Whole Nation

: 3808 Will and ambition (2)

In the south of Aden, the white waves were crushed layer by layer by the huge hull, pushing the current to slowly turn the battleship forward

On the turquoise sea, a fleet of Aden navy is heading towards the southern waters. This is the eighth squadron of the Aden navy. Twenty warships and sailing fast ships on each wing follow behind it, breaking the sea like a storm. The white line spreads to both sides centered on the flagship Hanlab, and the night has gradually sagged down. The sunset sprinkled from the west, reflected on the sea, and the waves were rugged. Between the sea and the sky, if there is blood. The commander of the eighth squadron of the Kingdom of Aden, Priefis, was wearing a black admiral uniform and stood on the deck, looking at the direction of the distant coastline. Two days ago, the Royal Navy Department informed the tenth fleet that it had been attacked by the Imperial Navy. The entire army of Ruxi Port in the south was annihilated, and two of the three Aden Navy’s latest armored warships were sunk, and one was captured by the empire!

This news shocked the entire Aden Navy

Subsequently, the eighth squadron stationed at the mouth of the Gulf of Aden received an order to go south immediately. The Admiralty of Aden ordered the eighth squadron to go to Gude waters north of Luxi Port.

"The imperial navy has the habit of sneak attacks. The port of Luxi was originally a junction in the southern waters of the kingdom of Aden. It was a barrier that prevented any forces from entering the prairie of the Gulf of Aden. Now this barrier is breached by the imperial navy, which means that the imperial navy may be at any time. Going north along the coastline, it poses a huge threat to the entire core area of ​​the Gulf of Aden, so it must be taken back to Luxi Port. The imperial navy can sneak attack, and the Aden navy can do it. The sneak attack on the sneak attack, even if the desired effect is not achieved, at least it will drag At the pace of the imperial navy's northward advance, the Admiralty Department of the Kingdom of Aden on the one hand urgently dispatched troops to deploy the combat plan for the imperial navy, on the other hand, it ordered the eighth squadron to the south, and the eighth squadron served as the Gulf of Aden The direct defensive fleet has 22 warships, 19 sailing ships, 5,486 people in the fleet, and Commander Plyphis comes from the famous family of the Kingdom, the Puli family, and has a very rich maritime battle. experience

Waiting for the opportunity in the Gutu sea area, you can sink the captured armored ship if necessary. The order issued by the Admiralty of the Kingdom of Aden contains a deep grudge, and I will never forget the armored ship captured by the Imperial Navy.

"Enemies that can destroy the whole army beat by the 10th Fleet are afraid that they will not be so easily attacked."

The squadron commander Priefisi was very helpless about the Admiralty's combat plan, and made a stretch and relaxation movement. Although the Imperial Navy stormed the Port of Roussie, after successfully succeeding, it did not mean to continue to advance north. Therefore, the entire sea area should still be under the control of the Aden navy. The Aden navy fully controls the sea power. In this case, it is the safest way to gather superior troops and go south again. However, the Aden navy department does not know what the reason is and orders The eighth squadron went to attack the port of Luxi

The adjutant had been waiting by the side for a long time, and whispered and respectfully reported, "Commander, there are fifty miles to enter the sea of ​​Gutu.

"I see." Plyfis looked faint. Even a little tired, frowning, the lieutenant bowed and did not step back. Instead, he presented a document with both hands.

"What is this?" Plyphis took it in doubt and opened it. Inside was a fiery red envelope of the Admiralty: "What? "

"This admiralty department sent it secretly before the fleet was launched, and it was designated to wait until the Gutu waters were read to the commander..." said later. The lieutenant still didn't control his mouth, and added a few words, "It seems...it seems to replace the file of the previous combat command"

"Oh?" Pulfis whispered in surprise. He hurriedly reached out to open the document, and his eyes swept. His eyes suddenly turned bright. The main part of the Kingdom’s Admiralty had already opened the Gulf of Aden, and the eighth squadron’s attack on Luxi Port was only to confuse the imperial navy. If the unsuccessful attack on the entire fleet of the Tenth Fleet is defeated, it is believed to be enough to arouse the high attention of the imperial navy. Most of the forces will be placed in the port of Luxi. When the main force of the Aden Navy arrives in the port of Luxi, you can complete the battle and fight! The strategic intention of the Kingdom Admiralty is very clear, that is, to use oneself to hang the main force of the imperial navy, and then unknowingly mobilize the main force of the Aden navy to launch a full-scale attack

By sneak attack vs sneak attack, it turned out to mean this!

Plyphis admired the Kingdom Department’s plan. He took the new order in his arms and took a deep breath. At this time, there was a commotion from the direction of the front deck. Fez immediately looked up at the lookout on the mast, and showed no sign of encountering the enemy.

"Commander, the remains of an Aden navy battleship of the 10th Fleet are found ahead, and it seems to have hit the rocks." A sailor hurried over.

