Whole Nation

: 3803 The Empire Strikes (8)

The charming Gulf of Aden is the most sunny month in July. The golden light shines through the glazed glass on the brown carpet. This is a very daunting afternoon, but from the first to the Admiralty of the Kingdom of Aden A report, letting the important meeting of the Admiralty to celebrate the promotion of the Kingdom of Aden to the Aden Empire not being suspended

"The Port of Luxi suffered a raid by the Imperial Navy, Commander Anthony was killed, and the 10th Fleet was destroyed." This shocking military report made all the navy admirers present take a breath.

"Rota Road, Lumulang, Kassibe, three heavy armored ships, two were sunk, and one was captured by the Imperial Navy due to damaged tail rudder... What the officer said later, more It was the navy admirers of Aden who turned a huge wave in their hearts, how did the Tenth Fleet play with the eggs!, everyone is full of doubts.

Although the sequence of Anthony’s Tenth Fleet is tenth, it is not weak. It was really fought with the Imperial Fleet in the naval battle of Centralbia, so it should not be panicked by the sudden attack of the Empire Thor. Moreover, the tenth fleet is equipped with the latest three armored clippers, which has greatly improved the combat effectiveness.

This type of armored clipper is a combination of sail clipper and heavy armored ship. It is a new type of warship built by the Aden Navy in response to the Raytheon of the Imperial Navy. It has realized the technology of covering the armor on the side of the deck.

There were only five ships in the first batch, and two ships were allocated to the direct frigate fleet of the Gulf of Aden. Because the Tenth Fleet is about to **** this year's food and other materials to the Gulf of Aden, the Navy Department requires three other ships and the tenth. The squadrons headed north together as a symbol of the Aden Navy’s display of naval power to the entire Obaro continent. The reason why the Tenth Fleet was brought to Wangdu was because the construction dock of this armored ship was in Roussi Port, so the Aden Navy The Ministry was so shocked that Luxi Port fell into the Imperial Navy,

Aden believes that since the Kingdom of Aden is to be equivalent to the Northern Falcon Empire, it must naturally show the pattern that an empire should have

The Falcon Empire has the Barrow waters of Northern Europe, the Central Inland Sea, the Aden Empire has the Gulf of Aden, the southern fine waters, and the southern waters of Centralbia. The unstoppable naval weapon is the just completed launch of the Aden Naval Ironclad Heavy Ship

No one expected that the Tenth Fleet equipped with three heavy armored ships was just destroyed by the regiment! Even the port of Luxi where the dock is located was occupied by the empire

In their minds, a picture flashed almost at the same time, bursting with a long tail of imperial thunder bombs on the side of the tenth fleet warship, the flames exploded countless things with a shattered battleship shell When it came out, it was like a huge fireworks bursting on the side, but it was not the joy of ecstasy, but the cold despair. Pieces of copper and iron floated and rolled in front of the charming turquoise sea of ​​Luxi Port. Everything is like a dream. Just a few hours ago, these fragments were still a complete Aden warship, and one by one could not distinguish who and whose debris.

Especially in the three armored heavy armored ships, the Kassibe was captured by the imperial navy! what is this. . In addition to the welfare, do you also give a spree!

"This guy, Anthony, is not bad to die, but the armored ship must not fall into the hands of the empire for too long. Once the imperial navy has penetrated the secrets of the armored ship and mastered the weakness of the armored heavy ship that is our secret weapon, the Aden Navy There is no room to fight back at all."

An admiral's angrily shouted that the imperial navy had dared to attack the Gulf of Mus with small fleets, not only sunk and injured more than 30 naval warships, but also destroyed most of the large docks and other facilities built by the Aden Navy in Mus Bay. , The naval hub port that has been in operation for many years was destroyed, and has been regarded as a shame and shame by the Aden Navy

Then the navies of the two countries broke out to fight for control in the Central Seas. Although the Aden navy steadily suppressed the imperial navy by virtue of its quantitative advantage, the loss of the Aden navy far exceeded the imperial navy only in terms of losses. The Thunder God of the Imperial Navy gave the Aden Navy a heavy blow, although the Aden Army sang forward in southern Central Biya,

However, the Aden Navy suffered the tragic cost of sinking an average of three to four warships each week by the Imperial Navy.

