.

Among the thirteen great oasis monarchs, he was a well-recognized pro-Aden monarch, mainly because the platform of Sayamu was too close to Aden, just under the sword of the Aden, what could he do without bowing his head, And at the just-terminated banquet in Wangdu, Aden promised that as long as Siamu Terrace stood up as a representative of the Great Oasis to support the promotion of King Aden to Emperor Aden, the contribution of Siamu Terrace would be reduced.

In fact, the contribution was indeed reduced, and the royal family of Aden kept the promise,

But when he turned around and twisted his butt, Aden declared a total restriction on the entire Oasis on the charge of the big oasis monarchs who lost their appearance at the banquet. The first one was the Siyamu platform, which was fed by Aden in the past. The civilian officials suddenly changed their faces all at once, not only strictly inspecting the materials going to the Great Oasis, they were not detained in various names, but also all the managers of the private industries in the surroundings of the Great Oasis monarchs. Take away in the name of a smuggling investigation. For a time, as long as not blind people could see, before the promotion of the empire, the Aden royal family had to deal with the big oasis. Compared with the increasingly useless status of the big oasis, the big desert was completely transformed into a rift that cut off the Gulf of Aden from Obaro. , Obviously more in line with the needs of the Kingdom of Aden

"The royal family of Aden, this is forcing us to survive only by migration!" Someone inside the Oasis monarch said angrily,

"Just by abolishing thirteen irrelevant oasis, you can guarantee that the Kingdom of Aden will fight with all its strength in Central Asia for at least 50 years of stability and security. We will do the same for us." Take a breath, as a little prince who was pro-Aden, there are still some eyes and ears in the kingdom of Aden, so he knows far more than these other cloistered monarchs. Other monarchs despise Sohola in their hearts, but they also know Sohola said this, it must have grasped the exact news. For a time, the council room was quiet enough to hear the sound of a needle falling.

"Suraho, did you hear anything!" Someone couldn't help but ask

"It's this time, now everyone is on a boat, do we need to hide anything!"

Sura River hesitated and said, "Well, although it is only my guess, the royal family of Aden is not as confident as it looks, otherwise it will not be determined to give up the big oasis in exchange for this rare opportunity!"

"A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Would you please stop selling the Sura River? Isn't that clear?"

"Okay, let me just say something simple" Sura Ho's eyes flashed coldly and said, "The promotion of the Kingdom of Aden from a kingdom to an empire is not just a nominal promotion, but more is a declaration of a certain power. , The Kingdom of Aden was promoted to the Empire of Aden, and the Kingdom of Aden could rightfully establish its own territory in the Central Abyssinian region, and even turned the Central Court of Central Abyss into a vassal of the Kingdom of Aden."

"On the expansion of power, once the Kingdom of Aden has done so, it will inevitably collide with the Falcon Empire that controls the central and northern regions of Central Abia. According to the direction of the national policy of the Kingdom of Aden, they will undoubtedly be the most elite. The field army was transferred to Central Biya, and the most powerful naval cluster was also transferred to Central Biya. If the collision of the empire needs to choose a battlefield, the Adenites will definitely choose Biya, because there is far away from the empire's homeland, the imperial army Nor is it the elite empire that has swept across the entire Nordic Barrow, but more of the recruits temporarily recruited by the empire in the Central Abyssinian region. A southern part of Central Abyssin can not satisfy the appetite of the Adenians. The Adenians want the entire Central Abyss!

The sound of "sizzling" was inhaled, and the other Oasis monarchs showed a stunned face. The Adenites planned such a big battle related to the national games of the Kingdom of Aden. The more the monarchs listened, the more they were shocked. The walls of the Chamber are basically black. Although there is a dry and hot climate outside the window, it is not felt in the Chamber at all.

"We can't sit still. I don't believe that the Adenites will be so unscrupulous"

"The royal family of Aden transferred the fifth army to Blandor, the ninth army went to Jadensa, and the eleventh army went to Yasuo yesterday..."

The Sura River's voice didn't mean to stop. Every time a number was spoken in the mouth, it made other monarchs feel cool. If there was any fluke in the past, it was completely cold at the moment. The three kingdoms of Aden The total number of regular troops in China is nearly 100,000. The three cities that you arrived on the map are the three directions surrounding the Syamu platform. This is like buckling a huge gate knife on the Syamu platform. Anytime, anywhere, as long as the king’s finger is gently lifted, the Siyamu platform will be wiped out, especially the few monarchs with considerable industries in three regions~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even pale faces looked at each other. I thought of the most worrying aspect. The Adenites are now being seized everywhere to fight against the big oasis, and their own industries may not be guaranteed!

If the Adenites are now attacking the Siyamu platform, there is no suspense at all, and if the big oasis is lost even if the Siyamu platform can still get supplies now, the other big oasis is really waiting for death. , This hand of the Adenians is really spicy

"If Aden can't get through, why don't we go on the other side, for example, who is in Konina's hands?" A little Oasis lord said in a subtle voice, and if the voice was small, I almost heard it if I didn't pay attention, but For the monarchs in the hall, their eyes lit up coincidentally. The Adenites are really deceiving people. Do they really think that this world has him, and there are no doors!

"You mean, Empire!" Someone almost shouted in surprise

"How do you know if you don’t try it! You can definitely try it! ‘Sura River also agrees

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