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: 3802 The Empire Strikes (7)

"Sura River, has someone from the empire already contacted you?"

Seeing the attitude of the Sura River, the monarchs of the Great Oasis showed an exhilarating expression on their faces, and it was not impossible to lean towards the empire. It was better than sitting still now. The Great Oasis was a mezzanine between the Empire and the Kingdom of Aden. In fact, The days were also very difficult. Originally, we could also use the unique geographical location to gain some benefits from the trade killing in Obaro and the Gulf of Aden. Now, with the unilateral closure of the commercial road in the Kingdom of Aden, from the Oasis to Obaro The caravan has been reduced by 90%, and now the Kingdom of Aden is also restricting the purchase of materials. Without the purchase of materials purchased from the Gulf of Aden, only relying on the weak production of the big oasis, basically is to let the big oasis die. Off

You know that the load of the Great Oasis is limited, this is the killer of the Adenites

As far as the Siyamu platform is concerned, the maximum population that can be accommodated is only 40,000, but because of the large amount of materials that can be purchased from the Gulf of Aden, the total population of the Siyamu platform is close to 100,000, exceeding the population of six. Ten thousand, almost doubled, this is the population supported by the materials purchased from Aden, because of the support of the materials in the Gulf of Aden, 13 large oasis are madly absorbing population, such as the situation All of them, even more serious, have more than three times the carrying capacity. These over-loaded populations are supported by materials bought from the Gulf of Aden

It is conceivable that once the Kingdom of Aden strictly forbids materials to flow into the Great Oasis, far exceeding the population pressure that the Great Oasis itself can withstand, it will mercilessly drain the material reserves of the 13 Great Oasis quickly. Collapse, the desert is not the interior, which completely eliminates the possibility of the refugees fleeing. In the absence of materials, the result of the exile leaving the oasis without permission is either thirst or starvation, or it is swept away by sandstorms, so in order to live, thirteen This big oasis will immediately become the cruelest Shura hell, with so many supplies, if you don’t want to be starved to death, you can only clean up the extra population

The big oasis will kill each other, and the kingdom of Aden can make the big oasis bow its head without effort. The fact is so cruel! And looking at the entire continent, those who can provide supplies for the Great Oasis, except for the Gulf of Aden, is the North Eero region controlled by the Empire!

"Someone found me in the Empire"

The Sura River glanced coldly across the monarchs of the Great Oasis, and very frankly stated that it was the Imperial Chamber of Commerce that contacted them. If they could get through the empire line, the materials needed by the Great Oasis would be necessary to control the fertilizer in the North Eeros Plain. For the empire of the land, it is nothing, let alone, the empire also holds the largest estuary in the eastern part of the inland sea connecting the great oasis, Koninya Port."

"What are the conditions of the empire!" At this time, the monarchs of the Great Oasis could not care about any face, and for a strong empire, they did not have such a face,

"The empire promised that as long as we invest in the empire camp, Koninya Port can consider handing over to us the Grand Oasis Alliance for management," Sura River's eyes flashed, decisively speaking.

"What is the Great Oasis Alliance?" A Great Oasis monarch glanced at others with a confused look, and the other monarchs were also at a loss.

"Only if we announce the formation of the Great Oasis Alliance, the Empire will officially support us." The words of the Sura River are like a boulder thrown into the waterhole, and immediately exploded among the Great Oasis monarchs. The empire is still conditional. The great oasis monarchs I feel that my IQ is rubbed against someone on the floor, what a joke, believe it or not today announced the establishment of the Great Oasis Alliance, tomorrow the army of the Kingdom of Aden will flatten their great oasis,

"Sure enough, the empire just wanted to use us!" Some people sneered, others stopped for a while, and the atmosphere in the chamber was cold.

"Everyone is not a child, do you still care about this? If we don't use the value, why should the empire support us?" The Sura River raised his hand and looked disdainful. It had long been expected that this situation would never happen in the Great Oasis. After the alliance, the strength of the Adenians absolutely does not allow the formation of alliances between the big oasis. Instead, it provokes the most of the mutual relations. In fact, the monarchs of the big oasis are also very clear that it is impossible for the Adenians to appear in the east of the Gulf of Aden. Yes, he didn’t mean to smile and said, “The empire recognizes the Great Oasis Alliance as the kingdom status, that is to say, we are not vassals of the empire, nor do we need to pay the so-called contribution to the empire, and we can also get Konina The right to co-governance!"

"Are you saying that the Empire will leave Konina Port to us to manage?"

An older Great Oasis monarch suddenly stood up from his seat, his voice trembling slightly with excitement. The Port of Corninia was a burden to the west for the kingdom of Aden, especially after the big bang. The Port of Corninia was completely abandoned, but for the Great Oasis, the Port of Koninia is the lifeline of the Great Oasis. When thinking about the prosperity of the past, all the monarchs of the Great Oasis took a breath. If they can really Obtaining the management power of Konina, this risk is worth the risk. Only the Sura River secretly sighed. The empire is an empire. Just throwing a profit that is not even a bargaining chip is enough for the monarchs of the Great Oasis to refuse.