In order to reverse this situation, the royal family of Aden exchanged the construction drawings of the heavy armored ship from the Red Dragon Palace at a huge cost, and invested considerable capital and manpower in the construction of the heavy armored ship. Five ships were built inside, originally intended to be used as a killer weapon to defeat the Imperial Navy, but unexpectedly, the Imperial Navy would suddenly appear in Luxi Port, like a sap hitting his head.

Luxi Port was originally the headquarters of the southern navy of Aden. The docks for the construction of warships of all sizes are complete. The most important thing is that Aden believes that the port of Luxi is absolutely safe. The sea of ​​mist eliminates the possibility of the enemy. As the latest type of main battleship, it also needs to be tested in the sea after its creation. The speed of the sea in Luxi Port is stable, and it is very in line with the conditions for the test of the armored heavy ship. The Aden Navy did not expect that the armored ship that was just launched was sent directly. Empire!

In fact, the imperial navy successfully attacked the port of Luxi, and accidentally captured a heavy armored ship. It was also a bit of a surprise. The three heavy armored ships were just equipped for the tenth fleet, so the sailors on the ship were completely unfamiliar with the armored ship. In the chaos, a side was penetrated by the imperial navy fire to the deck and hit the warehouse where the kerosene was piled up and a big explosion occurred. A ship broke out under a heavy hit, but in the end it was too heavy because of the damage. It sank after hours, and another ship collided with one of its own warships during a panic turn to escape, causing the rudder to twist and shatter, and accidentally became a captive of the Imperial Navy

"I'm going to Your Majesty to inform the Ministry of Intelligence, at all costs, I want to know what happened in Luxi Port"

Aden Navy Secretary Spak Sanfi, who was wearing a black and red straight military uniform, took a deep breath. The Imperial Navy stormed the port of Roussie. Two armored warships were lost and one was captured by the Imperial Navy. The situation was so serious that it could not be concealed. He believed the Kingdom The Ministry of Intelligence should have received the same report. He took the military cap from the adjutant behind him, and hurriedly walked down the stairs to the admiralty wagon parked outside the building door.

In fact, the three armored heavy ships representing the most advanced technology of the Aden Navy were all abandoned without actually entering the battle! If the Secretary of the Aden Navy, Spak Sanfi, knows this truth, I'm afraid I have to cry and laugh!

For the captured Aden battleship, the imperial navy did not pay special attention to it. The commander of the imperial navy forward fleet, who attacked Ruxi Port, Chekov, because of lack of sufficient vision and contempt for the Aden navy, just regarded it as a ship. Ordinary large battleships do not yet know that the news of the loss of three heavy armored ships has caused tensions in the Aden Naval Base Camp. If it is not yet clear about the Imperial Navy’s information, it is not known the truth of the Imperial Navy that attacked the Port of Luxi. In terms of quantity, the Aden Admiralty may have come out of the nest, and all the Kingdom’s naval fleets will have to recapture Luxi Port!

Sparky Sanfi looked anxiously out of the window, and six lightly dressed Aden knights guarded the carriage into the **** iron gate in front of the Aden palace

With a slight meal in the carriage, the goal was achieved

Walking down the carriage, Spark Sanfi looked at the white marble steps on the left. His eyes narrowed unexpectedly. He saw that another carriage that was similar to his style had been parked at the front step position in advance. It was a car door. On the carriage with the emblem of silver stars and yellow moon, under the emblem are two Aden knights holding a spear in their hands, the chapter of bravery, this is the mark of the Aden Military Department, and Spark Sanfi can’t help but scold I’m really stupid. The imperial navy’s attack on Roussi port is definitely not just to hit the tenth fleet. The real purpose of the imperial navy should be to clear the target for the landing of the army.

The Luxi Port, capable of building heavy armored warships, was suddenly attacked by the Imperial Navy. It should be just an accident! The Imperial Navy should not yet know the value of heavy armored ships! Things should not have reached the dangerous situation that they expected. As long as the army recaptures Luxi Port, this hidden danger can be solved.

Spark Sanfi relieved,

"How long has Lord O'Sony gone up?"