The atmosphere around them suddenly became heavy. They all knew that the 10th Fleet was destroyed in Luxi Port, but this was different from what they actually saw. An Aden battleship that broke out from Luxi Port, the entire hull was ruined. The hole was half resting on a dark brown reef. It should have been hit by any way at night. The deck collapsed halfway. The huge hull was full of mess. The towering five masts were like branches in the night. The entire mast was It's black, with sails torn into pieces of cloth, and Pryphis' eyebrows are tight, his body is straight, and his thin body is facing the wind, full of the sword's breath,

A small sunbird-shaped flag that gazed at the top of the mast, and Phelps' face slightly moved, it was the Aura with the title of unsinkable ship. This is no wonder, even if it hits the reef, it can be saved. Tenth The Aura of the squadron is famous in the Aden navy, not because of how good the Aura is, but because the Aura used the unique design of the sub-cabin for the first time. This design greatly enhanced the stability of the battleship. There were cases where half of the side decks were destroyed and the hull was still not sunk. Therefore, the sailors all called the Aura as an unsinkable ship. Although the name was unpleasant, it was the sailor’s favorite warship and was able to return to the port alive. Is the greatest luck.

"Unexpectedly, even the Aura..."

The adjutant's face is ugly. The Aden navy warship has the best warship structure of this era. If it is only defensive capability, even the imperial navy cannot compare with the Aden navy. The Aden kingdom has mastered a considerable degree of compartment technology, and there are a considerable number in the hull. The attached bunker and the baffle used to block water leakage are just that the damage caused by the near missed bomb is simply not enough to be fatal, and it does not even affect their performance.

"The command flag was hoisted, and the fleet was heading south at full speed!" Priefis ordered with a grim look. The imperial navy was famous for sneak attacks. This time I also felt the feeling of being attacked. The sails of the battleship were all pulled up. He was blown into a bulging hemisphere by the fierce sea breeze, and the eighth squadron drove towards the Luxi port in the south,

Late at night, the eighth squadron appeared in the waters outside Luxi Port,

"Order, the whole fleet is ready for battle, enter!"

After observing the port for a while, Plyfis ordered the fleet to sail to the port of Roussi. The large trebuchet on the Aden navy battleship began to pull apart. A barrel of black oil was lifted onto the deck. The main firepower of the Aden navy was burning The maximum firing range of the projectile can reach about 300 meters. Although it is not as good as the Empire Thor who penetrated the ship deck at a distance of 500 meters, the explosive power of the incendiary bomb is not much weaker than that of Thor. As the eighth squadron warship approaches the port and launches, Aden sailor raised his hand long and took a deep breath. When the air was drawn deep into the lungs, his right hand waved down, and the huge waves of light and energy interwoven,

Hula, the fireball exploded in the port, the light bloomed, you can see the ships in the port burning, the huge hull reflected in the fire, so the scene, Pulifeisi could not help frowning slightly, the huge hull belongs to the transport fleet, It stands to reason that under such an attack, the Imperial Navy should rush out as soon as possible, but there is no shadow of the Imperial Navy at all in front of the sea, and the port is only a transport ship.

Just when he was confused, the sound of artillery soared to the northeast of the fleet. Dense fire shells crossed the sky, creating a beautiful arc of death, an angry roar, and the gun door began to spit flames of revenge. A row of red fireballs whizzed out like a meteor rising from the sea level, drawing a lower arc, flying to the side of the squadron, rumbling, and suddenly exploding, the fire mass was like a halo in the night Suddenly spreading around,

A flare of fire flickered in decaying, a flare of flashing sounds roared across the vast sea, smashed down with a growing roar of sound, the dazzling fire flashed around, the entire Aden squadron was blinded Red flames and smoke billowed from the battleship, and countless black dots were blown into the air, all of which were reflected in the gray pupil of the Aden Naval Squadron Commander Priefis

"The imperial navy is not in the port ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but on the sea?" From the northeast sea, the series of intensive bursts of fire like a burst made his stunned face even more distorted.

In the direction of the Imperial Navy Fleet, the commander-in-chief of the imperial Fleet Fleet, Chekov, raised his golden sword and chanted, "Hot day, cold night, we are sea clouds soaring in the wind , We are advancing, our eyes are like iron, and our vision is infinite.... Countless fireballs shot from the Aden fleet, rumbling, and a dragon-tooth battleship next to the Imperial flagship where Chekov was located, burst, Dense fireballs splashed countless columns of water on the sea around the imperial battleship, and the shock circle swelled up, so that Chekov could feel the gurgle of the deck under his feet, as if it would break at any time, and debris on the deck Rolls into the sea, making a crackling sound, like countless cooked dumplings, violently undulating on the sea

This was a very unexpected encounter, and Plyfis did not know that just an hour ago, the imperial naval warship in Port Roussi had just left the port, ready to go to pick up the transport fleet coming from the south of Eero, but it was just right. Avoiding the attack of the eighth squadron of the Aden Navy rushing towards the port of Luxi

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