The monarchs have reached consensus on investing in the imperial camp

"It’s not impossible to join the imperial camp. The Adenites can’t blame us if they don’t give way, but after all, the empire is too far away from us. Once we stand in the imperial camp, the Adenites will definitely retaliate. Don’t forget, the Adenites. Our 100,000 troops are in our brigade commander. That’s not a second-line brisket force, but a real elite Aden force.” Some people said hesitantly.

The monarchs of the Great Oasis were still puzzled by the fact that after the Kingdom of Aden defeated the Eero Empire, they still stationed such heavy soldiers. However, as the Kingdom of Aden ordered the closure of commercial roads and launched an eastward journey to the fullest of their national strength, they now strongly want to take Aden The kingdom became the Aden Empire, and the role of the 100,000 Aden army became clear. This is a knife of Aden 1 placed on the neck of the monarchs of the Great Oasis, nominally to help the monarchs defend the Great Oasis from the original The tragic situation of the Luo Empire's invasion was in fact a deterrent to the great oasis

"The Aden’s garrison believes that it will be withdrawn soon, because the Aden side has begun to ban supplies into the Great Oasis. Unless the Aden want to starve these 100,000 troops to the Great Oasis, they will withdraw their troops in the near future." The claim has been recognized by other monarchs. If the Adenites withdrew the 100,000 troops to the country, they would have much less pressure to announce the establishment of the Grand Oasis Alliance, but some people still raised a crucial issue, that is time, the Adenians Time to withdraw troops! If the Adenites evacuated when the Great Oasis nearly collapsed, then the monarchs of the Great Oasis would be unable to return to heaven even if they announced the establishment of the Great Oasis Alliance!

"As far as I know, since the news that the Kingdom of Aden is about to advance to the empire, the empire has been constantly gathering troops in the area of ​​Koninia," said the mouth of the Sura River with a smile, and the voice of the meaning was paused. And I believe The Kingdom of Aden must also have received this news"

"You mean, the time when the empire attacked the Great Oasis was the time when the Aden army evacuated from the Great Oasis, did that mean?"

Someone in the Oasis of the Great Oasis was keenly aware of the connection. If the empire attacked the Great Oasis, according to the agreement, the Aden army stationed in the Great Oasis would march in the direction of Corninia, which is completely contrary to the direction of the withdrawal of the Kingdom of Aden. It is equivalent to relying on the elite life and death of 100,000 Aden on the Great Oasis. This is undoubtedly for the Kingdom of Aden that has decided to block the supplies of the Great Oasis. It is undoubtedly that it will lift its stones and hit its own feet. If the Great Oasis is over, this hundred thousand Aden The army can't run, so the safest way is to withdraw the 100,000 Aden troops stationed in the Great Oasis back to the Gulf of Aden before the imperial army begins to attack!

"What if the empire really attacked the big oasis?" someone asked, the lord of the big oasis located closest to the area of ​​Corninia. Once the empire really attacked, his big oasis would bear the brunt.

"What do you think is the value of the Great Oasis to the Empire?"

The corner of the mouth of the Sura River smiled with obvious mocking, and the other big oasis monarchs also smiled suddenly, really thinking too much, who wants a big oasis, except for the endless desert, the big oasis has nothing to do. The only role is that As the existence of the road between the mainland of Obaro and the Gulf of Aden, in addition to commercial value, the other is almost worthless. The empire has vast and fertile territory, and even the fertile woodland in the middle of the Eero Empire is easily given to Egypt. The aristocratic management in the south of Luo, what is the place of the empire's heart in the large oasis in the dozens of deserts?

No, unless the empire is interested in the sand in the desert, of course that is the most impossible!

Just during the secret meeting of the monarchs in the Great Oasis, in a building on the Siyamu platform, put down the quill pen with ink in hand, put the report in the hand into a special leather bag, and then pick up the red seal Covered with a seal, a middle-aged nobleman took the secret report from the table with a serious face and handed it to the attendant who walked in,

"You can send that report to Wangdu!"

"Do you need to go through a secret route?" The attendant asked his boss when he saw the excited, slightly reddish face of his boss after receiving the secret message.

"No, just send it back according to the normal way. On the secret way, I have arranged bait to attract them. They will not think that such an important report will be sent from the normal way."