"Sir O'Sony just went up five minutes ago!" Answer from the guardian of the king's palace on the steps

"Five minutes ago, okay, thank you!" Spark Sanfi said with a bitter grin on his lips. Counting the distance from the military department to here, it was 500 meters shorter than the distance from the navy department. He can know that the army received The time to intelligence is comparable to the Admiralty

Spark Sanfi seemed to inadvertently inquire about the guards under the steps. The Admiralty received the report one hour ago, and the time was inquired. You can basically know that the Army attaches importance to this matter. I asked myself, would you like to report this to your majesty? You should know that the promotion of the Kingdom of Aden to the Aden Empire is not as easy as the outside world sees. It seems that the entire Kingdom of Aden is celebrated all over the world, and it is logical to wait for Aden to become an empire. In fact, who knows that the Admiralty Department of the Kingdom of Aden and the Army Department of the Army have actually strained their nerves,

The promotion of the Kingdom of Aden to the Aden Empire was not only driven by the expansion of influence, the extension of the territory of power, but also the expression of more concentrated domination. This will inevitably cause dissatisfaction around the country. The dozen or so vassals and kingdoms that the Aden Kingdom originally belonged to They all resisted this incident coincidentally, but they dared not stand up blatantly

In order to control the situation and keep abreast of the trends of the surrounding forces, the Kingdom Intelligence Department has been busy and crazy during this time. Various line reports are flying like snow flakes. All things that are small and detailed must be reported in order to screen out the useful information. The Aden Intelligence Department carried out three shifts in 24 hours. The informants lurking in the vassals of various forces also opened their eyes, and immediately reported to the wind and grass, and the Aden army also mobilized frequently. The sword was out of the sheath and the bow was wound. Is a true portrayal of the current situation

In the military

The Kingdom of Aden transferred the main force of the Navy back to the Gulf of Aden, and brought back the elite soldiers who had expeditioned to Central Biya, is it really just to celebrate the promotion of the empire? Don't joke, this is a real crossbow, showing muscles, whoever dares not to beat it! In terms of the empire, after knowing that the Kingdom of Aden was to be promoted to the Empire of Aden, the eminent general Varisian immediately assembled a large number of troops on the Corninia side, and showed a eager attitude. The Kingdom of Aden wanted to become Aden. The empire has become an overlord in the same position as the Falcon Empire in the north. Since ancient times, the national dignity has only been under the sword!

This is also the reason why the Kingdom of Aden decided to close the big oasis. The Adenians are very clear that the Kingdom of Aden is still a little weaker with the Imperial Land Warlords who swept the entire Nordic Barrow. However, the unique desert makes the Aden Kingdom one more layer. Heaven, unless the imperial army can fly over! If someone had said this before, it would be regarded as a joke, but at this moment, judging from the situation in which Ozoni hurried over, Spark Sanfi couldn’t help but have a pause, since the Imperial Navy could suddenly appear in Port Roussi , Then the Imperial Army will not really fly over! Sparky Sanfi's face changed,

In the past, I just watched the countries of the Obaro continent being abused by the imperial army. The kingdom of Aden was always able to stand in a safe position, and this time, the imperial army really came! He dared not delay any more, and quickly walked up to the marble steps in front of him. The sun in the Gulf of Aden in July shone on Spark Sanfi, but he did not bring him the slightest warmth.

"The imperial army crossed the ancient Luke Mountains and appeared in Maksin Province. The local nylon ancient defense corps hastily faced the battle and lost 18,000 people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is still holding the capital of the province." In the hall of King Aden’s hall, the military minister of the Kingdom of Aden, Ozoni, turned his back ugly and looked at the map of Aden on the wall.

"After turning over the towering ancient Luke Mountains, you still have the strength to defeat the Nylon Ancient Defense Corps.... The battle damage of 18,000 people. Are you telling me a joke! Aussie's face is cold. Turned around, his eyes cold as a sword, the ancient Luke Mountain was regarded as a mountain by the Adenites. In fact, over the years, there has never been any record of a large corps successfully surpassing, not only because of the high mountains, but also because Most parts of the ancient Luke Mountains are composed of hard ice faults, and the roads are almost impassable. Unless someone climbs up and down from the glacial faults, they cannot pass through the ancient Luke Mountains, let alone wear them. Icy iron armor and heavy weapons

'Your Majesty, "A royal palace attendant came in with a report, King Aden took a glance at the report, and the intelligence department sent an original, which read "The Great Oasis has Signs of instability "King Aden's breath suddenly sinks a bit. Is the empire wanting to hit with two lines! He raised his head and saw Navy Secretary Spak Sanfi appearing at the door

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