The middle-aged nobleman said with disdain, and said coldly, the middle-aged man who wrote this secret report was Luke Delf. This is a forty-year-old Aden nobleman who is over 40 years old. He has a sophisticated mind and Absolute loyalty to the Kingdom of Aden, settled in the Great Oasis a year and a half ago, and from that moment onwards, the Kingdom of Aden announced the complete abandonment of Koninya, ceded all the marginal areas in the eastern part of the Inland Sea that the Kingdom of Aden had mastered, and completely abandoned the Kingdom of Aden. The tentacles were withdrawn from the direction of Obaro. Concession was handed out to the Konina Corridor, which was taken back by the millionth army after **** battles. There was also a voice of opposition inside the Kingdom of Aden.

However, these opposition voices came to an abrupt halt before the Eastward Expedition Plan, which was strongly promoted by the high-level kingdom, and then the Aden army opened the situation in the Central Biya region with no effort, and achieved brilliant results. The Kingdom was excited, but this did not Does not mean, the Kingdom of Aden has relaxed its surveillance of the Great Oasis,

A year and a half ago, after the tragic one-hundred-million-level Koninaiya conference battle, the top leaders of the Kingdom of Aden made a plan to completely abandon the Great Oasis. The importance of the Great Oasis to the Kingdom of Aden decided the national policy in the Kingdom of Aden. The moment of leaning towards Central Biya is completely gone. Instead, it is always to guard against the big oasis, the only land gap that connects with the Obaro region. Even when the Kingdom of Aden was devoted to the national war of Central Asia, it still remained It is necessary to station 100,000 elites in the direction of the Great Oasis in case of unforeseen circumstances. This is becoming more and more unsatisfactory for the Kingdom of Aden, who has invested all the materials and energy in the east.

"One hundred thousand kingdom's elite defense of the big oasis is a huge waste, and the monarchs of the big oasis are extravagant and consume a lot of money in the kingdom of Aden. If these materials and money are turned into military expenses, at least three more can be formed. The scale of the four regiments is the elite of 100,000 troops, that is, 200,000 Aden troops."

At the royal meeting of King Aden, the Aden Ministry of Internal Affairs expressed its fervent expression

The Great Oasis not only did not support the Kingdom’s eastward advance, but also pulled a considerable amount of hind legs, causing considerable trouble. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Aden said that because the Great Oasis had bought a large number of materials from the Kingdom of Aden many times, leading to The materials shipped to Centralbia are seriously in short supply. In order to supply 300,000 troops from the East, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Aden can be said to be overloaded. The domestic materials have been so tight that it almost collapsed, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs must vomit blood, but The Great Oasis still has to buy a lot of materials from Aden, regardless of the general situation of the Kingdom of Aden.

Because it is a vassal state, the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot take measures to deal with it

In a battle of the Eastward Expedition, in just over half a year, the Minister of the Interior changed three, basically one every month, which shows the pressure of the Ministry of the Interior.

Hundreds of thousands of troops are expedition, asking for money, food, supplies, rewards, the military sings ahead, good news is frequently reported, and they often scold the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the report, claiming that if it is not supplies, it can’t keep up. As soon as the entire territory of Centralbia is occupied, the Ministry of the Interior is crying for the military’s arrogance, and the best excuse for materials to be delivered to Centralbia on time is the best excuse that the Minister of the Interior is unfavorable and the war cannot be expanded. It was because the rewards of the Ministry of the Interior were not in place. The generals of the Kingdom returned to celebrate this time. The accusations against the Ministry of the Interior were even more fierce. They used to be single-handed, and now they are all organized into groups. The Minister of the Interior seems to be a professional.

Under such circumstances, the Ministry of the Interior urgently needs an opportunity to reverse the situation. The Great Oasis is undoubtedly

After waiting for more than a year~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The time to eradicate the hidden danger of the Great Oasis has finally arrived. It is impossible to say that you are not excited. Everyone is eating sand for so long here, not just for this, Lu The content of the Kodelf secret report is "There are signs of instability in the Great Oasis." He is the person in charge of the material supervision sent to the Great Oasis by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In fact, he is also the author of the plan to comprehensively block the Great Oasis. The monarchs met in secret. Although there is no clear evidence to prove that the monarchs of the Great Oasis are suspected of rebellion, Luke Delf believes that the kingdom’s blockade of the Great Oasis has touched the bottom line of the Great Oasis monarch.

At least deep inside, these great oasis monarchs' attitude towards the Kingdom of Aden was shaken. Rukdelf has sentenced the lords of the Great Oasis to death, and the Great Oasis is like the cecum of the Kingdom of Aden. Only by cutting off can we guarantee the annihilation of hidden dangers! The promotion of the Kingdom of Aden to the Aden Empire is imminent, and it is not only the oasis, but also dozens of other vassal states and forces. The information returned from all aspects shows that these vassal countries and forces have contributed to the promotion of the Kingdom of Aden. There is a lot of conflict. In this case, the Kingdom needs an earthquake that can deter the surrounding Xiao Xiao!

The worms of the kingdom such as the Great Oasis should have been removed long ago!

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